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Contents [Reapinc [LISTENING Days and dates > Things for school > Countries and nationalities > Colours > Possessives » Demonstrative pronouns > Furniture and rooms There is/there are + a, an, > How tidy is your bedroom? > Famous Families Dine ey eeoearaaen 9 sox tecers > Family members _» Prepositions of place ‘textis about before listening > have got > Word Power: Opposite > ® Grammar animations adjectives > Present simole:atfrmativeand 3 Aschoolwitha diference > Do you pay video > @ Viog negative: > Skill; Scanning a textfor games? Technology > Pronunciation: (a! 2/ hal ‘specific information > Sl: Understanding > Present simple: questions with > Word Powers Listing yes/no questions short answors; Wh- questions school subjects > @ Grammaranimations > Sport > Present simple and adverbs of > Secrets of success > Can you run jump > ®Viog frequency > Skil Working out tho and climb? > Action verbs: > fike/don't ike + ing meaning of new words > Skil: Listening for > can and can't; must and mustn't) Word Power: Olympic specific information > Pronunciation: (al, /e/ and ax) sports words >» @ Grammar animations PROJECT UNITS 1-3 ppl rPiacesinacty > Present continuous armative SABRI > tut enowing over > ® Vlog and negative; questions > Skill:Using existing there? > he wonthor > Pronunciatlon:f9/ Kmowedgeto understand.) Shi Ustening for > Preentcontnuos and present _ ate time expressions ‘simple ) Word Power: Identifying >» @ Grammar animations nationalities » Food and drink > Countable and uncountable > Rocipe for success: > How much exercise +@ vlog nouns + some and any > Skill: Understanding an do you do? >adectves:heath > Guantiers:much many altof —aithervoplaon, » Shi aking notes | > Pronunciation: hy > Word Power: matching” when istning > @ Grammar animations food words to pictures. The natural wed > Comparative and supatve > Yourmow planot!__—_> The wondetl word Meu tie (nt) 25.029 > Ski Understanding the of animals Did oninals ——_~»Promuneiton: fa tmanideaofate > Skil: Ulng my > ® Grammar animations > Word Power: Maiching existing knowledge InaebstENa Wore) fore ftering PROJECT UNITS 4 » Clothes >be: pest simple; There wes/Tere 5 Whisk doce was Best? > We ove it >@ Viog woe > Skil:Understanding > Shi: Understanding > Reguorverbs > Past simple afimatve:reguer wha ponounsetertoin themain sea when Verbs; ego;cbjectpronoure. stad ining > Pronunciation: Vid/ha/——-) Word Power: Ordeting > @ Grammar animations units of time / a ee i >@ vie > Skis Answering multiple tht? | > Prystel ppearance holes quesfong. > Sil: Listening for Guetfone >WordPower:Muslc keywords i »@Detemmarenimations | yore | | > Transport > wild wot > Wicome he fiture! > What are you gong > @ vlog > be going to: future plans > Skills Understanding the 0 do? > Holday actives > Pronunciation: Sentence sess maintopleo!paragiephe > Skil entiyng the ?@Ghimmsrenivetore SMMMIREEEEENSHm Uitype ofintonresion | wore asentor | | REVIEW UNITS 7-9 ppi04-105 PROJECT UNITS 7-9 ppti0. (EES) exam practice UNITS 1-9 ppiie-i26 LANGUAGE SUMMARY UNITS 1-9 ppi27-135. a a CTS EES > Subject pronouns and possessive adjectives > be: affirmative, negative and questions > Question words > Nice to meet you! > Achat forum > Skil: Introducing people > Skill: Wrting about my dream > Useful language: Greetings; home Introductions; Saying goodbye > Useful language: Describing >» ® Keep moving! ahome > Look! and and but > Join the club! > Skill: Asking for and giving information about schoo! clubs > Useful language: Asking for and giving information > ® Keep moving! > Anemeit 2 Skill: Writing about my schoo! day > Useful language: Starting and finishing an emai > Look! Prepositions of time: in on /at > What shall we do? 2 A blog post > Skill: Making suggestions for > SkillsWting about a typical things todo wookend > Useful language: Asking, > Useful language: Expressions ‘making end responding to of frequency suggestions > Look! Punctuation > ® Keep movin > isitfar? > Atert message > Skill: Asking for and giving directions > Usoful language: Asking for directions; Giving directions. » ®keep moving! > Skill Writing about what Fm doing now > Useful language: Writing a message > Look! Adverts of degree > What ean I get you? > Skill: Ordering food and drink > Useful language: Ordering food > Arecipe > Skill: Writing a simple recipe > Useful language: Instructions, >» ® keep moving! > Look! Sequence words. > How much is it? > Afact sheet > Skill: Buying a tickot > Skill Witing a description of > Useful language: Buying aticket an animal > Useful language: Animal facts > Look! too and also > @ Koop moving! > Have you got this in black? > Areview ofa year > Skil Asking about things in Sl Wing about pat events ashop > Useful language: Witing > Usefal language: Shopping for about past events clothes > Look! Giving examples > Keop moving! > Did you have @ good weekend? 9 Adescrintion ofa person > Skill Talking about past events > Sk: Writing about family > Useful language: Asking about member or frend the weekend: Responding Useful language: Deserbing > @ Keep moving! someone > Look! Using paragraphs, > What are you doing at > Anemail the weekend? > Skill: Writing about holiday > Skill: Arranging to meet afiend plans > Useful language: Making > Useful language: Writing arrangements; Responding about holiday plans » ®keop moving! > Look! so and because IRREGULAR VERBS LIST p16 > My ome @ FIND OUT pro > Word Power: Categorizing — () THINK CRITICALLY pI adjectives @.COMPARE CULTURES pI7 > @ culture video Ger cacanive p17 > UKeducation Fino our p20 > Word Power: Finding definitions ina text THINK CRITICALLY p20 COMPARE CULTURES p27 > @cutture video G cer creative p27 > Sportin the UK FIND OUT p20 > Word Power: Categorizing (J THINK CRITICALLY p30 words G.COMPARECULTURES p37 > ®catture video (GQGET cREArive p33 LITERATURE UNITS 1-3 ppt12-113 @ Finoour pao GQ THINK CRITICALLY pao COMPARE CULTURES pas Ger creative ps7 > New York, New York > Word Power: British and “American English quiz > ®cuiture video > International festivals > Word Power: Matching verbs with nouns > ®culture video GFN our ps0 (Q THINK CRITICALLY p50 GI CoMPARECULTURES p67 Goer cneanive pss > Amazing America > Word Power: Matching ‘opposite adjectives > @ culture video FIND OUT peo (THINK CRITICALLY peo © COMPARE CULTURES p64 (QGET CREATIVE par LITERATURE UNITS 4-6 ppti4—115 > The history offimin the USA FIND OUT p70 > WordPower: Completing THINK CRITICALLY p70 Sentences with words froma) cowiPARE CULTURES p77 text Gcercreanive: p73 > Bcutture video > Great fives FIND our ps0 > Word Power: Matching words (2 THINK CRITICALLY p80 with pictures COMPARE CULTURES pe7 >@®culre video G Ger creative pea FIND OUT p90 QTHINKCRITICALLY pgo B compare cuLTURES par QGer CREATIVE pst > Ceol tours in London > Word Power: Completing sentences with prepositions, > @Culture video LITERATURE UNITS 7-9 ppii6-117 Days and dates GD 22k sb011 days ana cates. Hi, my name's Jessie. Today is my first day back at school after the holidays. ioe 11.00 am English test 9.00 am, Back to school a 3 aon 7.00pm. 430 p.m. Piano class Volleyball all day 5.00pm. My birthday! Ted and Liam's party! s allday 7 Relax! Look at Jessie's calendar. Listen and repeat the days of the week. Write the correct day of the week. What day is volleyball? fey What day is Jessie's birthday? wedyesdan Wht ys hms aay What day is her friends! party?Saetucc What day is the English test Write the months of the year in order, Listen, check and repeat. 2 & 4: z April Aug Decemblr . Februah Jenualy July Jun@ Mare z May Novemblt October” September January, February, Match the numbers and words. Listen, check and repeat. Ist. 2nd ad 4th gh 13th goth goth Te —- ‘ith % ontiateSGest | third Mhir)-irst foulth twenty-ninth’ “thicieth \second\—-twelfth Work in pairs. Ask and answer. What's your favourite April/Monday. ‘month/day of the week? What about you? When's your birthday? It’s on the fourteenth of May. Things for school D2 2001 tings forsehoot What's in Jessie's school bag? Match the words th the picture. Listen, checkand repeat. eget fade he ert oped a table Wi oS What's in your school bag? Write a list, GRAMMAR Possessive ‘s QD 2+, 52525500 ‘4 Copy and complete the rule. Write singular or plural. singular Plural Jessie's birthday ison Her friends’ party is on Wednesday. Saturday, Rules We use's after a '... noun or name. We use’ after a. noun, 2 Copy and complete the sentences. Use ‘s or This is the boys’ bathroom: Thatis Mark. bag. ° . Emma‘S birthday is in September. My parents... names are Sue and Pete, ‘Are these your best fiends. keys? This is Maria‘ notebook. Two of my friends’... birthdays are on the same day! Subject pronouns and possessive adjectives B's s1b)ect pronouns and possessive adjectives. 3 Copy and complete the grammar box with the words in the box. ATT mite my our thom your Subject pronoun Possessive adjective my _ it gpuc . is % its = “auc they ther ( 4 Change the words in blue to a subject pronoun. ‘Maria is thirteen years old. She is thirteen years old. “Daniel isin Year 7. He t The water bottle is on my desk. j Lucas and | are in the same classey@ The earphones are in my bag.-f' fy, 5 Copy and complete the sentences with a possessive adjective. She's American, but her mum is from Mexico. 1m from Brazil name is Mauro. 2. A: When’sbprhirthday, Anna? Bs engbirthday ison 26th November 3. That’ our neighbour's cathsname is Tiger and i's really friendly, 4° A: What's the name of the new boy in our class? B: hrgname is Tomasz. He's from Paland 5. Haruto and Sakura are from JaparThiahome is in “Tokyo. 6 'mipra.class with Josie and Leo. We alllike@vhew: teacher Demonstrative pronouns © 50.5 Read the grammar box. Listen and repeat the dialogue. fee vw Here There ss Singular this that Plural these those Student: Excuse me, what's this in English? Teacher: It’sa ruler. Student: And what are those? Teacher: They're earphones. Student: Thanks. Teacher: You're welcome! 7 Work in pairs. Ask and answer about other things in the classroom. What's this? (What are these? What's thet? What are those? © Fast FINISHER Write about your friends’ and family’s birthdays. George's birthday is on 22nd October. My mum's birthday ison. ‘Are you and your sister at the same S¢hool? pee VOCABULARY Countries and nationalities E> 1 @s0.6 Match the countries with the flags in the World Quiz. Listen, check and repeat. “Argentina Bra@l_ China Egypt. France, Ireland Japan Mexico | Spain \ Turkey the UK_Cthe USA ™ ‘What is the capital of Brazil? a Its Riode Janeiro. Who is Daisy Ridley? a She's a British actress. b She's an American singer. Jb. i's Brasilia. j How old are the pyramids in Egypt? a They're 4,500 years old, WRU) ee nd b They're 450 years old. Colours 2 @s07 Match the counties in Exercise with the 4 0.9 i ist . nationalities below. Listen, check and repeat. o ton and repeat the colours. black yellow purple -an/-ian | -ese -ish (Other red brown American urkish whis orange grey Mexican ‘i green Fopten chinese BH Frege Brentian — 22panese Spanish 5 Work in pairs, Describe a flag. Can your partner Wish guess it? ‘Argentinian 3 © 50.8 Work in pairs. Do the quiz. Listen and check. GRAMMAR be: affirmative, negative and questions Question words QD: e200 EDesi:-vestons with he ve be 4. Read and match the long forms with the short Read the example sentences. Complete the forms in the grammar box. jalogue with a question word, ‘m=am is am arent (x2) isnot are (x2) mee ee nee fe: What is the capital of Brazil? Who is Daisy Ridley? How old are the pyramids? Affirmative Negative — “Tm from the UK \'m not from ireland. + abs your name? You're Spanish. You aren't from Colombia. ce My name is James. He/She/It’s Brazilian, | He/She/It isn’t Egyptian, A: Ehebre you from? se Ce ~ Bs fim from Ireland ey're German. _ We/They aren't American. ‘ncbiu,apo you? 2 Choose the correct answers. ‘8: I'm fourteen years old. 1 Mynew pencil case am / is / are blue. is 1a: Ofte your teacher? 2 We m/s /G@@krom Spain. B; My teacher is Mrs Kelly 3. Her keys am/foi? isn't / aren't in her bag. 4 She ‘m not isn’? aren't fourteen. 7 PRONUNCIATION Question words 5. You ‘m not Lisn PKarEnPin this class. @S0.10 Listen and repeat the questions from the dialogue in Exercise 6. 3 Copy and complete the sentences sothat they are true for you. 1 o¢from Spain. 2. My teacher iSAmerican. Blbre are you trom? | lillois your teacher? 3. My parents (from Mexico. - 4 Matwelve, a . 3 My friends and IS¢ interested in sport. 8 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in 6 My-school‘s bio, Exercise 6. Give true answers for you. 4 Read the grammar box. Copy and complete the 9 Work in pairs. Write more quiz questions like those questions and short answers. ‘on page 6. Ask and answer with another pair me econ! ‘Questions Short answers ‘What colour is the ... flag? ‘Where is ... from? ‘Amin this class? Yes, | No, I'm not. Se from Where is..? ‘Are you Sarah? —_Yes, you ®fE/ No, youaren't. Who is the President of .? this _ Yes, he/she/it is. / How old is ..? class? No, hefshelit ist. SS TS | ETE @Drasrewmisten London? No, welthey "(2 Make a list of more countries and nationalities. Germany - German, .. 5 Copy and complete the questions. Ask and answer in pairs. 1... you from Italy? .. Lionel Messi from Argentina? « New York the capital of the USA? «Your parents from Spain? 2. Kangaroos from Australia? READING GD 1:215Ker information to a table ‘1 @ 0.11 Read and listen to the message board. Copy and complete the information for Sam and Jessie, Name: Age: City: School School subjects School subjects (# Perel oe troid Pete a LT) Is if your first day back at school this week? Write and Poot raed Hi, my name's Sam. I'm thirteen years old, and I'm from Bristol in ithe UK. I'm at Brandon Perk School. It’s a big secondary school. My best friends are Jessie, Ted and Liam. We're always together = at break time, lunch and after school! My favourite subjects are Science and English. I'm not very good at Maths it's dificult Hi, 'm Jessie. 'm twelve years old, but I'm nearly thirteen — my birthday’s on Wednesday! I'm 's0 excited! I'm also from Bristol, and I'm at the same school as Sam. | ike French because I'm quite good at languages, and our teacher's really nice. | like Sport, too, and I'm in the school volleyball team. I don’t like History. reply ¥ 2 Read the message board again and write true (T) or false (F). Correct the false sentences, Sam is twelve. F Sam is thirteen. Brandon Park is a small school: t* ‘Sam thinks that Maths is easy Jessie's birthday is at the week Jessie's French teacher is nice. | Jessie is inthe school football tam. [— i SPEAKING Telling the time "01 ante the time. 3 @s0.12 Listen and read, Match the clocks with the times in blue, There is one extra clock. eRe, at the time, Jessie? Jessie: It’s ten o'clock ‘Sarh: What time is our next lesson? Jessie: It’s at quarter past tena] Sam: And what time is lunch? ! Jessie: i's at half past twelve.d Sam: Oh no, two and a half hours! 'm really hungry! 4 50.13 Listen and repeat the Useful language. Useful language 1g the time What's the time? It's (ten o'clock / half past ten). What time is (our next lesson / lunch)? It's at (quarter past ten / quarter to ten). 5 @ 50.14 Listen and choose the correct time, So ayy Fe) 6 Work in pairs. Ask about the time now. Ask and answer about two of the things below. Swap roles. + our English lesson + our Maths lesson + our sports class + break FAST FINISHER Write about you and your school for the message board in Exercise Home sweet home Ce ee oe ee eed Par Piedra Rea Furniture Qpp aks cbout furniture and rooms ina house, Match the words in the box with the pictures. Listen, check and repeat. Picture 4: bed, chair, bath bed bookcase chair cooker desk fridge lamp mirror shower sink sofa table toilet wardrobe THROUGH rendre ‘Copy and complete the table with the furniture from Exercise 1. ‘Some words can go with more than one room. bathroom bedroom dining room kitchen living room Work in pairs, Imagine a strange house where everything is in the wrong place! Ask and answer questions about it. A: Where's the bath? B: It’s in the living room! Think about your home. How many furniture items listed in Exercise 1 have you got? 0 Language summary: Unit 1 SB 127 — eo How tidy is your bedroom? E's ictus to preict what a reading textis about THE [:J (cj TEENAGE CHALLENGE Ce Co td on ac a CS RCo Cay Cicer Ca Cuneo "Tm very untidy,’ says Harry. He's right! ‘There's a big wardrobe in his room, but there aren't any clothes in it~ they're all on the bed or on the floor. There are some dirty plates under his bed, and there’s an empty pizza box behind his chair! On Harry's desk, next to his games console, there are hundreds of ‘comics and ... an old sandwich. Ugh! Look at the pictures. What do you think the article is about? Read, listen and check. Read again. Change the underlined word(s) so that ‘the sentences are correct. Harry is fourteen years old. thirteen 1 On Day 1, Harry's clothes are on his chait 2. On Day 1, the sandwich is on his bed 3. On Day 2, the clothes are on the floor 4. On Day 2, the comics are on the des Make pairs of opposite adjectives. big clean comfortable empty tidy untidy uncomfortable dirty full big - small Harry Agi thirleen Hobbies: video games, comics, eating pizza! Wow! What a difference! Harry's room is clean and tidy. Are there any clothes on the floor? No, there aren't! They're in the ‘wardrobe. There isn't a sandwich on his desk now, and his comics are all the bookcase next to his bed. Everything is in the right place, but can Harry keep his bedroom tidy for a whole week? Find out on Day 7 Work in pairs. How tidy is your bedroom? Tell your partner about the things below. yourbed yourdesk yourfloor your wardrobe ‘My bed is tidy, but my desk is very untidy. ‘My wardrobe is empty. The Bedroom in Arles is a famous painting by Vincent Van Gogh of his bedroom. Find ‘out the answers to these questions. 1 What colour are the walls? 2 How many chairs are there? 3. Whats there above the table? GRAMMAR There is / There are + a, an, some, any GD T1015 There are to deserve arom ch the g (Otrn ammar animation. Jn your notebook, complete the grammar box with ‘2, an, some or any. Affirmative | Negative Singular There’s'..empty There isn't®... pen box behind his on his desk. __ chair, | Plural Thereare®...plates There aren't® | under his bed. clothes in the ward ‘Questions Short answers Singular Is there a comic on | his bed? Yes, there are. / Are there * _ clothes on the floor? | No, there aren't Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. Plural |Copyand complete the sentences about Harry's house. Use the correct affirmative or negative form of There is / There are. .. three bedrooms. 7 There are three bedrooms. 1 s:4a desk in his sister's room. x 2... an orange chair in his parents’ room. 7 3 kalbiny lamps in the dining room. x abevetwo bathrooms. 7 5 .s, some books in the living room, 7 CZ seomplete the text about Day 7 of the challenge. ‘Use a, an, some or any. Its Day 7, and we're back in Harry's bedroom. There aren't... clothes on the floor, and there aren't *... dy plates. Harry's desk is. clean and tidy. There are °... books on it now, but that's OK — they're for Hary’s homework — and there's “... new lamp. Well done, Harry! But wait minute. What's that? There's °... old pizza box under the bed, and there's haifa pizza init! Oh Harry! You lose! 4 Work in pairs. Ask and answer about your bedrooms. Use the table below to help you. Istherea Chait. wardrobe bookcase desk | in your room? Arethere — mirrors lamps any posters books Prepositions of place - QW 2: sb0u1 1 position of objects 5 Whereis the mobile phone? Match the prepositions with the pictures. hind © Write sentences about the bedroom. Use There is / There are and the correct preposition. chair / desk There's a chair next to the desk. 1. games console / desk 4 bookcase / desk 2 trainers / bed 5 guitar / chair 3 books / bookcase 6 table / bed 7 Work in pairs. Student B: Close your book. ‘Student A: Ask questions about the picture. ‘Swap. A: Is there a cat under the desk? B: No, there isn't. FAST FINISHER Write sentences about your classroom, There's a bag under Necho's chat. There are some ‘Language summary: Unit 1 SB p.127 & Famous families VOCABULARY and LISTENING. Family members QD #09212 v6o101 ston 1.5 Copy and complete the table with the words from the word cloud, Listen, check and repeat. Mate Femate Mateandtemale (fp \ sop -ssteraurf wife > chil{ arent ck a Sab goth ac fat oh Kor hose J @ panes ‘grandad brother famallhy 6G » child "©?" parent sucneheat ad 0 5 5 @ 1s Look at the family tree and read the names. 2 PRONUNCIATION // Listen and complete Chris’ family tree with the (4 Listen and repeat. ten mother father sister brother dalghter Creig “20 RSE husbend cousin parent esoeesaNMirating - 3 Work in pairs, Write the names of some members cof your family on a piece of paper. Swap with your x partner and ask and answer about the names. ) £ » AA: Who's Susana? Le B: She's my dad's sister. 1Crig LI keonie 4 Read the description of the radio programme. i f \ What do you know about Chris Hemsworth? What Si . films is he in? chs x ET TH ess " aresSKan 5 socha 6.indsa Rose © O15 Read the questions carefully. Lis and answer the questions. 1 Where is Chris from? tia a Where is his wife from? What is his wite’s job? Aco ¢ How many brothers has Chris got? How many sisters has he got? Language summary: Unit $8 p27 \GRAMMAR have got’ E> 2075 2t:0tak about possess. Now watch the Grammaranimation. 4 Copy and complete thé grammar box with the "words in the box. . \ Z f hasflgot afer ye vere \ ' ‘affirmative Negative Ive gota cat Youhaver't gota dog She's gottwo brothers. He "haany sisters , Theygthree We haven't got any og chi Short answers Questions ‘Vega gapa nec? Yes inave No Inve Wi Spy ours? Yes he has. / No, he hae Have tne gop? Yay we. /No hey WOMEN. 2 Put the words in order to make sentences or | questions about Chris and his family. house. / have / Chris and Elsa / a big / got Chris and Elsa have got a big house. a dog. (has / got / the family haven't / they / got / a cat has / pet snake! / Elsa / got / a any codsins? / have / the children / got Chris / sister. / got / hasn't Liam / has / any children? / got 3 Write true sentences about you. Use the affirmative or negative forms of have got. My mum / a brother My mum has/hasn't got a brother. My dad /a sister 1/2 lot of cousins My parents / a bike We / a tidy classroom * My home / a garden Va pet 4 (QTHINK CRITICALLY Have you got a family or a small family? What are the advantages ‘and disadvantages of big families and small families? 5 © 16 Copy and complete the questions and answers, Listen and check. Buta TH Cee ne ee erty famous basketball player, Stephon Curry. Has Stephen got a sistér? Yes, he fas. Her name's Sydel, ‘and she's good at volleyball. Qisin ih imror Yes, he haghis brother, Seth, is also a basketball player. Orin ch wile? Yes, He AS His wife, Ayesha, is @ TV presenter. QO 4ghey «g-apy ctitdron? / Yes, thi i ¥ O'sitney heathy No, the they've got ‘two dogs!. © Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions. Use the ideas in the box. baby in your family a brother or sister at university any cousins family photo on your phoney 2 favourite aunt or uncle A: Have you got a...? B: Yes, | have. What about you? et. and cats are the Second favourite. About 400,000 homes have ‘got a pet snake! > Fast FINISHER Choose a famous person and write about their family. Beyoncé has got two daughters and a son. She's got a sister, Solange. ( Language summary: Unit1 $B p127 @ Nice to meet you! READING and LISTENING GD ve1s12n6 0 persona proie 1 Look at the Student Penfriends website. What is a penfriend? Have you got one? 2 Read the website and complete the profiles with emojis a-i. 1i Hi. I'm Sara! \'m Spanish Zand i'm from Valencia. I'm thirtden years old and my birthday is on 2 May. My mum's Spanish, but my dad's from England, I've got a brother, Santi - he’s fifteen. ¥'m into music El and video games El, My favourite type of music is rock and my favourte video game is Minecratt. WI Send an email B send a voice message 3 Read the profiles again. Copy and complete thotable. age [is AZ County Rec ’Furey Bras (iat yeaa Brother jr [0 Ses jo FE ‘interests = MOBKC 5 EOE Quack 4. Imagine that you‘want a penfriend. Who do you choose? Why? as Bayes V Pouce Helio, my name's Al 1'm from ‘Ankara in Turkey I'm twelve years old. My birthday Elis on 23 November F've got two sisters. They're twins! Their names are Melek and Zeynep, and they're nine years old Love spor, especially basketball My favourit team are the Houston Rockets. I've got lots of posters of them in my bedroom! 833 Send an email, B Send a voice message Hello! My name's Julia and I'm from Curitiba in I'm fourteen years old. My birthday is on 7 July. haven't got any brothers or sisters, but I've got a dog and two cats El, and I've got a lot of friends! I'm not into sport, but I'm crazy about flms El. My favourite actress is Emma Watson. She's amazing! | BRE Send an emait send voice message 5 @17 Listen to the voice messages from two "= Students, Carla and Felix. Choose a penfriend for each of them: Sara, Ali or Julia. “4 . Talk about your interests. wy I'm crazy about .. Vike. My favourite ... is... SPEAKING Introductions D122 2000 4 @18 Listen and read. What sport is Tess into? Hi Tess, How are things? Tess: Good, thanks. How are you? Felnc NotBed. Thsismy penrend, He's here for a week- Tess: Hello, Ali, Nice to meet you. Nice to meet Are you into | faster Tess: My favourite sport is volleyball, but _ basketball's cool, too. Great, ot's have a game! ‘Thanks for the game, Tess. You're weleome, See you later. See you Tess. Bye 2 (1.9 Listen and repeat the Useful language. Useful language Greetings Introductions Hi./ Hello, This is my friend How are things? /How cousin, Tess. are you?, Nice to meet you. Good / Fine, thanks. Nice to meet you, too. Not bad. Saying goodbye Bye. / See you. / See you later. 3 @110 Copy and complete the dialogue. Listen and check. Megan: Hi, Ben. How/ere you? Ben: — Abad, thanks. How are you? Megan: I'm good. 3... is my cousin, Lydia. Ben: Hi, Lydia, Nice to®... you Lydia: Nice to meet you, “ Megan: See you... , Ben, Ben: Yes, see ® a by ns Fa tae Se i —— 4. Work in groups of three, Have a dialogue where you introduce someone. Follow the steps in the Speaking plan. Speaking plan Prepare > Choose your roles and decide who you are. ‘Student A: You have a visitor for the weekend (cousin, pentriend, etc) ‘Student B: You are Student A's friend. ‘Student C:You are Student A’ visitor (cousin, penfriend, ete) > Decide where you are. > Make notes for your logue. ‘Speak > Practise your dialogue. > Use phrases from the Useful language box. > Act out your dialogue without notes. Reflect > How can you improve next time? > Swap roles and act out a new dialogue. Coe > FAST FINISHER Write a personal profile for the Student Pent ‘website on page 14. nds Language summary: Unit 1 SB p.127 & My home in the EEO acai See eeu } Dae ace PE ot are —_—_—<—$—<—<—<—<—<—< WHERE ARE YOU FROM? I'm from Brixton, in south London. WHAT'S YOUR HOUSE LIKE? It's got four bedrooms, a big kitchen and a living room. In the living room, there's a sofa, two chairs | and a TV, and there's a red carpet on the fioor. Most | homes in Britain have got carpets. There's a big garden at the | back of the house and a small garden at the front. I's an old house, but it's really comfortable WHAT IS THERE FOR WOUNG PEOPLE IN YOUR AREA? ‘There's a cinema and a sports centre and there are some great parks. There are always things to do! WHAT ARE THE NEGATIVE THINGS? ‘There's a lot of traffic and it's sometimes Abi. WHERE ARE YOU FROM? I'm from a small, quiet village in Wales. | WHAT'S YOUR HOUSE LIKE? } My house is called ‘Rose Cottage’. A lot of houses in the UK have got names. it's a beautiful house | and there are only two bedrooms. | haven't got my own room ~ 'm in a room with my sister. I's Ok, but I'm very tidy and my sister isn't! We've got a nice garden and there's a trampoline for my sister and me. WHAT IS THERE FOR YOUNG PEOPLE IN YOUR AREA? The people are ffiéfidly, but there isn't a lot for teenagers. Every summer, there's a village festival. WHAT ARE THE NEGATIVE THINGS? It's sometimes BO#iRG at the weekend, My friends are in other villages and the buses aren't very good. iki Joi 4 Look at the pictures of typical homes in the UK. which home is your favourite? Why? {A block of flats 2 1.11 Read and listen to the text on page 16. Match Josh and Poppy with two of the houses from Exercise 1. 3 Read the text again. Copy and complete the table about each home and area. Compare your answers with a partner. eons i 4 Look at the adjectives in blue in the text. Which can describe people? Which can describe things? Find more adjectives in the text. People: young Things:comfortable Both: quiet 5 @COMPARECULTURES Work in pair answer the questions. 1. How are homes in the UK sir lar to homes in your country? 2 How are they different? | Negative things ‘Josh Poppy Ask and 6 Work in pairs. Think about the area where you live and make notes. 1 Are there any ...? parks shops sports centres cinemas 2. Istherea problem with ..? traffic noise graffiti pollution 3 Have you got .? yourownbedroom agarden a balcony friends in your road 4 Is your road ..? quiet noisy friendly _unfrienaly 7 QGETCREATIVE Work in small groups. Make a video about your home. Follow steps 1-3. 1 Use the questions from the text on page 16 and your notes fram Exercise 6. 2 Take it in turns to interview each other, Film the interviews, 3 Share your video with your class. Con ea FAST FINISHER ‘Choose Josh or Poppy. Write three or four sentences ‘comparing their lite with your life. Poppy's gota sister. ve got two brothers My dream home WRITING A chat forum GD wit shout ream tome 1 Read the chat forum. What is your favourite thing about Becca's dream home? Discuss your answer in pairs. TEEN 2 TEEN FORUM What's your dream home? inne What's your dream home? Big or small? Old or modern? In the country or in the city? REPLY fee My dream home is a big house in the ‘country. Upstairs, there are four bedrooms and four bathrooms ~ one each for my two brothers, my parents and me! Downstairs, there’s a big living room, a modern kitchen and a gym. Outside, there's a swimming pool and a tennis cour: Jn my bedroom, there's a double bed and a wardrobe {or all my clothes. There's a really comfortable sofa and I've got a games console and lots of cool games. There aren't any TVs in the house but we've got a private cinema. In the kitchen, there's a fridge full of ice cream! 2 Read the chat forum again and answer the questions. 1 How many people are there in Becca's family? 5 Eom, 2 Whatis outside Becca's house? Suamtning rat a 3 What haven't they got in their house? 4 What's in Becca's fridge? © Writing summary: WB p84 B Look at the Useful G Exams: Uniti sB p18 nguage. How do you say these expressions in your own language? Useful language Describing a home My dream home is @ house / an apartment in the country /in the city / near the beach. Upstairs / Downstairs, there's a. / there are .. Outside, there's a In my bedroom, there's a. Ive got 8. 4 Read the Look! box. Choose the correct word to complete the rules. ED orc ens ue fs got four bedrooms and four bathrooms. There isn'ta desk, but there's a sofa. Rules We use ' and / but to connect similar ideas, We use * and / but to contrast ideas, 5 Copy and complete the sentences with and or but. In our bathroom, there's a shower, but there isn’t a bath. 1. There's a table tennis table ... a basketball court, My grandma's got a dog ..., she hasn't got a cat. 3. I've got a desk for my computer ... there's a bookcase for my books. 4. There's a table... there aren't any chairs. 6 Write about your ideal home. Follow the steps in the Writing plat ‘ Writing plan Prepare > Make notes about your ideal home Think ab + rooms and other places “furniture and other things + your bedroom Paragraph 1: Where is it? What rooms and places has it got? Paragraph 2: What is there in your bedroom? eld What other coo! things hes your home got? pea ‘the expressions from the Useful language box. Reflect > Check your grammar: There is / There are, have got > Check and and but. > Check your spelling. Language summary: Unit 1 SB p27 School days Cae Pa eal sires ceo Daily activities ®« vocabulary for daily activities. Match the activities with the pictures. Listen, check and repeat. chat with my friends, do my homework2 get dressed get up? go to bed have a showers have breakfast have dinner have luncH¥ leave home'< tidy my roomacwatch TV '# Listen to the sounds and write the daily When do you do the activities in Exercise 1? Write activities in your notebook. sentences. 1 havea shower | get up at half past seven. ‘Complete the blog post with the correct activities. Ido my homewarkahterdinner. Work in pairs. Compare your sentences. My day spent zinta nen wate cereal with milk = and then 41 SERGE zant quarter to,eight AF ak tothe bus stop. On tHe bus, bgt Lucas. and Emma. ‘After school, | go home. I: Shp pee Imagine your perfect day. Write sentences. Pa ie and then | open my schoolb 1 get up at ten o'clock. Then | have breakfast. | have hot at about half past six. After dinner, | Nee: chocolate and croissants my family in the living room. I'm aliways tired at 40 p.m. sol” ...! (B Language summary: Unit2 SBp128 Fr) A school with a difference READING QB) «2202 10x: for specific information ‘A+ World Academyis the world’s only school on a ship! Sixty students from all over the world ive and study on the ship ast sails around the world. Fifteen-year-old Sophie tells us about it. Sophie gets up at seven o'clock every day and has a shower. The girls sleep in one room and the boys sleep in another room.'| have breakfast at 3 7.30, then we tidy the bedrooms. and.clean the ship). Sophie says. “ ‘ 1 Scan the article and complete the information about Sophie. Don't read every word - just look for the information you need. Age: 1... years old Gets up: At?.am. Has breakfast: At... a.m, Hours of lessons per day: Goes to t ALS... pam. Sophie studies Maths, Science, History, English and Spanish, Students have four to six hours of lessons a day and for two hours they help to sail the ship. ‘ts hard work,’ Sophie says, ‘but it teaches us about teamwork and responsibility’ After school, Sophie does her homework and chats with her friends. She doesn't watch TV and they don't have Wi-Fi on the ship, but there are exercise classes, clubs and film nights. At ten otclock, she goes to bed - tired but happy after another day at sea! 2 © 2.3 Read and listen. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences. There are 50 students on the ship. F. There are 60 s Sophie has a shower after breakfast. The teachers tidy the bedrooms. They help to sail the ship for six hours. The work on the ship isnt easy. After school, there are clubs and exercise classes. 3 Workin pairs. Find five school subjects in the article, Make alist of more subjects. 4 Quin cer good idea? Why/Why not? have a class vote. I think it’s @ good idea because .. ICALLY Is a school on a ship a iscuss asa class and I think i's a bad idea because... 5 FIND OUT Find six countries that the A+ World Academy ship visits. GRAMMAR Present simpl ED «tt present simple to tak about routines. CoM ea 4. Study the grammar box. How does the verb change in the affirmative after he, she and it? How do we form the negative? a ‘Affirmative WYou have breakfast at 730. He/She/It gets up at 7.00. WelYouThey clean the ship after breakfast. “Negative a 1WYou don't study French. He/She/it doesn’t watch TV on the ship. 2 Copy and complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb. Sophie gets up early. (get up) The boys and girls... in different rooms. (sleep) Sophie... breakfast at 7.30. (have) Alter breakfast, she... her room. (tidy) Students ... their homework in the evening, (do) The ship .. to lot of countries, (go) Sophie: .. film nights! (love) 3 PRONUNCIATION /s/, // and fz! 2.4 Listen and repeat. sleeps goes watches 4 ©25 Copy the table in Exercise 3. Listen to six more verbs and write them in the correct column. 5 Correct the sentences so that they are true for you. Hive on a ship. I don't live on a ship. I live in a house. | get up at 11.00. | have pizza for breakfast. My school day starts at 12.00. My teacher comes from China, We have two hours of lessons a day. My friends study Russian and Japanese. affirmative and negative © Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. ‘Students at At World Academy travel all over ‘the world, When the ship! ... (arrive) in a new country, the students” ... (not stay) on board. They °... (visit) local schools and they * (learn) about the culture of that country. Sophie's favourite country is Mexico because she’... (love) the food! When the ship is. at sea, Sophie® ... (not see) or speak to her family, but she always’... (phone) them when the ship is in port. Write three true and three false sentences using the ideas in the box. EEE do (my) homework ' have breakfast. _at school My mum study English/Maths before/after dinner Myded play footbally in the morning My brother basketball atternoon/evening Mysister chat with my) at lunchtime - friends Work in pairs. Read your sentences from Exercise 7. Can your partner guess the false information? A; My mum studies English in the morning. B: I think it's false. A: You're wrong! It's true. © rast rinisHen ‘Think of a good friend and compare your daily routines (watch TV in the evening. Susana doesn’t watch TV. Language summary: Unit 2 $B p128 a % Do you play video games? ] w6e15t2nd yes/no questions in a podcast. Technology Match the items of technology with the pictures. Listen, check and repeat. computer digital camera drone tablet Virtual Reality headset Work in pairs. What items of technology do you use at school? What don’t you use? Discuss your ideas. Our English teacher uses a projector. We don't use Virtual Reality headsets. Read about the podcast. How do you think the school in the podcast is different from other schools? Listen and check. TODAY'S PODCAST Most teenagers use computers, laptops or tablets at school, or they use them at home to do their homework. But at this echool, things are , different Olisten Download © Language summary: Unit 2 SB p28 interactive whiteboard wireless headphones laptop projector 3D printer Read the questions. Listen again and answer Yes or No. 1 Does Alfie's teacher use an interactive whiteboard? Do the students study with books? Does Alfie do sport at school? Does he watch TV at home? Does he like his school? Why/Why not? Think and write sentences. What technology do you have at home? What do you use it for? Use the ideas in the box and your own ideas. Ido my homework on my mum's laptop. cchat with my fiends do my homework listen to music play games read books take photos watch videos computer laptop Gigital) camera (wireless) heddphones games console phone tablet GRAMMAR Present simple: questions GD ®*'e800 ves: withthe resent inl foo enc 4 Copy and complete the grammar box. EE ‘Questions and short answers Dayoutheyourcos? Yo Ido/No dexo ophielveonaboa? Yes, shedogs./ £ Noche eoes0 AAGrusents use books? Yes, they do. / No. they don't 2 Complete the questions with Do or Does and write short answers. Does your dad play games on his phone? No, he doesn't .. your parents listen to music in the car? .. our phone take good photos? 1» you read a lot of books? you and your friends use VR headsets? -» your Science teacher use a whiteboard? in pairs. Check your score, jou use) a phone or watch TV in bed “St night? A Yes,1do. —B No,|don't 2 Dglyou do) your homework infront of a tem A Yes,1do. —B_No, don't 3\Do(you look) at your phone at dinner time? A Yes,1do, B_No,Idor't. ~ 4 VZelyou wear) headphones in the street? A Yes,1do. B No, | don't - SS2e (you play) a lot of video games? A\Yes, | do. B_ No, | don't. Wh- questions GBD: cwostions wit she preset simple 4 Study the grammar table. What other question words can you think of? ————— Question word |do/does subject | verb Where do you goto school? What does he doathome? ‘When do ‘they __wateh TV? 5 Tanmay is a schoolboy with an interesting hobby. Put the words in order to make questions. Match the questions and answers. 1 he / does / do / What What does he do? d 2. toschool / go / does / Where,/ he 3. does / When / he / his videos / make 4. like / What subjects / he / does 5 relax /he / does / How a He likes Maths, Science and Computer Studies! b He plays table tennis and he rides his bike, © He doesn't go to school. His parents teach him at home, d_ He makes videos about computer programming He's got 300,000 fans! ‘@ He makes them in the evening and at the weekend, 6 Write questions for your partner. Ask and answer. WEEKEND SURVEY How / relax at the weekend? What time / get up? What / eat for breakfast? What TV programmes / watch? Where / go shopping? A; How do you relax at the weekend? B: I listen to music and do sport. > Fast FINISHER Write questions for an interview with a celebrity. Imagine the answers. Language summary: Unit 2 SB p.128 4 Join the club! GB: 0° iovoxmation about school clubs a) Parkside School Panes CLC School Clubs Dra ced Do you want to have fun and meet new friends? Then join one of our clubs. SAILING CLUB I F\Vu-teme):) Nliwsie Cia 4 Do you play an instrument? = Salsa, jazz, street dance caneeloeien and more! Thursday, 3.30-4.30 In the gym Sy Feeney Tunhtme (12.90 1,30) 4 ‘School Holl L Qn S ‘Are you the next Anthony Davis 3 or Maya Moore? We want you Do you love art? ‘our club’ leeeerar ees Meta We play every Friday from 345~4.45, Thursday, 1230-10 teen Contact Mr ren fr mar ifr Inthe At Room Work in pairs. What clubs are there at your Listen again and complete the sentences in your school? Which clubs do you go to? What notebook. Compare your answers in pairs. Look at the clubs would you like to have? ‘school website and find a club for Megan. | Look at the school website and answer the } questions. Megan isn’t interested in... oF | 1. What day does the Art Club meet? 2. Which clubs meet at lunchtime? 3. What time does the Dance Club start and She doesn’t want to go to a club at: finish? The club for Megan is the. 4 Who do you speak to about the Computer Club? 5 How do students 6 to the Sailing Club? | 6 Where does the Basketball Club meet? She's busy after school on 3... and ‘Megan wants to join one of the clubs. Listen to Megan and her sister, Flora. What days is Megan free?

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