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CE 311

Water Supply Engineering

3 Credits

Lecturer 1

Civil Engineering
▪ Structural Engineering
▪ Geotechnical Engineering
▪ Transportation Engineering
▪ Water Resources Engineering
▪ Environmental Engineering

Environmental engineering system is the branch of engineering concerned with the application of
scientific and engineering principles for protection of human populations from the effects of
adverse environmental factors; protection of environments, both local and global, from potentially
deleterious effects of natural and human activities; and improvement of environmental quality.
engineering system is the branch of engineering concerned with the application of scientific and
engineering principles for protection of human populations from the effects of adverse environmental
factors; protection of environments, both local and global, from potentially 2deleterious effects of
natural and human activities; and improvement of environmental quality.
Global and Local Environmental Problems
Impact on Environment
▪ Access to safe water supply
• Mandatory
▪ Access to sanitation
▪ Pollution (water, air, soil)
• Water
▪ Urbanization • Air
• Soil
▪ Global Warming
• Surroundings
▪ Climate Change

▪ Water Supply Engineering

▪ Wastewater Engineering and Environmental Sanitation
▪ Environmental Pollution and its Control
▪ Environmental Modeling
▪ Environmental and Social Impact Assessment 3
What is Water Supply Engineering ??
A branch of Civil Engineering concerned with the
development of
▪ sources of water supply

▪ Transmission of water

▪ Treatment of raw water

▪ distribution of water to the consumers.

The term is used most frequently in regard to municipal water works, but applies also to water
systems for industry, irrigation and other purposes.
Water Supply

The objectives of a water supply system are:

▪ Supply water of adequate quantity
▪ Supply safe and wholesome water to the consumers
▪ Make water easily available to consumers..

Third objective means that the water is accessible and within the reach of
the consumers as to encourage the use of adequate water for personal
and household cleanliness.

Safe Water: Unpolluted, not Harmful upon consumption

Water Treatment
Must satisfy the National and International Standard and Guideline

Wholesome Water
Unpolluted, significantly free from toxic substances as well as excessive
amounts of minerals and organic matter that may impair its quality.
Objectives of Water Supply
To deliver potable and acceptable water of adequate quantity (easily available) to the

Potable Water
✓ Safe to drink (free from disease producing micro-organisms and harmful
chemicals, cause no health hazard or harm upon consumption)
✓ Pleasant to Taste (free from chemical and physical impurities)
✓ Acceptable in terms of taste, odor and appearance
✓ Suitable for domestic uses (free from hardness, physically chemically and
bacteriologically acceptable).

Palatable water
Physically acceptable (free from turbidity, color, taste, odor and of moderate temperature).

Elements of Water Supply System

• Sources of supply
• Collection system Surface water
• Transmission system Ground water (GW)
• Treatment
• Distribution system

Transmission System

Surface water based water supply system
Collection system

 Surface water: Intake with pumping

facility required

 Groundwater: Tube well or Production

wells are common devices

 Rainwater: roof

Treatment: to remove impurities and to make water suitable
for domestic uses.

Surface water
Treatment Methods:
▪ Turbidity
▪ Color ▪ Screening
▪ Taste ▪ Sedimentation
▪ Odor ▪ Coagulation/Flocculation
▪ Pathogens ▪ Aeration
▪ Chemical Treatment
➢ Mineral Substances
➢ Iron/Manganese ▪ Filtration
➢ Arsenic ▪ Demineralization
➢ Fluoride ▪ Disinfection
➢ Hardness ▪ Others
➢ Taste/odor 9
Distribution System
 Urban-piped water Supply
▪ Storage reservoirs
▪ Pumping devices
▪ Pipe networks
▪ Stand posts
▪ Valves
▪ Other appurtenances
 Rural non-piped Water Supply: manually operated TWs
▪ Location
▪ Accessibility
▪ Service distance and extent.
Planning and Design Consideration

▪ Quality of water should not deteriorate below WHO standard

▪ Water in adequate quantity in convenient location

▪ Traditional sources should be selected for water supply development

▪ Construction, operation, maintenance and repair should be within reach

of available skills (locally available)

▪ The equipment should be robust, reliable and locally available

▪ Construction and operation cost should be minimum

▪ Use of pumping and chemicals should be minimum

▪ System should be planned together with community

▪ Women should be involved and consulted to address their needs.
Planning and Design Consideration

 In built system for monitoring of performance

 Provision for preventing deterioration of water quality

 Sustainability should be preferred in planning,

designing and pricing the water supply.
Global Water Distribution

Total Water

Saline water Fresh Water

(97.5%) (2.5)

Oceans Salt Lakes Ice Caps and Lakes, rivers

(99.99%) (0.01%) Glaciers (75%) and soil (1.0%)


Less than 1.0% of the world’s total water can readily be

used by humans for water supply and other uses.
Fresh water is regarded as Limited Resource.
Sources of Water Supply: Main Considerations
• Quantity: availability, meet the requirements of a
• Quality: requirement for treatment should be
• Cost: development, operation and maintenance of
the water supply system should be reasonably
affordable to the consumers.

Surface Water (Water in Ponds, Lakes, Rivers, Reservoirs, etc.)

Availability: Seasonal variation, quantities are not sufficient for meeting the demand during
the dry season.
Quality: Microbiologically contaminated, Chemicals and Pesticides, other organic and
inorganic matters.
Surface waters tend to be variable in quality in terms of turbidity, color, taste and odor
causing substance
Need Extensive Treatment for Water Supply.
Surface water sources should be carefully selected. The following should be
✓ Safe and reliable watershed yield during the drought years to meet the
projected demand (hydrological analysis and demand analysis)
✓ Urbanization and land development on the watershed
✓ Water quality based on short term, seasonal and long-term changes
expressed as physical, chemical and microbiological indicators
✓ Potential changes in the quality of raw water due to the increased rate of
withdrawal of water
✓ Assessment of reliability in terms of possible disruptions due to flood
damage, earthquake, or accidental spills of toxic substances
✓ Requirements for construction of reservoir, collection head works,
conveyance system, treatment plant and distribution system
✓ Economics of the project including the cost of construction and operation
of the facilities
✓ Environmental impacts assessment of the project (EIA).
Checklist for Surface Water Investigations

i. Topographic maps showing pertinent drainage areas.

ii. Hydrologic data, as required for project evaluations; e.g., rainfall, runoff,
evaporation, assessment of ground water resources and their potential as the sole
source or supplementary source of supply.
iii. Sanitary survey findings.
iv. Intake location.
v. Water quality data at or near proposed intake site.
vi. Feasibility of developing supply without reservoir construction.
vii. Reservoir location if reservoir is required.
viii.Plans for other reservoirs on watershed.
ix. Pertinent geological data that may affect dam foundation or ability of reservoir to
hold water.
x. Locations for pumping stations, supply lines, treatment plant.
xi. Energy requirements for proposed system.
xii.State water laws, rules and regulations, procedure for obtaining right to use
water, impact of the proposed use on rights of other users. 16

xiii.Disposal of sludge from the treatment plant.

Criteria for Selecting Surface Water
Bangladesh water quality standards for surface water as water source (ECR, 1997)

Water quality Unit Values for water supply by

parameters Disinfection Conventional
only treatment
pH -- 6.5 - 8.5 6.5 - 8.5
BOD mg/L 2 or less 3 or less
DO mg/L 6 or more 6 or more
Total Coliform (TC) No./100 mL 50 or less 5,000 or less
Groundwater (Water in aquifer)
Quantity: Normally available to meet the demand
Quality: Excellent microbial quality (Free from Microbial
Pollutants), however it contains excessive dissolved
minerals and inorganic materials (TDS, As, Fe, Mn,
Hardness, etc.)
Need to remove excess minerals and inorganic materials
before water supply.
In many places in Bangladesh, the groundwater from
shallow aquifer contains excessive iron, manganese,
arsenic, TDS and hardness.
In the coastal areas of Bangladesh, groundwater also
contains excessive salinity.
This water needs specific treatment for domestic uses like
drinking, cooking, etc.
Checklist for Groundwater Investigation

Hydro-geological investigation
❑ Exploratory drilling, soil sampling and analysis
❑ Geophysical logging
❑ Aquifer test and analysis of test data
❑ Groundwater sampling
❑ Water quality analysis
❑ Water quality problems
❑ Groundwater level data (from Secondary Sources)
❑ Water treatment requirement
❑ Energy requirement and impact of the proposed plant on the
environment especially on groundwater resources.
WHO classification of water sources according to bacterial
quality and the recommended level of treatment

Source Level of contamination Treatment

Protected Deep Free of faecal contamination; Disinfection (c) for
Tubewells E.coli nil per 100 mL (b) distribution purpose
Evidence of faecal contamination;
E.coli 20 per 100 mL Disinfection (c)
Unprotected Faecal Contamination; Filtration (d) and
Groundwater (shallow E.coli up to 2000 per 100 mL disinfection (c)
Gross faecal contamination; Not recommended
E.coli > 2000 per 100 mL as a water supply
source (e)
Source Level of contamination Treatment
Surface waters
Protected impounded Essentially free of faecal Disinfection (c)
upland water contamination;
E.coli < 20 per mL

Unprotected Faecal contamination; Filtration (d) and

impounded upland E.coli 20-2000 per 100 mL disinfection (c)
water/ upland river

Unprotected lowland Faecal contamination; Long-term storage or

river E.coli 200-20,000 per 100 mL pre-disinfection;
filtration (d);
additional filtration (f)
and disinfection (c)
❑ If the sources are contaminated with Giardia cysts or Cryptoporidium cysts, they must
be treated by processes additional to disinfection
❑ Water must comply with the WHO guideline criteria for pH, turbidity, bacteriological and
parasitological quality
❑ WHO conditions for final disinfection must be satisfied
❑ Filtration must be either rapid gravity (or pressure) preceded by coagulation-flocculation
and where necessary clarification or slow sand filtration. The degree of viruses reduction
must be > 90%.
❑ Water from these sources should be used only if no higher quality source is available.
Drinking water from such sources carries a risk of inadequate virological quality
❑ Additional treatment may consist of slow sand filtration, ozonation with granular
activated carbon absorption or other processes demonstrated to achieve > 99% virus

▪ Availability depends on seasons, not available to meet the year

long demand of a community.

▪ Quality: Excellent (purest form of natural water), lack of minerals,

test is not good.

▪ Rainwater needs harvesting (Stored Rainwater) for use

▪ Normally do not need any treatment.

Raw water should be monitored and analyzed for the following water
quality parameters for preliminary selection as source for water supply.
➢ pH
➢ Acidity
➢ Alkalinity
➢ Suspended solids
➢ Color
➢ Taste
➢ Odor
➢ Turbidity
➢ Dissolved oxygen (DO)
 Total coliforms (37OC, 24 hr)
 E.coli (37OC, 48 hr)
Global Water Supply Situation
Water Supply Access
According to World Bank Water
In 1996, nearly 25 percent of Access,
the world’s 5.7 billion people
lacked access to safe water for Water
drinking, personal hygiene, and Supply
domestic use. 75%

➢ About, 20% of the world’s population does not have ready

access to drinking water and 40% lack sanitation facilities.
➢ Majority of these people are in developing countries
➢ The United Nations has identified water use as a priority for
international aid.
Global water supply situation (UNICEF, WHO)

❑ More than 1.1 billion people do not have an access to

safe and affordable drinking water
❑ 2.4 billion people live in conditions lacking adequate
❑ Each year about 4 million people die of waterborne
diseases, including 2 million children who die of diarrhea.
❑ 220 million urban residents in the developing world lack a
source of safe drinking water near their homes.
❑ 84% of the population without access to an improved
source of drinking water live in rural areas.
Improved Drinking Water Sources Un-improved Drinking Water
▪ Piped water supply
▪ Unprotected dug well
▪ Public Tap/Stand post ▪ Unprotected spring
▪ Tube well/Borehole ▪ Tank/drum
▪ Surface water (river, dam,
▪ Protected dug well lake, pond, stream, canal,
▪ Protected spring etc.).

▪ Rainwater harvesting

✓ Available of Water Sources to meet the increasing demand of growing


✓ 100% access to water supply of all people

✓ Regulations and Legislation (1985 - New physical and chemical water

quality standards; Additional Treatment)

✓ Higher urban population growth and associated higher demand of water.

✓ Environmental Considerations

✓ Climate Changes and Global Warming

✓ Resources

✓ Limited Quantity and pollution of water resources.

Responsibilities of Water Supply Engineers (CE)

▪ Planning

▪ Design, construction, operation and maintenance

▪ Close examination of water in the distribution systems to

ensure non-contamination of water and to deliver safe
water at the point of uses (consumers’ end points).
Water Requirements

▪ Domestic uses (Drinking, Cooking, Bathing, Gardening, etc.)

▪ Commercial (Hotels, Office Buildings, Shopping Centers, Service
Stations, Airports, etc.)
▪ Industrial (Industrial Process)
▪ Public Services (Fire fighting, Public Buildings, etc.)
▪ Unaccounted System Losses and Leakages
Water Requirements
➢ Domestic water uses: 30-50% (average = 40%) of the municipal
water supply and varies from 100 - 450 lpcd (200 - 300 lpcd)

➢ Commercial water uses: 10-20% (average = 14%) of the total

demand and varies from 10-15 L/m2.d (based on floor area).

➢ Industrial water uses: 25-30% (average = 27%) of the total municipal

water supply.

➢ Public water uses (City hall, schools, fire fighting, street washing,
etc.): 5-10 % (average = 7%) of the total municipal water demand

➢ Unaccounted system losses and leakage: 8-24% (average = 12%)

of the total water demand.
Typical values of key parameters used in demand forecasting

➢ Domestic uses 150 lpcd

➢ Hospital uses 300-500 L/patient/day

➢ Office use 70 L/staff/day

➢ Hotel use 400-500 L/guest/day

➢ Leakage 15-25% of water put into supply

Maximum day demand = 1.8 x Average daily demand

Maximum Hourly demand = (2.5 - 2.7) x average daily demand

Design Capacity of WTP = Max day demand

Design capacity of water distribution system =

Max peak hourly demand Which ever
Or is max
Fire demand + max day demand
Fire demand of water is often the
determining Demand
factor in the design of

Short term: Large flow rate

Two Formulas
▪ National Board of Fire Underwriters (1974)
▪ Insurance Service Office

P in Thousand
Fire Water Demand

C Value Types of Construction Max Flow (m3/day)

1.5 Wood Frame 43,600
1.0 Ordinary 43,600
0.9 Heavy Timber type Building -
0.8 Non-combustible 32,700
0.6 Fire Resistant 32,700

✓ The fire flow should not be less than 1.9 m3/min (500 gpm)
✓ The fire flow should be available from 2 to 10 hrs
depending on flow rate.
Required duration for fire flow
m3/min gpm Duration (hr)
7.6 2000 or less 2
11.3 3000 3
15.1 4000 4
18.9 5000 5
22.7 6000 6
26.5 7000 7
30.2 8000 8
34.0 9000 9
37.8 10,000 or more 10

Fire flow shall not be less than 1.9 m3/min and shall not be
more than 45.4 m3/min.
Example 01
Estimate the water requirement for a community that will reach a population of 120,000 at the end of design
life. The estimated municipal water demand for the community is 610 lpcd.
Calculate also the fire flow, design capacity of WTP and design capacity of the water distribution system.
Example 02
Estimate the flow rate and volume required to provide adequate
protection to a 10-story non-combustible building with an effective floor
are of 8,000 m2.
Water Requirements
In rural areas of Bangladesh, water requirements for various
purposes has been estimated as follows:
▪ Drinking : 2-3 lpcd
▪ Washing clothes : 8-10 lpcd
▪ Washing utensils : 6-8 lpcd
▪ Cooking food : 3-5 lpcd
▪ Bathing : 14-20 lpcd
▪ Others : 9-14 lpcd

Water requirements in urban and rural areas of Bangladesh

Table 17.1, 17.2 and 17.3 (pp. 327-328, ITN, BUET)
Water Requirement
The estimation of quantity of water required by a community
is important for designing of a water supply system.
A water supply system is designed for future population (at
the end of designed period).
The total quantity of water required by a community is
computed by:
Qf = Pf x q
where, Qf = quantity of water required per day
Pf = projected population at the end of design life
q = per capita water consumption/day (lpcd)
Factors affecting per capita water consumption

 Population distribution

 Climate condition

 Living standard

 Quality of water

 Pressure of water supply Details

ITN/BUET (page 326-327).
 Water rates and metering

 System/nature of water supply

 Water source

 Availability of alternative source of water supply.

Population Projection
Two types of population estimations are needed for the design and
operation of water supply system:
➢ Short term estimation: 1-10 yrs
➢ Long term estimation: > 10 yrs
Short –term estimation:
▪ Arithmetic progression or uniform growth method
▪ Geometric progression method
▪ Decreasing growth rate method
▪ Incremental increase method
▪ Graphical extension or curvilinear method
Long-term Estimation:
▪ Graphical comparison method
▪ Least square Parabolic Method.
Population growth models

Arithmetic method

Geometric Progression method

 Graphical Comparison method
 Least square Parabolic Method

The following data shows the variation in population of a town from 1944
to 2004. Estimate the population of the city in the year 2014 and 2019 by
arithmetic and geometric increase methods.

Design Period and Capacity
Professor Rezaul Karim
Online Sources

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