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Company Name: Nile Lechwe General Construction Plc

Final Internship Practice on: Building Construction

Prepared By: Nhial Panom puot

ID No: SU1100746

Section: A

Period of internship: June 20/2022 upto Sep 30/2022 G.C

Company supervisor: Mr. Buomkuoth Panom

Academic Supervisor: (MSc)

Submission Date: October, 2021

Samara, Afar , Ethiopia
Final Internship Report

I Nhial panom puot a 4th year civil engineering student in Samara University have
undertake my internship experience in Nile Lechwe General Construction Plc at
Gambela in building construction from june20/2022 up sep/20/2021 G.C under guidance
of buomkuoth panom(company supervisor). I hereby certify that my work is original and
compiled according to the internship report writing guide line given by department.

Student Name: Nhial panom puot

The undersigned approve that the above student has completed his internship program
for two-month period under my supervision.

Approval of company supervisor

Name: Signature: Date:


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Final Internship Report


Approval letter..........................................................................................................................


Executive summary................................................................................................................vii

List of figures.........................................................................................................................viii

List of tables.............................................................................................................................

List of abbreviations and acronyms.......................................................................................

1.1. General about the Internship............................................................................................

1.2. Historical Background and Organizational Structure......................................................
1.2.1. Brief History of The Company.................................................................................
1.2.2. Purpose and Scope....................................................................................................
1.1 Vision and Mission of The Company...............................................................................
1.1.1 Overall Environment..................................................................................................
1.1.2 Overall Organization and Work Flow........................................................................
1.1.3 Organizational work flow..........................................................................................

2.1 Construction Equipment’s................................................................................................

2.2 Methodology.....................................................................................................................
1. OVERALL INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE.......................................................................

2.3 How I get into the company..............................................................................................

Sections of the company I have been working in...................................................................
2.4 The work I have been executing in the company..........................................................10
2.5 Office work.....................................................................................................................10
1) Preparing takeoff sheet......................................................................................................10

2) Bill of quantity....................................................................................................................10

3) Bar schedule.......................................................................................................................10

4) Reading and interpreting drawing...................................................................................10

2.5.1 Preparing takeoff sheet.............................................................................................10

2.5.2 Bill of quantity.........................................................................................................12
2.5.3 Bar schedule.............................................................................................................12
2.5.4 Reading and interpreting drawings..........................................................................13
1. Architectural drawing........................................................................................................13

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2. Structural drawing.............................................................................................................13

3. Electrical and installation drawing...................................................................................13

4. Sanitary drawing................................................................................................................13

2.6 Site Works......................................................................................................................14

2.6.1 Collecting data work................................................................................................14
2.6.2 Controlling the casting of concrete..........................................................................14
2.6.3 Controlling concrete mix proportions......................................................................15
2.6.4 Check the quality of construction materials.............................................................16
2.7 The procedures I have been using while performing the tasks.......................................17
2.7.1 Structural element....................................................................................................18 False column.............................................................................................................20
2.7.2 Non-Structural element............................................................................................26
2.8 Concrete..........................................................................................................................29
2.9 Proportioning of concrete ingredients............................................................................30
2.9.1 Reinforced concrete.................................................................................................30
2.10 Curing...........................................................................................................................31
2.11 How good I have been in performing my tasks?..........................................................32
2.11.1 Challenges I have been facing...............................................................................32
2.11.2 Measures taken for personal challenges.................................................................34
CHAPTER 3: OVERALL BENEFITS OF THE INTERNSHIP.......................................36

3.1 In terms of improving practical skill..............................................................................36

3.2 In terms of upgrading our theoretical knowledge..........................................................37
3.3 In terms of personal communication skill......................................................................37
3.4 In terms of understanding about work ethics issues.......................................................38
3.5 Improving leadership skill..............................................................................................39
3.6 In entrepreneurship skills...............................................................................................40
Chapter five............................................................................................................................41

6. Conclusion and Recommendation....................................................................................41

5.1 Conclusion......................................................................................................................41
3.7 Recommendation............................................................................................................42
Recommendation to the company.....................................................................................42
Recommendation to the university...................................................................................42

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Samara University By: Nhial Panom Puot Page

Final Internship Report

Approval letter
This is to certify that the internship report entitled of Final Internship Report Prepared by
Nhial panom puot is accepted in terms of quality & forms the report has been prepared
under my guidance. I also confirm that the report is prepared based on the daily and
monthly reports that he submitted.

I approved that this report is compiled in accordance to the fulfillment of the internship

1.Examiner name: ______________________sign: __________date: ___/___/___

2.Examiner name: ______________________sign: ___________date: ___/___/___

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Final Internship Report

First, I would like to thank the almighty God for all the blessing she has given to me. Next,
I would like to recognize Bule Hora University for its provision of this curriculum. I also
want to express my deepest gratitude to Nile Lechwe General Construction Plc for
accepting me for this program.

Last but not list I want to thank my families and best friends who helped me in every
single time being on my side.

Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to all the company workers and for peoples
helping me at my stay and for their help for writing and preparation of the final report.

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Final Internship Report

Executive summary
It is a clear fact that the knowledge of construction engineering cannot be upgraded
without practical experience in each field of the subject matter. This paper is a written
report about the internship program which was planned to help civil engineering students
grasp practical know-how of civil engineering projects, their design, implementation,
evaluation, and management in general.

In this portion the internship program that lasted for two months from April 20/2021 up
July 30/2021 G.C. I have been learning the vital roles of civil engineer. I was able to see
and supervise how the construction of different parts of a building takes place.
Furthermore, I was working on some office works. I prepare takeoff sheet for form
work, concrete work and reinforcement bar schedule and bill of quantity. In doing so, I
have developed my theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

This report discuses my overall internship experience that lasted for two months. It has
four main portions. The first part discusses the company’s brief history, organization,
and work flow. The second section talks more about the overall activity during my
internship period

The third section focuses on the overall benefits I gained from the internship program. I
discussed these benefits in to aspects of what I gained including improving my practical
skills, upgrading my theoretical knowledge, communication skills, team playing skills,
leader ship skills, work ethics and entrepreneurship skills.

The last section suggests some remedial measures that the company should take
regarding some technical errors that I have witnessed on the site. And I have stated my
overall assessment of the whole internship experience and indicated some improvements
that I believe can make it easy for this program to meet its objective.

In short it explains the experiences I have gained during my two months stay. And I
have tried to discuss them with much relation to what I have learnt in the class room for
the last three years

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List of figures
Figure 1-1 : organizational structure and work flow of the company........................................
Figure 2-1 : Image of hand compacter.......................................................................
Figure 2-2 : Dump truck............................................................................................................
Figure 2-3 : Loader....................................................................................................................
Figure 2-4 : Image of Mixer used in our site...........................................
Figure 3-1 : Site layout of the construction.......................................................................14
Figure 3-2 : Casted concrete on the column.............................................................................15
Figure 3-3 : Controlling concrete mix proportions..................................................................16
Figure 3-4 : column sample......................................................................................................19
Figure 3-5 : Construction of column........................................................................................20
Figure 3-6 : Construction of beam...........................................................................................21
Figure 3-7 : HCB wall in our site.............................................................................................23
Figure 3-8 : Construction of roof.............................................................................................25
Figure 3-9 : Wall Finishing with plastering.............................................................................26
Figure 3-10 : column formwork...............................................................................................27
Figure 3-11 : Grade beam form work.......................................................................................28
Figure 3-12 : Curing of concrete..............................................................................................32

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List of tables
Table 3-1 : Formats for takeoff sheet.......................................................................................11
Table 3-2 : Bill of quantity format...........................................................................................12
Table 3-3 : Minimum compressive strength of HCB according to EBCS...............................23
Table 3-4 ፡ shows Grade of concrete with their mixing ratio...................................................30

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List of abbreviations and acronyms

EBCS Ethiopian Building Code of Standard

MPa Mega Pascal

C-5 Concrete Grade for 5Mpa Compressive Strength

mm Millimetre

RC Reinforced Concrete

HCB Hollow Concrete Block

cm Centimeter

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Chapter one

1. introduction

1.1. General about the Internship

Engineering is the profession in which knowledge of the mathematical and natural

sciences, gained by experience and practice, which applied the efficient use of the
materials and forces of nature. Human life is not far from different types of problems.
These problems must be solved by scientific way; engineering is among the solution of
these problems. These problems are solved by both practically and theoretically. The
new curriculum of Ethiopia for engineering and technology students are developed to
include sufficient practical knowledge with theoretical knowledge. Due to this, the
ministry of education programmed a fourth month internship program for engineering
and technology students.

Based on the new curriculum, I was doing internship for four months at Nile Lechwe
General Construction Plc. This internship program is given for all 4th year civil
engineering students. It is planned based on the benefit which it gives for both the
students and their host company. For students, they can gain practical skill, they may
have a chance to be employed after graduation, and they may become familiar for words
which are used in practical work, to develop any inter personal communication skill. For
company, they have an opportunity to obtain well skilled persons, they get an
opportunity to advertise their products or services, and they get benefit comments for the

These days all of engineering companies in Ethiopia have an aim of improving their
country construction, highway, and other infrastructures. They have also aim of placing
their country in a better socio-economic development, increasing citizens annual income
by providing work …etc. it’s the same to my hosting company.

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1.2. Historical Background and Organizational


1.2.1. Brief History of The Company

Nile Lechwe General Construction Plc is a locally registered Company in Gambella

Regional state in 2007 E.C which has obtained Investment Registration by the Ethiopian
investment commission to perform general construction work on a capacity of GC-6
contractor. The company has executed a lot of road work, building, water supply and
sanitary projects since its establishment. Anyone can certainly witness that Nile Lechwe
General Construction Plc is one of the leading companies among the local construction
firms engaged in the construction industry in the region Company

Address Region: Gambella

Sub-city: Newland

Kebele: 01

Telephone: 0114391971 Fax: ----------------

P.O. Box: - ----------------


Form of Company Ownership Wholly national owned construction company

1.2.2. Purpose and Scope

The objectives of Nile Lechwe General Construction Plc are:

 Providing efficient, quality, and adequate services in the construction sector;

 Narrowing the gap between supply and demand of construction materials and
 services by investing in the production of the same;
 Creating job opportunities;
 Generating profit for the perpetuation and expansion of the firm.

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1.1 Vision and Mission of The Company

The Vision of Nile Lechwe General Construction Plc is to be the best and most
successful national construction company that can undertake all kinds of construction
projects that delivers efficient and quality construction services.

Some of the missions of Nile Lechwe General Construction Plc are as follows: -

 To perform any kind of construction works in excellent quality to the satisfaction of

 To provide considerable job opportunity to citizens
 To contribute our share to the country’s economy
 To ensure the profitability of the company as well as its customers.

1.1.1 Overall Environment

The Company is established for performing the following mayor duties: -

a. The construction of roads, bridges, and culverts.

b. The construction of city drainage and sewerage system.

c. The construction of residential houses, commercial buildings, and warehouses.

d. The construction of other municipal civil works.

e. Rendering workshop service for construction equipment

f. Leasing of construction equipment and machines.


The head of the company is focused on only in Project planning. Reporting to the senior
project managers in different locals, it will develop and manage on a day-to-day basis for
a team of project managers, integrated plans, and programs of work to support execution
and timely completion of several concurrent projects. They undertake project planning
requirements in accordance with the procedures in the company quality management
system &, monitor and report activities progress.

Local Experience

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The main customers of the company are NGO’s, private sectors but mainly is the

Government. Works performed and some of them still going on by Nile Lechwe General
Construction P.L.C in the past five years (including the work done by Nile Lechwe
General Construction for the Road works), are the followings:

1.1.2 Overall Organization and Work Flow

The organizational structure and work flow of the company as a general and for any
project is as follows

Engineers Civil Engineer

Secretary Electrical Engineer

Construction Civil Engineer
General Construction Engineers
permit team supervision and
Manager inspection team Electrical


Civil Engineer
Building occupancy
Infn & Documentation


Figure 1-1: organizational structure and work flow of the company

General Manager: would be accountable to the company operation would head

the firm based on his/her authority depicted on job description.

Office Engineers: are engineers that work design in the office that includes
Architects, Civil engineers, and Electrical engineers.

Site Engineers: are Engineers that monitor the site activities that also include
Architects, Civil engineers, and Electrical engineers.

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Architects: are engineers which design and check architectural plans.

Civil Engineers: are engineers which design and check structural & sanitary

Electrical Engineers: are engineers which design and check electrical plans.

Finance: are takes care of salary (fee) of the employees and write a receipt of
every payment that the clients gave.

Information and Documentation: is a staff member that gave information to the

clients and has all information’s about the sub cities that are under the company.

1.1.3 Organizational work flow

I. Construction Permit Office: Giving permission for the construction which builds in
in the region when the building has fulfilled the criterion.

II. Construction Control Office: Controlling and supervising the Structural

architectural Electrical and Sanitary design of the building in the region.

Construction Supervision and Controlling Procedure

 Checking the Working area whether it is clear or not.
 During shoring structure work.
 During excavation work.
 During casting of the footing pad.
 During column casting work.
 During slab casting work.
 During roof cover work.

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2.1 Construction Equipment’s

A) Hand compactor: -is used to;

 To compact the soil near to the structure.
 To compact on the back fill of structure.

Figure 2-2: Image of hand compacter

B) Dump truck: - used to;
 To transport selected materials for the site such as soil, stone, aggregate, formwork.
 To give a service for labors

Figure 2-3 : Dump truck

C) Loader: -is used to;

 To load different material on dump track from target site.

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 To near construction materials to construction site.

 To fill concrete when the site entrance is difficult to transit mixer.

Figure 2-4 : Loader

D) Vibrator: - is used to;
 Elimination of entreated air and forcing the particles in to a closer configuration.
E) Mixer: - is used to;
 Mix the concrete at the construction area

Figure 2-5 : Image of Mixer used in our site

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2.2 Methodology

I have used the following methodologies to gain experience and information about the
Project work by asking;

 Oral questions to site supervisors

 Objective of the project
 Components of the site construction
 Site worker and Forman’

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Chapter three


2.3 How I get into the company

Since we finish 3rd year class we got the application letter for internship from the
department of civil engineering in samara university. In that summer I took the letter to
the Urban Development and construction Bureau of Gambella Regional State and they
accepts my request letter and they gave their accepted letter to me, later I submitted
acceptance letter to department... After I finished the 4th year courses, It was time to take
the internship program. Before I was employed to, I delivered the letter which was given
to me from my campus. I went to Urban Development and construction Bureau first.
Then they introduce me to Nile lechwe generally construction plc. This is how I get in to
company and Buom Ruach Chol introduces me to Buomkuoth Panom. After this I
submitted the necessary document to the company of Nile Lechwe General Construction

Together with my colleagues I saw the site which we are going to work by the help of
our supervisor & office Engineer and they introduce us to site Engineer and foreman’s
those present at the site. We discussed the situations in the site and how they can help us
in the time of contract. And how could we have to work the practical part in the site. At
the end Company Supervisor introduces to us other office and site profession.

Sections of the company I have been working in

In the companies I was working at the Site section which has two sub sections, office
work and site work. I was assigned on the site as an assistant site engineer. I also
preferred to work on the site because it is the place where I can develop and improve my
practical skills, and working in the office I was able to prepare bar schedule and take of
sheet. On the other hand, I was also working with the site engineer which I was able to
observe so many technical works such as how structural drawings were implemented on
site, labor organizing and directing and how to make decision on site.

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Generally, during my stay I was trying to work with the site manager in order to have a
clear view about a construction project. But I also spend some of my time working with
other site workers. This is because I wanted to know my role and some tasks that I will
face in the construction industry after graduation.

2.4 The work I have been executing in the


The work I have been executing on the site was as an assistant site engineer. But I also
work and gain experience on other tasks like data collection, quantity surveying, site
supervision, supervision & sanitary works. At first, on the site I usually spent the day
observing and trying to do small jobs like preparing bar schedule and collecting data.
But after a while I was given some duties like checking the spacing, position and
diameter of the bars, which made me to take the responsibility of the work. This enables
me to gain a good experience. The work task that I have been executing as an assistant
site engineer and on others working sectors was:

2.5 Office work

In my two-month internship period I practice office works that are worked in our site by
the help of office engineer and data collector. Office works that are executed in our site

1) Preparing takeoff sheet

2) Bill of quantity
3) Bar schedule
4) Reading and interpreting drawing

2.5.1 Preparing takeoff sheet

Takeoff is a part of cost estimating process in the construction industry. Estimators use
construction blueprints, either manually or electronically, and start taking off quantities
of items they will need from those blueprints in order to prepare part of the estimate.
Preparing take off sheet requires collected data from the site. It helps to prepare payment
for sub-contractors. I prepared take of sheet of concrete work and formwork for beam,

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Takeoff sheet was prepared for each component of the building separately. For example,
take of sheet for beam, column, and slab… etc. Was prepared and calculated separately.

General formats of takeoff sheets are looks like the following formats for concrete and


Project: - --------
Consultant: - --------------
Location: - -------------
Client: ---------------
Contractor: - -------------

Table 3-1: Formats for takeoff sheet


Prepared by__________________ Checked


Column 1: Timising Column is used for stating the number of times an item occurs.

Column 2: Dimension Column is used to enter the dimensions of the items of works.

Column 3: Squaring Column stated dimensions in column 2 are multiplied to determine

the quantity of the work either in ml, m2, m3 or in Pcs or No.

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Column 4: Description Column and description of the work item is briefly

2.5.2 Bill of quantity

It is a document used in tendering process in which includes the material, parts, and labor with
respect to their costs. It also details the terms and conditions of the construction or repair and
contract and itemizes all work to enable a contractor to price the work for which he or she is

General formats of bill of quantity are looks like the following formats for concrete and

Table 3-2: Bill of quantity format

Division Description Unity Total Rate Amount

NO Quantity

2.5.3 Bar schedule

The takeoff sheet has no room for estimation of reinforcement bars. Therefore, another
separate sheet of paper is necessary. Bar schedule is a tabular format that is specially
used for estimating the quantity of reinforcement bars required for a given project. A
complete set of structural drawings is necessary to take sizes and shapes of bars of
different members of RC structures.

How to calculate reinforcement bar needed (bar scheduling)

For each type of RCC work a schedule of bars is required. Different sizes and lengths of
bars may be known, and may be arranged and bent up during the time of construction
schedules of bars of R.C.C of slabs, column, beam, stairs, etc. We need to calculate the
number of bars is required and the number of stirrups which is needed for each element

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of the structure such as beam, column, slab, footing pads including shear walls, lift

As I discussed in the above, I have determined that the exactly quantity needed for the
structure by having structural drawings, since it is clearly mentioned in the structural
drawings based on this let’s see that the format of bar schedule.


Length=it is mentioned in the structural drawings

Total length: it is the summation of lengths which is the same diameter.

Unit weight (kg/m): it is the weight of 1 berga of reinforcement. One full length of
reinforcement or Berga has 12 m.

Unit weight=

Total weight (kg): it is the product of total length and unit weight.

2.5.4 Reading and interpreting drawings

Drawings are a means by which the diagram conveys the physical and visual description
of the project. Drawings are a dimensional representation of the physical structure of that
project. They are also known as plans of blueprints in our site.

In our site there are four types of drawings

1. Architectural drawing
2. Structural drawing
3. Electrical and installation drawing
4. Sanitary drawing

The drawing is the main language between the architect, engineer and any worker at the
site or office. Drawings are the most correct means of communication for all types and
areas of project. Thus, I understand each drawing and know every symbol abbreviation
for every action and I able to communicate with different workers using it.

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2.6 Site Works

In my two-month internship period I practice site works in addition to office works that
are worked in our site by the help of site engineer and site Forman.

Site works that are executed in our site includes

 Collecting data
 Controlling the casting of concrete
 Check and supervise mix ratio
 Controlling the production and use of spacers
 Check the quality of construction materials

2.6.1 Collecting data work

The work that has been done should be quantified to check if it is going according to the
schedule or to prepare takeoff sheet. In order to do so, a data collector should measure
and record each work done like, type and material used, type and number of workers,
daily material expense by using this format and report to site engineer.

Figure 3-6: Site layout of the construction

2.6.2 Controlling the casting of concrete

The casting of concrete requires a careful inspection on the mix ratio, compacting and
falling of concrete in permissible height. In our site compaction is done by using needle
vibrator and mix ratio is well done by batching box. The falling of concrete is limited
with 3m height in order to reduce segregation. This means the separation of coarse
aggregate and cement paste.
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Figure 3-7: Casted concrete on the column.

2.6.3 Controlling concrete mix proportions

Concrete is the single most important material in modern building and concrete mix
proportions are the most important aspect of working with concrete. Without concrete,
residential homes and commercial skyscrapers fall, bridges have no anchor, piers or
abutments; tunnels, sidewalks, curbs, sewer systems…etc. Generally concrete is the
foundation of development of the concrete works.

There are four fundamental ingredients in concrete:

 Cement
 Aggregate
 Sand
 Water
I have checked and controlled concrete mix proportion of concrete with the help of
supervisor and site engineer. Usually, the supervisor must check every mix ratio and
quality of ingredients before casting of concrete to approve the work on the site book.

Concrete: - In our site the construction of beams, columns, and shear wall was casted by
a compressive strength of 30MPa (C-30) which means one bag of cement (50kg), 2part
of sand and 3part of aggregate, but in terrace slab construction C-25Mpa is used which is
the same proportion to C-30 the only difference is the dimension of batching box.

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Figure 3-8: Controlling concrete mix proportions

2.6.4 Check the quality of construction materials

It is necessary to check the quality of construction material on the site at the time of
primarily inspection. It is not possible to check all the engineering qualities of
construction material on the site, but there exists some field test which gives rough idea
of quality of construction material. Each construction material has its own field testes to
check their quality. Field testes to check the quality of cement

On the site we can perform these field testes to judge the quality of cement. These
field testes as follows

1) Date of packing:

Date of manufacture should be seen on the bag. It is important because the strength
of cement reduces with age. In our site this is controlled by using the principle of
“first in first out” which means first enter to the store must be out of store first.

2) Color:

The cement should be uniform in color. In general, the color of cement is gray with
light greenish shade. The color of cement is an indication of excess lime or clay and
the degree of burning.

3) Rubbing:

Take a pinch of cement between fingers and rub it. It should feel smooth while
rubbing. If it is rough, that means adulteration with sand.

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Final Internship Report Field testes to check the quality of sand

There are some field testes that can be carried out in the field in order to check the
quality of sand used for construction. Following testes may be carried out to
ascertain the properties of sand.
1) Take the glass of water and add some quantity of sand in it. Then shake it
vigorously and allow it to settle. If clay is present in sand, it will form distinct
layers at the top of sand.
2) Take a pinch of sand and taste it. If tasted salty then there exists some salt in
3) Take sand and rub it against the fingers. If fingers are stained, it indicates that
sand contains earthy matter.
4) The color of sand will indicate the purity of sand. The size and sharpness of
grains may be examined by touching and observing visually. Field testes on aggregates

In our construction sites there is no field-testing equipment’s. Therefore, this field test
was conducted in our site without any machine or special equipment. In the site by
simply observing to check organic impurities, silt content, bulking of sand and gradation. Field testes to check the quality of water

Concrete is one of the most durable construction materials and cement is one of the most
energy intensive structural materials in concrete. The principal considerations on the
quality of mixing water performance in fresh as well as hardened state, the quality of
water plays an important role in the preparation of concrete. Impurities in water may
interfere with the setting of cement and may adversely affect the strength and durability
of concrete also. The chemical constituents present in water may actively participate in
the chemical reactions and thus affect the setting, hardening and strength development of
concrete. The water used in our construction is very clear and the same as used for
drinking purpose.

2.7 The procedures I have been using while

performing the tasks

This internship program gives me opportunity to observe work procedures of each task
in the site and in the office.. I have work most of the time at the site to become more
familiar with the site works and to get more practical knowledge. Site works in general

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include very kind of work executed at the site starting from setting out till finishing
works based on the given specification and methodology. The site work that I have been
through in the entire internship period was the superstructure and some parts of finishing
works not in substructure . A normal building consists of two parts in general these are
the super structure and the sub structure.

Any structure below the ground floor slab level including the basement, retaining walls,
ground slabs, grade beam, and foundation is called sub structure. In most of the cases,
substructure work can be categorised as earthwork, concrete work and masonry work.

Super structure is the part of the building which extend above the grade beam or
everything above the sub structure includes slab, column, walls, roofs, etc. the purpose
of the super structure is to enclose and divide the space as well as spread load safely into
the sub structure. In this section of my report, I will try to describe the sequence of some
of the procedures I have performed while performing my work tasks given by

Setting Out

A building is set out to clearly define the outline of the excavation and the centerline of
the walls, so that the construction can be carried out exactly according to the plan.
Surveying is carried out by total station through skilled professional. Performing the job
by the cited instrument will enable the respective professional to decide and limit the
real topography of the site. I didn't saw this work but I tried to grasp some knowledge by
asking the engineer how it was worked and its main procedures.


Excavation is the first step of construction. It refers to the process of removing soil or rock
from its original location, typically in preparation for constructing foundations, basements
and underground utility lines and for grading of ground surface. Excavated materials
required for back fill is stock piled on the side for subsequent use. Excavation work I have
been seen was the bulk excavation of the included STP site. The main aim of the
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excavation work is to remove organic soils or unwanted soils for the safety of the building
from chemical attacking. Excavation shall be carried out to the lines, level width & depth
as shown on the drawings, directed by the engineer or as appropriate to the work to be
placed in the excavation. I didn't saw the excavation work of the main project site but I
tried to grasp some knowledge by asking the engineer how it was worked and its main


Fill work will follow the erection of foundation column. Excavation need to be back filled
with better soil type, which will have better compaction character and would bring
minimum required proctor density. The soil present beneath the surface was too clayey, so
it was not used for back filling. For better results a minimum quantity of water may also be
sprinkled for better compaction. I didn't saw this work but I tried to grasp some knowledge
by asking the engineer how it was worked and its main procedures.

Superstructure Beam
A beam is a horizontal structural element that is capable of withstanding load primarily by
resisting bending. The bending force induced into the material of the beam as a result of
the external loads, own weight, span, and external reactions to these loads is called a
bending moment. Beams generally carry vertical gravitational forces but can also be used
to carry horizontal loads (i.e., loads due to an earthquake or wind).

The loads carried by a beam are transferred to columns, walls, which then transfer the
force to adjacent structural part.

Superstructure beams are subjected to moments and shear loads, based on this effect its
reinforcement and stirrups was provided on the design given. The width and the depth of
beam depend on the moment and shear load of the beam. As the depth of beam increases
its moment resistant capacity is also increases directly.

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Also, Negative bars are provided in beams for the purpose of resisting tensile stresses
developed around supports. The negative bars are tied at 1/3 of the length of the span from
the center of the column. The overlaps of reinforcement bar were being at the bottom of
the support for compression moments and at mid span on top of beam for tension
momentum with overlap length of 40D (mm).

This contains beams:

 These beams are T-shaped and bar arrangement are inter- locked.
 Beams have three zone:

 Tension zone
 Neutral zone
 Compressive zone.

Figure 3-9: Construction of beam

Procedure followed to construct a beam

 Tie form work

 Tie +ve and –ve bars
 Tie stirrups on the given c/c
 Check the c/c and the required bars existence
 Insert spacer b/n the bars and the form work
 Keep the form work
 Cast the concrete Check points in beam

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 Bar diameter
 Spacing of stirrups
 Lapping length
 Lapping position
 Dimension of spacer Column
A column is a vertical structural element that can carry and transfer the loads of beams
and floor to the foundation footings. In works of columns the first way is the over lapped
reinforcement bars were connected by stirrups within the given spacing from the
structural drawings and wooden form works related to a proper dimension of the
column. After these activities completed the concrete were filled by fixing at the proper
elevation of the columns. The reinforcement bar of columns can be over lapped with the
previous bars by the formula below: -

Overlap = 40*D

Where, D = diameter of the bars in mm the columns in our site were rectangular in shape.

The vertical reinforcement bars were tied by double legged and single legged stirrups. All
columns in our site had a height of 3.90m.

The spacing of stirrups was very close on the bottom and top of the column at c/c 10cm
and in relative to the middle part of a column 20 cm. The risen behind this is the shear

Shear force is very high in top and bottom of the column in relative to the middle part of
the column this condition because the filler on the age of the column due to shear force
become high. To reduce this effect, we use more stirrups on the two ends of a column in
relative to the middle part of the Column.

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Figure 3-10: column sample

Procedure for construction of column

 Keep Center to center distance between columns.

 Check the alignment
 Insert spacer b/n the form work and bars
 Keep formwork
 Use plum-bob to check vertical alignment
 Then cast the concrete to the column.
 Remove the form work on the next day

Check Points on Columns

 Before filling check the alignment perpendicular.

 Spacing of stirrups.
 Over lapping of bars with the previous columns.

Figure 3-11: Construction of column False column

It is a column which rises from grade beam and floor beam. The purpose of the false
column is to support door and used for supporting long partition wall. In our site the size
of false column they used are 15cm*15cm.

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Wall is any of various permanent upright constructions having a length much greater than
the thickness and presenting a continuous surface except were pierced by doors, windows,
etc… used for shelter, protection, or privacy, or to subdivide interior space, to support
floors, roofs, or the like, to retain earth, to fence in an area, etc.

The walls in our site were:

 HCB (hollow concrete block) walls

A) HCB (Hollow Concrete Block) Walls

Hollow blocks are the most common type of concrete block, having one or more holes that
are open at both sides. The total void area can amount to 50% of the gross cross-sectional

The most used concrete block is the stretcher block with a nominal dimension of:

40cm * 20cm * 10cm

40cm * 20cm * 15cm

40cm * 20cm * 20cm

HCB those present in our site were used to construct external and partition wall of the
buildings. See the figure bellow.

Figure 3-12: HCB wall in our site

 Partition wall: are types of walls used to separate the internal space within the
building in to separate rooms.

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 External wall: are in the external side of rooms and used to provide privacy, afford
security, and give protection against cold, heat and sun.

According to the Ethiopian standard hollow concrete blocks are classified in to three these

 Class A and class B load bearing units

 Class C non-load bearing unit
The minimum compressive strength for the three classes of hollow concrete blocks can
summarize in the following table:

Table 3-3: Minimum compressive strength of HCB according to EBCS

Class Average of 6 units(N/mm2) Individual units (N/mm2)

A 4.2 3.8
B 4 3.2
C 2 1.8
When use for the construction of structural walls of blocks should be strong enough to
safely carry loads in addition to their own weight of the structure. For this reason,
concrete block is tested. HCB those present in our site were class A. This class were
attained with the ratio of 1:1:2:1(one bag cement, one box sand, one box red ashes &one
box pumas’ material). They use HCB with the width of fifteen(15cm) and twenty(20cm)
for partition wall construction and external wall construction respectively.

Procedure followed to construct an HCB wall

 Stretch a string b/n to points

 Clean the place from any impurities
 Put a mortar that bind the block
 Arrange the blocks
 Cheek alignment by using level (sprit level)
 After you complete the course start the next course by following the string
 Fill all joints by mortar Construction of roof truss

Roof is defined as the upper most part of the building, provides as a structural covering to
protect the building from weathering. A roof consists a structural element which supports

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roof covering. It may be truss, beam, slab, shell, or domes. A roof in our site satisfy a
requirement of a good roof and it is pitched or slopping roof in its type and shed roof in
its form. A steel truss roof is used and the steel sections are RHS and it is grouped under
north light truss.

Steps followed while constructing steel roof truss

 First gusset plate is constructed accordingly on the top tie beam.

 Weld the rafter, king post, queen post and the truss as single structure and the
purlin also based on the design.
 Using a crane lift and place on the top tie beam and fix it temporarily.
 Check the setup and all the alignment whether it is on the right place or not
 Using bolt connection connect the truss within the top tie beam and weld it again.
 Place the purlin based on the design spacing using crane.
 Weld the purlin within the rafter.

Figure 3-13: Construction of roof Plastering

It is the process of covering the face of HCB walls using cementing material. Coating is
classified in to three layers. These are:

 First coat

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 Second coat
 Third coat (Gypsum)
1) First coat plastering

It is used to create a rough surface for the next coat to adhere effectively. The mortar to
be used for this first coat has a mix ratio of 1:3.
In our site plastering is carried out after chiseling for a good bonding. It has a minimum
thickness of 5mm. 1 up to 2 days of curing is needed for it to attain sufficient strength.

2) Second coat
It covers most of the body of the coating and creates a good base for the next coating.
Beam or any other structure can be balanced by the second coating type by using eriga.
On average it has a thickness of 2 cm. It is made with a ratio of 1:2 of mortar i.e. 1 Bag
of cement and 2 Box of coarse sand. It has maximum thickness of 12mm & cured at list
2 weeks and waited for 21 days before 3rd coat applied.
3) Third coating(gypsum)
In gypsum plaster, gypsum is used as a binding material instead of Portland cement.
Gypsum plaster is a white cementing material made by partial or complete dehydration
of the mineral gypsum. When dry gypsum powder is mixed with water it gets hardened.
This material can be applied over block, or concrete surface to form a smooth surface.
It is available in ready to use format and does not need sand. Only the addition of water
is required. It offers excellent acoustic and thermal properties while giving leveled
walls with the best finish.

Figure 3-14: Wall Finishing with plastering

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2.7.2 Non-Structural element

Non-Structural elements are a component of structural element. That means they are
essential to construct structural element. Generally non-structural element includes:
spacers, form work and lean concrete. Concrete Form work

As fresh concrete is in plastic state when it is placed for constructing purpose so, it
become necessary to provide some temporary structure to confine and support the
concrete till it gains sufficient strength for self supporting. This temporary structure is
called formwork. Concrete formwork serves as a mould to produce concrete elements
having desired size and configuration. It is usually erected for this purpose and then
remove after the concrete cured has gain satisfactory strength. For satisfactory
performance formwork must be adequately strong and stiff to carry the loads produced
by the concrete, the workers placing and finishing the concrete, and any equipment or
materials supported by forms.

In the site formwork material, we use was the plywood material which have a good
surface finish and steel support tubes for supporting the plywood.

The general step used to construct a formwork in the site is:

1. Prepare the false work in the desired portion and level.

2. Preparing the formwork in the desired shape based on the drawing or the size of the
structure that is going to be cast.

3. Paining with a releasing agent.

4. Nailing it with appropriate bracing element and false work.

The type of formwork that would be utilized on our site was a combination of plywood
and steel tubes. The purpose of employing plywood and steel tubes is to make sure that
quality concrete with perfect alignment would result. For horizontal structures like
reinforced concrete slab the plywood without being cut was placed. For vertical
reinforced concrete structures plywood formwork with timber false works was used. As

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most of the elevation columns assume uniform size, the plywood was cut in size and was
produced in a manner it could be easily fixed and dismantled. The bracing was done
from timberland nailed perfectly to confine fresh concrete. Dismantling of the formwork
commenced after allowable dates have elapsed since the day of the concrete casting. The
dates of dismantling for the soffit formworks were shortened by the use of fast curing
concrete admixtures.

Figure 3-15: column formwork Figure 3-16: Grade beam form work

2.8 Concrete

Concrete is one of a vital construction material in almost all civil work, which is the
mixtures of cement, water, sand, and aggregate.

 Cement: -is the active ingredient that combines with water to form a
 Aggregates: -Since aggregates occupy about three quarters of the
volume of the concrete, it contributes significantly to the structural
performance of concrete, specially strength, durability and volume
stability. In general, aggregates in concrete have been grouped
according to their sizes into fine and coarse aggregates. It is common to
refer to fine aggregate as sand and coarse aggregate as stone.
 Water

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Water is necessary for the combination of the cement and aggregate. In a correctly
proportion concrete mix, only about half of the mixing water is needed to hydrate the
cement there main detracts as a lubricant to produce workability. If the water is fit to
drink, it is satisfactory to use in concrete. This is not to say that water to be used in
concrete must be completely ignore. But as much as possible we must use clean water
Impurities in water may cause Corrosion of steel,Surface discoloration, Efflorescence

and Affect setting and strength

2.9 Proportioning of concrete ingredients

 Batching: - is the process of measurement of cement, fine aggregate, coarse

aggregate, and water for each operation of concrete making.
a) Batching of cement: -cement is always measured by weight, mostly it is used in
terms of bags. One bag of cement weights 50 kg.
b) Batching of aggregate: -The box should not be too shallow. It should be filled
with the aggregates. The top of the materials should be struck of level with a
straight edge. The ratio of materials of concrete decides the capacity of the box
the most used batching boxes size in our country are:
i. 50cm*40cm*20cm----for C-20
ii. 50cm*40cm*18cm----for C-25
iii. 50cm*40cm*16cm----for C-30
Table 3-4፡ shows Grade of concrete with their mixing ratio.


2.10 Curing

Curing of concrete is providing moisture the concrete continuously for hydration.

Moisture is necessary for the proper hardening of concrete because the chemical action
which results in the setting and hardening of the paste takes place only in the presence of
water. A well-cured concrete is denser and, hence, stronger and more durable.

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From the above, the purpose of curing can be summarized as follows: -

 To prevent formation of surface cracks due to rapid loss of water while the concrete
is fresh and weak.
 To assure attainment of strength by providing enough moisture for the hydration of
the cement grains concrete.In our site curing of concrete starts from finishing of the
pouring and ends in 7 days.

Figure 3-17: Curing of concrete

2.11 How good I have been in performing my


For an intern student, active participation in every activates of the company is must, to
be able to grasp knowledge and experience on its career, as a result I was trying to be
part of the company by actively take parting on the work and discharging my
responsibilities accurately.

As I have tried to describe before, on the first month I was spending my time on
observation of the activities and making my-self adapted to the environment, but after
that I have assigned on specific tasks and responsibilities. While performing my tasks I
was trying to be accurate and speedy as much as possible and for this my supervisor and

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other colleges are witnesses. Also, further responsibilities given for me are enough
indicators that I was active participant.

2.11.1 Challenges I have been facing

Construction Engineer is one of the types of engineering that is full of challenges which
need an engineering imagination to overcome through those challenges. Taught to be
curious and critical thinking I had many questions to ask my colleagues at times
however, they were simply too busy to answer them so I had to wait. This delayed work.
sometimes, I was given a great deal of administrative work although I preferred
engineering work but there are always certain parts of one’s job that one won’t enjoy
being an employee means doing them any ways. Secondly there is not engineer safety to
wear during the work on the site. Thirdly there were security problems which lead to
delay the work period.
Basically, the types of challenges are categorized as follows: -
 Natural Challenges
 Artificial (Manmade) Challenges

I. Natural Challenges: -As its name clearly shows that those challenges aroused from nature
i.e. there is no participation of human beings and animals on their creation. The
following are some of the natural challenges during my internship program staying.

The following are some of those types of Challenges I have been faced on: -

The condition of weather: - The site location was wet. I have taken the helmet to
protect us from rain. Or the whole site postponed the work day sometime during
The problem of rain: -The type of soil was expensive soil which is high plasticity
these soils are known for their peculiar of expanding or shrinking when exposed to
moisture changes. So, site was full of water and the work has been stopped. Bring
the vibrator and remove water from the site and start the work.
II. Artificial (Manmade) challenges: - Those challenges are the most widely occurred
challenges in every construction engineering activity. I personally face those artificial
(manmade) challenges in my work tasks. The following are some of those types of
challenges I have been faced with:

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 Lack of transportation: -The project sites were far from my home location. Beside
this there was no transportation service given in the project site.
 Solving the transportation and other service by asking my family to help me.
 Lack of motivation and willingness: - This is one of the big challenges I face in
the internship in my hosting company organization there is a permanent work
schedule. Therefore, the working staffs only calculate their work times rather than
their duties.
 To improve the imitativeness and willingness of the workers I try to work
with them without any payment.
 Lack of communication skill: -On the first time of my internship program I have
also lack of communication skill with worker that means lack of confidence with
communication skill.
 I start to note down each work and tried to memorize them. By applying
them on the site then through time I become familiar with the work and site
 The project manager didn’t give us good support because he is busy due to having
many works.
 I tried to understand about the work by asking other responsible personnel
instead of the project manager.
 The project was being late to start at we are arranged to practice on it.
 The project up to it start we have gone to another site and we start our
practice up to it start.

2.11.2 Measures taken for personal challenges

 I have raised some questions to my supervisor in order to relate the theoretical

concepts to practical ones, finally I got some hints from him, and I improved it
by referring different building construction books.
 To know the working language and to communicate with skilled manpower easily
I tried to collect such words and jot down on my notebook, and I say those
words reputedly when I communicate with that skilled manpower. from those
words some of the words are as follow:

Working language Official language

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 Fondo ………………………………….………soffit formwork

 Tumbi …………………………………………. plump bob
 Moodny …………………………….…………. profile
 Kerevat…………………………………………yoke
 Seragela…………………………………….…. lower cord
 Waf………………………………….….……...king post
 Kersti…………………………………………. props
 Panel …………………………………………. Steel formwork

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Internship is a class healed at site to provide an enhanced understanding of the outside

working environment before the student graduate. The main aim of this internship is to teach
that to students communication with different workers or employees, to improve practical
skill what they learned at class, up grading the theoretical knowledge in addition to the class,
improve their leadership skill, team playing skill etc.
In my four-week internship I have acquired much knowledge in different tasks as explained
below in different section.
 In terms of improving practical skills
 In terms of upgrading our theoretical knowledge
 In terms of team work skill
 In terms of inter personal communication skill
 In terms of understanding about work ethics issues/
psychology and related issues.
 Improving leader ship skill
 In entrepreneurship skills

We can see each by each in detail:

3.1 In terms of improving practical skill

The aim of the internship is to address more practical knowledge for student. So, I found a
practical knowledge at site as much possible within the four weeks. The knowledge we have
learned in class is helpful to get those practical work in the site and totally different from the
actual knowledge gained from the class.

Some of the practical knowledge I gained from the internship class was:

 Construction of formwork and false work for reinforced concrete structure.

 Bar bending, splicing and tying, according to the specified drawings.
 Casting and pouring of reinforced concrete structures and equipment used for casting.
 Different construction equipments and their use in construction site.
 clear written and oral communication skills.

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3.2 In terms of upgrading our theoretical


From my internship I could have memorized my theoretical concepts which have taken
from the previous semester. While I practice our work the theoretical part was my
guidance. In general, theoretical knowledge has no use without being practiced and vice

Even if I h a v e some vision in various courses learnt in the class, briefly I k n o w more
while I saw really.

The following are some points that I improved my theoretical knowledge.

 Learn more about various courses especially on RC and Soil.

 Apply class room theoretical part to real work situations.
 Become more knowledge able about general work functions of concrete,
HCB, truss etc that learnt on the course reinforced concrete.
 Enhance and strengthen your resume to know more from about civil
engineering courses.
 Gain how concrete could be produced and used.
 Stimulate new interesting academic course work and frequently develop
an interdisciplinary perspective.
 Gain an increased awareness about the department and department al course.

3.3 In terms of personal communication skill

While I start to contact the site worker; I could not understand the name of construction
material. As an example of site name which was ambiguous were:

 panel------------------------for formwork
 Staffa------------------------for stair up
 Tumbi-----------------------for plum bob
 Fir fir------------------------for mortar
 biaka-------------------------for net bond
 Armata----------------------for concrete

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 kebelito---------------------for the spacer of reinforcement

 foundo ………………… for the ply wood

And other problem was executed. But, through process I could know these materials by
creating good relation with workers and the workers also help to know this name of
material. If I had question, I could have asked site engineers, foremen and other workers.

The first time while I ask them; they give me an advice to avoid afraid they give
freedom. Then they described everything which was new. Thus, due to the above
discussions I could have removed my afraid and I could have improved my interpersonal
communication skills.

3.4 In terms of understanding about work ethics


Work ethics is the first principle to be considered at any site to get value able end of any
work. Work ethics reflected from faithful, punctual, and hard worker person who works
effectively to gain the expected result of the work. If there is full application of the work
ethics economical work can be taken place:

 loyalty,
 honesty,
 trustworthiness,
 reliability,
 initiative,
 self-discipline,
 self-responsibility and punctuality
As a general while we execute our internship, we would have help labor forces and we
give dignity for the work.

Because some work men were elder in age and alliterated, in the case of this they have
a feeling of tired and negative filling in psychologically. Therefore, we should have
empowered them by following their act.

In general, I could have respected the rules and regulations of the company.

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3.5 Improving leadership skill

Leadership is a process of leading the careers of the company. Problems in the company
come in all size, shape, and color indifferent period time. Thus, a person who is in the
position of leadership seeks optimal solution to problems and should be smart enough to
manage those individuals whom he/she is leading.

Leadership has broad knowledge of communicating with his worker, to in spire his /her
workers into higher levels of teamwork

There are certain things he/she must be, know, and, do. These are

 Know yourself and seek self-improvement

 Be technically proficient
 Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions
 Make sound and timely decisions
 Know your people and look out for their well-being. Keep your
workers informed
 Develop a sense of responsibility in your workers
 Ensure that tasks are understood, supervised, and accomplished
 Use the full capabilities of your organization
Finally, what I grasp is becoming a leader isn’t easy because it takes a conscious
commitment and consistent effort to develop one’s leadership skills. But on the positive

Side, anyone who is willing to make the effort can become a good

Internships can provide ahead sup on what it’s like working in almost any career field
imaginable. It is an opportunity to meet those currently working in the field as well as

Seeing what’s involved in atypical work day. To get the most out of your internship, try

Following the rules below and continue extending yourself by stepping out of your
normal comfort zone. Although we all want to find careers that match our interests and
personality, we can also learn a great deal by not limiting ourselves to people and
situations that are familiar and comfortable to us. Many internship experiences have

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acted as career builders by providing new and exciting career options not previously

3.2 Improving team playing skill

Team playing skill for construction work Team works, especially for engineers, involve
in every piece of task and achieving good team playing skill is essential for Effective
completion of tasks and Increasing productivity. This skill already exists in my
personality in the campus due to different assignment and project works that I work
together with student. But this skill is more than this in the construction site. In the
construction site the work is already a team work and it needs more closeness of workers
to solve problems arise in different aspects, misunderstanding in the drawing or working
methodology and consult every work. We the student at the site also works together as a
team to get more understanding and share ideas. More or less I improve my team work
status by working together with different professionals, student and workers as a whole
in the civil engineering works and consulting.

3.6 In entrepreneurship skills

Entrepreneurship means finding a solution for any conditional problem or being

innovator. Therefore, building construction work requires the series execution of the
Structural engineers and architect’s design. Because the design of each structure
carefully studied before placing on the site. However, sometimes unsuitable condition
can be occurring, entrepreneurs’ man can get the solution for such condition. On the site
the entrepreneur man was engineers or any worker should able to create the method of
correcting the errors. The weather condition of the environmental also needs the
entrepreneur ship skills to protect the effects from the project. The carpenters and the
worker of reinforcement can create idea to simplify the re work and other complexity of
the work.

Totally student must be entrepreneur for being effective engineer and to be problem
solver. The entrepreneur men have the ability of guess as construction is economical and
quality full structure or not. And if, we say entrepreneurs engineer, he should have

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thought how can we economical for the constructed building and able to select the kinds
of material used for a given structure.

Chapter five

1. Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1 Conclusion

Internship period was the most valuable period for the students, which largely helped us
to be familiar with the industry and gain a great deal of experience. It is known that
without clear understanding of the construction industry one cannot be a successful
engineer in the construction projects.
In this four-month internship period what I realized is that, the country needs educated
Engineers, even the market needs us. This internship gave me a whole perspective of my
profession and this include how I can interact with my profession, and see what the
actual industry looks like. It has also taught me immeasurable lesson about social life
and professional attitude. So, I believe that I will apply what I gained from this program
and contribute something fruitful.
I also acquire practical knowledge on site by the help of our staff workers such as
 How to relate drawing with site activities
 How we should if we face construction problem and find the solutions

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 How to manage the overall activities of the work

 How to control every site activity How we can check the quality of materials
used at the construction site
 How we check any contractor work according to the drawing provided by
the designer or not.
 How we check both the office and site work

Finally, I conclude that concrete without steel reinforcement has only compressive
strength and low tensile strength the same principal hold is true students without practice
has only theoretical knowledge so reinforced them by practice.

3.7 Recommendation

Recommendation to the company

From my point of view, I have tried to recommend the following to our construction
company Nile Lechwe General Construction Plc.
 Most of site worker, particularly site engineers and daily laborers do not have
safety closes like safety shoes, helmets, etc. to protect them from sudden injuries.
Due to this problem, they are exposed to different injuries while working.
Therefore, we recommend the company to arrange safety tools for site workers
 Use modern machineries and equipment’s, this will enable the projects to be
finished with a lot of speed and will save a lot money that will be taken out for
hiring labors.
 And has the advantage of using the machineries for a longer period.
 Materials should be stored at appropriate and safe places on the site to prevent
 The company reuses some materials such as wood and Niles which have
economic importance to the company. However, reuses of such staff have
difficulty for workers and delays the works.
 highly professional skilled man powers, this enables the firm to attend projects
with a lot of speed and accuracy.

Samara University By: Nhial Panom Puot Page 51

Final Internship Report

Recommendation to the university

Universities are providing good opportunities for students in this internship program, but
our department needs very useful practice at the end of every course.

 Every construction technology and management engineering courses need to

practice, but four months period are not enough so by considering this problem the
universities give value for practice
 It should give very useful software like SAP2000, AutoCAD, and ETABS etc.
 The supervision and assistant from the department was not sufficient. Therefore I
suggest the department to arrange more frequent contact time between the
university advisors and the intern student.

1) Exercise book & handout
2) Internet for future information
3) Building construction material and handouts
4) Reinforced concrete one and two handouts
5) Ethiopian Building code of standard (EBCS),1995
6) Company documents containing organizational structure and brief history
7) Frederick S, Jonathan T, Merritt and Ricketts, “Building Design and Construction
Handbook”, Sixth edition, New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001.

Samara University By: Nhial Panom Puot Page 52

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