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 A meteorological bomb is a cyclone that is rapidly developing.

is the unofficial phrase for when a low pressure rises to at
least 24 hPa in less than 24 hours. A meteorological bomb, also
known as a weather bomb, bombogenesis, explosive cyclogenesis,
bomb cyclone, and so on, is a rapid deepening of a low.

A meteorological bomb is a fast forming storm. When a low pressure

increases to at least 24 hPa in fewer than 24 hours, this is the unofficial term.
A meteorological bomb is a rapid deepening of a low, often referred as a
weather bomb, bombogenesis, explosive cyclogenesis, bomb cyclone, and so

 A bomb cyclone is a large, intense midlatitude storm that has low

pressure at its center, weather fronts and an array of associated
weather, from blizzards to severe thunderstorms to heavy
precipitation. It becomes a bomb when its central pressure
decreases very quickly – by at least 24 millibars in 24 hours

A bomb cyclone is a huge, violent midlatitude storm with low pressure at its
core, weather fronts, and a variety of related weather, ranging from blizzards
to severe thunderstorms to heavy rain. When its central pressure drops
rapidly - by at least 24 millibars in 24 hours - it becomes a bomb.

 What causes meteorological bombs?

Under some conditions, the central pressure within a low-pressure area can
rapidly drop. These are referred to as 'bombs,' and severe winds can form
around the system.

 How strong is a bomb cyclone?

A bomb cyclone happens when a storm's pressure decreases by 24 millibars

in 24 hours, or at a pace of 1 millibar per hour. At times, these bomb cyclones
can generate hurricane-force winds of 75 to 80 mph. As a result, a winter
bomb cyclone nor'easter(north·east·er) snowfall can be exceptionally strong
and potentially dangerous.

Incase that they will ask what is northeaster

(A nor'easter, also known as a northeaster, is a type of potentially powerful

storm that strikes the United States and Canada's East Coast. The storms are
notorious for creating damage on the densely populated region that connects
Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, New York City, and Boston.)

 What is the difference between a bomb cyclone and a hurricane?

Hurricanes form in tropical regions and are accelerated by warm oceans. As a

result, they're most common in the summer or early fall, when seawater is at
its warmest. Bomb cyclones typically occur during the winter months because
cyclones form when cold and warm air collide.

 According to the NWS (National Weather Service), the last bomb

cyclone off Boston's coast was in October 2019.

It might change when the storm reaches its peak intensity in New England on
Saturday. However, not all bomb cyclones occur during the fall and winter
seasons. A research published in the Journal of Applied Meteorology and
Climatology examined 783 bomb cyclones in the Pacific Ocean over a 15-
year period. According to the study, bomb cyclones occur regularly from
December through February and early March in 69% of cases. According to
studies, the frequency varies by Pacific area, with a high in March and a
second peak in October, November, and December.

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