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1. What three concepts remain unclear or difficult for you to understand?

 Where should one consider that our freedom is being restricted even though such
restriction is needed for the good of majority. I agree that COVID-19 will only affect the
elderly and weak people, but not following rules or procedure to contain the virus just
because you feel that your freedom being restricted even though it is only temporary,
endanger those that are mostly affected.
 Other concept that remained unclear to me is how can some people use “freedom” to
possibly endanger other especially those vulnerable to COVID-19 even though they also
knew close relatives, friends, co-worker, etc. that belongs to the vulnerable group of
people to COVID-19.
 I don’t understand the need of Harry Frankfurt’s two-orders of will. It should not be
“wanting” but instead “what we should do” as indicates that people can choose to help
or not the vulnerable group of our society during COVID-19. As shown on some news,
there are people that disregard other for there own because they believe on their
freedom. There should be a line between using freedom for self-interest and the virtue
of helping other people.
2. What three significant insights did you gain in studying this text?
 At first, I thought that all form of utilitarianism but after reading the article and
experience the COVID-19 pandemic, I can say that having some form of utilitarianism is
needed. But it is also must be limited and will not stay long.
 I also now see that there are people that are willing to fight for there supposed
“freedom” even if it means that they endanger others. They see the possible deaths on
COVID-19 as a number that is lower than some seasonal flu. Hence, they disregard the
notion of restrictions putted to fight the virus.
 I now prefer the virtue ethics than the perceive meaning of freedom of others. With
virtue ethics, we can now decide whether the use of utilitarianism or the lockdowns
made on COVID-19 is right or wrong. It will not just depend on the “freedom” that other
people use to discredit the preventive measurements made on COVID-19.
3. What three questions do you want to ask about the text?
 How can we choose what virtues or morals are acceptable during the utilitarianism?
 How can we exercise the virtues we have during the COVID-19 pandemic.
 Is it really about freedom or just people thinking for themselves or their self-interest
that are against the preventive measures during COVID-19?

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