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Quarter 1 – Module 2:
Creating and Editing Data
in a Worksheet
(Week 3-4)
What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master how
to use MS Excel 2016. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many different
learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students.
The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course.

The module is divided into 7 lessons, namely:

1. Identifying and classifying data as label, value, or formula
2. Formatting text, numbers, and date
3. Inserting, modifying, or editing data
4. Adjusting cells or cell ranges
5. Hiding or unhiding columns & rows
6. Using Fill Series
7. Navigating cells using Go to Dialog Box

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1) discuss the function of text, value, formula, and functions,

2) enter and format text, numbers, date, and formula,
3) state procedures on how to insert and edit data,
4) demonstrate how to adjust cells or cell ranges,
5) perform hiding and unhiding columns and rows,
6) demonstrate how to use fill series, and
7) present how to navigate worksheet using the Go to dialog box.

What I know (Pretest)

The following activity aims to check what you already know about the lesson to take. If you
get all the answers correct (100%), you may decide to skip this Lesson.
Instructions: Write the letter of the correct answers on a separate sheet of paper for the
following questions below:
Please do not forget to write the following in you answer sheets:
Name: ______________________________________ Year & Section: _________________
Yr. Level & Subject: _________________________ Module No: _____________________
Name of the Activity: ________________________ Date: ___________________________

1) Study the screenshot above. How can you ensure the first name in Column B are
all visible and not cut off?
A. This is not possible in Excel as cells are set to a default size.
B. You must click the Center alignment option button to ensure the surnames are all
C. You can double-click the line on the right-hand side of Column B label to
automatically increase the column width to fit the longest first name in the column.
D. None of the options listed above are correct.

2) Study the screenshot of a blank Excel worksheet above. How would you add the
word COMPLETED to cell A1?
A. Go to the Formulas tab and select the INSERT TEXT function. Wait for the dialog box
to open and then type COMPLETED to insert it into cell A1.
B. Click or double-click cell A1 and type the word COMPLETED. Press the Enter or Tab
key to finalize the entry.
C. Right-click cell A1 and select Insert from the menu. Type COMPLETED in the Insert
dialog box to insert it into cell A1.
D. All the options listed above are correct.
3) Where would you find options to align cell contents in the center, right or left?
A. Under the Home tab on the Ribbon in the Alignment group.
B. Under the Format tab on the Ribbon in the Alignment group.

C. Under the Insert New Alignment option located in the bottom right-hand corner of the
Excel screen.
D. None of the options listed above are correct.
4) What is the purpose of the Wrap Text function located in the Alignment group?
A. Wrap text deletes extra lines of text that do not fit within the cell.
B. Wrap text ensures that all letters within a selected cell is capitalized.
C. Wrap text ensures extra-long lines of text is wrapped into multiple lines so you can
see all of it.
D. Wrap text creates a heading for the text located within the cell and inserts it as the
column heading.

5) Study the screenshot above. How was a paragraph space inserted between the
two lines of text in cell E3?
A. The paragraph space was created by increasing the row height.
B. The paragraph space was created by merging two cells into one.
C. The paragraph space was created by pressing Enter once or more after the
word modules. In cell E3.
D. The paragraph space was created by pressing Alt + Enter once or more after the
word students in cell E3.
6) Where on the Ribbon can you find options to Delete Cells, Delete Sheet Rows,
Delete Sheet Columns and Delete Sheet?
A. These options are found under the Home tab on the Ribbon in the Cells group.
B. These options can be found under the Review tab on the Ribbon in the Accessibility
C. These options can be found under the Formulas tab on the Ribbon in the Formula
Auditing group.
D. These options are not found on the Ribbon and the only way to delete cells or their
contents is to press the Delete button on your keyboard.
7) What will happen if I select a row and press Ctrl+- on my keyboard?
A. It will delete the row.
B. It will insert the hyphen or minus symbol '-'.
C. It will delete the contents of the first cell in the selection.
D. It will delete all the contents contained in cells in the selection.
8) Study the screenshot of a worksheet below. Many of the columns contains content
that is hidden. Which of the following keyboard shortcut combinations could you
use to quickly resize all the columns to ensure the content is displayed?
A. Pressing Alt + R will resize all the rows and columns.
B. Pressing Ctrl + A and then Ctrl++ will resize all the columns.
C. Pressing Ctrl + A and then Alt + H-O-I will resize all the columns to fit their contents.
D. There is no shortcut combination to do this. You would have to manually resize
columns using your mouse.

9) Study the screenshot of a section of a worksheet below. The current selected cell
is C9. What will happen if the shortcut combination Shift + Spacebar is pressed
with this cell selected?
A. The entire Row 5 will be selected.
B. The contents of C9 will be deleted.
C. The cell contents will be duplicated.
D. The cell size of C9 will increase or decrease to match the contents of the cell.

10) Study the screenshot of a section of a worksheet below this question. It appears
some of the content is missing or squashed within the row. Which of the
following shortcut combinations will quickly fix this problem?
A. By pressing Ctrl + A to select the worksheet and then pressing Alt + O-W-A the
rows will be resized to fit the contents.
B. By pressing Ctrl + A to select the worksheet and then pressing Alt + H-O-A, the
rows will be resized to fit the contents.
C. By pressing Ctr l+ A to select the worksheet and then pressing Alt + Shift +H-O-
A, the rows will be resized to fit the contents.
D. None of the above options are correct.

11) Study the screenshot of a worksheet with the Insert Dialogue box below. What is
the shortcut combination for launching this very useful dialogue box?
A. Selecting a cell and pressing Shift++
B. Selecting a cell and pressing Ctrl++.
C. Selecting a cell and pressing Alt + O-C-W
D. Selecting a cell and pressing Ctrl + Shift ++

12) How do you display current date and time in MS Excel?
A. date () B. now () C. time () D. Today ()
13) In order to perform a calculation in a spreadsheet, you need to use a:
A. field B. formula C. table D. variable
14) You are editing a worksheet that you had previously saved. If you want to save
the edited sheet without losing the original one, which command should you
A. Edit B. New C. Save D. Save As
15) A numeric value can be treated as label value if __________ precedes it.
A. Apostrophe (‘) B. Exclamation (!) C. Hash (#) D. Tilde (~)
16) Which command do you use to format a cell or selected cells quickly by choosing
from a defined list of styles?
A. Cell Style B. Form C. Format Cells D. Format as Table
17) You accidentally erased a record in the sheet. What command can be used to
restore it immediately?
A. Copy B. Insert C. Undo D. Replace
18) Which area in an Excel window allows entering values and formulas?
A. Formula Bar B. Menu Bar C. Title Bar D. Tool Bar
19) Which is not the function of “Edit, Clear” command?
A. Delete contents C. Delete cells
B. Delete notes D. Delete formats
20) How do you wrap the text in a cell?
A. Format, cells, font C. Format, cells, number
B. Format, cells, protection D. Format, cells, alignment

Lesson 2.1 Text, Values, Formulas and Functions

Excel stores data in individual cells of the worksheets within a workbook. You can process
or reference the data in each cell in many ways, either individually or in logical groups. A set
of contiguous data cells is a data range. A data range can be as small as a short list of
dates or as large as a multicolumn table that includes thousands of rows of data.

You can create a worksheet from scratch or by creating, reusing, or calculating data from
other sources. You can perform various operations on data when pasting it into a worksheet,
either to maintain the original state of the data or to change it. When creating data from

scratch, you can quickly enter large amounts of data that follows a pattern by filling a numeric
or alphanumeric data series. You can fill any of the default series that come with Excel or
create a custom data series.

This lesson guides you in studying ways of working with the content and appearance of cells
and the organization of data.

What’s In

Navigating in the Excel Environment. Below is a table that will assist you with
navigating/moving around in the Excel environment.

ARROW KEYS Move one cell up, down, left, or right in a worksheet.
SHIFT+ARROW KEY extends the selection of cells by one cell.
BACKSPACE Deletes one character to the left in the Formula Bar. Also
clears the content of the active cell. In cell editing mode,
it deletes the character to the left of the insertion point.
DELETE Removes the cell contents (data and formulas) from
selected cells without affecting cell formats or comments.
In cell editing mode, it deletes the character to the right
of the insertion point.
END Moves to the cell in the lower-right corner of the window
when SCROLL LOCK is turned on. Also selects the last
command on the menu when a menu or submenu is
CTRL+END Moves to the last cell on a worksheet, in the lowest used
row of the rightmost used column. If the cursor is in the
formula bar, CTRL+END moves the cursor to the end of
the text.
CTRL+SHIFT+END Extends the selection of cells to the last used cell on the
worksheet (lower-right corner). If the cursor is in the
formula bar, CTRL+SHIFT+END selects all text in the
formula bar from the cursor position to the end—this
does not affect the height of the formula bar.
ENTER Completes a cell entry from the cell or the Formula Bar
and selects the cell below (by default).
SHIFT ENTER Selects the cell above.
ESC Cancels an entry in the cell or Formula Bar. Closes an
open menu or submenu, dialog box, or message window.
HOME Moves to the beginning of a row in a worksheet.

CTRL+HOME moves to the beginning of a worksheet.
PAGE DOWN Moves one screen down in a worksheet.
PAGE UP Moves one screen up in a worksheet.
SPACEBAR In a dialog box, performs the action for the selected
button, or selects or clears a check box.
CTRL+SPACEBAR selects an entire column in a worksheet.
SHIFT+SPACEBAR selects an entire row in a worksheet.
CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR selects the entire worksheet.
TAB Moves one cell to the right in a worksheet.
SHIFT + TAB Moves one cell to the left in a worksheet
CTRL + PAGE DOWN Opens or moves to the next worksheet in the right
CTRL + PAGE UP Opens or moves to the next worksheet in the left
NAME BOX Goes to the cell you have typed in the box

Highlighting/Selecting Areas Using the Mouse

Function Mouse Pointer Procedure

Click a cell or click and drag the
Select cells:
mouse to highlight a group of cells.

Moves a cell’s
Click the cell and point on the
highlighted borders until the mouse
pointer turns into a plus with an
arrow and drag to a different
Activate the Autofill The autofill feature is a small square
feature: located on the lower right corner of
a cell or highlighted cells. Point the
mouse on this corner and it will turn
into a black plus symbol. Click &
drag to copy contents of a cell or
To Select a Column: Click on the column letter
To Select a Row: Click on the row number
To Select the Entire Click above row 1 and to the left of
Worksheet: column A or hit CTRL A on the

What’s New

Understanding Cells
Every worksheet is made up of thousands of rectangles, which are called cells. A cell is
the intersection of a row and a column. In other words, it is where a row and column meet.

Columns are identified by letters (A, B, C), while rows are identified by numbers (1, 2,
3). Each cell has its own name—or cell address—based on its column and row. In the
example below, the selected cell intersects column C and row 5, so the cell address is C5.

When you select a cell, the cell address also appears in the Name box in the top-left corner,
and that a cell's column and row headings are highlighted when the cell is selected.

You can also select multiple cells at the same time. A group of cells is known as a cell
range. Rather than a single cell address, you will refer to a cell range using the cell
addresses of the first and last cells in the cell range, separated by a colon. For example, a
cell range that included cells A1, A2, A3, A4, and A5 would be written as A1:A5. Look at the
different cell ranges below:

Cell range A1:A8 Cell range A1:F1

● Cell range A1:F8

Inserting a row or Column into the Worksheet
You can add or insert columns and rows in your worksheet.
1. Place the mouse pointer on cells where you want to insert a row or a column.
2. Right click the mouse and on the Context Menu, click Insert.
3. On the Insert dialog box, click Entire Row or Entire Column.

4. Or click the Insert button on the cells group and select the
option on the Insert dialog box.

Deleting a Row or Column in a Worksheet

You can delete a row or column in your worksheet.

1. Place the mouse pointer on the cell wherein you want to delete a row or
2. Right click the mouse and on the Context Menu, click Delete.
3. On the Delete dialog box, click Entire Row or Entire Column
4. Or click the Delete button on the Cells group in the Home Tab and
select from the list of commands.
5. To clear cell contents, click Clear Contents from the Context Menu or Clear button
from the Editing Group.

Resizing the Column and Row

If the text you are typing does not fit the cell, you may resize the Column and Row.
1. To resize the row, point your mouse on the line between the row headers and when
the double headed arrow appears, move your mouse up or down to resize.
2. To resize the columns, point your mouse on the line between the column headers
and when the double headed arrow appears, move your mouse left or right to resize.
3. You can also resize a group of columns or rows simultaneously by selecting the
columns or rows and drag the double headed arrow.
4. You can also use the Format command to resize. Click the Home Tab, go to the

Cells group and click the Format button and select Row Height or
Column Width.
5. On the Row Height or Column Width dialog box, type the measurement of your
desired height and width.

Hide or Unhide Rows and Columns

To hide a Column or Rows that you no longer need, do the following:

1. Select the columns or rows you want to hide

2. On Home Tab, Cells Group, select Format

3. Under Visibility, choose Hide Columns or Rows.

1. Select a row or column header
2. Right-click the mouse, then select Hide from the context menu to hide rows or

What is It

Lesson 2.2 Spreadsheet Data

Spreadsheet data is information that is stored in any spreadsheet program such as Excel or
Google Sheets. Data stored in cells in a worksheet can be used in calculations, displayed in
graphs, or sorted and filtered to find specific information.

Types of Spreadsheet Data

Spreadsheets are composed of columns and rows that create a grid of cells. Typically, each
cell holds a single item of data. Here is an explanation of the three types of data most used
in spreadsheet programs:

Text data, also called labels, is used for worksheet headings and names that identify
columns of data. Text data can contain letters, numbers, and special characters such as! or
&. This includes numerical information, such as phone numbers and zip codes.

● Includes any character that is not interpreted as a number by Excel.
● By default, all text is left justified; a different format may be used by using the
short-cut buttons in the Formatting toolbar.
● A long text entry will appear to overflow to adjacent cells.
● Cells may be formatted to allow for word wrapping by clicking the dialog box
launcher from the alignment group and Format cells dialog box will appear,
select the Alignment tab, and choose Wrap Text.

To Enter Text/Labels: 1) Click in a cell >>2) Type text >>> 3) Press Enter

By default, pressing the Enter key will move you to the cell below the active cell. You can
move to another cell by pressing the arrow keys on your keyboard or just clicking the

The label actually “lives” in the cell you typed it into. If you type long text it might appear to
be in multiple columns. It is important to understand this concept when trying to apply
formatting to a cell. Using the formula bar will confirm where the label actually “lives.”

Number data, also called values, is used in calculations. By default, numbers are right
aligned in a cell. It is important NOT to type values with characters such as “,” or “$”. In
addition to actual numbers, Excel also stores dates and times as numbers. Other
spreadsheet programs treat dates and times as a separate data category. Problems arise
when numbers are formatted as text data. This prevents them from being used in

● Includes the digits 0 through 9 and the following special characters: + - ( ) , / *
^$ % .
● By default, all cells are formatted with the General number format (which displays
numbers as integers, decimals, or in scientific notation).
● Numbers, by default, are right justified.
● A different format may be applied to numbers by clicking the dialog box launcher
from the Number group and Format cells dialog box will appear, and then select
any of the options in the Category for formatting numbers.

● When the length of a number exceeds the column width, number signs (####)
will be displayed in the cell or the number will be displayed in scientific notation;
to display the entire number, move the column border to desired width. Or select
the column by clicking the column header, on the home tab, cells group, select
Format > Column Width, select AutoFit Column width to increase the column
● In some cases, you may want to enter numeric data as text. To do so, type an
apostrophe before the number or, prior to entering the number, format the cell as
text by clicking the dialog box launcher from the Number group and Format
cells dialog box will appear, and then select the options in the Category for
formatting Text.
● To Enter Values: 1) Navigate to a cell >> 2) Type a value>>> 3) Press Enter

Enter a date or time in a cell

1. On the worksheet, click a cell.
2. Type a date or time as follows:
● To enter a date, use a slash mark or a hyphen to separate the parts of a date; for
example, type 9/5/2021 or 5-Sep-2021.
● To enter a time that is based on the 12-hour clock, enter the time followed by a
space, and then type a or p after the time, for example, 9:00 p. Otherwise, Excel
enters the time as AM.
● To enter the current date and time, press Ctrl + Shift +; (semicolon).
● To enter a date or time that stays current when you reopen a worksheet, you can
use the TODAY and NOW functions.
● When you enter a date or a time in a cell, it appears either in the default date or
time format for your computer or in the format that was applied to the cell before
you entered the date or time. The default date or time format is based on the date
and time settings in the Regional and Language Options dialog box (Control
Panel, Clock, Language, and Region). If these settings on your computer have
been changed, the dates and times in your workbooks that have not been
formatted by using the Format Cells command are displayed according to those
● To apply the default date or time format, click the cell that contains the date or
time value, and then press Ctrl+Shift+# or Ctrl+Shift+@

Formulas are mathematical equations that work in combination with data from other cells
on the spreadsheet. Simple formulas are used to add or subtract numbers. Advanced
formulas perform algebraic equations. Spreadsheet functions are formulas that are built into

Formulas perform calculations or other actions on the data in your worksheet. A formula
starts with an equal sign (=). It is possible to create formulas in Excel using the actual values,
such as “4000*.4” but it is more beneficial to refer to the cell address in the formula, for
example “D1*.4”. One of the benefits of using a spreadsheet program is the ability to create
a formula in one cell and copy it to other cells.

To Create a Formula: 1) Click in a cell 3) Type the formula

2) Press the = key 4) Press Enter

Copying Formulas
Like many things in Excel, there is more than one way to copy formulas. Feel free to
choose what works best for you.

To Copy Formulas Using Autofill:
1) Click in the cell that contains the formula
2) Position the mouse on the Autofill handle (a thin black cross will appear)
3) Click and drag to copy the formula

To Copy Formulas Using Copy and Paste:

1) Click in the cell that contains a formula
2) Select Copy on the Home Ribbon in the Editing group
3) Highlight the cell where you would like to paste the formula
4) Select Paste on the Home Ribbon in the Editing group

Keyboard Ribbon: Mouse:
Press CTRL + C Right-click and
choose Copy

AutoSum Function

The most common formula in Excel is SUM, or the addition of multiple values. In this
example, we could create a formula that reads =C6+D6+E6+F6+G6+H6. That is a lot of
typing! Instead, we can use the SUM function and specify a range of cells.

Functions are more complex formulas that are invoked by typing their name. In this example,
we will use the SUM function. Excel has over 200 functions that can be used. Because
SUM is the most common function, it is the only one with its own toolbar button located at
the Home tab, editing group.

When working with functions, the cells used in the formula are referred to as the range. A
range is a group of cells that are specified by naming the first cell in the group and the last
cell. For example, A1:D1 is a range that includes cells A1, B1, C1 and D1.

To Create the Total Column’s Values Using AutoSum:

1) Click in the cell where you would like the Total to be located
2) Press the AutoSum button on the Home Ribbon.
3) Press Enter

The AutoSum function automatically looks for cells that have values in them. It will read
values until it finds the first blank cell. AutoSum will always look for values in the cells above
it first, then to the left. This means that you need to be aware of what cells will be in the
formula. AutoSum will select the range of cells to use in the formula by highlighting the range.
In the second example, horizontal data is computed from A9 to E9. See the AutoSum
formula in the formula bar.

Lesson 2.3 Entering and Editing Data

You can enter text, numbers, and dates in an Excel worksheet. To enter data of any type,
click on the cell you want to contain that data, and then type the information you want in the
cell. When you begin typing, your data also appears in the formula bar. When you have
finished typing the data for the active cell, press the Return or Enter key.

Editing Data
The easiest way to edit the contents of a cell is to select the cell and then retype the entry.
The new entry replaces the old contents. For example, to change the number in cell B6 to
199, select cell B6, type 199 and press Enter. This method works well with numbers but is
more difficult when editing long text labels or formulas.

The formula bar gives you more flexibility while editing. When the mouse pointer moves into
the formula bar, it changes shape to an I-beam, signifying that you can enter or edit text.
Text in the active cell appears in the formula bar and you can edit it there. Use the mouse
to select the text you want to change in the formula bar and then type the new text. Excel
automatically replaces what is selected. Do not forget to press the Enter key when you finish
editing a cell.

You may also edit labels and values directly in cells. Double-click on the cell you want to
edit. This puts an insertion point in the cell. Edit the contents of that cell the same way you
would using the formula bar.

Font Group Commands

The commands in the Font Group allow you to set and change the font type, style, font
color, fill color and border of the fonts.

Font Changes the font type
Size Changes the font size
Increase Font Size Increase the font size
Decrease Font Size Decrease the font size
Bold Changes the font size to bold
Italic Changes the font size to Italic
Underline Places underline on text
Border Places border on the document
Fill Color Places highlight color on the text
Font Color Places color on the font

Changing the Font, Font Style, and Font Size

You can change the text’s attributes such as the font, font style and size even after you have
created and saved your worksheet.

To change the font, font style and size:

1. Select or highlight the cell or range of cells you want to change.
2. Click the Home tab, go to the Font group and click the Font drop-down arrow
to select the Font.

3. Beside the Font, you can find the Font Size drop-down arrow for the font size
4. Below the font, you can select the different styles like Bold, Italics and Underline
5. Beside the Font Styles, you can find the drop-down arrow for the Font and Fill color
6. Click the Dialog box launcher to display the Format Dialog box.

Lesson 2.4 Adjusting Cells and Ranges

Changing Column Width

Excel allows you to independently adjust column width for each column in your worksheet.
The quickest way to do this is to use the mouse in the following manner:
1) Move the mouse so it is over the dividing line between two columns in the column
headings area of the worksheet. Choose the dividing line that is to the right of the
column whose width you want to adjust. The mouse cursor changes to a double-
headed arrow.
2) Click and hold the left mouse button.
3) Drag the mouse left or right until the column is the desired width.
4) Release the mouse button.
You can also automatically adjust the width of a column to match the width of the longest
cell contents in the column by double-clicking on the dividing line between columns.
Set a row to a specific height
1. Select the row or rows that you want to change.
2. On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click Format.

3. Under Cell Size, click Row Height.

4. In the Row height box, type the value that you want, and then click OK.

Change the row height to fit the contents

1) Select the row or rows that you want to change.
2) On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click Format.
3) On the Home tab, click Format
4) Under Cell Size, click AutoFit Row Height.

Tip: To quickly autofit all rows on the worksheet, click the Select All button, and then double-
click the boundary below one of the row headings.
Deleting Data and Clearing Cell Contents
As you build and modify your worksheet, you may have to change data or formula in a cell
or want a cell to be empty. To erase the contents of a cell, go to the cell you want to erase
then press either the Delete key or press the Spacebar and press Enter, or choose Clear
All from the Editing group in the Home Tab. Then, select what you want to clear from the

cell: All, Formats, Contents, Comments or Hyperlink. Most frequently you will want to clear
the Contents of a cell.

You can perform two kinds of deletions in a worksheet:

✓ Clearing a cell: Clearing just deletes or empties the cell’s contents without removing
the cell from the worksheet, which would alter the layout of the surrounding cells.
✓ Deleting a cell: Deleting gets rid of the whole cell structure along with all its contents
and formatting. When you delete a cell, Excel has to shuffle the position of entries in
the surrounding cells to plug up any gaps made by the action

Using Undo and Redo Buttons

If you commit a mistake and you accidentally delete important data, use the Undo
command on the Quick Access Toolbar to correct the mistake or press Ctrl + Z. While the
Redo button allows you to restore a previous action or press Ctrl + Y.

Copying and Moving Data

Copy selected data from one cell to another with the Copy and Paste commands or with the
Drag and Drop procedure. If you choose to move data instead, use the Cut and Paste
commands or the Drag and Drop procedure.

To copy data, do the following:

1) Highlight data you want to copy
2) Select copy command on the clipboard or press Ctrl + C
3) Select an adjacent cell to paste or select another sheet from the workbook
4) Select paste or press Ctrl + V

To copy worksheet in the same workbook

1. Right click on the worksheet tab and select Move or Copy.
2. Select the Create a copy checkbox.
3. Under Before sheet, select where you want to place the copy.
4. Select OK.

To drag and drop cells:

Instead of cutting, copying, and pasting, you can drag and drop cells to move their
1) Select the cell(s) you want to move.
2) Hover the mouse over the border of the selected cell(s) until the mouse changes
to a pointer with four arrows.
3) Click and drag the cells to the desired location.

Lesson 2.6 Using Autofill

Frequently, it is necessary to enter lists of information. For example, column headings are
often the months of the year or the days of the week. To simplify entering repetitive or
sequential lists of information, Excel has a tool called Autofill Handle. This tool
allows preprogrammed lists, as well as custom lists, to be easily added to a
spreadsheet. Below is the procedure and an example on how to use the Autofill handle:
Type Sunday on a cell and press Enter. Select the cell again and place the mouse pointer
on the lower right corner of the cell until the mouse pointer becomes a cross. Click and drag
the mouse to the right until you have all the days of the week, then drag it downward.

1 3

Using Fill Series

Aside from the Auto Fill function, you can use the Fill Series functions to automatically fill
cells with data. To do this:
1. Enter a number Example: 5, 10 then highlight the cells (see Figure 1)
2. Click the Home Tab, go to Editing group and click the Fill button and select Series.
3. On the Series dialog box, type group, select linear. Under Step value, type 5, and Stop
value, 50 and click ok or press enter.

2 4

Lesson 2.7 Navigating cells using Go to Dialog Box

Go to Command
The easiest way to move a large distance on a worksheet is
with the Go To command or press Ctrl + G. When you select
the Go To command, a dialog box prompts you to identify the 1
cell. Enter the cell reference and click OK or press Enter.
Automatically your active cell will be the reference number
you entered.

To Use Go to Command:

1} In the Home tab, editing group choose the Find icon

and click the dropdown arrow and select Go To or press Ctrl + 2
G on the keyboard.

2) In the Go To Dialog Box under Reference, type the cell

address and press enter and the number you entered will
become your active cell.

What’s More

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate
sheet of paper.

Please do not forget to write the following in you answer sheets:

Name: ______________________________________ Year & Section: _________________
Yr. Level & Subject: _________________________ Module No: _____________________
Name of the Activity: ________________________ Date: ___________________________

1. A file that contains one or more worksheets, which you can use to organize various
kinds of related information.
A. Cell B. Sheet Tabs C. Worksheet D. Workbook
2. You want to open a new workbook. Which button/command in the file tab would you
A. New B. Open C. Recent D. Save
3. A quick way to return to a specific area of a worksheet is to type in the _____.
A. Formula bar B. Help box C. Name box D. Zoom box
4. What do you call it when you highlight a set of cells?
A. sheet tabbing B. filling C. selecting D. dragging
5. What is something that can be used to compute?
A. a formula B. a label C. a tab cell D. a value
6. What is a number that can be entered into a cell?
A. a formula B. a label C. a tab cell D. a value
7. These are letters, symbols, numbers and spaces or any combination that you enter
in a cell.
A. Text B. Value C. Formula D. Function
8. What do you call the process of combining two or more cells into one?
A. Borders B. Merging C. Selecting D. Splitting
9. It is the process of changing the appearance of the data in worksheet cells.
A. Copying B. Editing C. Formatting D. Proofreading
10. Which of the following icons will change the text color?

A. B. C. D.
11. Which dialog box contains the commands to specify an exact date and time format
to use for a selected cell in a worksheet?
A. Font B. Format Cells C. Number D. Paragraph
12. Clearing the contents by pressing “DELETE” key from a keyboard will clear
A. Contents Only C. Text Only
B. Format Only D. Both Contents and Format
13. Where on the Ribbon can you find options to Delete Cells, Delete Sheet Rows,
Delete Sheet Columns and Delete Sheet?
A. These options are not found on the Ribbon and the only way to delete cells or
their contents is to press the Delete button on your keyboard.
B. These options can be found under the Formulas tab on the Ribbon in the Formula
Auditing group.
C. These options can be found under the Review tab on the Ribbon in the
Accessibility group.
D. These options are found under the Home tab on the Ribbon in the Cells group
14. Where would you find options to align cell contents in the center, right or left?
A. Under the Home tab on the Ribbon in the Alignment group.
B. Under the Format tab on the Ribbon in the Alignment group.

C. Under the Insert New Alignment option located in the bottom right-hand corner
of the Excel screen.
D. None of the options listed above are correct.
15. What will happen if you select a row and press Ctrl+- on your keyboard?
A. It will delete the row.
B. It will insert the hyphen or minus symbol '-'.
C. It will delete the contents of the first cell in the selection.
D. It will delete all the contents contained in cells in the selection.

What I Have Learned (Post Test)

Instructions: Write the letter of the correct answer from the given choices.

Please do not forget to write the following in you answer sheets:

Name: ______________________________________ Year & Section: _________________
Yr. Level & Subject: _________________________ Module No: _____________________
Name of the Activity: ________________________ Date: ___________________________

1) It is a rectangular area where a column and a row intersect.

A. Active cell B. Cell C. Sheet D. Table
2) What are horizontal references called?
A. Cell B. Columns C. Rows D. Workbook
3) What ribbon tab to select if you want to use spreadsheet template?
A. File B. Insert C. Page Layout D. View
4) What is something that can be used to compute?
A. a formula B. a label C. a tab cell D. a value
5) What is a number that can be entered into a cell
A. a formula B. a label C. a tab cell D. a value
6) These are letters, symbols, numbers and spaces or any combination that you enter into a
A. Formula B. Function C. Text D. Value
7) The command that you can use to automatically fill a series of cells with numbers.
A. Arrow B. AutoFill C. Auto Handle D. Fill Handle
8) Which dialog box contains the commands to specify an exact date and time format to use
for a selected cell in a worksheet?
A. Font B. Format Cells C. Number D. Paragraph
9) Which command on the Home Ribbon do you use to remove cells, rows, or columns from a
worksheet or table?
A. Delete B. Format C. Format as Table D. Remove
10) Which of the following shortcuts can be used to insert a new line in the same cell?
A. Enter B. Alt + Enter C. Ctrl + Enter D. Shift + Enter
11) Centering text in a cell allows you to center the label of your data. Which of the following
would you select if you want to center text in two or more cells?
A. Center C. Justified
B. Distributed D. Merge & Center
12) To select an entire column in MS-EXCEL, press?
A. CTRL + C C. CTRL + Arrow key
B. CTRL + S D. CTRL + Spacebar
13) How do you wrap the text in a cell?
A. Format, cells, alignment C. format, cells, number
B. Format, cells, font D. Format, cells, protection

14) A fast way to add up this column of numbers is to click in the cell below the
numbers and then:
A. Click Enter key
B. Click Subtotals on the Data menu
C. View the sum in the formula bar
D. Click the AutoSum button on the Standard toolbar, then press ENTER
15) This is located at the bottom of the worksheet where the name of the worksheet is
A. Cell B. Formula Bar C. Sheet tabs D. Workbook
16) Which special key to use if you want to go to the last cell with data?
A. Ctrl + Home B. Ctrl + End C. Home D. End
17) How do you change column width to fit the contents?
A. Double click on the Column
B. Select both cells, and then drag the fill handle over the range you
want, for instance 18 more rows
C. Select the range you want, including both cells, point to Fill on the
Edit menu, and then click Down
D. Copy the second cell, click in the cell below it, on the Standard toolbar click the down
arrow on the Paste button, and then click Paste Special
18) Which of the following represents the first action you should perform in order to copy and
paste text or numbers in Excel?
A. Press the Paste button to initialize the copy and paste function
B. Select the cell or cells that contain the content you wish to copy.
C. Select the cell or cells where you wish to insert the copied content.
D. Go to the Clipboard group on the Ribbon and press the Copy button to initialize the copy
and paste function
19) Which of the following two options allow you to copy formatting from one cell to another?
A. The format painter and the Fill handle.
B. The copy and paste function and the format painter.
C. The font group functions and the Wrap Text button.
D. The format painter and the Copy Formatting button.
20) What does the shortcut combination Ctrl + U achieve?
A. It bolds the content of the selected cell.
B. It moves the content of the selected cell.
C. It underlines the content of the selected cell.
D. It deletes the formatting applied to the selected cell.

What I Can Do

Reminder: You can use Microsoft Excel, WPS, and Google Sheets applications to do/perform
the hands-on activities.
Hands-on Activity 1.1
Typing Text and Numbers
Directions: Open MS Excel application, encode data and perform the given instructions.
Use only one workbook for all hands-on activities.
Hands–On Activity 2.1 Practice Entering Text and Numbers
1) Type your name in cell A1
2) Type your Section in Cell A2
3) Type the activity title “First Quarter Sales” in cell A4 and merge and center
from cell A4-D4
4) Type data heading in A6-Fruits, B6-January, C6-February and D6- March
5) Type any kind of fruit in column A8-A11. Cell A7 is done as an example.
6) Input any amount representing sales for the months of January to March.
Cell B7-D7 is done as example.
7) Format numbers using accounting formatting.
8) Highlight all data including your name. Use copy and paste to duplicate
Typing Text & numbers of data and paste it on Cell ABC1. (Use the name
box to find cell ABC1 and click paste or press CTRL+ G to open Go to
Dialog box, under Reference area, type ABC1.
9) Answer the other worksheets, Using Autosum, copying text using autofill
10) Save your files with filename, "ICF 3, Section, Surname, First Name, M.I,)

Note: If you're using a cellphone, you can use WPS or Google sheets to perform the

Sample View of Hands-on Activity

Hands-on Activity 2.2 Using AutoSum and Keyboard Shortcuts to Copy
Instructions: Add a new sheet to your Excel file. Encode data and perform the given
instructions. Use only one workbook for all hands-on activities.

Hands-On Activity 2.3 Copy Text Using Autofill, Formatting Font Type & Size and
Resizing Columns & Rows
Instructions: Add a new sheet to your Excel file. Encode data and perform the given
instructions. Use only one workbook for all hands-on activities.

Note: All Hands-on Activity (Hands-On Activity 2.1 -2.3 is in a separate MS Excel file.
Save the file with the filename “ICF9 Your Section-Last Name-First Name- Lesson 2
Hands-on Activities” and upload/sent the file to your own folder in the Google Class
Section Drive Folder after you have performed/answered the activities.


Practical Exam Instruction for Students:

1. Perform the Hands-on Activity 2.1 to 2.4 and copy the assessment rubrics for your rating.
Let your parent or elder brother/sister do the assessment using the rubrics.
2. Copy Assessment Rubrics is in a separate document. For online and digital students,
use the soft copy of word document to copy and fill-in assessment rubrics and send it to
my email. For Modular or printed students, you can copy the assessment rubrics on a
bond or intermediate paper.
3. Online/Digital students may pass/send the documents through email: Modular/Printed students may pass their hands-on activities
with assessment rubrics though the school during Module distribution.

Hands-on Activity 2.1 - Typing Text and Numbers

1. Opened the MS Excel application
2. Input name & section
3. Use merge and center activity title
4. Fill-in data based on the instructions given
5. Format numbers using accounting formatting with
Philippine currency.
6. Duplicate date using copy and paste.
7. Use name box to transfer to data to another cell.
8. Save file with proper filename.
9. Upload output to google classroom drive or sent to email.
10. Submitted output on time.
Submitted by: Checked by:

__________________________ _______________________________
Student’s Name, Section & Signature Name & Signature of Parent/Guardian

Submitted to:

ICF 3 Subject Teacher


9 - 10 Points Congratulations if nine-ten indicators are met!

7 - 8 Points Great if seven-eight indicators are met!
5 - 6 Points Wow if five to six indicators are met!
3 - 4 Points Good if three-4 indicators are met!
1- 2 Point Nice if one-two indicator is met!


Hands-on Activity 2.2 – Using AutoSum

1. Open existing hands-on activity file.
2. Add a new sheet and name sheet tabs with activity title.
3. Highlight, cut and paste data to another location.
4. Add name & section.
5. Merge and center heading.
6. Use Auto sum to add totals.
7. Use keyboard shortcut to copy formula down and to the
8. Create a new worksheet and copy data and paste in the
new worksheet.
9. Save file and upload output to google classroom drive or
sent to email.
10. Submitted output on time.

Submitted by: Checked by:

__________________________ _______________________________
Student’s Name, Section & Signature Name & Signature of Parent/Guardian

Submitted to:

ICF 3 Subject Teacher

9 - 10 Points Congratulations if nine-ten indicators are met!
7 - 8 Points Great if seven-eight indicators are met!
5 - 6 Points Wow if five to six indicators are met!
3 - 4 Points Good if three-4 indicators are met!
1- 2 Point Nice if one-two indicator is met!


Hands-on Activity 2.3 – Using Autofill & Changing Font Type & Size

1. Opened existing MS Excel Hands-on Activity.
2. Add a new sheet and name sheet tabs with activity title.
3. Highlight, cut and paste data to another location.
4. Add name & section.
5. Add activity title.
6. Use Autofill to fill in data
7. Change Font type and font size.
8. Change column width and row height
9. Save file and upload output to google classroom drive or
sent to email.
10. Submitted output on time.

Submitted by: Checked by:

__________________________ _______________________________
Student’s Name, Section & Signature Name & Signature of Parent/Guardian

Submitted to:

ICF 3 Subject Teacher

9 - 10 Points Congratulations if nine-ten indicators are met!
7 - 8 Points Great if seven-eight indicators are met!
5 - 6 Points Wow if five to six indicators are met!
3 - 4 Points Good if three-4 indicators are met!
1- 2 Point Nice if one-two indicator is met!


Additional Activities

For more information on Creating Data in Cells and Ranges, you can watch a
video in you tube. Below is the link.

Montclair State University, Introduction-to-Excel-2016.pdf
St. George University of London, pdf


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