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Modul 3

Sustainability of Water and Wastewater

System in S Building, FT UI

Fifi Defiana
Rr. Nurindah WS
Viata Viriezky

Water is a crucial element for the survival of earth’s biodiversity and The research is conducted in the S building as part of the
ecosystem, the sustainability of humankind’s habitat. over 70% of earth is Engineering Faculty in Universitas Indonesia. S building was
covered with water (Lane & Michael, 2017). Using water means more than established in 2010 as part of the Engineering Faculty in Universitas
consuming it, there is a lot of energy taken that it’s delivered to consume, Indonesia. Based on observation and interview with S building staff,
resulting in more carbon dioxide to the air.. There are some problems occurring the building consists of six floors and has Classroom Facilities,
on water-wastewater systems that lead to destruction, which are centralized Lecturer Room, Meeting Room, Toilet, Janitor, Seminar Room. The
water system dependency, inefficient water use, and lack of awareness. The
available facilities and infrastructure such as the electricity
problems end up giving negative impacts to the environment, such as water
measurement and monitoring system prepare boldly to help monitor
scarcity, drought and water shortage, climate change, and stormwater pollution
the electricity usage of each existing building and its characteristics.
(Laura Aullen, 2015). The climate is changing and will continue to change,
Availability of a water metering and monitoring system offline, to
affecting societies mainly through water. Climate change will affect the
availability, quality and quantity of water for basic human needs, threatening the determine the use of water in each building and help create a
effective enjoyment of the human rights to water and sanitation for potentially planning for the construction of rainwater infiltration wells. On the
billions of people (Green Building Council Indonesia, 2021). .In addition, water other hand, waste water without a filtration process from S Building
scarcity can also be caused by reduced water quality as an impact of untreated can pollute Mahoni Lake. Wastewater is disposed of directly to
wastewater. The water use and wastewater management in school can impact Mahoni Lake. S building has not yet implemented any system for
the health of students (The World Bank, 2015). Wastewater is an unconventional alternative water resources and water filtration such as rainwater
resource that is valuable for water, nitrogen, phosphorus and organic matter, the harvesting and wastewater filters. Therefore, the research further
latter being measured in terms of chemical oxygen demand. The benefits of inspects S building to unveil how sustainable the implemented water
circulating wastewater components are economic and ecological (Bestari, 2011). and wastewater system is. In addition, the research also unveils S
Reciting the impacts occurred from how water and wastewater systems, building’s potential to improve the sustainability of its water and
managing water and wastewater becomes a crucial thing to do in maintaining wastewater system.
environmental sustainability (Nazer, at al, 2010). Rainwater also become
problem because it has not been utilized and managed to maximize so that only
becomes runoff to the environment and cause increase of water debit in drainage
system (Asnaning, et al, 2019).
The aim of the research is to examine the sustainability of water and wastewater management in
S building and discover the S building potentials that can be improved

The research proposes questions to answer in the research.
- How far is the sustainability of the water and wastewater system implemented in S building?
- What can be improved in the S building to attain a sustainable water and wastewater system?

Hypothesis of the research is that several parts of S building's water and wastewater system
should be improved to attain sustainability. Rainwater harvesting, sustainable water fixtures, and
greywater reuse can be the options as a sustainable water and wastewater system for S Building.
Water supply system in the city are generally pipe supply
system and non-pipe supply system. Pipe supply system is
managed by the company of municipal waterworks or
PDAM (Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum), while the non-pipe Figure 1.1 (WHO, 2014)
system is managed by citizens privately or collectively
(Agustina, 2007).
The typical piped water supply system uses gravity or
pump to distribute clean water from tank to reservoirs, there
are three types of clean water transmission system, they are
complete gravity (Figure 1.1), direct pumping(Figure 1.2),
and combined gravity and pumping transmission system
(Figure 1.3) (WHO, 2014).
Figure 1.2 (WHO, 2014)
Complete gravity transmission system distributes clean
water from clean water tank (CWT) to service reservoirs
(SR) by gravity, pumping transmission system distributes
clean water from CWT to SR by pumping, and combined
system uses pump to distribute clean water from CWT to
main balancing reservoir (MBR) before distributing it to
reservoirs by gravity (WHO, 2014).
Figure 1.3 (WHO, 2014)
Clean water filtration is a process to remove the harmful substances that may be contained in the clean water before it is
distributed and ready to be used (Resource?). There are various clean water filtrations, some of them are storage and
sedimentation, upflow roughing filter, slow and rapid sand filtration, and chlorination in piped system.

Storage and sedimentation

During storage, floating non-colloidal particles slowly settle to the bottom of the storage tank, killing some of the pests in the
water when exposed to the sun. The reservoir can be constructed below the ground level, with a lining of loam/clay/concrete, or
entirely from brick or concrete (WHO, 1989).
Slow sand filtration
Slow sand filtration filters fine particles that develop bacteria and viruses in the water, the filtration reservoirs have covered drains
on the bottom along with gravel and sand (WHO, 1989).
Chlorination in piped system
disinfecting water by using chlorine to inactivate pathogens in the water and prevent recontamination. The concentrated chlorine
solution is added to water in the reservoir and stirred before being left for thirty minutes (Neff, 2018).

Reverse Osmosis System

Reverse Osmosis (RO) system separates dissolved ions of
a feed stream, RO is a clean water technology by using
membranes consisting of hollow-fiber, spiral-wound used
for the treatment (Burn & Gray, 2016). The process of
RO includes feed (pre-treatment), permeate, and reject
stream process. Feed water in pre-treatment removes
inorganic and suspended solids which may be followed by
sedimentation or sand filtration process. The water is then Figure 1.4 Reverse Osmosis Process (Garud, et al, 2011)
supplied to the membrane by pump and passes through
the permeable membrane (Garud, et al, 2011).
The use of sanitary fixtures that can control usage and save
water that comes out. There have been several sanitary fixture
products that apply the concept of saving water. For example, the
automatic water faucets on the wastafel and automatic urinal, the
water will stop flowing automatically if it is not touched or using
the water fixture with lower flow rate than existing. Another
saving water fixture is low-flow water fixtures, such as low-flow
flushometer valves, low-flow tank toilets or waterless urinals(EPA
WaterSense, 2016).
The automatic faucet is equipped with a battery or
solar-powered motion sensor that opens the faucet valve when you
place your hand nearby. Public toilets, which are often
hand-washed, cannot be used for long periods of time and can Figure 1.5 Saving water fixtures (EPA
benefit from motion detection technology. Tank toilets use gravity WaterSense, 2016)
from elevated tanks to distribute water and wash away debris.
Flushometer toilets use water pressure from the supply system, not
gravity from the tank. Waterless urinals use cartridges filled with
liquid sealant to create a liquid and odor barrier between the
sanitary sewer and the bathroom environment, eliminating the need
for running water and reducing operating costs. Most waterless
urinals require the cartridge to be replaced four times a year (EPA
WaterSense, 2016).
Greywater sources are wastewater excluding toilet waste, such as bath/shower, laundry, and kitchen sink, while
blackwater comes from toilet waste [11]. The water system at home can be installed by external plumbing(house
exterior) or internal plumbing (inside wall and floor) [2]. In PP No. 26/2008 mentioned the "zero delta Q policy" which
is the requirement that each building should not result in an increase in water debit to the drainage system or river flow
system. Water debit due to additional (runoff) development due to development) must be withheld so that the additional
debit (ΔQ) is zero.
Wastewater is necessary to manage before it is disposed of to the river. Filtration processing is one of the wastewater
treatment methods used to reduce the pollutant level in the water (Utari & Herdiansyah, 2020). Wastewater filtration is
process to remove harmful substances from wastewater before it disposed to drainage and finally to the river. for
example combining anaerobic filters and sand filters, focusing on the suitability of such system to remove solids,
organic matter, phosphorus, and pathogens, as well as the nitrification efficiency of the sand filters employed (Tonon, et
al 2015).

Black water is waste water that comes from the toilet and is generally accommodated in a septic tank (Umar,
2011). Septic tank is a permeable tank consisting of one or several functional compartments accommodate and
treat black water at a slow flow rate, thus providing an opportunity for deposition of suspended objects to occur
solid and the opportunity for the decomposition of organic matter by anaerobic organisms form water-soluble
substances and gases (SNI 2398 2017 Prosedure for planning a septic tank with advanced treatment).

Figure 1.6 Scheme of the upflow anaerobic filter and sand filter (Tonetti et al., 2012)

Wastewater filtration is process to remove harmful substances from wastewater before it disposed to drainage and
finally to the river. for example combining anaerobic filters and sand filters, focusing on the suitability of such system
to remove solids, organic matter, phosphorus, and pathogens, as well as the nitrification efficiency of the sand filters
employed (Tonon et al 2015)
The process begins by draining wastewater into an insulated reservoir that has been filled with fibers, sand, thick
fibers, fine sand, gravel, and stones with a diameter of 2-3 cm, then the wastewater will be given a chemical
substance, to separate water and binds the dirt so that the dirt settles to the bottom and the cleaner water is on the
threshold above it and flows to the next bulkhead before being discharged into the environmental canal.
Infiltration wells used for collecting rainwater and RAINWATER RESERVOIR
soaking it into the ground. Rainwater which falls on the roof
of the house does not drain into the gutter or yard, but flows Rainwater that falls on the roof of the building then
by using a pipe or drain water into the well so that can reduce channeled by rain water pipe from the roof to the
the amount of runoff happen. Making infiltration wells is one
reservoir storage containing a sand-gravel filter. From
of the most effective ways to increase infiltration capacity
land, which can further add to the groundwater reserves. this reservoir, water is flowed into the reservoir, and the
Besides, the well absorption serves to reduce surface flow excess will be absorbed into the soil through the
volume and velocity thereby lowering the peak of the flood infiltration well.
(Bahunta & Waspodo, 2019).
The functions and benefits:
The well is made of reinforced concrete slab with a
thickness of 10 cm cement mixture, sand, gravel (ratio 1:2:3). ● Save ground water use
The walls of the well are used red bricks a mixture of cement ● Holds 10 cubic meters of water when it rains,
and sand without plaster (ratio 1:5) arranged in a hollow with ● Reduce run off & river load during heavy rains,
a cavity spacing of 10 cm. ● Increase the amount of water that enters the soil,
● Maintaining the ground water level
● Reducing the concentration of ground water pollution,
● Improve the quality of shallow ground water,
● Reducing the rate of erosion and sedimentation,
● Reducing the dimensions of the drainage network,
● Maintaining the hydrological balance of groundwater so as to
prevent seawater intrusion,
● Prevents land subsidence
● Water stock in the dry season (plus rain harvesting).

Source :


Rainwater reservoir & infiltration well finishing

Rainwater reservoir & infiltration well system

Source :


Porous modular tank made of

polypropylene that 90% of polypropylene
made from recycled plastic. Tanks can be
arranged or placed horizontally or vertically.
The perforated top-bottom and right-left
surfaces of the module allow it to absorb water
from all directions, both vertical and
horizontal. The tank can be planted in the yard
or parking area. The installed tank consists of
bulkheads whose number depends on the
For rainwater absorption function,
SigmaTank module must be wrapped in
geotextile, to store water with HDPE (high
density polyethylene) geomembrane.
Rainwater stored in the tank can be used for
watering plants, washing cars, and others. The
distance of the infiltration well from the
building foundation is at least 1 m, from the
clean water well 3 m, from the septic tank 5
SigmaTank is a porous modular tank made of polyropylene m.
Source :
● Observing and exploring conditions on existing objects -S building, looking for problems around water and
wastewater system and finding solutions.
● Literature review, researchers will develop theories that can support the research. Conducting research by observing
the physical condition of the S building

Greenship Rating Tools from GBCI
Water Meter Water meter installation location:
(WACP1) - One water meter in each output system of clean water sources such as
PDAM or groundwater sources.
- One water meter to monitor the output of the recycled water system.
- One water meter is installed to measure additional clean water output
if the recycling system is not sufficient.
Water Fixtures The use of water features in accordance with the discharge capacity
(WAC 2) below the maximum standard of the water output capability in
accordance with the attachment, a minimum of 7 5% of the total
procurement of water feature products.
Alternatif water Use one of the following three alternatives: AC condensed water, water
resource used for ablution, or rain water or using technology that utilizes sea water
(WAC 4) or lake water or river water for clean water purposes for sanitation,
irrigation and other needs
Rainwater Provide installation of rainwater storage tanks with a capacity of 20% of
Harvesting the amount of rainwater that falls on the roof of the building which is Table 3.1. Water fixture Greenship Rating Tools (WAC)
(WAC 5) calculated using a rainfall intensity value of 50 mm/day.
Water efficiency for All water used for building irrigation does not come from ground water
landscape sources and/or PDAM. Applying innovative technology for irrigation that
(WAC 6) can control water requirements for landscaping precisely, according to
crop needs.

Table 3.1. Sustainable water and wastewater management Greenship Rating Tools (WAC)

SDGs from UN

Sustainable management of water and sanitation for all,

reflects the increased attention on water and sanitation
issues in the global political agenda 2030. The 2030
Agenda reiterates this and includes an ambitious global
SDG target 6 to secure safe drinking water as well as
ensuring such access to water in schools.

Table 3.2. Indicator of drinking water quality of SDGs

Figure 3.2. SDGs 6 Synthesis Report on Water and Sanitation page 57 (2018)
SNI (Standar Nasional Indonesia) 03-7065-2005
SNI (Standar Nasional Indonesia) 03-7065-2005 about plumbing planning procedures shows the
standard water consumption for school buildings.

The minimum safe distance between

the location of the septic tank
treatment plant and the clean water
well is 10 meters, the building or
house is 1.5 meters, and the rainwater
infiltration well is 5 meters.

Figure 3.2. SDGs 6 Synthesis Report on Water and Sanitation page 57 (2018)
S Building has 6 storeys and several facilities such as
S BUILDING classroom, teachers room, meeting room, seminar room,
mushola, toilet and janitor. S Building’s construction was
S Building is located in Jalan
begun in about 2008 and inaugurated in 2010. S building
Kampus UI, Faculty of Technic also has an Offline Water Metering and Monitoring
University of Indonesia, System that helps FTUI in determine the use of water in
Kukusan, Kecamatan Beji, Kota each building and help create planning for the
Depok, Jawa Barat. construction of rainwater infiltration wells within the
To meet its need for clean water, S Building the
University of Indonesia Depok campus has been utilizing
clean water supply from PDAM Depok. The distribution
system is that the water supply from PDAM Depok is
accommodated in the lower reservoir (PAM UI), then
pumped to the upper reservoir (Water Tower UI) after
which the water is distributed to each service area within
the UI-Depok campus. And all the existing drainage
system in FTUI and all buildings in University of
Indonesia in Depok campus disposed its waste water to
Mahony Lake where it is located in between FTUI and
FEUI. And this lake is deliberately made as the drainage
system for whole buildings in UI.

Figure 3.3 S Building Location, source : & personal documentation
Reservoir (PAM) UI from PDAM Depok
The distribution system is that the water supply from PDAM Depok is stored in the lower reservoir (PAM-UI), then
pumped to the upper reservoir (water tower) with a height of 37.5 meters above ground level and a capacity of 300 m3. After
that, the water is distributed to every service area within the UI-Depok campus including groundwater tanks for buildings
within the university. The water meter (from PAM UI) is in the courtyard of the Dean of the FTUI, the distance to the Ground
Water Tank (GWT) of building S is -/+ 100m. One of the tanks is located in the FTUI which distributes clean water to a water
tank installed at the S building site. The clean water is then supplied supported by water pumps to the two upper water tanks on
the rooftop with a water capacity of 5000 liters. The water tank has not applied a water filter. Building S uses clean water from
the PAM UI for daily clean water consumption including toilet and urinal repairs. The air hydrant uses water from the
groundwater tank of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering. On the other hand, the distribution of the PAM UI encountered
various obstacles, mainly due to the weakening of the distribution of clean water piping. Therefore it was necessary to use well
water as back up to provide clean water for S Building.

Well water using a bore well

Well water sourced from groundwater has been available in the S building area. It is used only at times when the electricity
goes out, so that there is no water flow from PAM UI flowing into building S, or when the water discharge from PAM-UI drops.
Water from the ground will be pumped into the Ground Water Tank (GWT) which merges with clean water from PAM-UI, then
pumped up into two Roof Water Tank (RWT) with 2500 L each capacity and assisted by a booster pump (if necessary only) to
distribute to every floor. This distribution of water was not through the water filtration process, assuming the existing clean
water is suitable for use according to SNI 7065 2005 “Planning Plumbing Procedure”.

Drinking Water
Clean drinking water which is currently available in the S building, comes from clean water that comes out of the water
tank on the roof floor, then through the reverse osmosis processing and finally to potable water stand in lobby area of S
Building in ground floor.
In building S, grey water that comes out of every wastafel, pantry sink and ablution comes out of the floor drain and flows directly through
grey water pipes into environmental sewer, so it cause the increase in water debit to the drainage system and Mahony Lake flow system. It
is disposed without any filtration process to filter chemicals substances before it finally disposed to the Mahony lake, so it can cause
pollution to Mahony lake. And black water is directly goes to black water pipes and septic tank.

Figure 4.1 Water & Waste Water system of S Building

Rainwater that has been fallen at the roof of the S building was flowed into the rain water floor drain. There is 14 rain water floor drain in S
Building, then the rainwater is channeled by Rain Water Pipe (RWP) to the ground floor and discharged by the gutters to environmental canals and
finally to the Mahony lake which is near the location of the S building.

Figure 4.2. Rainwater system of S Building

The site of the S building consists of a green grass area and pavement area. While the roof includes ceramic tiles roof and concrete deck. The rainwater
runoff of S building is calculated based on its surface areas which has its own runoff coefficient . Open green space on the site is 670 square meters and
pavement area is 250 square meters. The area of the ceramic tile roof is 18,4 square meters and the concrete deck is 45,6 square meters.

Rainwater catchment is estimated by using the surface catchment

method. The equation is computation of three factors (catchment
area, annual rainfall, and run-off coefficient)(Siddique, et al, 2018)
S = A x R x Cr[17]
A: Catchment Area (square meter)
R: Main annual rainfall
Cr: Run-off Coefficient
Table codes:
S-a: rainwater absorbed by opened green area
S-b: rainwater run off to the sewer
Table 4.1 . Surface run-off coefficient (Siddique, et al, 2018)

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
R 386 610 297 377 259 60 63 134 126 465 21 138
S-a 77,6 112 59,7 75,8 52 12 16,7 27 25,3 93,5 4,2 28
S-b 78,4 124 60,3 76,5 52,6 121 16,7 27 25,6 94,4 4,3 28
Average rainwater absorbed by opened green area 49,513 meter cubic 49%
Average rainwater runs off to the sewer 50,015 meter cubic 51%
Table 4.2. S Building’s Rainwater catchment

The result shows that 49% of rainwater being absorbed by ground and 51% of it running off to the sewer. S building
doesn’t have a soak pond or other rainwater management on its site. All rainwater that falls on the building and landscape are
discharged into sewer and Mahoni lake without any reuse effort.
The results of analysis on the water and wastewater system of S building are compared to the standard and rating tools chosen in the
parameter to indicate the sustainability of S building’s water and wastewater system as shown on the table below :
Aspect S Building Standard & Rating Tools
WAC Greenship Rating Tool GBCI
Water Meter There is only one water meter near for both PDAM One meter volume in each output system of clean water X
source and groundwater source, sources such as PDAM or groundwater sources.

Water Fixtures ● wastafel 5,4 L/mnt ● Wastafel Faucet 8 L/mnt ✔

● flush valve WC 3L/flush ● Flush Valve WC 6 L/flush
● ablution 7,8 L/mnt ● Wall Faucet 8 L/mnt
● pantry sink 6 L/mnt ● wastafel Faucet 8 L/mnt

Alternative water resource No alternative water resource Use one of the following three alternatives: AC condensed X
water, water used for ablution, or rain water or using
technology that utilizes sea water or lake water or river water
for clean water purposes for sanitation, irrigation and other

Rainwater harvesting No rain water treatment yet Provide installation of rainwater storage tanks with a capacity X
of 20% of the amount of rainwater that falls on the roof of the
building which is calculated using a rainfall intensity value of
50 mm/day.

Efficient water for landscape using water from groundwater sources for All water used for building irrigation does not come from X
ground water sources and/or PDAM. Applying innovative
irrigation technology for irrigation that can control water requirements
for landscaping precisely, according to crop needs..

Water and Wastewater SDGs

Wastewater treatment Not waste water treatment for filtering or recycling For households, treatment performance for greywater and X
waste water, and it directly disposed to the black water flows from on-site and off-site service. While
environmental channel and finally to the mahony industries are to comply with wastewater treatment
lake requirements and to obtain discharge permits

Drinking water quality Using water from PAM UI and well water that Drinking water from an improved water source that is ✔?
has been free for chemicals when processing located on premises, available when needed and free
with reverse osmosis R.O from faecal and priority chemical contamination
SNI 03-7065-2005
Septic tank & clean water less than 10 meters (8,5 meters only) from more than 10 meters from water source X
distance water source
S Building use clean water from PAM UI which is not from the There are several improvements that can be done
ground water (ground water just for emergency use), so it is more on the water and wastewater system of S building to
environmental friendly because it doesn't damage the soil. However, clean obtain a sustainable system. First, besides the potable
water from the water tank that is directly distributed to each floor without water on the ground floor, S building can apply
filtration process is not safe as drinking water because it may contain the
filtration technology such as in the building’s water
harmful substances. But clean water that is used for potable water in the
lobby area on the ground floor is through the water filtration from the supply system before distributing it for usage.
reverse osmosis process so it is safely used. S building has utilized the Second, the greywater can be filtered by applying
water for PAM UI as major water consumption instead of fully relying on filtration technology in the system by combining
groundwater (well) as primer source. However, distribution pipes often anaerobic and sand filters before disposal, so it
face problems, such as weak water flow from PAM UI to the S Building doesn't contaminate the Mahony lake. Third, S
and when the power outage occurs, S Building can’t get the water supply buildings can utilize rainwater by applying rainwater
from PAM UI. So S building use water from the ground as an emergency. treatment to reduce rainwater run-off to the sewer by
On the other hand, the wastewater and rainwater treatment in S infiltration wells and rainwater storage. Another
Building has not fully implemented the sustainable concept. Wastewater is
recommendation is to do inspection periodically and
disposed directly to the sewer without going through a reuse or recycle
process so it can increase water debit to the drainage system before finally
routine maintenance of pipes, sewers and infiltration
disposed to the Mahoni lake without through the filtration process, it can well. However, the implementation of filtration and
cause pollution for the lake. rainwater harvesting requires further inspection and
The rainwater treatment in S building has not yet applied rainwater research that it can be applied properly.
harvesting, although the site of S building has opened green space to
absorb some rainwater falls, there is still a large amount of rainwater that
runs off to the sewer and flows to the Mahony lake without any treatment
or reuse effort. Therefore, the water and wastewater system of S building
still requires some improvements to obtain a sustainable system, in clean
water management, wastewater and the rainwater treatment.
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