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Task Five – Identifying Communication Skills (2.


Task A


The importance of listening is being able to take in information that may be crucial. Being
able to focus on listening to others can give you insights of what they may be like. Also being
able to listen other people’s opinions is a crucial thing to do so you are not becoming biased
in a debate or argument. Being able to listen to others will help you throughout life.


Being able to communicate with others is a necessary part of living. Being able to socialise
and vocalise maybe an opinion or statement is a crucial part of making yourself stand out
from others. Speech is an everyday thing that everyone does. But being able to push it
further and be confident will have you going further than others.


Being able to read information from books, your phone, computer, posters, etc is another
way people take in information such as facts and media. Being able to read at a pace where
you can take the information in but also not skip over the words is important as if you were
to miss out information you could end up misinterpreting words and taking in the
information wrongly.


Being able to write with clear handwriting is a necessity. For example, if you are to write a
note down and people can’t understand it. They may interpret it wrongly. This could lead to
a mess up in any given situation such as a work place or personal life.

Non verbal

By using your hands to express your emotions further or more. Also keeping eye contact
with others while speaking to them so that they tend to stay more focused.

Task B


Being able to listen to information online if it may be through e books or listening to videos
about the information needed. Also being able to listen to another person. Within speaking
it may not be much as by practicing questions asked by others to help you prepare. Being
able to write up notes as well.
Being able to attend an interview may be nervous for some people so being able to listen to
what the interviewer has to say closely and focus and rethink those questions. I’m not sure
on what to say for reading when attending an interview. But they may have up a sheet that
has some directions on what is happening or what is being asked. Writing I’m not sure at all
when it comes to an interview. With non-verbal being able to express your hands out and
broaden your eyes towards the interviewers is the more focused. Using your hands makes
your emotions seem more expressive. Following up the interview with listening is by
gathering feedback from other people in the room and others overall. Being able to speak to
others about how you felt it went and also respond to feedback others may have given you
throughout it. Reading back on your own notes after and ticking off what you thought you
have done right or wrong. This follows up with writing as well as you are able to write down
your wrongs and rights. Non-verbal I’m not too sure on what I could say as there isn’t as
much as you can do when it comes down to this.

Film shoot

Planning for a film shoot is a much-needed listening when it comes to a tea. Being able to
take in feedback and ideas/notes and other people’s opinions you have given to others.
Speaking is the exact same as listening just the opposite way. Being able to give your own
ideas to others so they can give you feedback is the best way to take stuff in as it works well
in a team as communication is a crucial part of being in a team.

Planning up an interview and delivering a presentation is more focused on listening speaking

and listening. This is when it comes to the delivering towards it as you have to be able to
speak about this properly as in word what you have written down on the interview.

Completing an application form is mostly focused on writing/typing up into it depending if

its online or on paper. This also reading this and reading it through properly so you don’t
mess u or fill out the wrong information.

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