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Dance Newton’s Laws


Objective: Create a dance that models Newton's three Laws of Motion

Newton’s three Laws:

1. An object at constant velocity will remain at constant velocity unless it is acted upon by a force.
2. Net force = mass times acceleration
3. A mass that applies a force has an equal and opposite force applied to it.

Dance Newton Awesome Good Good enough Not Good Enough Missing the Beat
(30 pts) 5 4 3 2 1
Performs all of Newton’s Performs all of Performs all the Performs most 1 of the 3 laws is
Laws leaving out no Key Newton’s Laws with 1 stages of Newton’s Newton’s Laws present
Newton’s Concepts or 2 Key Concept Three Laws with key
Laws omissions. omission but
U maintains concepts
s remains.
i Shifts concepts Shifts concepts There are transitions Often difficult for It was very difficult for
n smoothly almost all the smoothly It is usually between concepts. the audience to the audience to
g time. It is easy for the easy for the audience All Law and concept identify Law or identify Law or
Key Concepts
audience to tell which to tell which Law and are present concept . concept .
K Law and concept is concept is happening.
n happening and when
o they are changing .
w Connections between Connections between There is a connection Connections Laws and Key concepts
l Laws and their key Laws and their key between the Laws between Laws and seem very
e concepts are creative, concepts are clearly and their key key concepts are disconnected. It is very
d Transitions clearly expressed, and expressed and concepts, but they sometimes hard to difficult to figure out.
g appropriate. appropriate. are not always figure out. More
e smooth detail or better
transitions needed.

Using Knowledge /15

Movements clearly Movements clearly Movements Movements Movements do not
represents all the Laws represents all the Laws represents all the represents all the represents all the Laws
and And Laws Laws but not clearly
I video has movements video has movements and or
n that clearly represents that clearly represents video has movements Video has as
q Movement
the all key Concepts In the key Concepts In that represents most movements that
u Models
the Laws the Laws of the key Concepts represents less than
i of the laws half of the key
r Concepts in the
i laws
g Video is edited to Video is edited to Video clearly shows Video does not Video does not
maximize understanding increase understanding the dancers and their clearly show the highlight the dancers
a and and movements dancers or their or their movements
n Any text or voice-over text or voice-over is movements
d adds to the not distracting from Video lasts less than
understanding of the the understanding of Video lasts 40-45 40 seconds.
D performance. the performance. seconds.
e video lasts 45-49
s video lasts at least 60 video lasts 50-59 seconds.
i seconds. seconds.
g All group members All group members All group members Not all group Planning and practice
n Participation/ participated in both participated in participated in members time was squandered.
i Collaboration planning and performance but did performance but not performed.
n and Time Use performance. not all collaborate in all appear on screen
g planning.

Inquiring and Designing /15

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