Rubrics For SWOT Analysis

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Rubrics for SWOT analysis
Categories of Excellent Good Needs Not acceptable
Assessment Understanding Understanding Improvement
5 4 3 2
IDENTIFICATION Student goes Student Not all 4 Not all 4
above and presented the 4 researched, researched,
Identify the 4 beyond research sections incomplete incomplete
sections of a of all 4 sections. analysis, analysis,
SWOT analysis Uses proper questionable questionable
and what each resources and resources. resources.
section is. lists the proper
attributes found.
MECHANICS Perfect resource 1 or 2 Some misspellings, Very obvious in
Proper Citation / page and misspellings, but some grammar misspelled words
Grammar / citations, no identified mistakes and/or and obvious
Spelling grammar, grammar resources not grammar
spelling. mistakes and/or properly cited. mistakes
resources are
properly cited.
SUBMISSION Submitted on Submitted one Submitted two Submitted three
time day after the days after the days or more
deadline deadline after the deadline
Score: _____/15

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means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 2

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