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AOAC Official Method 925.30
Solids (Total) in Eggs
Vacuum Method
First Action 1925
Final Action
A. Apparatus
Vacuum oven.—Connected with pump to maintain pressure
≤25 mm Hg (3.3 kPa). Assure accurate temperature near test por-
tions with either a maximum registering thermometer or a thermo-
couple. Connect indicating Drierite gas-drying bottle to oven to
provide a slow sweep of dry air over test portions during drying and
to admit dry air during vacuum release.
B. Determination
(a) Liquid or frozen eggs.—Weigh by difference, using weighing
buret or syringe, ca 5 g test portions, 925.29(a) or (b) (see 34.1.01),
in covered dish previously dried at 98–100°C, cooled in desiccator,
and weighed soon after coming to room temperature. Record weight
to nearest 0.0001 g. Remove cover and evaporate most of H2O by
heating on steam bath. Replace cover loosely and complete drying in
vacuum oven as in (b).
(b) Dried eggs.—Weigh ca 2 g test portion, 925.29(c) (see
34.1.01), in covered dish previously dried at 98–100°C, cooled in
desiccator, and weighed soon after coming to room temperature. Re-
cord weight to nearest 0.0001g. Loosen cover (do not remove) and
heat at 98–100°C to constant weight (ca 5 h) in vacuum oven. Admit
dry air into oven to bring to atmospheric pressure. Immediately
tighten cover of dish, transfer to desiccator containing fresh indicat-
ing desiccant, and weigh soon after coming to room temperature.
Report as % total solids = weight after drying/initial weight × 100.
References: JAOAC 8, 600(1925); 9, 354(1926); 14, 395(1931).


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