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The Threshold Distance Associated With Walking From Home to School

Article  in  Health Education & Behavior · December 2016

DOI: 10.1177/1090198116688429

66 2,506

8 authors, including:

Emilio Villa-González Milkana Borges-Cosic

University of Granada University of Granada


Manuel Herrador-Colmenero Francisco B Ortega

University of Granada University of Granada


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HEBXXX10.1177/1090198116688429Health Education & BehaviorRodríguez-López et al.

Health Education & Behavior

The Threshold Distance Associated With 1­–10

© 2017 Society for Public
Health Education
Walking From Home to School Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/1090198116688429

Carlos Rodríguez-López, MSc1, Zeus M. Salas-Fariña, MSc1,

Emilio Villa-González, PhD1,2, Milkana Borges-Cosic, MSc1,
Manuel Herrador-Colmenero, MSc1, Jesús Medina-Casaubón, PhD1,
Francisco B. Ortega, PhD1, and Palma Chillón, PhD1

Active commuting to school has health implications among young people. We aimed to (a) examine the patterns of commuting
to school in children and adolescents regarding gender and area of residence, (b) study the association between distance from
home to school and mode of commuting, and (c) identify the threshold distance below which young people are more likely to
walk to school. A total of 6,004 students aged 7 to 18 years from Spain participated in this study. Mode of commuting was self-
reported and distance was objectively measured using Google Maps software. Associations were examined using binary logistic
regression and receiver operating characteristic curves analysis. Around 67% of children and 60% of adolescents commuted
to school actively (mainly walking). The threshold distance for walking to school was 875 m, 0.54 miles, in children, and it was
higher among urban (1,250 m, 0.78 miles) than in rural participants (675 m, 0.42 miles). The threshold distance for walking to
school was 1,350 m, 0.84 miles, in adolescents, and it was lower among urban (1,350 m, 0.84 miles) than in rural participants
(1,550 m, 0.96 miles). Future interventions on active commuting to school should consider this threshold distance, and chances
of promoting an active commuting to school could have as a goal the increase of this threshold distance.

active transport, adolescence, children, distance, health, physical activity

Promoting daily physical activities, such as active commut- 2009; Mandic et al., 2015; Panter, Jones, van Sluijs, & Griffin,
ing to school (ACS)—walking or cycling—may have impor- 2010; Timperio et al., 2006). Age (Mandic et al., 2015;
tant health implications for young people. ACS provides an Timperio et al., 2006) and gender (Larsen et al., 2009; Panter
opportunity for increasing the daily physical activity level et al., 2010) of the young people are personal characteristics
(Chillón et al., 2010; Cooper et al., 2006; Larouche, Saunders, that have been shown to influence the rates of ACS, where
Faulkner, Colley, & Tremblay, 2014). Moreover, it has been adolescents and boys were more likely to actively commute
associated with a healthier body composition (Larouche to school than children and girls respectively. Moreover, the
et al., 2014; Lubans, Boreham, Kelly, & Foster, 2011) and area of residence (urban and rural) might be an environmental
higher cardiorespiratory fitness levels among young people correlate of ACS. Previous evidence suggested that young
(Chillón, Ortega, Ruiz, et al., 2011; Cooper, Andersen, people living in rural areas were less active than those living
Wedderkopp, Page, & Froberg, 2005; Ortega, Ruiz, Castillo, in urban areas (Babey, Hastert, Huang, & Brown, 2009;
& Sjostrom, 2008), mainly when cycling (Chillón et al., Loucaides, Plotnikoff, & Bercovitz, 2007; Merom, Tudor-
2012; Cooper et al., 2006; Ostergaard, Kolle, Steene- Locke, Bauman, & Rissel, 2006). In addition, several previ-
Johannessen, Anderssen, & Andersen, 2013). ous studies have shown that the distance from home to school
In spite of the importance of ACS, international longitudi- is the strongest predictor of ACS in school-age students
nal studies have reported a drastic decline of the rate of ACS
among children and adolescents over the past years (Buliung, 1
University of Granada, Granada, Spain
Mitra, & Faulkner, 2009; Chillón et al., 2013; McDonald, 2
University of Almería, Almería, Spain
2007). Studying the correlates of ACS and targeting them in
intervention studies might help reduce the evident decrease Corresponding Author:
Carlos Rodríguez-López, Department of Physical Education and Sport,
of this behavior. Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Granada, Carretera de Alfacar s/n,
Several studies have examined the personal, family, social, 18071, Granada, Spain.
and environmental correlates of ACS in youth (Larsen et al., Email:
2 Health Education & Behavior 

(Chillón, Panter, Corder, Jones, & Van Sluijs, 2015; Davison, the distance from home to school. Localities where partici-
Werder, & Lawson, 2008; McDonald, 2007; Timperio et al., pants lived were classified as urban areas ≥20,000 residents,
2006), with shorter distances associated with higher rates of and rural areas <20,000 residents (Chillón, Ortega, Ferrando,
active travel (D’Haese, De Meester, De Bourdeaudhuij, & Casajus, 2011; Gropp, Pickett, & Janssen, 2012).
Deforche, & Cardon, 2011; Mandic et al., 2015; Pont, Ziviani, The research ethics committee from the University of
Wadley, Bennett, & Abbott, 2009). And it is also associated Granada approved the study and informed consent procedure
with changes in active commuting: Children who lived less (Case No. 817). Every school involved in the study was
than 1 km from school were more likely to take up and main- informed about the purpose of it. Each school performed the
tain active commuting, even more likely to increase it (Hume required process to inform the students and parents and to
et al., 2009; Panter, Corder, Griffin, Jones, & van Sluijs, have their acceptance and written consent.
2013). Previous evidence is available on the current distance
that children are willing to walk to school. A distance from Mode of Commuting To/From School. Students completed a
760 m to 1,500 m among Australian children (Merom et al., self-reported questionnaire, with the help of the teacher,
2006), 1,500 m among Belgian children (D’Haese et al., whose questions have been proposed as the most appropriate
2011), 2,000 m among Belgian adolescents (Van Dyck, De measurement for asking about mode of commuting to school
Bourdeaudhuij, Cardon, & Deforche, 2010), and 2,400 m after reviewing 158 studies (Herrador-Colmenero, Perez-
among Irish adolescents (Nelson, Foley, O’Gorman, Moyna, Garcia, Ruiz, & Chillón, 2014). There were four questions:
& Woods, 2008) has been evidenced as a walkable distance to (a) the usual mode of commuting to school, (b) the usual
commute to school. Nonetheless, how far is the distance that mode of commuting from school, (c) the weekly mode of
children from Spain are willing to walk to school and if this commuting to school, and (d) the weekly mode of commuting
distance changes regarding gender and area of residence is from school, from Monday 19th to Friday 23rd of November.
unknown. Taking into account that ACS is a complex behav- The answer options were walk, bike, motorbike, car, bus. A
ior influenced by multiple factors at different levels of the dichotomous variable was obtained from the question about
person–environment system, and moreover, it has several the usual mode of commuting to and from school, where
health benefits for the public health (Larouche et al., 2014; walking and cycling were categorized as “active commut-
Lee, Orenstein, & Richardson, 2008; Mandic et al., 2015), it ing,” and the use of car, motorbike, or bus as “passive com-
is of interest to conduct research studies that help policy mak- muting.” Those who were active on at least one trip (to or
ers to implement effective strategies on ACS. from school), were categorized as active; those who were pas-
The aims of this study were (a) to examine the patterns of sive on both ways were categorized as passive. Most active
commuting to school in children and adolescents regarding commuters were walkers (bikers were less than 0.3% of par-
gender and area of residence in a relatively large sample of ticipants); therefore, a dichotomous variable, walkers versus
children and adolescents from Spain; (b) to analyze the asso- passive commuters, was created using the same process and
ciation between the distance from home to school and mode deleting those who biked, for studying the walkable distance.
of commuting to school (i.e., active vs. passive) and whether Three scale variables were obtained by calculating the num-
this association differs by gender and area of residence; (c) to ber of active travels in the week on the way to school (0 to 5
identify the threshold distance below which young people journeys), on the way back from school (0 to 5 journeys), and
are more likely to walk to school and whether such threshold in the overall week (0 to 10 journeys). Additionally, sociode-
distances differs by gender and area of residence. mographic data about gender, age, city, and family home
address were reported in the questionnaire.

Method Distance From Home to School.  The objective measure of the

commuting distance from home to school for each partici-
Study Sample and Design
pant was estimated selecting the shortest walking network
A cross-sectional study was carried out during November path between the home address and the school using Google
2012. Young people aged 7 to 18 years, belonging to 39 Maps software. Only in case where it failed to recognize
schools from the southeast of Spain (cities of Granada, the address, Via Michelin software was used to locate the
Almería, and Murcia) were invited to participate in the study. address and it was then manually extrapolated to Google
Schools were recruited as a sample of convenience and Maps software. According to previous studies (Chillón et al.,
included both primary schools (children) and secondary 2015; Chillón, Molina- García, Castillo, & Queralt, 2016),
schools (adolescents). A number of 6,004 students accepted the 10 deciles of the distance from home to school were cal-
to participate and the inclusion criteria was to have com- culated and a categorical distance variable including these
pleted data on the mode of commuting to school and provide points was created. The walking distance from home to
the information from the family postal address to calculate school (i.e., distance for those participants who only walked)
Rodríguez-López et al. 3

was calculated. The distance was collected and expressed in schools (children aged 7-11 years), with 662 girls and 1,037
meters. students from urban areas, and 4,707 belonged to secondary
schools (adolescents aged 12-18 years), with 2,329 girls and
3,028 students from urban areas.
Statistical Analyses
Table 1 presents descriptive characteristics of the sample
Since previous results yielded that there are significant dif- and differences of sociodemographic variables and mode of
ferences between children and adolescents regarding the commuting to school. Sixty-seven percent of the children
behavior of ACS and its potential predictors (Faulkner, and 60% of the adolescents actively commuted to school.
Buliung, Flora, & Fusco, 2009; Hume et al., 2009; Sterdt, There were no significant differences between ACS and gen-
Liersch, & Walter, 2014), statistical analyses were performed der neither in children nor in adolescents (boys were slightly
separately for children and adolescents. Moreover, prelimi- more likely active commuters to school than girls). There
nary results in the current study showed high significant dif- were significant differences between ACS and area of resi-
ferences between children and adolescents for ACS. dence in children and adolescents, where students from
Associations of sociodemographic characteristics and mode urban areas were more likely active commuters to school
of commuting with gender (girls vs. boys) and area of resi- than those from rural areas. The average distance from home
dence (urban vs. rural) were studied using t tests for normal to school was 650 m for children and 1,000 m for adoles-
continuous variables, nonparametric tests for nonnormal cents. There were significant differences for distance, since it
continuous variables (i.e., Mann–Whitney test), and χ2 tests was higher in students from rural areas (compared with those
for categorical variables. The influence of the distance on the from urban areas) in both children and adolescents. Moreover,
association between mode of commuting to school with gen- preliminary results in the current study showed a highly sig-
der and area of residence was studied using binary logistic nificant difference between children and adolescents for
regression, separately for children and adolescents. Mode of ACS (67% and 60% respectively, p < .001) and additional
commuting (walking vs. passive) was included as the depen- results showed a highly significant difference between chil-
dent variable; gender and area of residence were included as dren and adolescents for distance from home to school (650
categorical exposure variables in the Model 1, and addition- m and 1,000 m respectively, p < .001).
ally, the distance from home to school was included as a new The influence of the distance on the association between
exposure variable in Model 2. Both models were adjusted by walking to school and gender and area of residence is shown
age and school. The threshold distance for walking was cal- in Table 2. Regarding children, there were no differences for
culated using the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) gender, and there were significant differences for area of resi-
curve analyses. It has been widely used in various scientific dence in Model 1. Urban children walked more likely to
fields in situations where the evaluation of discrimination school than rural children and this association remained con-
performance is of concern for the researchers (Komori & stant when the distance from home to school was included in
Eguchi, 2010). The distance from home to school and the Model 2, although it was not significant. Regarding adoles-
dichotomous variable, walk versus passive, were included. cents, there were no differences for gender, and there were
The higher area under the curve (ranking from 0 to 1), the significant differences for area of residence in Model 1 but not
more discriminatory is the test. Using the sensitivity and in Model 2. Urban adolescents walked more likely to school
specificity data provided by the ROC curves, the Youden than rural adolescents, but this association inversed when the
index, which corresponds to the maximum vertical distance distance from home to school was included in Model 2,
between the ROC curve and the diagonal line was calculated although it was not significant. Furthermore, preliminary
(Schisterman, Perkins, Liu, & Bondell, 2005), and corre- results showed that adolescents seem to walk less likely to
sponded to the distance (i.e., threshold distance) that best school than children, but this association inversed when the
discriminates walker from passive commuters. ROC curves distance from home to school was included (data not shown).
were calculated for gender and area of residence, separately Figure 1 shows the percentage of walkers and passive
for children and adolescents. Two additional analyses were commuters for each distance from home to school, sepa-
performed to study if the distance from home to school was rately for children and adolescents. As expected, the percent-
age-dependent: a nonparametric test for the distance from age of walker commuters to school decreased when
home to school between children and adolescents and ROC increasing the distance. Regarding children, the distance
curves for age within the adolescence (i.e., 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, where the number of walking commuters exceed the number
17-18 years). All analyses were performed with SPSS V. of passive commuters corresponded to a distance from 1,001
21.0, and a significance level of p < .05 was set. m to 1,400 m. This trend occurred between 1,001 m and
1,400 m for both girls and boys, and for urban students, and
between 651 m to 750 m for rural students. Concerning ado-
lescents, the distance where the number of walking commut-
After applying the inclusion criteria, the initial sample was ers exceed the number of passive commuters in the whole
reduced to 5,998 participants: 1,291 belonged to primary sample corresponded to a distance from 1,001 m to 1,300 m.
Table 1.  Descriptive Characteristics of Sociodemographic Variables (Age, City, Distance, and Walking Distance From Home to School) and Commuting to School by Gender and
Area of Residence in Children and Adolescents.
Gender Area of residence

All Female Male Urban Rural

x ± SD/n (%)/m x ± SD/n (%)/m x ± SD/n (%)/m x ± SD/n (%)/m x ± SD/n (%)/m
Category N (25, 75) N (25, 75) N (25, 75) P N (25, 75) N (25, 75) P


Sociodemographic characteristics
Age (years) 1,291 10.0 ± 1.2 662 10.0 ± 1.2 629 10.0 ± 1.2 .313 1037 9.7 ± 1.2 254 10.2 ± 1.3 .003
Almería 1,291 369 (28.6) 662 195 (52.8) 629 174 (47.2) .749 1037 369 (100.0) 254 0 (0.0) <.001
Granada 600 (46.5) 302 (50.3) 298 (49.7) 346 (57.7) 254 (42.3)
Murcia 322 (24.9) 165 (51.2) 157 (48.8) 322 (100.0) 0 (0.0)
Distance (m)a 1,235 650 (350, 1100) 630 650 (350, 1,100) 605 600 (350, 1,100) .969 986 600 (300, 1,100) 249 650 (500, 1,100) .019
Walking distance (m)b 728 450 (273, 700) 417 450 (285, 700) 416 450 (273, 750) .663 685 450 (270, 700) 119 500 (350, 650) .001
Commuting to school
Active commutersc 1,291 865 (67.0) 662 438 (66.2) 629 427 (67.9) .511 1037 715 (68.9) 254 150 (59.1) .003
Walker commutersd 1,289 863 (67.0) 661 437 (66.1) 628 426 (67.8) .511 1035 713 (68.9) 254 150 (59.1) .003
Weekly active travels (no.) 1,290 6,1 ± 4.4 661 6.0 ± 4.4 629 6.1 ± 4.4 .490 1036 6.3 ± 4.3 254 5.1 ± 4.5 <.001
8 (0, 10) 8 (0, 10) 9 (0, 10) 9 (0, 10) 5 (0, 10)  


Sociodemographic characteristics
Age (years) 4,707 14.3 ± 1.3 2,329 14.2 ± 1.3 2377 14.3 ± 1.4 .029 3028 14.3 ± 1.3 1679 14.3 ± 1.4 .833
Almería 4,707 122 (26.5) 2,329 592 (48.5) 2,377 629 (51.5) .694 3,028 916 (75.0) 1,679 306 (25.0) <.001
Granada 2,142 (49.8) 1,064 (49.7) 1,078 (50.3) 1,377 (64.3) 765 (35.7)
Murcia 1,343 (27.8) 673 (50.1) 670 (49.9) 735 (54.7) 608 (45.3)
Distance (m)a 4,529 1,000 (550, 2900) 2,243 1,000 (550, 3,000) 2,285 1,000 (600, 2900) .814 2,906 850 (550, 2,000) 1,623 1,300 (750, 5500) <.001
Walking distance (m)b 2,477 650 (400, 925) 1,332 650 (400, 1,000) 1,380 650 (450, 1000) .524 1,841 650 (400, 900) 636 700 (450, 1000) .003
Commuting to school
Active commutersc 4,707 2,855 (60.7) 2,329 1,399 (60.1) 2,377 1,456 (61.3) .405 3,028 2,095 (69.2) 1,679 760 (45.3) <.001
Walker commutersd 4,689 2,837 (60.5) 2,328 1,398 (60.1) 2,360 1,439 (61.0) .518 3,015 2,082 (69.1) 1,674 755 (45.1) <.001
Weekly active travels (no.) 4,689 5,6 ± 4.6 2,323 5.6 ± 4.6 2,365 5.7 ± 4.6 .325 3,017 6.5 ± 4.5 1,672 4.0 ± 4.5 <.001
8 (0, 10) 8 (0, 10) 9 (0, 10) 10 (0, 10) 0 (0, 10)  

Note. Significant p values are highlighted in boldface.

Distance, distance from home to school in the whole sample—expressed as median (25th, 75th) percentile. bWalking distance, the distance from home to school of those who walk to school—expressed as median (25th, 75th)
percentile. cAn active commuter is anyone who undertakes at least one of the two journeys to and/or from school using an active mode. dA walker commuter is anyone who undertakes at least one of the two journeys to and/or
from school using the walk mode.
Rodríguez-López et al. 5

Table 2.  Associations Between Walking to School (vs. Passive) With Gender and Area of Residence in Children and Adolescents.

Walking to school (vs. passive)

Model 1 Model 2

Characteristics N OR 95% CI p N OR 95% CI p

 Female 661 1 Reference 629 1 Reference  
 Male 628 1.09 [0.86, 1.38] .500 604 1.30 [0.95, 1.78] .104
Area of residence
 Urban 1,035 1 Reference 984 1 Reference  
 Rural 254 .56 [0.37, 0.86] .009 249 .58 [0.33, 1.02] .056
Home–school distancea — — — — — .81 [0.78, 0.83] <.001
 Female 2,328 1 Reference 2,243 1 Reference  
 Male 2,360 1.03 [0.90, 1.17] .674 2,270 1.13 [0.92, 1.38] .246
Area of residence
 Urban 3,014 1 Reference 2,895 1 Reference  
 Rural 1,674 .14 .01-.12 <.001 1,618 1.22 [0.27, 0.42] .885
Home–school distancea — — — — — .80 [0.79, 0.81] <.001

Note. OR = odds ratio; CI = confidence interval. Model 1 included gender and area of residence and was adjusted for school (entered as dummy variables)
and age. Model 2 included Model 1 and also adjusted for home to school distance. Significant p values are highlighted in boldface.
Expressed every 100 m.

This trend occurred between 1,301 m and 1,900 m for both rates of ACS observed in urban compared with rural children
girls and boys, and for urban students, and between 1,001 m and adolescents. The threshold distance that young people are
to 1,300 m for rural students. willing to walk to school was higher for adolescents than for
ROC curves analysis for walker versus passive commut- children (1,350 m and 875 m, respectively), and it was quite
ers according to the distance to school are shown in Figure 2. similar between female and male school-age students for both
Regarding children, the areas under the curve (standard children and adolescents. Otherwise, the threshold distance
errors) were .863 (.012) for the whole sample, .847 (.017) for was higher in urban than in rural children (1,250 m and 675
girls, .880 (.015) for boys, .879 (.013) for urban students, and m, respectively), and it was lower in urban adolescents than in
.803 (.029) for rural students (all p < .001). The correspond- the rural ones (1,350 m and 1,550 m, respectively).
ing threshold distances were 875 m, 875 m, 775 m, 1,250 m, A total of 67% children and 60.7% adolescents commuted
and 675 m. For the adolescents, the areas under the curve actively to school. This trend is not a conclusive result in the
(standard errors) were .935 (.004) for the whole sample, .930 national framework, since previous studies from Spain have
(.006) for girls, .940 (.005) for boys, .942 (.005) for urban reported a percentage of 62% children from Granada
students, and .927 (.006) for rural students (all p < .001). The (Rodriguez-Lopez et al., 2013), a 65% adolescents from five
corresponding threshold distances were 1,350 m, 1,250 m, Spanish cities (Chillón et al., 2009), and 57% adolescents
1,350 m, 1,350 m, and 1,550 m. Additional ROC curve anal- from Madrid (Martinez-Gomez et al., 2011). Comparisons
ysis only for the adolescents reported areas under the curve must be done cautiously because the sample and contexts are
(standard errors) of .927 (.009) for 13 years (n = 1,094), .933 different, even within the same country. Regarding interna-
(.008) for 14 years (n = 1,157), .948 (.007) for 15 years (n = tional studies, there are different results on the rates of ACS
1,035), .954 (.011) for 16 years (n = 323), and .948 (.022) for in children and adolescents: A Swiss study observed a very
the adolescents aged 17 to 18 years (n = 112). The corre- high percentage of ACS in children (72%) and a lower per-
sponding threshold distances were 1,250 m, 1,350 m, 1,250 centage in adolescents (44%; Bringolf-Isler et al., 2008). On
m, 1,850 m, and 1,700 m, respectively. the other hand, a Danish study observed a very high percent-
age of ACS in adolescents (86%) and a lower percentage
(64%) in 9- to 10-year-old children (Cooper et al., 2006), due
Discussion to the high rate of cycling between adolescents. In this con-
The findings in the current study supported that around 67% text, it must be highlighted that the great tradition and culture
of the children and nearly 61% of the adolescents commuted regarding bike commuting affects not only adolescents but
actively to school at least one of the journeys, with higher includes the whole population. Moreover, a previous research
6 Health Education & Behavior 

Figure 1.  Percentage of walkers and passive commuters by distance from home to school (in percentiles) in children and adolescents
(a), and by gender (b) and by area of residence (c), separately for children and adolescents.

in the United States showed that walking rates increase by A higher percentage of urban school-age students (nearly
2% points per year as children age (McDonald, 2008). Thus, 69% for children and 69% for adolescents) commuted
the pattern of ACS in Spain is very close to that obtained by actively to school compared with rural school-age students
other studies from Spain, and slightly lower than those (59% children, 45% adolescents), so the amount of physical
obtained by some European studies, which might be a reason activity undertaken by the main mode of ACS by “walking”
to continue working on the promotion of ACS. could be higher in urban youths than rural. To the best of our
Rodríguez-López et al. 7

Figure 2.  ROC curve analysis for walkers versus passive commuters to school by distance from home to school in children and
adolescents (a), and by gender (b) and by area of residence (c), separately for children and adolescents.

knowledge, there are no studies from Spain that have investi- and in adolescents. Consequently, the difference in rates of
gated this topic. A similar result with high rates of ACS in ACS between urban and rural children and adolescents is
urban young people was observed in adolescents from the explained by longer distances in the rural area that are not
United States (Babey et al., 2009), adolescents from Canada affordable by walking modes of travelling and require motor-
(Loucaides et al., 2007), and in Australian children (Merom ized transportation.
et al., 2006). Differences on commuting patterns between According to the findings of this article and previous
urban and rural population might be explained by several fac- studies (Chillón et al., 2015; Davison et al., 2008; Larsen
tors displayed on previous studies, such as fewer facilities and et al., 2009; Pont et al., 2009; Timperio et al., 2006), there is
safe routes to school and lower school density resulting in a clear association between distance and mode of commuting
fewer opportunities that facilitate ACS (Davison et al., 2008; used, where participants living closer to school are more
Pont et al., 2009; Scheepers et al., 2013). In addition, built likely to walk to school than those living further away.
environment characteristics that improve safety such as side- Therefore, determining what distance discriminates between
walks and cycle lanes tend to be less frequent in rural areas active and passive participants is of interest. We calculated it
(Dalton et al., 2011). Moreover, longer distances from home using the ROC curve and the highly significant values
to school in the rural areas explain the need for a public school obtained guaranteed the accuracy and appropriateness of this
transportation like the bus among rural students (Faulkner, method. The main finding was that the threshold distance
Stone, Buliung, Wong, & Mitra, 2013). In the current study, regarding the whole sample below which participants are
we analyzed the association between ACS and area of resi- willing to walk to school is 875 m for children and 1,350 m
dence, and the results showed that urban children and adoles- for the adolescents. We also studied the threshold distance
cents were more active commuters to school than rural for gender and area of residence. These distances were simi-
children and adolescents. However, when we adjusted by dis- lar for gender in both children (875 m in boys and 775 m in
tance, this association disappeared in children (borderline) girls) and adolescents (1,250 m in boys and 1,350 m in girls).
8 Health Education & Behavior 

However, the threshold distance was quite different regard- for school bus provision; Chillón et al., 2015). Interventions
ing the area of residence (1,250 m in urban and 675 m in to promote ACS should first target children living within a
rural children, 1,350 m in urban and 1,550 m in rural 900-m distance (0.56-mile distance) from school and in ado-
adolescents). lescents living within 1,300 m (0.81 miles). Besides, these
This trend regarding shorter distances in childhood than interventions should focus on increasing the length of the
in adolescence has been previously evidenced in two inter- threshold distances from home to school.
national studies (Chillón et al., 2015; Timperio et al., 2006).
An English longitudinal study reported that the correspond-
Study Limitations
ing threshold distances were 1,421 m, 1,627 m, and 3,046 m
for children aged 10, 11, and 14 years, respectively (Chillón Limitations include the convenience selection of the partici-
et al., 2015). Another Australian cross-sectional study pants: The sample is limited in the representation of Spanish
reported that children aged 5 to 6 years living less than 800 m youth from the southeast, but it contains a wide range of cases.
away from school were five times more active commuters to The use of the questionnaire to assess mode of commuting to
school than those living beyond that distance, increasing to school, which has not been proven its validity and reliability yet
10 times among children aged 10 to 12 years (Timperio is another limitation, not only of this study but of this research
et al., 2006). In the current study, the walkable distance area in general. On the other hand, we consider a strength that
increased nearly 500 m from childhood to adolescence, the questions used hereby are very similar to other question-
regarding that it is a cross-sectional study. Other cross-sec- naires on children’s commuting to school that have demon-
tional studies calculated and clearly determined the thresh- strated acceptable validity in youth and were selected after a
old distance for walking but only focused on children or thorough systematic review of the literature (Herrador-
adolescents without studying different age groups (D’Haese Colmenero et al., 2014). The main strengths of the work are the
et al., 2011; Larsen et al., 2009; Merom et al., 2006; Nelson inclusion of data from children and adolescents, which allow us
et al., 2008; Van Dyck et al., 2010). In a population of to grasp the trend. Additionally, two strengths were the objective
Australian children, it was found that as the distance measurement of the distance and the implementation of the
increased from more than 750 m to 1,500 m, the proportion ROC curve to calculate the threshold distance.
of those performing no ACS trips doubled (from 22.8% to
43.1%; Merom et al., 2006). In Belgian young people aged
11 to 12 years (D’Haese et al., 2011) and 17- to 18-year-olds
(Van Dyck et al., 2010), the threshold distance for walking The ACS rates were 67% in children and 60% in adolescents
to school was 1,500 m and 2,000 m, respectively. Another from Spain. The rates of ACS were higher in urban compared
study in Canadian adolescents aged 11 to 13 years suggested with rural children and adolescents. The threshold distance
that distance which favors ACS is 1,609 m because within that young people are willing to walk from home to school
this distance, two thirds of the sample commute actively to was 875 m (0.54 miles) in children and 1,350 m (0.84 miles)
school (Larsen et al., 2009). Also, a study in Irish adoles- in adolescents.
cents aged 15 to 17 years yielded a threshold distance for Efforts to increase ACS are expected to have long-ranging
walking of 2,400 m (Nelson et al., 2008). Although there is health benefits. Future research should address the study of
no universal criteria, some studies showed that a distance of threshold distance in other Spanish provinces and walkable
4,000 m was considered as reasonable for adolescent walk- distances in different countries, since it is a high specific
ers (Nelson et al., 2008). Moreover, additional analyses variable, which differs in each context, even within the same
were performed only within adolescents for each year group. country. Moreover, future interventions to promote ACS,
Since the distance did not increase progressively with the reiterating its social benefits, should be implemented taking
age, we can confirm that distance was not age-dependent; into account the home to school distance of each school-age
however, in the oldest adolescents (i.e., 16, 17, and 18 student (i.e., this threshold walkable distance for young peo-
years), the threshold distance was higher than in younger ple) and would also decrease negative behavior patterns (i.e.,
adolescents (i.e., 13, 14, and 15 years), but sample sizes passive commuting to school). It is our hope that this study
were lower in oldest adolescents. has provided some important insights for such efforts.
The results of the walkable distance reported in the cur-
rent study should be taken into account when planning inter- Authors’ Note
ventions to increase the rates of ACS. Therefore, it should be This work is part of a PhD thesis conducted in the Biomedicine
noted that the distance is the main factor to develop ACS. Doctoral Studies of the University of Granada, Spain.
Identifying threshold distances is important to promote ACS
and to help urban designers/planners develop neighborhoods Acknowledgments
that support it (i.e., to locate the schools within walkable dis- We would like to thank the multiple school officials, students, and
tances from residential areas) and inform policy develop- their teachers and parents for their unconditional participation in
ment around commuting to school (i.e., set the cutoffs points this study without whom this project would not have been possible.
Rodríguez-López et al. 9

We also acknowledge everyone who helped with the data collection Chillón, P., Ortega, F. B., Ruiz, J. R., Veidebaum, T., Oja, L.,
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Declaration of Conflicting Interests Health, 38, 873-879.
Chillón, P., Panter, J., Corder, K., Jones, A. P., & Van Sluijs, E.
The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect
M. F. (2015). A longitudinal study of the distance that young
to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
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Cooper, A. R., Andersen, L. B., Wedderkopp, N., Page, A. S., &
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Education and Science (FPU13/01088, FPU14/02518) and by the Froberg, K., & Page, A. S. (2006). Active travel to school
Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (RYC-2011-09011). and cardiovascular fitness in Danish children and adolescents.
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