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Section: Date: REPORT

Observations and Results

1. Culture “A”
Nutrient Broth Nutrient Agar Slant
Change in appearance (turbidity
or pigmentation)
Growth (+) or (–)

Draw the distribution of growth.

2. Culture “B”
Nutrient Broth Nutrient Agar Slant
Change in appearance (turbidity
or pigmentation)
Growth (+) or (–)

Draw the distribution of growth.

Review Questions

1. Explain why the following steps are essential during sub-culturing:

a. Flaming the inoculating instrument prior to and after each inoculation

b. Holding the test tube caps in the hand as illustrated in Figure 1

c. Cooling the inoculating instrument prior to obtaining the inoculum

d. Flaming the neck of the tubes immediately after uncapping and before recapping

2. Describe the purposes of the sub-culture procedure.

3. Explain why a straight inoculating needle is used to inoculate an agar deep tube.

4. What is the indication of bacterial growth in each of the media? (nutrient broth, nutrient agar slant,
nutrient agar deep)
5. Enumerate the Good Microbiological Practices encountered in the activity.

6. Upon observation of the nutrient agar slant culture, you strongly suspect that the culture is
contaminated. Outline the method you would follow to ascertain whether your suspicion is justified.

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