Quiz 1

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18 Sep 2021
Quiz One

Passage One
up until what length will you abuse our patience, Catiline? how much longer is that furor of yours
to make ridicule of us? toward what end will your unbridled audacity keep on throwing itself?
1) Because patientia pairs with nostra, which is in the ablative case, and patientia is also an
ablative of respect
2) 3
3) nominative case because it’s part of the subject, “effrenata audacia.”

Passage Two
however we, stout men, seem to do enough for the republic, if we should avoid the fury and
weapons of that man. you, Catiline, to be led to death by order of the consul it has been
appropriate for a long time now,
1) nominative case because it’s part of the subject, “nos, fortes viri,”
2) Accusative case because its a direct object accusative; “we avoid the fury,” nom -> trans
-> acc.
3) Genitive case because it’s a genitive of possession as depicted by its ending -is and by
possessing “iussu”

Passage Three
I desire myself, of conscript fathers, to be lenient, I desire in these dangers so great to the
republic not for me to appear negligent, but now I myself condemn myself for idleness and
1) Accusative case because its a direct object accusative; “cupio...me” -> “I desire myself”
2) 5: me, patres, rei publicae, me, me.
3) Ablative case because its an ablative of description; “tantis...periculis” -> “dangers so

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