Airbus VRS

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Useful information about the Vortex Ring State (VRS) phenomenon

For the attention of

AIRCRAFT Version(s)
CONCERNED Civil Military
EC120 B
AS350 B, BA, BB, B1, B2, B3, D L1
AS550 A2, C2, C3, U2
AS355 E, F, F1, F2, N, NP
AS555 AF, AN, SN, UF, UN, AP
EC130 B4, T2
SA365 / AS365 C1, C2, C3, N, N1, N2, N3 F, Fs, Fi, K, K2
AS565 MA, MB, SA, SB, UB, MBe
SA366 GA
EC155 B, B1
SA330 J Ba, L, Jm, S1, Sm
SA341 G B, C, D, E, F, H
SA342 J L, L1, M, M1, Ma
ALOUETTE II 313B, 3130, 318B, 318C, 3180
ALOUETTE III 316B, 316C, 3160, 319B
EC225 LP
EC725 AP
AS332 C, C1, L, L1, L2 B, B1, F1, M, M1
AS532 A2, U2, AC, AL, SC, UE, UL
EC175 B
H160 B
EC339 KUH/Surion

C (C23, CB, CB-4, CB-5), D (DB, DBS, DB-4, DBS-4,

BO105 CBS-5 KLH, E-4
DBS-5), S (CS, CBS, CBS-4, CBS-5), LS A-3

MBB-BK117 A-1, A-3, A-4, B-1, B-2, C-1, C-2, C-2e, D-2, D-3 D-2m, D-3m
T1, T2, T2+, T3, P1, P2, P2+, P3, EC635 T1, EC635 T2+,
EC135 EC635 T3, EC635 P2+, EC635 P3,
T3H, P3H, EC635 T3H, EC635 P3H

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No. 3123-S-00
This revision is published for further clarification based on some customer requests received.
Instead of replying individually, Airbus Helicopters has decided to marginally reword the content of this Safety
Information Notice in order to clarify what had been the subject of the questions raised. With these modifications, a
better understanding of the rationale of the Airbus Helicopters-recommended VRS recovery technique is to be

 The Vortex Ring State is a very dangerous phenomenon that occurs at low airspeeds. It can lead to
loss of lift and control of the aircraft, with potentially serious consequences when close to the surface.

 At airspeeds below 30 kts, DO NOT ALLOW A RATE OF DESCENT GREATER THAN 500 fpm.

 When in a degraded visual environment or at night, DO NOT FORGET TO SCAN YOUR INSTRUMENTS
(especially airspeed, RoD, power and pitch attitude).

 Avoid rapid decelerations below 30 kts IAS, especially while in descent.

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The Vortex Ring State (VRS) is a dangerous phenomenon which can occur when flying at low airspeed with power,
if the Rate of Descent (ROD) is allowed to build beyond a certain value.

It can lead to loss of lift and control of the aircraft, with potentially serious consequences.

VRS is especially dangerous when the aircraft is close to the surface, as there may be insufficient altitude to
accomplish a recovery. Attempting to land with a tailwind, or allowing an unmanageable ROD to occur while
attempting to Hover Out of Ground Effect (HOGE), are two situations which often lead to VRS. However, other
maneuvers such as external load operations, low airspeed decelerative turns to a downwind position, or rapid
decelerations during descent, can quickly develop into VRS if airspeed and RoD are not closely managed.

Fully developed VRS is characterized by a rapid and substantial loss of rotor lift and control power. When VRS is
not avoided (flight trajectory & power), nor detected (incipient stage), it can rapidly evolve into an extremely
unstable condition with uncontrolled pitch, roll, and yaw oscillations and very high rates of descent.

The primary purpose of this document is to inform pilots of how to recognize and avoid VRS. Our research
reinforces the understanding that avoiding VRS is key. However, we have also concluded that, during the incipient
stage of VRS, recovery can be accomplished with a minimum amount of altitude loss by applying forward cyclic
pitch and raising the collective pitch (if some residual power is available). The key to this recovery technique is
early recognition and decisive flight control inputs. All VRS recovery techniques result in some loss of altitude. We
have found that applying forward cyclic pitch while maintaining or increasing the collective pitch minimizes the loss
of altitude, and this has the advantage of simplicity and uniformity. Lowering the collective pitch will result in a
greater loss of altitude than decisively applying forward cyclic pitch while maintaining or increasing the collective
pitch control position.

Unfortunately, the flight maneuvers which are most often associated with VRS accidents are performed at relatively
low altitudes. This is why recognition and avoidance are vitally important.

All helicopter main rotor designs (Semirigid, Fully Articulated, Rigid) and architectures (Single Rotor, Tandem,
Coaxial, Intermeshing) are liable to be affected by VRS. However, each design and architecture combination may
exhibit different characteristics during onset, maturation and recovery from VRS.
The Flight Manual procedures for OEI approach and landing are designed to avoid VRS, therefore some of the
instructions included here may not apply. Nevertheless, preventing and avoiding entry into VRS should not be
neglected during these flight cases either.

The information provided in this document applies to all Airbus Helicopters models.

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What is the VRS?
The main rotor in hover (HOGE ) produces a strong downward airstream (downwash) as if it was a giant fan. On a
standard day (ISA conditions ) the average velocity of this airstream depends on the rotor lift - roughly equal to the
helicopter (H/C) weight - and the rotor diameter. For example, a fully loaded H/C at 2250 kg (=5000 lb), with a rotor
diameter of 10.7 m (=35 ft), will produce an average downwash of 10 m/s (=2000 fpm). This means that the mass
of air displaced by the rotor travels downwards, or effectively descends, at a rate of 2000 fpm. Larger helicopters
usually produce a stronger downwash, but its average velocity is not proportional to the H/C weight, as is
sometimes perceived. A heavy 11-ton offshore H/C will not produce a downwash that is approximately 5 times
(weight ratio) faster, but roughly one of 15 m/s (=3000 fpm), thus only a 50% faster airflow.

When the H/C is still in the air (HOGE) nothing opposes this airstream from moving continuously away from the
rotor disc plane. However, when the H/C descends vertically with a RoD of (say) 500 fpm (=2.5 m/sec), the
opposing mass of still air does not allow the downwash to move downwards freely. When the RoD increases to a
value of about half the H/C downwash velocity in hover, i.e. 1000 fpm, then the opposing mass of still air will
effectively block the rotor downwash. Without any ‘escape route’ the downwash will ‘bend’, ‘brake’, and unavoidably
return back to the rotor disc plane, creating a giant violent recirculation. Contrary to normal operation (HOGE or low
RoD) this recirculated air is highly turbulent and heavily degrades the lift generated by the blades. Under these
conditions, the blades will have difficulty following the inputs (collective/cyclic) from the pilot, and the rotor will
become sluggish. Moreover, the giant recirculation of turbulent air will engulf most parts of the H/C fuselage and
tail, pushing and pulling it in every direction chaotically. This causes the overall symptoms of the Vortex Ring
State (not all symptoms may appear simultaneously):
 Loss of average lift and severe lift fluctuations (similar to flying in heavy turbulence). This is recognised
as sudden lightness in the seat (low g sensation)
 Reduction of control power (commanding the rotor tilt) and/or sluggish rotor response
 Erratic fuselage movements
 Change in rotor vibrations

Hover out of ground effect
International Standard Atmosphere (1013 mbar and 15°C (59°F) at sea level)

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Vertical VRS versus Low-speed VRS

The Vortex Ring State does not only occur in vertical descent. It can also happen at low speeds, roughly up
to 20-25 kts. While in low-speed descending flight the horizontal component of the airspeed (say, 20 kts = 10 m/s)
will be combined with the vertical rate of descent. The angle formed by the two speeds (forward and vertical) is the
flight path angle, also called the approach slope in the final approach. For example, 20 kts combined with a
500 fpm RoD gives a flight path angle of 14°. Contrary to the 3° approach slope of fixed-wing aircraft, it is not
unusual for a helicopter to conduct approaches at much steeper angles of 10°, even 15°.

As we have seen with the hover example previously at -1000 fpm we may be approaching or entering VRS. The
onset of VRS (i.e. -1000 fpm) does not significantly change at low speeds, up to 20 kts. Above 25-30 kts there is
almost no chance of VRS. If we combine a RoD of 1000 fpm with 20 kts we obtain a 26° approach slope, which
is much higher than the usual 5°-10° slope of everyday H/C operations. However, two basic elements that separate
low speeds from hover should be taken into account, with regards to VRS:

1. In final approach, low speed is only a transient phase of a decelerating flight, from 60-80 kts of steady
descent towards the near zero of landing. The deceleration rate is not perfectly monitored by the pilot, and the
wind direction and strength are not always known. Therefore flying at 30-40 kts (outside VRS) can be quickly
transformed into flying at 10-20 kts in a matter of seconds in terms of airspeed seen by the rotor.

2. When decelerating the H/C, the rotor maintains a positive tilt angle of 5°, possibly 10°. The rotor tilt
angle is not to be confused with the H/C pitch attitude. Sometimes, inadvertently, the rotor tilt angle can raise
above 15°. A reasonable approximation regarding deceleration is that the rotor must tilt upwards (pitch-up)
by 3° for every knot-per-sec of deceleration. For instance, if we decelerate smoothly from 40 to 20 kts
in 10 sec, then the deceleration rate is 2 kts/sec, and the rotor tilt is +6°. Now, in the previous example
of 20 kts and 500 fpm (=approach slope of 14°), if we add the 6° of rotor tilt coming from deceleration, we
obtain a total angle between rotor disc and approach slope of 20°. It is as if the rotor was effectively
seeing a RoD of 750 fpm, which is much closer to the 1000 fpm VRS threshold in our example. (See
graph below)

The tilt angle is the angle between the rotor disc plane and the horizon. The rotor tilt angle and the H/C pitch attitude can be
different by a few degrees due to mast inclination and blade flapping.

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Example of VRS mapping

Many studies have been carried out in the past in order to determine the boundaries of the VRS domain, using both
experimental (flight, wind tunnel) and numerical means (simulations). The VRS mappings that can be found in the
literature are numerous and differing. Nevertheless, they all give a very similar message when it comes to the
RoD where the H/C can meet VRS conditions at very low speeds (<25-30 kts): the RoD of VRS is about half
of the downwash velocity the H/C would have in HOGE. As a reminder, in our example, the 2250 kg light H/C
with 10 m/sec of average downwash velocity in hover (10 m/sec = 2000 fpm) will meet VRS conditions at about
1000 fpm. This should not mean that one can descend safely at (say) 900 fpm just because the limit is 1000 fpm.
For various reasons (see next section about aggravating factors) and most importantly in order to conserve
safety margins as a general rule, one should never conduct an approach below 25-30 kts with a RoD
greater than 500 fpm.

In the VRS mapping graph below, an example (typical of a light helicopter) of the VRS range (red) with associated
margins (amber) is plotted as a function of airspeed and rate of descent (RoD). An indicative threshold of the loss
of reliable anemometry (IAS) is also given. Based on airspeed and RoD we can also add several approach slopes
in order to compare with VRS boundaries. It is observed that for a 5°-10° approach slope the H/C stays away from
the VRS range. However (see example in the previous section) the pitch-attitude due to deceleration must be

NOTE: A steep approach at low airspeed is possible but requires a very specific attention to vertical speed.

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In this section, we present some conditions or situations where the H/C and the crew can be found even closer to
the VRS boundaries, whether intentionally or unintentionally. Thus, besides the general knowledge of VRS
provided previously, special attention must be also given to the following information.

1. Flying light

When a H/C flies relatively light the average speed of the downwash is reduced by up to 20%. This means that
in our example (2250 kg H/C with 10 m/sec downwash in HOGE) the downwash will be about 8 m/sec or
1600 fpm. As the VRS range is roughly determined as one-half of this downwash speed, the VRS boundary
in this case is not 1000 fpm of the RoD but 800 fpm. Of course, the required margins must be adjusted
accordingly. On the other hand, flying light generally means a greater power margin available to cancel out an
excessive RoD.

2. Flying with tail wind close to the surface

This paragraph is applicable to all evolutions close to the surface, including landing when no head wind option
is possible (tail wind landing not recommended).
When flying close to the ground the pilot uses the ground speed to pilot the trajectory (instead of airspeed
when higher). In doing so, when turning tail wind, the pilot reduces the airspeed to maintain (or even
decrease) ground speed. As a consequence the necessary power for level flight is increased. If the pilot is not
attentive, a significant RoD appears. This RoD is even more important in the event of a tail wind approach due
to the necessity to maintain the approach slope.
When the H/C descends at 40 kts (ground speed) with a tail wind of (say) 20 kts at that moment, then the
airspeed becomes 20 kts and we are approaching the VRS danger zone, depending of course on the RoD. In
mountainous terrain or urban areas especially, where the speed direction and strength may vary significantly,
additional attention has to be given to the low airspeed phases of the flight.

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Another potential case is approaching to land after

a turn. Let us suppose a 20 kts wind coming from
the north with a H/C approaching at a 270° heading
(westbound), again with 40 kts of airspeed. Then,
just before landing the H/C performs a
90° left turn (new heading is now 180°). On exiting
the turn the H/C will find itself again with a tail wind
of 20 kts, and thus its airspeed drops suddenly to
20 kts. In that case the H/C is approaching the VRS
danger zone and if power is not adjusted this will
result in increased RoD, with the aforementioned

3. Small power margins

Although small power margins are not directly linked with the VRS range (airspeed, RoD, deceleration) they
can become a strong contributing factor when combined with poor management of the sink rate (RoD). When
a H/C is heavy and/or in high-density altitude (i.e. hot & high), and reduces its speed then the power required
to sustain flight increases rapidly. The pilot has to pay special attention to his/her power management through
the collective, because an intended RoD of 300-400 fpm can easily take on higher values in these conditions
(above 500 fpm, thus approaching the VRS boundaries).

4. Flying in a degraded visual environment and at night

When visual cues are degraded (fog, clouds, dark night) and the crew is in its final approach (descending
flight, low speed, deceleration) it may be difficult to determine the altitude, airspeed, RoD, and pitch attitude,
without continuously scanning the instruments. Even the deceleration rate (roughly proportional to the
pitch attitude increase) cannot be felt as a longitudinal force (similar to braking inside a car) because of the
H/C’s specific mechanics. Moreover, under these conditions but with some minimal visual cues (i.e. helipad
lights only) sensory illusions (spatial disorientation) can lead to a false understanding of the position and
speeds of the aircraft. To make matters worse, there have been numerous incident & accident reports,
where both pilots during final approach, in their intense search for visual references, neglected
instrument scanning for a short period of time, only to find themselves with unacceptable RoD and/or
pitch attitudes close to or within the VRS boundaries.

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5. Rapid deceleration

As mentioned previously, the deceleration rate during final approach, roughly proportional to the increase of
pitch attitude (3° more for every 1 kt/sec), changes the effective RoD of the rotor disc. As the rotor tilts
backwards (along with the fuselage) more of the horizontal speed of the H/C goes through the rotor, similar to
the RoD. This why the effective RoD (=not the RoD of the H/C, but the RoD seen by the rotor disc) is higher.
Sometimes pilots, from fear of overshooting the platform or helipad, decelerate hard in the last seconds before
landing, combined with an already established RoD. In this case, the H/C comes closer to the VRS
boundaries. Thus, hard decelerations are to be avoided, especially during descent. It should be noted that
rapid decelerations (quick stops) might be inadvertently combined with other aggravating factors, such as tail
wind (see §2). The combination of two aggravating factors can lead the H/C closer to VRS conditions.

6. Confined environment

Small H/C often operate and land inside city blocks and other confined environments. In this case, pilots
usually choose steep approach slopes, which can bring them close to the VRS boundaries. Moreover, wind
through big city buildings, and recirculation of the downwash of the H/C itself can make the conditions even
more complicated. The RoD must then be carefully monitored and held at less than 500 fpm.

7. Collapsing updrafts at low speed or hovering out of ground effect

Updrafts can either have thermal or dynamic origins. Thermal winds are usually less constant than dynamic
ones. Consequently, thermal winds have a stronger tendency to collapse suddenly, which can have a major
negative effect on the helicopter in certain operations.
Typical situations where this phenomenon arises are, for example: approaches in the mountains, or in hot
deserts, or near a cliff, or an elevated heliport on buildings or on ships. This phenomenon is generally less
present on elevated helidecks where the wind can flow under the platform due to the construction.
The updraft will reduce the power required at low speed or in hover. If this updraft suddenly collapses, the
helicopter will fall into a descent due to the missing power. The conditions for developing VRS might therefore
be encountered.

Collapsing updrafts may also occur in deserts (particular atmospheric conditions due to excessive heat and

8. Incorrect or insufficient use of AFCS

The knowledge and the correct use of AFCS, when the aircraft is equipped with one, can assist the crew in
maintaining the aircraft in the nominal flight envelope, and thus reduce the probabilities of approaching the
VRS boundaries.
Particular attention should be given to 3-axis AFCS management that implies a manual management of the
vertical axis.

Refer to: SIN 3558-S-22 about the use of 4-axis digital AFCS

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When the airspeed is below 30 knots be aware of

AVOIDING VRS your RoD. Use collective pitch (power) to control RECOGNIZE AND AVOID VRS
vertical speed. NEVER ALLOW AN RoD
* APPROACH - LANDING GREATER THAN 500 fpm WHEN BELOW 30 * This is the key action, recognizing and
* HOGE KIAS. AVOID AGGRESSIVE DECELERATIONS avoiding the combination of conditions
* External Loads / Hoist DOWNWIND POSITION.


If the airspeed is below 30 knots and the RoD IMMEDIATE CORRECTIVE
increases to 500 fpm or more, you must be ACTION
particularly attentive to the early signs of VRS:

APPROACHING * If residual power is available, increase the

* Change and/or increase in rotor vibration,
collective pitch to arrest the RoD and apply
VRS * Fluctuations in lift (similar to flying in turbulence),
forward cyclic pitch to accelerate.
(Incipient Stage) which may result in lightness in seat (low G
* If no residual power is available, apply
forward cyclic pitch to accelerate and
* Sluggish rotor response (diminished control
maintain the collective pitch control
power). Flight control inputs take longer to take
effect (changing flight path).
* In all cases carefully monitor the Vertical
Speed (VS) to ensure that the RoD
remains controlled below 500 fpm.


If you have entered VRS accept that you will lose * If residual power is available, increase the
altitude, even following corrective action. Expect to collective pitch and decisively apply
lose a minimum of 100 to 200 feet. forward cyclic pitch to accelerate.
* If no residual power is available, decisively
Signs of developed VRS: apply forward cyclic pitch to accelerate
and maintain the collective pitch control
INSIDE VRS * Sudden and rapid increase in RoD, position.
* Erratic and uncontrolled fuselage movements with * Once airspeed is above
increasing vibrations, 20-30 knots and the RoD is managed,
* Significant reduction of control power. Flight adjust the cyclic and collective pitches to
control inputs take longer to take effect, and may establish the desired attitude, airspeed,
require larger inputs. and altitude.
* Inaction, or incorrect action, may allow
VRS to progress to very high RoD.

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Also refer to: SIN 3463-S-00
Vortex Ring State / Airbus Helicopters training recommendations and considerations concerning
the “Vuichard recovery technique”

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