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What is Health Related Fitness?

Health-related physical fitness is primarily associated with disease prevention and functional health. Participating in regular
health-related fitness helps you control your weight, prevents diseases and illness, improves your mood, boosts energy, and
promotes better sleep.
It is made up of five sections: cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition.
Let’s take a closer look at the five sections of health-related fitness:
 Cardiovascular endurance is the ability of your heart, blood cells, and lungs to work continuously for extended
periods of time. This is how efficiently your body takes in, transports, and uses oxygen while exercising. Having
efficient heart and lungs leads to increased energy throughout the day.
 Muscular strength is the maximum amount of force a muscle can produce in a single effort or how much you can
lift in one attempt. Performing exercises that use your own body weight, free weights, or weights on a machine are
excellent ways to develop muscle strength. Having muscular strength will ensure that you have the strength
needed to lift a heavy object, for example a box full of books.
 Muscular endurance is your ability to contract your muscles several times without excessive fatigue. Another way
to think about it is the length of time your muscles can continue to work before tiring. What this means is once you
have picked up that heavy box of books, you can then carry that box for a long period of time before you need to
take a break.
 Flexibility is the range of motion that your joints have during movement. Maintaining flexibility can improve your
performance in physical activities in addition to decreasing your risk of injuries by helping your joints move through
their full range of motion, therefore, allowing your muscles to work most effectively. Stretching and yoga can be
done to help improve your flexibility.
 Body composition is the ratio of water, bone, muscle, and fat in the body. A healthy body composition indicates
that you may have less risk of developing obesity-related diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and even
some cancers.

Two of the ways to measure body composition are body mass index, (BMI), which is a measure of body fat based on height
and weight, and the skin fold test, which measures total fat percentages by measuring the layer of fat that is directly under the skin.

What is Skill Related Fitness?

Skill- or performance-related fitness involves skills that will enhance one’s performance in athletic or sports events. Health-
related fitness involves skills that enable one to become and stay physically healthy.

There are six skill-related fitness components. Skilled athletes typically excel in all six areas.

 Agility is the ability to change and control the direction and position of the body while maintaining a constant,
rapid motion. For example, changing directions to hit a tennis ball.
 Balance is the ability to control or stabilize the body when a person is standing still or moving. For example, in-line
 Coordination is the ability to use the senses together with body parts during movement. For example, dribbling a
basketball. Using hands and eyes together is called hand-eye coordination.
 Speed is the ability to move your body or parts of your body swiftly. Many sports rely on speed to gain advantage
over your opponents. For example, a basketball player making a fast break to perform a layup, a tennis player
moving forward to get to a drop shot, a football player out running the defense to receive a pass.
 Power is the ability to move the body parts swiftly while applying the maximum force of the muscles. Power is a
combination of both speed and muscular strength. For example, fullbacks in football muscling their way through
other players and speeding to advance the ball and volleyball players getting up to the net and lifting their bodies
high into the air.
 Reaction Time is the ability to reach or respond quickly to what you hear, see, or feel. For example, an athlete
quickly coming off the blocks early in a swimming or track relay, or stealing a base in baseball
What Is Etiquette? Etiquette is the set of conventional rules of personal behavior in polite society, usually in the form of an
ethical code that delineates the expected and accepted social behaviors that accord with the conventions and norms observed by a
society, a social class, or a social group. In practical speaking, gym etiquette is none other than respect. That's right, respect. Respect
for the equipment, others, and yourself in the gym. Everybody's there for the same reason, and nobody wants to be distracted or
held up. Do yourself and others a favor and follow these simple, easy, and for the most part down-right obvious rules.

Fitness Etiquettes

Uphold the rules of the facility

 Read, understand, and follow all rules, expectations, and posted signs
 Observe all posted equipment instructions and warnings
 If there is a piece of equipment you do not know how to use, don’t assume you know how to use it and ask for

Using a piece of equipment someone else is using

 Ask if you can “work in between their sets” – if they say no, please be patient and wait
o When “working in” allow the other person to use the equipment after each set and re-set all equipment
adjustments back to where they were before you started
o You cannot claim a piece of equipment by setting a towel or water bottle on it or next to it.

When using equipment while others are waiting

 Allow others to work in between your sets
 Do not rest on the equipment; it is better to walk around to accelerate your recovery
 When using cardio equipment, please do not exceed the 45 minutes time limit
 Wipe down all equipment following each set with the provided pre-moistened wipes then discard the wipes
 When done with a piece of equipment, wipe down the equipment with the provided pre-moistened wipes then
discard the wipes appropriately
 Take all extra personal equipment with you – includes water bottles, towels, weight belts, etc.
 Put all equipment away – rack free weights in their designated location, return cable accessories to the stand,
dumbbells and kettle bells, jump ropes, and stretch cords returned to the appropriate rack, stability balls, balance
balls, and foam rollers are to be wiped down, then returned to the storage area.

Being aware of the exercise areas

 Stay clear of free weight areas when in use
 Do not exercise in walking areas – gray floor pathways and in front of water fountains, water and ice machine,
wall-mounted wipes containers and trash/recycle receptacles
 Do not stand in front of dumbbell rack
 Before using a wall-mounted mirror, look around to make sure you are not in someone else’s space

Avoiding excess noise

 Keep in mind this is a public place
 Avoid excess chatter while in the exercise areas
 Limit cell phone use that stops you from exercising
 Limit grunting and yelling during exercise; the use of profanity while exercising is not acceptable
 Avoid dropping weights; avoid banging weight stacks on machines
 Use cardio equipment properly
 Do not bounce balls in the facility – basketballs are for the basketball courts
 Remember that loud or constant noises can annoy other facility users

Wearing proper attire

 Wear workout clothes and athletic shoes in the exercise areas (jeans are not appropriate)
 Refrain from working out without a shirt (or in just a sports bra) and athletic shoes Practicing good hygiene
 Avoid offensive body odors – bath regularly and use deodorant
 Wipe down equipment after use
 Reduce spreading germ
 Wash hands after using the restroom
 Wash hands after sneezing or coughing into your hand
 Wash hands after your workout
 This is a smoke-free facility, refrain from smoking near the facility entrance

When too much water is lost from the body, its organs, cells, and tissues fail to function as they should, which can lead to
dangerous complications. This can be through dehydration, sweating, urinating or suffering from diarrhea.

It’s normal to feel thirsty after eating spicy foods or performing strenuous exercise, especially when it’s hot. However, sometimes
your thirst is stronger than usual and continues after you drink. You may even experience blurred vision and fatigue. Frequent
excessive thirst or thirst that can’t be quenched can be symptoms of serious medical conditions, such as; dehydration, diabetes,
heart, liver, kidney failure and sepsis.

To remain healthy, you need to:

 Drink fluid regularly throughout the day.
 Increase your water intake by eating water-rich foods, such as:
o Watermelon
o Tomatoes
o Oranges
o Melons

A good way to know if you’re getting enough fluids is to check your urine. If it’s light in color, high in volume, and does not
have a heavy smell, you are probably getting enough fluid. Every organ, tissue, and cell in your body needs water. Water helps your
body to maintain a normal temperature, lubricate and cushion your joints, protect the brain and spinal cord, rid your body waste
through perspiration, urination, and bowel movements

You need to take in extra fluids when you:

 are outdoors in hot weather
 are engaging in a vigorous activity
 have diarrhea
 are vomiting
 have a fever
If you fail to replenish the fluids you lose and fail to respond to your thirst by drinking fluids, you can become dehydrated.

When you’re busy, you may forget to take regular hydration breaks. This can lead to dehydration, which occurs when your body
loses more water than you take in. In some cases, severe dehydration can cause serious complications, including kidney damage,
coma, and death.
To avoid dehydration, make sure you:
 drink enough water and other fluids
 replenish electrolytes lost through sweat with sports drinks or enhanced water
 take frequent breaks from hot environments or strenuous activities
 use a damp cloth to lower your body temperature and reduce sweating
 avoid drinking heavily caffeinated, alcoholic, and sugary beverages, especially when you’re working out or exerting

is a common cause of dehydration, but certain diseases and infections can also lead to fluid loss. Fever, vomiting, and diarrhea are
common causes of dehydration in children and are serious medical concerns. Enough fluids Drink more water Dehydrated May suffer
cramps Health Risk! Drink more water!! 4 Overexertion These types of injuries are usually caused by repetitive motion, such as
typing, lifting heavy objects, or working in an awkward position. The pain that these injuries cause is often acute. It will typically
improve with medical care and preventative measures. But without proper treatment and prevention, acute pain from overexertion
and repetitive use can become chronic. These are the causes of overexertion injuries includes sports and exercise, motion control
video games, and hobbies like woodworking, building, and remodeling.

To avoid physical overexertion:

 practice good posture
 utilize ergonomic workspaces
 lift lighter loads and use proper lifting techniques
 decrease the distance you must stretch to lift a heavy object
 take frequent breaks from physically repetitive and challenging activities
 include strength training and stretching in your regular exercise routine
 know and respect your body’s limits

Sweating is a bodily function that helps regulate your body temperature. Also called perspiration, sweating is the release of a salt-
based fluid from your sweat glands. Changes in your body temperature, the outside temperature, or your emotional state can cause
sweating. Sweating in normal amounts is an essential bodily process. Not sweating enough and sweating too much can both cause
problems. The absence of sweat can be dangerous because your risk of overheating increases. Excessive sweating may be more
psychologically damaging than physically damaging. A normal amount of sweating generally doesn’t require medical treatment.

To make yourself more comfortable and minimize your sweating:

 Wear several light layers of clothing that allow your skin to breathe.
 Remove layers of clothing as you heat up.
 Wash dried sweat off of your face and body for optimum comfort.
 Change out of sweaty clothing to reduce the risk of bacterial or yeast infections.
 Drink water or sports drinks to replace fluids and electrolytes lost through sweating.
 Apply an underarm antiperspirant or deodorant to reduce odor and control sweating.
 Remove foods from your diet that increase your sweating.

Hyperthermia / Hypothermia
Hypothermia happens when your body’s temperature drops to dangerously low levels because of the cool environment. The
opposite can also occur. When your temperature climbs too high and threatens your health, it’s known as hyperthermia it refers to
several conditions that can occur when your body’s heat-regulation system can’t handle the heat in your environment. Preventive
measures are key to avoiding hypo and hyperthermia.

The simplest steps you can take involve the clothing you wear. Dress in layers on cold days, even if you don’t think it feels very cold
outside. It’s easier to remove clothing than it is to battle hypothermia. Cover all body parts, and wear hats, gloves, and scarves in a
cool environment. Also, take care when exercising outdoors on cold days. Sweat can cool you down and make your body more
susceptible to hypothermia.

Staying Dry
Staying dry is also important. Avoid swimming for long periods and make sure that you wear water-repellant clothing in rain. If
you’re stuck in the water due to a boat accident, try to stay as dry as possible in or on the boat. Avoid swimming until you see help
nearby. Keeping the body at a normal temperature is important to preventing hypothermia.

The first step in preventing hyperthermia is recognizing the risks in working or playing in extremely hot conditions. Being in the heat
means taking the following precautions:
 Take cool-down breaks in the shade or in an air-conditioned environment. If you don’t need to be outside in extreme heat,
stay indoors.
 Stay well hydrated. Drink water or drinks containing electrolytes, such as Gatorade or Powerade, every 15 to 20 minutes
when you’re active in the heat. NOT energy drinks or caffeine, this can cause serious heart problems in healthy adults.
 Wear lightweight, light-colored clothing when outdoors.
 If your home isn’t well air-conditioned, consider spending time in an air-conditioned mall, library, or other cool public place
during hot spells.

First Aid Kit

First aid is the immediate care given to a person who has been injured or suddenly become ill. First aid deals with self-help
and proper home care, especially if medical assistance is not immediately available. The goal of first aid is to alleviate suffering,
prevent added/further injury or danger, and prolong life.

The first aid kit is a set of supplies and equipment used to administer first aid. In your school and community, first aid kits
should be available, visible, and readily accessible in case of injuries or emergencies. It should also be regularly checked for
completeness and freshness of supplies.

The usual supplies found in a first aid kit include the following:

triangular bandage rubbing alcohol

gloves iodine
tongue depressor swabs
gauze scissors
wound dressings athletic tape
cotton penlight
adhesive bandage forceps

Other equipment that should be included to aid in first aid are the following:

spine board blankets

sets of splints short board/Kendrick’s extrication device
wheelchair poles

The first aid kit is usually located in strategic places in school like the clinic, gym, playground, and security stations. In the
community, first aid kits should be in the community centers like community hall or office and recreation centers. It is advisable that
a signage be placed where the first aid kit and equipment are located. This can either be attached to a wall or post or suspended.

Schools and the community (and in any other institution), the presence of first aid kits, emergency numbers and phones,
and equipment should not be the end of their emergency response. They should set procedures on how to response to injuries or

These procedures are standard ways of responding to emergencies. These procedures make up what is called an Emergency
Action Plan (EAP). It is a plan developed for immediate implementation whenever the need arises, providing appropriate standards
of emergency care to all present. The EAP usually include the following:

1. Emergency Personnel – detailed First Aid arrangements for on-site emergencies; may consist of teachers, physicians and
nurses, athletic coaches, security and maintenance personnel (for schools), or community leaders, homeowners’
association president, etc (for community)
2. Emergency Communication – emergency numbers, phones/two-way radio, public announcement (PA) system
3. Emergency Equipment – first aid kit, wheelchair, spine board, stretcher, blankets, poles, etc
4. Medical Transportation – confirmation of local ambulance (c/o PRC), Basic Life Support, etc
5. Non-medical Transportation – wheelchairs, stretcher, etc
6. Emergency Contact List – clinic, local hospital, etc
7. Venue Information – transportations, identified entrance, exits, and access routes

School personnel (e.g. teachers, security and maintenance personnel) and community leaders know, understand, and follow
these procedures every time an emergency happens because it is standardized. These procedures are usually laid out in writing so
that personnel crucial in the emergency response are notified and that immediate attention is given. In the community, it is
advisable to form a community emergency response team which will be the emergency personnel in your EAP. It is advisable that
the members of the community know who forms this emergency response team.

You may not know all the procedures of your school and community on responding to emergencies. However, what is important
is you know who to notify in case an emergency happens. The most immediate personnel you need to notify in case you are in your
school especially in the gym are the PE teachers or any teacher present, maintenance personnel, or security personnel.

As you become more involved in physical activities, you can elevate your participation by joining events that promote health
and fitness as well as address health issues like diabetes, obesity, nutrition, smoking, and many more. By joining events like these,
you can learn more about these health concerns, what is being done to handle these concerns, and at the same time, you also get to
increase your physical activity.

The usual objective of the organizers of these events is to raise funds for awareness about these health issues. Depending on
their advocacy, events may range from fun-filled activities that can engage entire families, to more physically demanding ones. Your
participation in these events not only increases your activity but also gives you an advocacy to work on. Your choice would depend
on your interests and preferences. Here are some viable options for you.

Sports and recreational activities

These are usually 1day events that focus on running various distances (i.e., 3k, 5k, 10k, or longer). They cater to a wide
variety of participants – competitive or recreational runners, and even families. Whether you are a recreational or competitive
runner, fun runs are good ways to elevate participation in physical activities since some fun runs are held in different surfaces (e.g.
concrete, offroad, beach) and with different challenges posed on runners like an uphill run.

Other than the fitness benefits you would get from joining fun runs, you also get to help out certain causes. Some
organizations or associations, and companies organize fun runs as one of their cause-oriented events.

Other benefits of joining fun runs are meeting new friends, enjoying the outdoors, and bringing home participant race kits.
Race kits, which usually include a race bib or shirt and other items from sponsors, are good incentives for your effort and you can get
more freebies and giveaways depending on the event sponsors.

You can also use your participation in fun runs as a gauge of your physical fitness by trying to beat your own time, or setting
new records, or even aiming to finish among the top participants. If you do so, it is best that you prepare properly for fun runs and
scout for more opportunities to race.

Dance events, competitions, or marathons

These events focus on dance as the main activity, whether as competition (e.g. streetdance, dancesport) or as recreation
(e.g. aerobic dance marathons, ZumbaTM events). These may last for hours depending on the event and variety of dances, intensity
levels, and music usually used, thus, elevating participation.

Other than fitness benefits, you can get a lot out from joining dance competitions and marathons. If events are
competition-based, usually cash prizes, trophies, and freebies are the main incentives, along with bragging rights. However, if the
events are recreationtype, participant 4 kits (e.g. event shirt, sponsor freebies)
are the usual takeaway. However, the enjoyment and fun of dancing are the main attraction in these types of events.

Many people are getting into exercising because of the popularity of some aerobic forms of exercises particularly
ZumbaTM,. The attractiveness of physical activities like ZumbaTM comes from the lively music and instructors, colorful vibe, and
relatively easy to follow dance routines. However, the most crucial effect that popular exercises like ZumbaTM have is the
encouragement and support to participate in exercise, which in effect, makes people more aware of their health and fitness. That is
why some groups and organizations choose ZumbaTM at their event to promote awareness for their various causes. However, you
can also engage in other aerobic exercises in the form of dances such social dance, streetdance, etc.
Sports tournaments
These are the most common type of health- and fitness-related organized events. They mainly focus on sports in a
tournament type of play where individual players and/or teams compete. These are usually organized for school teams [(e.g.
University Athletic Association of the Philippines (UAAP)]. However, sports associations, cause-oriented groups, organizations,
brands, and companies also hold sports tournaments for various purposes, levels, and sports.

It may not be explicit that health and fitness are the main highlights when joining such events because the nature of such
events is usually competitive. Athletes and competitors treat their health and fitness seriously because of this same nature. That is
why they train not only for their sports skills but also for their conditioning. Through sport tournaments, athletes and competitors
are actually good role models of health and fitness.

You can join sports tournaments of varying levels of competition and different sports. During summer, local government
units (LGUs) hold sports leagues especially for basketball and volleyball. Several categories are open for basketball based on age
groups. For both basketball and volleyball, teams usually represent different barangays, sitios, purok, or subdivisions. Some LGUs
also hold 5 sports programs or sports clinics for the youth and other individuals. The Sangguniang Kabataan (SK), the youth leaders
of the community, commonly organize events like these.

Summer sports clinics

These are short-course sports programs catering to school children. Sports clinics are offered by schools and product brands
when school is over and students have their summer break. The usual sports offered include basketball, taekwondo, swimming,
gymnastics, football, volleyball, and others. These last for several sessions spanning days or weeks, and usually culminate with an
exhibition tournament.

Outdoor recreation events like biking events, triathlon, marathons, football events, etc
These are specialized events that target sports enthusiasts and athletes. These are held in specialized venues and locations,
and usually have different categories for different levels of participants. Depending on the event, categories such as beginner,
intermediate, and advanced are formed or opened.
When you join such events, you get to experience recreation-level of participation to higher level of competition. You also
get to experience a different atmosphere because of the ambiance in such events. Sponsors’ booths and stalls are usually set up
along with other related set ups.

Talks, seminars, or conferences

These are usually lecture based events that cover topics discussed with an audience. Some events are held for different
lengths (i.e., half-day, 1-day, 2day, 3-day, weeklong) and some include workshops or hands on training. Some also are held with
different formats like classroom type lecture, panel discussions, parallel sessions, and the like. Credible resource persons and
speakers are invited to speak so that reliable information are shared and learned.

Cause-oriented associations, product brands, companies, professional organizations, among others hold such events for
various purposes, some to increase awareness, promote various causes, and to inform.

Physical activity simply means movement of the body that uses up energy. Walking, gardening, sweeping and mopping,
mopping the floor, climbing the stairs, playing soccer, or dancing are all good examples of being active. However, for it to be
beneficial for one’s body, there are various factors to be considered such as the intensity, duration, and frequency of the physical
activity performed.

Here are some points to consider:

1. 1.Physical activity done at a moderate or vigorous intensity level is good for a teenager’s health.
2. Moderate physical activities generally make them move. These could include brisk walking, dancing, biking, swimming and
jogging. Even helping out with some of the more active chores inside and outside your home like gardening can be good.
3. Vigorous activities increase their heart rate and make them sweat and may let them enjoy being active even more. They can
be a game with lots of running for example, playing basketball. They can also be running or jogging, or sports like soccer,
tennis, swimming and football.

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