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Quantum Leadership

Who is a leader in the

realm of uncertain Future

Reported by:
Andal, Rujean Charl
Baluyot, Diana Rose
Caoile, Jazmine Claire
Colona, Marco
Ocquiana, Jullianne Jo

Fr. Wilmer Cacao


January 2023

Before we embark on the discussion as to who is a leader in the realm of uncertain

future, let us first define the meaning of the word “UNCERTAINTY”.

Uncertainty(n): The state of being unsure of something, being unsettled or in

doubt or dependent on chance.

That is the meaning given by a dictionary from a website called

Based on the definition given, uncertainty is a constant reminder that as humans we
are unsure of something at some point of our lives. There is this quote about this
very topic and it goes like this, “We live in changing times, and many people
experience the challenges that come with it. In the face of uncertain futures, no one
will know what to expect.” We find this quote fitting to us, and probably most
people also do. We are in our lives where we don’t know what will happen tomorrow
or the week after. They say to live our lives today because you might regret not living
it the way you wanted it to be, but being uncertain with the decision we make
because of the consequences that comes with it, makes us cower in fear. But if we are
to be a coward due to these uncertainties, who will lead the future?

Uncertainty about the future

The uncertainties about the future makes us feel scared, for me honestly I feel scared
because I already saw what is happening in the present, such as war, drought, people
turning against people, mass murder etc. I already saw so many people getting hurt,
and heard people getting killed because they are fighting for their freedom in their
own country. Those people in that situation are already facing uncertainties in their
lives. They already feel helpless. I sometimes think that they already know that they
will not see the future, but I know that they will fight their way out of that situation.
No matter their circumstances they are facing they will be victorious in their journey
to freedom. And those kinds of people are the kind to become a leader in the future.
We are not saying that you will have to go through that, but to become a leader of an
uncertain future you will need to be equipped with experience and wisdom to lead
the people around you. Not only experience and wisdom, you will need a lot more
than that to become a great leader of an uncertain future.

Five Qualities Of Great Leaders In Uncertain Times

Let us talk about the qualities one will need to become a great leader of an uncertain
future. The following are the qualities that one may need to lead in the future:
A. Listen FULLY
Every leader needs to know the difference between hearing and listening.
Hearing is passive while listening is active. As a leader you will need to listen
not only with your ears but all your senses as well. A great listener takes cues of
body languages, facial expression, gestures, etc. A leader needs to be present in
every conversation. In the future we will need a leader who will listen.
B. Communicate Clearly
As a leader you will need to communicate clearly and effectively to your
people. Successful communication begins with transparency. A good leader is
honest about what’s known and what’s unknown. You as a leader have a role
to convey messages to you people and as well as listen to the feedback. Leaders
need to exercise patience and compassion — especially during a time like this
— while also being creative and thorough. It can help you in the future if you
are able to communicate clearly, you will be able to decide or plan a solution
to a conflict and collaborate with many people, this can lead us to a good path
in an uncertain future.
C. Act Quickly And Confidently
A leader that acts quickly and confidently will give the people you will be
leading hope and confidence as well. People learn to depend on and trust what
you say when your words match your actions. Acting quickly and confidently
is an important quality in a leader in an uncertain future, we will need
someone who will be there when something happens like a super typhoon or
continuous power shortage. In order to solve a problem one must act quickly
and confidently when there are lives at stake.
D. Build Resiliency
Resilience is the ability to get up faster, to bounce back and reshape. As a
leader, especially in an uncertain future, since being confident is one of the
best qualities, so is being resilient, because not all solutions might work and
can cause a lot more problems and more pressure, so as a leader, you can’t
crush down and fold under pressure. You will have to bounce back and come
up with a new solution, people need a strong leader, both physically and
E. Model Positive Behavior
Role modelling is a powerful tool for communication. It’s useful as a way to
pass on knowledge and skills, and for cultivating culture and belonging.
Effective role modelling requires leaders to be highly aware of the behaviours
we are exhibiting. Real self-awareness and a readiness to evaluate our own
behaviour as role models are needed for this.


Being a leader is a big responsibility, you have the power to make or break the
lives of the people you are leading. Especially in the future, you can’t really tell
what is going to happen. All the leadership styles might not work during the
trying time in future, but attitude and character can help a leader. And
someone who isn’t scared of uncertainties will be a good leader, a leader who is
looking forward to the future, planning solutions that have a long-term effect
is something we need in the future. And I know for sure we will have that kind
of leader in the future, I still don’t know who will be a leader in the future, I
can’t put my name yet on the list because I for one is scared of uncertainty and
I'm still trying to figure my life out, and I’m also trying to embrace
uncertainties in life because I don’t know what will happen in the future. But
I know we will have a type of leader that can help us in the future.

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