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Formation of element in the Evolution of the of the universe

Edwin Hubble Discovers that the Universe Edwin Hubble discovers that the universe is
is Expanding expanding. The astronomer Edwin Hubble proves
1929 A.D. that the universe is not static, but is expanding in all

The Black Hole Era

It is a region of the space time
1038 to 10100 Years in the

The Big Bang Approximately 13.7 billion years ago, t5he tiny point that is singularity violently
10-43 seconds exploded

The Universe Takes After inflation, one millionth of a second after the Big Bang, the universe
Shape continues to expand but not nearly so quickly.
10-6 seconds

Formation of Basic Protons and neutrons come together to form the nuclei of simple elements:
Elements hydrogen, helium and lithium. It will take another 300,000 years for electrons
3 seconds to be captured into orbits around these nuclei to form stable atoms.

The Radiation Era

This era is so named for the abundance of radiation after the big bang and
10,000 years
spanned only first ten thousands of years since the explosion

Matter Era This era spans the million after the radiation.
300,000 years

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