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Name: Kenneth Fel Autida December 13, 2022

Should Death Penalty be Legalized in the Philippines

Philippines are known to be one of the countries that have many crimes admitted in yearly record.
We can’t deny there are crime everywhere even if it’s just a minor crime nor a heinous one. Our country
aced thousands of deaths and injured people in just a week that became the talks of the government
even the in public. It enticed them to find solution to put an end to the deadly situation due to it harness
the life of every human being that came up an idea of legalizing death penalty to the constitution of
Filipinos, Philippines.

Death Penalty. An answer to stop the proliferation of heinous crime is what the Philippine
Government are proposing. We all know that this law is such a broad idea that consist positive and
negative side depends to the situation one are facing. As I am an active citizen of this country, I heartily
oppose in legalizing this law for not everyone deserves a payment through taken their lives in such a
small reason. Crimes are inevitable and there are always two sides of the story. What if it’s condemned
then the life of the sentenced person was taken, does it make any sense? In situational, if you are
harassed and all you did was just a self defense that ended the life of opponent and you are sentenced
to taste death penalty, is it fair and helpful nor uplift the crime? This issue also cling the attention of
religious l people that will totally hindrance the idea since it’s prohibited in the eyes of our Almighty
that even Senator Manny Pacquaio was one of the protesters that release a statement of “It’s only God
who have the right to take away our lives”. Death Penalty will never be a just punishment to crimes
since there are different level of sin we committed that have correspondence reward we will face in the

As you see, Death Penalty is just too much as basis of payment to crimes committed. It doesn’t make
sense since in every crime will still depends to its weigh and can be paid by a suspect through spending
their whole lives in a cell since everyone are knowledgeable about the consequences of their actions
base on the law. Sometimes the situation are being cooked up and their will be innocent lives being
condemned that even a thorough investigation can’t resist. As a Filipino, do you really want the country
being driven by Death Penalty as a punishment to crimes? Do you think it is really fair to everyone and
can solve the problem? What if you’re in the situation of being convicted to the crime you didn’t
perform, what will you do? If you don’t think and examine throughly of this idea in legalizing the death
penalty to our country, who will suffer?

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