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Obligatorisk opgave 10 Engelsk B e-learning Ren Rubion

Obligatorisk opgave 10 (400 ord): 1) Write an essay in which you discuss the American Dream (use conjunctions to make your essay coherent).

The American Dream is not a very tangible or very clearly defined idea in my mind because I mostly know the American culture from movies, literature and a single one-week trip to New York; besides talking to Americans I met all around the world. Yet, I have an impression of it, of course, and, as I perceive it, the American Dream is not only in some ways incompatible with, and the exact opposite of the Jante Law that I grew up with, but it is also, in some ways, a complementary principle. While Americans and Danes can both strive for success in an exam, for instance, the Dane is expected to be modest about it if he achieves a good result and shrug it off as just an instance of good luck, whereas it is more legit for an American to openly pride himself with the fact that he worked hard until he achieved his goal. The American Dream is basically about getting successful and rich. But it is also the notion of personal freedom to go wherever you like to go, the liberty to do whatever you like to, and the possibility to do almost anything if you have enough determination. According to the legend of the American Dream, anyone can start as a newspaper-boy and become a billionaire. Every American knows that he or she belongs to a nation that always had a tremendous geopolitical influence thanks to its unrelenting determination and industrial entrepreneurship. In fact, it is a nation that built it self from scratch, while conquering a continent: United States of America is the nation that defined the modern world and led the industrial age out of its infancy; neither an automobile for every home nor the pop-up toaster or the electric washingmachine became realities until enterprising, competition-driven Americans took up the challenge. It was also the nation that, while not single-handedly, got the job done after deciding to end each of the two World Wars. Besides, nobody else ever put a man on the Moon. The American Dream is kind of written into the American Constitution. While it took a King and some time to make a reality for all US citizens, equal rights and equal opportunity was, however, already put there long ago by the immensely competent Founding Fathers, whose vision reached far beyond their own lifetimes, as well as the world they knew.
Note: 400 words not including headline and this note. Conjunctions and conjunctive adverbs are in italic.

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