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ÏæÚæ 143(1) ·ð ÌãÌ âå¿Ùæ

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SÍæØè ¹æÌæ â´vØæ : ANJPP0305R | çÙÏæüÚ‡æ ßáü : 2022-23 | ÂæßÌè â´. : 946225610230722 | ˜æ â´ÎÖü â´vØæ : CPC/2223/A4/264654199

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31/07/2022 Individual Resident

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01 ·ÚæÏæÙ çß·Ë 115BAC ·æ çß·Ë ¿éÙæ No No

02 ¥æØ ·æ çßßÚ‡æ ·éÜ ¥æØ 4,71,090 4,71,090

03 ·Ú ·æ çßßÚ‡æ ÚæãÌ ·ð ÕæÎ ·Ú ÎæçØˆß 0 0

04 ŽØæÁ ¥õÚ ÎðØ àæéË· ·éÜ ŽØæÁ ¥õÚ àæéË· ( 234A, 234B, 234C ¥õÚ 234F ) 0 0

05 Âåßü â´Îžæ ·Ú ·éÜ Öé»ÌæÙ ç·Øæ »Øæ ·Ú (¥ç»ý× ·Ú, Åè Çè °â, Åè âè °â, Sß çÙÏæüçÚÌ ·Ú) 412 412

06 ÂýçÌÎæØ ·æ çßßÚ‡æ ÂýçÌÎæØ Úæçàæ (244A ·ð ŽØæÁ âçãÌ) 410 420

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Click here for English version

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Page 1 of 8
ÏæÚæ 143(1) ·ð ÌãÌ âå¿Ùæ
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01 ÃØæÂæÚ Øæ ÃØßâæØ ÃØæÂæÚ Øæ ÃØßâæØ âð ¥æØ 7,01,425 7,01,425

02 ßðÌÙ (i) â·Ü ßðÌÙ (ia+ib+ic+id+ie) 0 0

(a) ÏæÚæ 17(1) ·ð ¥ÙéâæÚ ßðÌÙ 0 0

(b) ÏæÚæ 17 (2) ·ð ¥ÙéâæÚ ¥ÙéÜçŽÏØô´ ·æ ×åËØ 0 0

(c) ÏæÚæ 17 (3) ·ð ¥ÙéâæÚ ßðÌÙ ·ð ÕÎÜð ÜæÖ 0 0

ÏæÚæ 89A ·ð ÌãÌ ¥çÏâåç¿Ì Îðàæ ×ð´ ÕÙæ° »° âðßæçÙßëçžæ 0 0

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ÏæÚæ 89A ·ð ÌãÌ ¥çÏâåç¿Ì Îðàæ ·ð ¥Üæßæ ç·âè ¥‹Ø 0 0

Îðàæ ×ð´ ÕÙæ° »° âðßæçÙßëçžæ ÜæÖ ¹æÌð âð ¥æØ
(ii) ·× Ñ ÏæÚæ 10 ·ð ÌãÌ ÀåÅ ·è âè×æ 0 0

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(iii) ·éÜ ßðÌÙ (i-ii-iia) 0 0

(iv) ÏæÚæ 16 ·ð ÌãÌ ·ÅõÌè (iva + ivb + ivc) 0 0

(a) ÏæÚæ 16(ia) ·ð ÌãÌ ×æÙ· ·ÅõÌè 0 0

(b) ÏæÚæ 16(ii) ·ð ÌãÌ ×ÙôÚ´ÁÙ Öžææ 0 0

(c) ÏæÚæ u/s 16(iii) ·ð ÌãÌ ÃØæßâæçØ· ·Ú 0 0

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03 »ëã â´Âçžæ »ëã â´Âçžæ ·æ Âý·æÚ ç·Úæ° ÂÚ ç·Úæ° ÂÚ

(i) ßáü ·ð ÎõÚæÙ â·Ü Âýæ# ç·ÚæØæ/Âýæç# Øô‚Ø/ç·ÚæØæ Øô‚Ø ×åËØ 60,000 60,000

(ii) SÍæÙèØ ÂýæçÏ·Ú‡æô´ ·ô Öé»ÌæÙ ç·Øæ »Øæ ·Ú 0 0

(iii) ßæçáü· ×åËØ (i-ii) 60,000 60,000

(iv) ßæçáü· ×åËØ ·æ 30% 18,000 18,000

(v) ©ÏæÚ Üè »§ü Âå´Áè ÂÚ ÎðØ ŽØæÁ 50,174 50,174

(vi) ßáü ·ð ÎõÚæÙ Âýæ# Õ·æØæ/¥Âýæ# ç·ÚæØð 30% ·× 0 0

(vii) »ëã â´Âçžæ ·ð ÌãÌ ÂýÖæØü ¥æØ [(iii - iv - v) + vi] -8,174 -8,174

04 ¥‹Ø âýôÌ ¥‹Ø âýôÌô´ âð ¥æØ (Ùè¿ð ç¼° »° ×Îô´ ·æ Øô») 587 587

(i) Õ¿Ì ¹æÌð âð ŽØæÁ 587 587

05 ·éÜ â·Ü ¥æØ [5= (1+2+3+4)] 6,93,838 6,93,838

06 ¥ŠØæØ VIA ·ð ÌãÌ ·ÅõÌè ·ÅõÌè

80C (ÁèßÙ Õè×æ Âýèç×Ø×, ¥æSÍç»Ì ßæçáü·è, ÖçßcØ çÙçÏ

(a) ×ð´ ¥´àæÎæÙ, ·éÀ §ç€ßÅè àæðØÚô´ Øæ çÇÕð´¿Úô´ ·è âÎSØÌæ ·ð 1,50,000 1,50,000
â´Õ´Ï ×ð´ ·ÅõÌè)
(b) 80D (SßæS‰Ø Õè×æ Âýèç×Ø× ·ð â´Õ´Ï ×ð´ ·ÅõÌè) 12,157 12,157

(c) 80GG (Öé»ÌæÙ ç·° »° ç·ÚæØð ·ð â´Õ´Ï ×ð´ ·ÅõÌè) 60,000 60,000

(d) 80TTA (Õ¿Ì ¹æÌð ×ð´ Á×æ ÂÚ ŽØæÁ ·ð â´Õ´Ï ×ð´ ·ÅõÌè) 587 587

¥ŠØæØ VI-A ·ð ÌãÌ ·éÜ ·ÅõÌè (ªÂÚ ç¼° »° ×Îô´ ·æ Øô») 2,22,744 2,22,744
(Áñâæ ç· çÚÅÙü ×ð´ Îæßæ ·è »§ü Úæçàæ Ì· ãè âèç×Ì ãñ)
07 ·Ú Øô‚Ø ·éÜ ¥æØ [7=(5-6)] 4,71,090 4,71,090

08 ·Ú ·æ çßßÚ‡æ ·éÜ ¥æØ ÂÚ ÎðØ ·Ú 11,055 11,055

09 ÏæÚæ 87A ·ð ÌãÌ ÀåÅ 11,055 11,055

10 ÀåÅ ·ð ÕæÎ ÎðØ ·Ú [10=(8-9)] 0 0

11 10 ÂÚ SßæS‰Ø ¥õÚ çàæÿææ ©Â·Ú, 4% ·è ÎÚ âð 0 0

Page 2 of 8
ÏæÚæ 143(1) ·ð ÌãÌ âå¿Ùæ
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SÍæØè ¹æÌæ â´vØæ : ANJPP0305R | çÙÏæüÚ‡æ ßáü : 2022-23 | ÂæßÌè â´. : 946225610230722 | ˜æ â´ÎÖü â´vØæ : CPC/2223/A4/264654199

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12 ·éÜ ·Ú ¥õÚ SßæS‰Ø ÌÍæ çàæÿææ ©Â·Ú [12=(10+11)] 0 0

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14 ·éÜ ¥æØ·Ú ÎðØÌæ ÚæãÌ ·ð ÕæÎ àæðá ·Ú [14= (12-13)] 0 0

15 ŽØæÁ ¥õÚ ÎðØ àæéË· (a) ÏæÚæ 234A ·ð ÌãÌ ·éÜ ŽØæÁ 0 0

(b) ÏæÚæ 234B ·ð ÌãÌ ·éÜ ŽØæÁ 0 0

(c) ÏæÚæ 234C ·ð ÌãÌ ·éÜ ŽØæÁ 0 0

(d) ÏæÚæ 234F ·ð ÌãÌ àæéË· 0 0

(e) ·éÜ ŽØæÁ ¥õÚ àæéË· [15e={15(a)+15(b)+15(c)+15(d)}] 0 0

16 ·éÜ ¥æØ·Ú ÎðØ [16=(14+15e)] 0 0

17 Âåßü â´Îžæ ·Ú (a) ¥ç»ý× ·Ú 0 0

(b) Åè Çè °â 412 412

(c) Åè âè °â 0 0

(d) SßÌ: çÙÏæüçÚÌ ·Ú 0 0

Öé»ÌæÙ ç·Øæ »Øæ ·éÜ ·Ú [17e = 412 412


18 ÂýçÌÎæØ ÂýçÌÎæØ Úæçàæ [18=(17e-16)] 410 412

19 ·ÚÎæÌæ ·ô çßÜ´Õ ŸæðØ (×ãèÙô´ ×ð´) N/A 0

ÏæÚæ 244A ·ð ÌãÌ ÂýçÌÎæØ ÂÚ ŽØæÁ (}× â´vØæ 19 ÂÚ çß¿æÚ N/A 8
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21 ·éÜ ¥æØ·Ú ÂýçÌÎæØ [21=(18+20)] N/A 420

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22 (×æ´»ô´) ¥õÚ ÏæÚæ 220(2) ·ð ÌãÌ ÎðØ ŽØæÁ ·ð ç¹ÜæÈ â×æØôçÁÌ ÂýçÌÎæØ ·è ÚæçàæÐ 0
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23 ÂýçÌÎæØ Øô‚Ø ·éÜ Úæçàæ [23=(21-22)] 420

Page 3 of 8
ÏæÚæ 143(1) ·ð ÌãÌ âå¿Ùæ
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1. ¥æØ·Ú ¥çÏçÙØ×,1961 ·è ÏæÚæ 244A ·ð ÌãÌ ŽØæÁ ·è »‡æÙæ ãðÌé ÂýçÌÎæØ ÁæÚè ·ÚÙð ·è ÌæÚè¹ àææç×Ü ·è ÁæÌè ãñÐ

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To file a Rectification Request

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Log on to www.incometax.gov.in with Click on 'Rectification' under

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Intimation u/s 143(1)


Address : ROOM NO.K-45 , NEAR SDV SCHOOL,AIROLI,AIROLI S.O SECTOR ÂÌæ : M~× Ù´.·ð-45 , SÇß S·éÜ ·ð çÙ·Å ,°ðÚôÜè,°ðÚôÜè °â.¥ô âð€ÅÚ
-4,THANE, NAVI MUMBAI,THANE Maharashtra 400708 INDIA
-4,Ææ‡æð, Ùßè ×é´Õ§ü,Ææ‡æð ×ãæÚæcÅ÷Ú 400708 §´çÇØæ
Ph : 91-8828767676
$ÈôÙÑ 91-8828767676

PAN : ANJPP0305R | AY : 2022-23 | Ack. No. : 946225610230722 | DIN : CPC/2223/A4/264654199

You have a Refund for A.Y. 2022-23

* Amount of Refund : ` 420 Refund Sequence No : 9188741644

ITR Form Type Date of Filing Intimation Order Date Due Date

ITR4 Original 23/07/2022 23/07/2022 31/07/2022

Extended Due Date Status Residential status

31/07/2022 Individual Resident


Amount in `
Sl.No. Particulars Reporting Heads
As provided by Taxpayer As Computed u/s 143(1)

01 Taxation option Opted for 115BAC No No

02 Income Details Total Income 4,71,090 4,71,090

03 Tax Details Tax Liability after relief 0 0

04 Interest and Fee Payable Total Interest And Fee ( 234A, 234B, 234C & 234F ) 0 0

05 Pre-paid Taxes Total Taxes Paid ( Advance Tax, TDS, TCS, Self Assessment Tax ) 412 412

06 Refund Details Refund Amount (Including 244A interest) 410 420

* Note: Refund will be credited to your bank account within 15 days from the date of receipt of intimation. Kindly note that such N SAIRAJ
credit is subject to your bank account being pre-validated and linked to your PAN.
Asst. Director of Income Tax, CPC

Page 5 of 8
Intimation u/s 143(1)


PAN : ANJPP0305R | AY : 2022-23 | Ack. No. : 946225610230722 | DIN : CPC/2223/A4/264654199

Amount in `
Sl.No. Particulars Reporting Heads
As provided by Taxpayer As Computed u/s 143(1)

01 PROFESSION Income from Business or Profession 7,01,425 7,01,425

02 SALARY (i) Gross Salary (ia+ib+ic+id+ie) 0 0

(a) Salary as per section 17(1) 0 0

(b) Value of perquisites as per section 17(2) 0 0

(c) Profits in lieu of salary as per section 17(3) 0 0

Income from retirement benefit account maintained in a notified

(d) country u/s 89A 0 0

Income from retirement benefit account maintained in a country

(e) other than notified country u/s 89A 0 0

(ii) Less : Allowances to the extent exempt u/s 10 0 0

(iia) Less: Income claimed for relief from taxation u/s 89A 0 0

(iii) Net salary (i-ii-iia) 0 0

(iv) Deduction u/s 16 (iva+ivb+ivc) 0 0

(a) Standard deduction u/s 16 (ia) 0 0

(b) Entertainment allowance u/s 16 (ii) 0 0

(c) Professional tax u/s 16(iii) 0 0

(v) Income chargeable under the head 'SALARIES' (iii-iv) 0 0

03 HOUSE PROPERTY Type of House Property Let Out Let Out

(i) Gross rent received/receivable/lettable value during the year 60,000 60,000

(ii) Tax paid to local authorities 0 0

(iii) Annual value (i-ii) 60,000 60,000

(iv) 30% of Annual value 18,000 18,000

(v) Interest payable on borrowed capital 50,174 50,174

(vi) Arrears/ Unrealized rent received during the Year Less 30% 0 0

(vii) Income chargeable under the head 'House Property' [(iii-iv-v)+vi] -8,174 -8,174

04 OTHER SOURCES Income from other sources (sum of the items below) 587 587

(i) Interest from Savings Account 587 587

05 Gross Total Income [5=(1+2+3+4)] 6,93,838 6,93,838

06 UNDER CHAPTER Deductions (u/s)

80C (Deduction in respect of life insurance premia, deferred annuity,

(a) contributions to provident fund, subscription to certain equity shares or 1,50,000 1,50,000
debentures, etc.)

(b) 80D (Deduction in respect of health insurance premia) 12,157 12,157

(c) 80GG (Deductions in respect of rents paid.) 60,000 60,000

(d) 80TTA (Deduction in respect of interest on deposits in savings account) 587 587

Total deductions under chapter VI-A (sum of the items above) (As restricted
2,22,744 2,22,744
to the amount claimed in the return)

07 Taxable Total income [7=(5-6)] 4,71,090 4,71,090

08 TAX DETAILS Tax payable on total income 11,055 11,055

09 Rebate u/s 87A 11,055 11,055

10 Tax payable after rebate [10=(8-9)] 0 0

11 Health & education cess @4% on 10 0 0

12 Total Tax & Health & education cess [12=(10+11)] 0 0

Page 6 of 8
Intimation u/s 143(1)


PAN : ANJPP0305R | AY : 2022-23 | Ack. No. : 946225610230722 | DIN : CPC/2223/A4/264654199

Amount in `
Sl.No. Particulars Reporting Heads
As provided by Taxpayer As Computed u/s 143(1)

13 TAX RELIEF Relief u/s 89 0 0


14 LIABILITY Balance tax after relief [14=(12-13)] 0 0


15 PAYABLE (a) Total Interest u/s 234A 0 0

(b) Total Interest u/s 234B 0 0

(c) Total Interest u/s 234C 0 0

(d) Fee u/s 234F 0 0

(e) Total Interest and fee [15e={15(a)+15(b)+15(c)+15(d)}] 0 0

16 Aggregate Income Tax liability [16=(14+15e)] 0 0

17 PRE-PAID TAXES (a) Advance tax 0 0

(b) TDS 412 412

(c) TCS 0 0

(d) Self assessment tax 0 0

(e) Total Tax Paid [17e={17(a)+17(b)+17(c)+17(d)}] 412 412

18 REFUND Refund Amount [18=(17e-16)] 410 412

19 Delay attributable to Taxpayer (in months) N/A 0

20 Interest u/s 244A on refund (on item 18 above after considering item 19) N/A 8

21 Total Income Tax Refund [21=(18+20)] N/A 420

Less: Amount of refund adjusted against demand(s) of earlier AY(s) and interest payable u/s 220(2) after
22 following due process under section 245. 0
(Please refer to the annexure - outstanding demand details)

23 Net Amount Refundable [23=(21-22)] 420

Page 7 of 8
Intimation u/s 143(1)


PAN : ANJPP0305R | AY : 2022-23 | Ack. No. : 946225610230722 | DIN : CPC/2223/A4/264654199


1. Interest u/s 244A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 is computed up to the date of issue of the refund.

2. The refund determined in this intimation, along with interest u/s 244A is subject to adjustment of arrear demand, if any, u/s 245.

3. The Refund is issued by the State Bank of India (Refund Banker) on behalf of the Income Tax Department. The details of the status of the Refund can be obtained from
website (www.tin-nsdl.com) under "Status of Tax Refunds". In case of any difficulty or delay in the receipt of refund, kindly call the State Bank of India Call Center
number 18004259760 to know the status of refund.

4. If you consider that any part of this intimation requires to be rectified, you may request for a rectification u/s 154 of the Income Tax Act 1961.

To file a Rectification Request

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Log on to www.incometax.gov.in with Click on 'Rectification' under

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