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Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb My Name Sahril Ansar you can call me Sahril.

live in Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia. In this word I will write my
daily life from morning to night, both on weekdays or holiday.

In my weekdays I wake up early to perform prayer, after that I sleep

again until wake up at 7 A.M. At 7 A.M I did my usual activities, like
washing dishes, cleaning windows, washing clothes, breakfast, and taking
a shower.

At noon I pray dzuhur and have lunch, after that I studied online
(because of corona I couldn't go to university to prevent the spread of the
covid-19 virus) until the afternoon, when afternoon I do prayer ashar.

After praying I sweep the yard and water the plants and wait for the
Maghrib call to prayer for pray.

At the night I have dinner and do homework if there is, if not I will play
games or watch movies until it's time to sleep.

don't forget me too perform prayer isya and brush my teeth before going
to bed, if there is a football event i will wake up in midnight to watch it.

on holidays I do my usual activities except in the afternoon there is no

online college. I replace it by playing games, watching movies or taking a

that's what daily life me either on weekdays or holidays. If there is a

wrong word, I'm sorry and thank you for reading it. Assalamualaikum

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