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Characteristics: Talc is translucent to opaque, with colors ranging from

whitish grey to green with a vitreous and pearly luster. Talc is not soluble in
water, and is slightly soluble in dilute mineral acids. Soapstone is a metamorphic
rock composed predominantly of talc.

Significance: It is most commonly known as the main ingredient in talcum

powder. It is also an important filler in paints and rubber. Talc is used
commercially because it can retain fragrance, luster, purity, softness, and
whiteness. Some of the major markets for talc are ceramics, plain paper, and
2. Copper

Characteristics: Copper is a reddish metal with a face-centered cubic crystalline

structure. It reflects red and orange light and absorbs other frequencies in the
visible spectrum, due to its band structure, so it has a nice reddish color. It is
malleable, ductile, and an extremely good conductor of both heat and electricity. It
is softer than zinc and can be polished to a bright finish.
Significance: Copper is an essential trace mineral necessary for survival. It is
found in all body tissues and plays a role in making red blood cells and
maintaining nerve cells and the immune system. It also helps the body form
collagen and absorb iron, and plays a role in energy production.

3. Silver (Ex. Coins)

Characteristics: Pure silver is nearly white, lustrous, soft, very ductile, and
malleable, it is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity. It is not a chemically
active metal, but it is attacked by nitric acid (forming the nitrate) and by hot
concentrated sulfuric acid.
Significance: Silver is one of the most important elements on Earth, and one of
the most useful metals in modern-day society. Silver's immense electrical and
thermal conducting properties are perfect for electrical uses, making it highly in
demand in our heavily technology-based world.
4. Gold

Characteristics: Gold is one of the densest of all metals. It is a good conductor of

heat and electricity. It is also soft and the most malleable and ductile of the
Significance: Gold possesses anti-corrosive properties and due to this reason, it is
widely used in electronics equipment. A number of gadgets and equipment consist
of gold constituents. They are generally used in terminals, semiconductor systems,
plating contacts, and printed circuits as well. Gold is also used in heat insulation
for automobiles. Not only this, gold is refined to form thread and is widely used in
custom and modern embroidery and embellishments.
5. Zinc

Characteristics: Zinc is a lustrous bluish-white metal. It is found in group IIb of

the periodic table. It is brittle and crystalline at ordinary temperatures, but it
becomes ductile and malleable when heated between 110°C and 150°C.
Significance: Zinc is a trace mineral, meaning that the body only needs small
amounts, and yet it is necessary for almost 100 enzymes to carry out vital chemical
reactions. It is a major player in the creation of DNA, growth of cells, building
proteins, healing of damaged tissue, and supporting a healthy immune system.

6. Phosphorus

Characteristics: It is colorless and transparent in its pure form. Phosphorus is

insoluble in water but soluble in carbon disulfide.
Significance: Phosphorus is needed for the growth, maintenance, and repair of all
tissues and cells, and for the production of the genetic building blocks, DNA and
RNA. Phosphorus is also needed to help balance and use other vitamins and
minerals, including vitamin D, iodine, magnesium, and zinc.

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