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Student: Thái Đình Chinh

ID: DE170147
Class: SE17C01
Subject: OSG202_Command_MsDos
Exercise 1: - Ôn tập các câu lệnh trong Window:
1. Go to user directory with the command: cd ~

2. Create a directory naming by your name, for example: minhlong, kykhoi, … Move to
“your name” directory. Verify that you are there.

3. In your directory, create three subdirectories with the name: OS, PRO, and TEM.
Look at content of your directory. It should contain 3 above directories.

4. In OS directory, you create the follows.

a. A subdirectory naming SW

b. A file naming test1 with the content as “Finished today’s lab exercise”

c. An empty test2 file

5. In PRO directory, you create the following directories and files: ….
a. HW directory

b. An empty test5 file

6. Copy test1 file to TEM directory with the name is test3

7. Move test1 file to HW directory of PRO.

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