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oper oan ra vue ee § 1040x Amended U.S. Individual Income Tax Return ova sa oor Dianipmte agreed te hers ene wert ‘This returns for calendarlyear [XJ2017 [LJao1e (tans [Jao ee See eee ie Tas ncaa Tosuee x Biba yr. afr mn sport Wf none an a mo er oe vce baer ‘Current home address (nunfoer and streed. I you have a P.O. box, see instructions. Apt. no. ‘Your hone number ‘Gy, town o post office, site, ad ZIP code. you havea foreign addres, also complate spaces below (see instructions). WILMINGTON, DE Foreign county name Foreign provnoe/state/county Foreign postal code ‘ede return ng iat: You rust SHO oa BOK ova TOU ae 1 TaN YoU TITG | Puryear coverage. Sate, Caution general you can’ change your fg stats Gm aarti separa lallmembers of your household have ha Ci singe Head of household (the qualifying persons a child but not | year minimal essential health care coverage, (CL Maries ing jowntly ‘your dependent, see instructions) ‘check “ss.” Otherwise, check "No." See inst Mamed tig separatay (—] Qualia wisow(on Yeo tw se Part itn page 21 explain any changas *gatprewausy" | anauntotnetease | Camount® ‘usted (decrease. Income and Deductions expan in Par i 1 Adjust gross income ta net operating os (NOL canyback ‘sinchuded, check here >Ols 11,018,346, 12,963.| 11,091,309. 2 hhomzad deductions or fans deduction 2| 1,455,363, =2,693.| 1,452,670. ‘8 Subtract ine 2 from lne|1 ‘3 | 9,562,983. 15,656.| 9,578,639. 44 Exemptions. changing, complete Parton page 2and enter the amount rom tine 4 {8 Taxable income. Subtratt ine 4 from line 3 6 | 9,562,983,| 3,578,639. x Labtty © Tax Enter method) uspd to figura tax row o| 3,732,172, 6,200.| 3,738,372. 7 ‘Greta general Bushess credit camybacki included, ‘check here >Olz ‘8 Subtract ine 7 trom line. Ifthe resuit is zero or les, enter 0- e | 3,732,172, ©, 200.| 3,738, 372- © Heath care: nivial ity (28 instructions) 2 10 Other taxes: 40. 6, 151,| Ti7-} 6,268. 11 Tota tw Ad ines 8, and 10 a1 | 3,738,323. 6,317. 3,744,640. Payments 42 Federal income tax wih and excase socal secur ander RTA tax withheld. changing, se instructions), v2|__186,740.| 4,651.| 191,391. 49 Estima tax incudng amount appted from prior year’ retum 2 +4 Eamed incom cre 4 18 netmawte craven [_l eseamvers ramen (1 a 408, Cy oss Chose com 6 146 Total amount paid wi fest or extnsion a tne To i, tax paid wi engl rau and _adétionltax pai after fou was fled +o| 3,551,583. “7 Tota payments Ad ings 12 trough 15. cour Cd in 16 a7 | 3,742,978. Fetund or Amount You Owe +48 Overpayment if any. 2 bhown on original etum or as previously acjustod by the IRS 10 +40 Subtract ine 1 rom ng 17 (Hess than zero, se instructions) x0 | 3,742,974. 120 Amount you owe. if ine, column G, i more than ine 19, eter he ference 20. 1066. 21 tno 11, column Ces tha ne 19, eter the ctterence. Ths the amount overpaid on thi et at 22 Amount oftne 21 you whnt refunded to you 22. 23 Amount of ne 21 you want applied to your (enter year}: estimated tax| 23 | ‘Complete and sign this form on Page 2 HA For Paperwork Rediletion Act Notice, see instructions, Fem YO4OK tr 201 ‘Sen Fam 1040 Fo ‘tesamptons or ‘oramount rowan irom vance | set te Bh Vounatond epencert, you 25 Your dependent on alinforaion about which the preparer has ary know, 7-7-1 vice peestoenr & Yer oonesin . 27-19 cence . te aon le, an hl. GSLMAN, ROSENBERG & FREEDMAN Fir’ namo (r yours ete oyed) CPA BETHESDA, MD _20814-2930 Fs accross and ZIP code Darna setempleyed — few sabe a Beem nana a Tam war TS JOSEPH R. BIDEN OR. & JILL T. BIDEN FORM 1040x STATEMENT 1 A $3,000 CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTION TO THE TRAGEDY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM FOR SURVIVORS WAS ACC: §3,000 HAS BEEN RI THE TAXPAYER WAS WEEKS OF 2017, AF" DOES NOT APPEAR Ti RECEIVED DURING 1! WITHHOLDINGS. ACCORDINGLY, THE [DENTALLY DEDUCTED TWICE ON THE ORIGINAL RETURN. THE EXTRA VED FROM SCHEDULE A. EMPLOYEE OF THE U.S. GOVERNMENT DURING THE FIRST THREE ER WHICH TIME HE LEFT OFFICE AND CHANGED RESIDENCE. IT T THE TAXPAYER RECEIVED A W-2 REFLECTING THE INCOME {OSE THREE WEEKS AND THE ASSOCIATED FEDERAL AND STATE TAX TURN HAS BEEN AMENDED TO REPORT ADDITIONAL SALARY OF $12,963, ADDITIONAL FEDERAL WITHHOLDING OF $3,847 AND ADDITIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY TAXES OF REFLECTING THE STJ BECAUSE OF THE IN ON DEDUCTIONS HAS THE INCREASE IN MH} $804. ALSO, AN ADDITIONAL §696 OF STATE INCOME TAXES, ‘TZ TAX WITHHELD, HAVE BEEN DEDUCTED ON SCHEDULE A. IREASE IN ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME, THE SCHEDULE A LIMITATION INCREASED BY $389. {DICARE WAGES HAS INCREASED THE ADDITIONAL MEDICARE TAX, AS SHOWN ON FORM 8959, BY $117. STATEMENT(S) 1 $1040 vs. snciviiat nome tax returs” ZO TT| ewer wea ervey ote nerve Fert yarn OT 00, ol oyr y 200 ng a ed or a a al Tateane concen JOSEPH R. BIDEN oR. Tapa, spusee WelraneandTiba [st eae TR JILL T. prpen a ae aria a OF VOU ae Pb, OTS TOU | aaron Fa RR RE SR Se oT WILMINGTON, DE era Foragn cunt ae Feign proweataalcounty Tora pat ende | st omy ten CX vou_(X] spouse 7 [Tad ot hovseod (th qulfying person te quating| rd fg jt (even ony one ha income) pereonisa chi butt your dependent enter is i's rind ling speraty Enter spouse's SSM above ame ‘Pi Dependent' sia se, i | = See HE insistent ard series oo Secwe Be sega 4 Total rijmber of exemptions caimed. Son Tnoome 7 Wapes[esires tps, te Aah Fores) W-2 - ‘smut 6 720, ‘ta Taxable intrest Altach Schedule B f required 7,669. * terefeprt vennase re t ‘ Waters) 8% Ordinary cviends Ach Schedule Bt required 8 tae 8 colton % W26 and Taxst ynds, credits, OF of st ncaa Oo. BEES Sentence ect SFE " ‘Businags income or (loss). Atlach Schedule C or C-EZ 1 B62. ttyou i not in oF (loss). Attach Schedule D f required. f not required, check hare eC 2 mee meee n ‘ieinam ie . 16a AT, 694.| b Taxcbie amount ‘16 213,195. ae tn bt apn te es tr 10,060,088: wou Ara 1 20a 41,081.) b Taxable amount a 2b 34,919. peice a aos ene an srg Papa wali be | EL OT, 7ST a Adjusted 24 Siamiganre Tuna Sue se” NUMA mt a rnd 9g tee” 3fnancfemansr eit = coon vanatonaee = 2 = TZ: a z 8 2 6, 430,| : z 2 : : a a a a x = : tenes 1 fetecke sonnel iia sat poms > LA For Disclosure Privacy Act, and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see eeparate instructions, Fem 1040029 np TT, 03T, 305 “Taatboxes steded,; bane] 2. >t 1,452,670. 3,576, i re, ceastontone Jam. bales al rm TCT Sy = : : tcc acnomre ieee CTS Ta : : at —r357- _ 3 orratainquiaernancie hays . rome. 2K] Form soso 6LXI form e060 « [—) tet enter codes) a ~Teee. eeeen aE Ieentniir 4 2138,] = = Heb = : 7 = 2 Tal 191,391. er 3,553,249. Fra pieciretiialalala 7 ‘Third Parly Doyou anather person to dlscuss this return with te IRS (S00 Instructions)? UK Yes, Comoe below. TT ie Bedonee” 'DEYELE, ‘CEA e Sop Here ° o vow conpetion| thre menor = tee a Preparer WALT! Itemized Deductions oo. 1545-0974 > commen nica vacant erat 2017 Sei ‘SCHEDULE A (Form 1040) Semana” ool OR. & SILL T. BIDEN Medical ‘auton: Do not inchde expenses reimbursed of paid by others ‘and 1 Mecha and dental expenses (se nsructons) Dental 2_Entefarunt rom Farm 1080, no 38 Expenses 3 Naty no 2 by 7.9% (0075) 2 4 Subthctine 3 emine 1 ttn Sis more ane 1, enter Te o. Taxes You 6 Statdand ocal(eheck only ove box: Paid 2 BE income taxes, or SEE STATEMENT 13 |5| 722, 898.| » CH] cenera sale axes © Rea ftate taxes fee insbuctions) o| 13,715, 7 Porafal ropery taxes z 2 tof tan Ustypeansanait 2 Aad ines 5 through 8 [Te] 736,613. Tnterest 10 Hom meotgags ntorst and pots reparta you on For 1098 fo] 23,820. a nycu aught te pase mearucon and show fet paren ae, io. and across Note: Your morgage 4g bores Seduction may 13 belied oe 4 feacbors) 45 Add tos 10 through 14 fe] __ 23,820. Gifts to 46 Gis y cash or chock if you made ay gf of $250 ormoe, seeinstructons .... [1e[L, 013, 762. Charity 47 Othefthan by cash or check. any gio $250 or more, se0nstructons. sTMr 14 youmadea You hust attach Form 209 over $500, 7 piandarts 4g trom por year ha seeinsitvctons. 49 Add ios 16 hrough 18 fall 013,762. ‘Gssualty nd 20 Casuit or theft loses) other than net quafied dsaster losses. tach Fom 468+ ang ‘Theft Losses entertne amount fom ine 1 of that form, S00 instrectons oo] {ob Expenses 21 Unranbursed employee expenses -job travel union dues, ob education, ec ana Certain Form 2108 0210842: requred, See instructions. D> Deductions - 22 TaxiJeparcton feos 23. Othe} expences investment safe dapost box. etc ist ype and amcunt > 24 fed pes 21 tough 23, 2 int rom Form 1040, ine 38 20 Mi ine 25 by 2% (0.02) . 27st no 26 fom ine 24. ino 26s mare than tne 24, enter far Other ‘28 Othe rom stn instructions, ist type and amount Be — _ — Miseetaneous ie --1 - 729 Ig Foy 1040, n0.38, over $158,900? o|No. Your deduction isnot limited. Add the amounts inthe far right column Total ortnes 4 through 28. Also, enter ne amount on Form 1040, iw 40. STMT. 15. [2o[l 452,670. Itemized kl|yes. Your deduction may be limited. See the Itemized Deductions Deductions [Worksheet in the instructions to figure the amount to enter. 130, Ifyoufetect to itenize deductions eventhough they are lees than your standard deduction, check here > Hi Taser ean For Paperwork Rediction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 1040 ‘Schedule A Form 1040) 2017 15300707 745960 54742 2017.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 54742_2 Porm tenho 280 Interest and Ordinary Dividends > Attach to Form 1040A or 1040. Szeratazen| |p cot wwe govscneaun or etctons andthe atest information. JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR. & JILL 'T. BIDEN PartT 4 List nafne of payer. if any interest is from a sellerfinanced mortgage and the buyer used the “Amount te prooly a povorl ence, ee heamucene andia bier. Aso arewat | [ eres buyer socal ecryramber an aces MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIPE INSURANCE CO Ka MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO i3. MASAACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. 372 PNCHANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION zie: UNTIED STATES SENATE FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 152 “ACTURERS AND TRADERS TRUST ASSOCIATION 1 6,945. NEWCASTLE COUNTY SCHOOL EMPLOYEES | ° | _ a> FROW Kel =-CRETICCAPRI_ CORP | |" ——"aa> ot: te pa ae Soo ee Se00, mum eee, secleragstn, mien payer and ore sures x ‘shown on that — 2 Add tte amounts on line 1 2 7,669. form, 3 able interest on series EE and | U.S. savings bonds issued after 1989. romests 3 4 Soba nw oto nara eit non Fam 140A of Fon 16s a we [a —T, 68 ‘Note: Ind 4 over $1,500, you must complete Part I “amount Pane Loin payer ——— Ordinary Dividends Note: If you ® NS ou eae SS pom Stems mtene fereatsowe Se own oem “Tad anocis cnn 5. Eater and on Fom 700A arFom 1a, nowa Bs Hei: ing over $1505, you mast comokte Pail Parti You et chr pa you) a ov 120 of wate Harn o onary avers) haaatwoan vo] no ‘sot off) recone adaeton fon ce era arto ra aro, a frag Bt Foreign ‘te Aentne cng 207, you how rnc set or Sat arty ove tend oconrt ah ‘Accolints — ssab4ncarcont oon aca, bokarage accu oatedin frag cout? See into. x and If *Yes,* are you required to file FinCEN Form 114, Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR), Trusts {orepf tet ian ret or sat aur? See AGEN Fm 14a ans ing Iogear nd eceptee hve eprom by fr requte oe PICEN Form 1, enter te hare reign county wars the rai acaurt ieoohed be ee 1 Dunant, yu che sen tomar wary GTi’ Go Waar aT WaT mm wary "ved youn fae efor 20 See raters x {HA For Paperwork Reon Act Notice, se your tax retum na uctons ‘Sched Borm 100A o 100) 207 12 15300707 745960 54742 2017,06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 54742_2 Interest and Dividend Summary Nare:_S0Se°H 8, BIDEN oR, & sttt t, sr0m Fewsn feos |Textsanet| Pato Avy | oman | _Orsrry | _Gied ] Capa Gan [rmavemm] So Tar | Fo Pave Incest [ercone| aos |. inst” | once | Owcerds | Ovtenas | Dette | Temene | winner | Tors SEACHUGENTS MUTUAL LIFE 2 2 IWAssACHUSENNS MOTUAL LIFE Lsumance co, 3, stow. AssocrATrON 210. 0 lowrmep stares SENAPE FEDERAL Jouzorr uzow 16 haNUPACTURERS aND mRADERE lreuer ascoczarron 5,945. Iuew casoie cowry scHoor lrnow x-1 - ceUTIccarRt conr ans. Tors 7,663. SCHEDULE C-EZ Net Profit From Business oe stone (Form 1040) {Sole Proprietorship) ceeeter > Panui, it vn, pry mut Frm 16510868, 2017 pesreesenrt D> Atach For 140, 04, 141, See Instone, SSerh.o0n. Fare ot pre esa svat umber (988) ILL ?. BIDEN | General infofmation | Had business expenses of $5,000 or less, rc ‘© Had no employees during the year, | vse te cas met of scouting, © ont tut expenses for uss we ‘You May Use otyourbome, Sohedulo C-£Z1 | 4 oisotnaveaninenoy tan te ng Instead of eye, © onathave ror yur unstoned paste ‘Schedule C ‘ct nen om i buses Only if You: |i rothave a net ss rom your busines, ‘And You: = Are ooroqtad oi arm 82, «| ad anton buses ser asl unctrogded Be foen (proprotor, quali joint vartre, or business. See the instructions for Schedule ‘sory employee, , line 13, to find out you must file. “A Pans bss a pra, ncn oda Tarbes code eee AUTHOR, > 711510 Bsns ane oer baner Tae, Rave Da 7 Eneryor EW see) JILL BIDEN Bsns adres (ncn lr oom ra) Also roara ame a on pope Toyoar a iy own pt s,s nd TP code WILMINGTON, DE < ‘Did you make any payment in 2077 that would require you to fle Form(s) 1090? (see the Instructions for Schedule C) TJ y¥es TXT Ne _It¥es," did you or will you fle required Forms 10997 LJyes TJ ne = Figure Your Net Profit ‘ross reels. Canton: fis acme was reparted To you on Form W2 and to “Suory employe box on thal 862. form was checked, se Sahutory employesein th instructions for Schadule, ine 1,and check herS TMT. 1G [1 2 Totaexpences (se instuftns). mre tan $5000, you mastus Schedule © 3 Netprost. Subactine 2 om ne 1. ts than aro, you mast use Schedule C. Enron both Form 1040, in 12, and Schedule S, tn 2, oon|Frm 1O40NR, tne 13, and Sehedle SE, ine 2. (Stator employees do wotroport his mount on Schad SE, if 2) Etats and trusts, enor on Form 104, tine 3 862. Information on ‘Your Vehicle. Complete this part only if you are claiming car or truck expenses on line 2. “4 When cd you place your wis in service for business purposes? (month, day, year) D> 5 Ofte total numberof mle you rove your vie during 2017, eter he numba of mies you used your vai foc: 4 uiness |__& Commuting © her ‘6 Was your vehicle avilable for personal use during off-duty hours? Ove Cie 7 Doyou (or your spouse) hive another vehicle avaiable for personal use? Cres Cm ‘88 Doyou have evidence to support your deduction’? Cvs Chime 1b “Yes, the evidence wrlten? CJ ves) te Tha Fer aperwonkRedueda Aat Htc, see the separate lstrvetos for eheduleC (Form 1040) 13 15300707 745960 58742 2017.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH ‘Sehedule C2 (Form 1040) 2017 54742__2 Schedule C - Two-Year Comparison Worksheet 2017 Bueness Name: JILL BIDEN Tax Year TaxYour Increase Hoscreion, 2010 2017 Cecrease) NCOHE, {ross Income 1,362, 862, -500, NET PROFIT oR| (LOSS) 1,362, 862, -500. : 13.1 15300707 745960 54742 2017.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH $4742_2 ‘SCHEDULE E Supplemental Income and Loss }OMB No. 1545-0074 (Form 1040) (From rota el estat ryan, partnerships, S corporations estates, rusts, | DOT Laie Vastra comets SESE ol > annua tonearm ican ora areca JoSEDH B BIDKN JR. t JILL, ._ BIDEN Part 1] Income or Loss From Rental Real Estate and Royalties Note: if you aren the business of renting personal property, use TEsEtT Secascod oat urruncang Taveratnsan torsion im hor snaps ‘A Did you make any payfnents in 2017 that would require you to fle Form(s) 1099? (see instructions). Ties TXT No B if “Yes,” did you or: fle required Forms 10997 Ci ves CF) No “tal Physical adcress of each propery (street, iy, state, ZIP code) ; itive i $ ‘Fai z a men [W + earn | | Seamer ah Sees tiesteeae A T ‘only if you meet the requirements to fhe as al 365 T_T a 2 gated jont verte: Soo nstuctors SI I c c LT ‘Type of Property: "Gemrraesine] viens 9 ant 7 se pumearieews|_} Somes 3 irae 2 Sana int nies ; ; : '3__ Rents received 3 19,800. Sas : eee > ng : $Me P + Gorusenoeies ; tom : j= : © Gpeiscmapanion : ® epnanre j © theerneneodisbaas balan {sae 3 ocho : 3 oe = © om a 3 te : 2 iam a 1 ope ea in A 3 coo : 20 Total expenses. Add {ines 5 through 19° 20 8, 461, ‘21 Subtract line 20 from jine 3 (rents) and/or 4 (royalties). I result is & oss), see instructions to find out if you must file Form 6198 2 11,319. a1 Setamrworenfaostnsirtanimfones reas = 1 288 Total of all amounts, On line S for all rental properties: 230 19, 800.| + Haddam poms enbeskraareotn = ‘© Total ofall amounts on line 12 for all properties. 236 5,382. 4 hatamnace specie saan = $ faudananrpemt enero a a pean pene es os S Dace ica temas armani © taarenarlouh ners boy cohesive Su or we WascelSmpatee tetra svcarsateta tonne neko oan 26 11,319. ‘Schedule E Form 1040) 2077 14 15300707 745960 54742 2017.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 54742_2 seman Fam 9.9 207 JOSEPH R. BIDEN) JR. & JILL BIDEN “Caution: The IS compares anus repo on yout tx retum wih amounts shown on Sadie) KT [Parti] Income or any amount ‘2 Bre you reporting any oss stam nc re ‘From Parinerships and § Gorporations Note: fyau report a oss ram an atisk acy Tor which tk, you must check column (eon in 26 and atach Ferm 6108. See nstuctions Jt allwedin a prior yer de oe ai, cess fn ss, or basis krstons, pry unalowed oss Toma passive actly ( that loss jas not reported an Form 8562), or unceimbursed partnership expenses? Cover CX] no yearned "ete Rucbn bate cmpitng Bs uci. are ” a [rene] eee | ott | Set 7X CELRICCAPRI_CORF 3 =| GIACOPPA CORI 3 ¢ . onpsssie come dL. Tivos [secon a eens | (once meone WUnetieadetct fucctortom tare ti "ee beae x 3,430,857. B 557,882. ¢ D 2a Tots 10,048, 739. > Tobe 30 Add columns (g) and (j) ofine 29a 30 10,048,739. 3 Addl net 295 art T 432 Tlalpan and pean ina of s)-Coo lia 0 and 1 arte _resutt here and include in fhe total on fine 41 below. 32 fL0, 048,739. [Parti income or Lées From Estates and Truste (0) Name ee x n Pama Tice anaes passive cams and ‘Pasian sowed aaa me Tebeaten oes ose eran rua) freeheart (lensed x + ia Tae » Toa 38 Aides and) oro a 36 Addcotns an) 2 31 Totes ant ws nome wi Sn ins 3 an 5 i ei ili ini ow >] [FaHRI income or bes From Rea Estate origege Investment Gondute (HEMI) -Ratdua! MoWar = TERS ACN FO Tsao | (elcome Tom a (0) tara en a 3G cbs (ak nr la ada a noe = [Part V [Summary 40° Nat farm rental income of (loss) from Form 4835. Also, complete line 42 below 40 41 Total inaome or (1088). Gomtine ines 28, 82, 87, 99, a 40, Enter theron here and en Ferm 1040, Se 17, cr Form YOAONA, Se 38 > [1 10,060, 058. {@ Reason ot aig nto lneme Cayo seaming end eg coe ‘eat ona 285, Seed am 18) tox 14 cn Shee ‘Form 1120S}, box 17, cpde V; and Schedule K-1 (Form 1041), box 14, code F proc tminctonay [42] 42 Rasulo ot pttlnl tyr woe tome ponent orc cuestunee papernpeununerarcnten oeaton beomen terres Seocnnye ence prepay onyanetaymnnes al tel Form 0) 207 15300707 745960 4742 15 2017-06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 54742_ 2017 Income from Passthroughs I.D. NUMBER: CELTICCAPRI ml TYPE: § CORPORATION ACTIVITY INFORMATION: CELTICCAPRI, CORP ‘TRADE OR BUSINESS - MATERIAL PARTICIPATION ORDINARY re (toss) 9,490,857. TOTAL NONPASSIVE INCOME (LOSS) 9,490,857. OTHER K-1 reso INTEREST INCO! OTHER ITEMIZE DEDUCTIONS INVESTMENT INCOME NONDEDUCTIBLE |EXPENSES SE EARNINGS 15300707 745960 54742 16 2017.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 414. 3,298. aia. 11,809. 145,833. 54742__2 2017 Income from Passthroughs GIACOPPA CORP 1.D. NUMBER: TYPE: S$ CORPORATION ACTIVITY INFORMATION: GIACOPPA CORP TRADE OR BUSI! tT - MATERIAL PARTICIPATION ORDINARY INCOME (LOSS) 557,882. TOTAL NONPASSIVE INCOME (LOSS) 557,882. oor 7 15300707 745960 54742 2017.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 54742_2 2017 Income from Passthroughs SUMMARY OF K-1 INFORMATION FOR ALL PASSTHROUGHS OTHER K-1 INFORMATION: INTEREST INCOI 414. OTHER ITEMIZED) DEDUCTIONS 3,298. NONDEDUCTIBLE EXPENSES 11,809. SE EARNINGS 145,833. ‘INVESTMENT meme EXPENSE: INVESTMENT IN 414. 18 15300707 745960 4742 2017.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 54742__2 ‘Schedule E - Two-Year Comparison Worksheet 2017 Property Name COTTABE - WILMINGTON, DE Tax Year TexYou increase Pecrve 2018 m7 (Decrease) (COME ‘RECEIVED, 26,400. 19,800, -6,600.| PENSES IGAGE INTEREST 4,708 | 5,382, 674, "AXES 2/959, 3/099, 140, ‘SUBTOTAL 7/667, 8.481, aia, INCOME OR (10SS) 18,733,| 11,319. -7, 414, ; 18.1 15300707 745960 54742 2017.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH $4742_2 Schedule SE (Fam 1040) 201 sant ge Paget Nare of person with ell-emejyrent income Gs sawn on Form Too Frm THOR) — Soc secuny number ot arson wh set-employment| JULL T. BIDEN ‘scone > Section B=Long fe SE “Part — Seil-Employmient Tax ‘Note: yoUr only income aubigt oso omploymont lax church employes Income, oe Wsiuctions Also soe structions Tore dafniion oT church employee income, |A. ttyou are a miniater, mafber ofa religious order, or Chistian Science practitioner and you fed Form 4961, but you had $400 or ‘more of other net eamings fom sett-employment, check here and continue wh Part > ‘12. Net farm proftor fess) fom Schedule F, ine 34, and farm partnerships, Schedule Kt (Form 1055), box 14, code A. Note: bb ltyou received soca: Program payments 2 Net proft or fos tom: a t» Jo C, ine 91; Schedule CE, tne 3; Schedule Kt (Form 1085), Box 14, code A ‘cxder, s8@ instruction for types of income to report on this fine. See instructions for other income to report ‘Note: Skip this line i yo use the nonfarm optional method see instructons) SEE, STATEMENT. 17 | 2 862. 3 Combine lines 1a, 1b, 3 B62. 43 Ife 3 ks more than zefp, multiply ine S by 82.35% (0.8285). Otherwise, enter amount from tne 3 4a 796. "Note: I ine 4a isles tlan $400 dve to Conservation Reserve Program payments on in 1b, soe instructons, 'b Ifyou elect one or batho the optional methods, entor the total of lines 15 and 17 here, 4b ‘© Combine lines 4a and 4p. fess than $400, stop; you don't owe salf employment tax. Exception: ‘ess than $400 and yéu had church employee Income, enter-0- and continue, > | ac 196. ‘Sa Enter your church income from Form W2. See instructions {or deftion of church bmployee income ba 1b Muttply ine Sa by 92.35% (0.9296). less than $100, enter0- 5b 8 Add tines 4c and Sb 6 196. 77 Maximum amount of ofmbined wages and eefempioyment earings subject to soca secur tax or ‘the 6.2% portion of thd 7.65% ralroad retirement (ber 1) tax for 2017 z 12720000 lines 8 through 10, 44. got ine 11 . ea 199,821, 1b Unreported tis subj to social socuity tx (rom For 497, ine 10} ‘Bb {© Wages subject to soci socunty tax rom Form 8919, hin 10) Be. Add tines 8a, 8b, and de 2d 8 Subtract ine 8c from pe 7. If 26 or os, ener. Here and on ino 10 and go to tne 11 >Le 410 Multiply the smaller of ine 6 one @ by 12.49% (0.124). 10 (029) 4 12 Sell-employmenttax| Add ines 10 and 11, Enter here and on Form 1040, line 67, O° Ferm 1O40NR, tine 6& | | 42 Form 1040, ine 27, of Form 040NR, ine 27 | +91 12,] [Fart ll_Optional Methods To Figure Net Eamings (eee instructona) Farm Optional Method. Yoi ay use this method only) your goss farm incom" wasnt re than $7.80, or {et yournet farm potts® wholes than $551 ‘4 Maximum income for tional methods “ 3,200.00 +8 _Entertho smaller of: 19 (2/5) of gross farm income’ (not ass than zara) or $5,200. Aso nctade this amount on tine above 6 ‘Nonfarm Optional Mi ‘and also less than 72.1 "You may us tie mathod only f(a) your net ponfarm profts® were less than $5,631 ot your gress nonfarm incomet and (b) you had net eamings frm se-employment of a year, Caution: You may use thie mathod no more than five times. 46 Subtracting 15 6 17 Enter the smaller of jwortieds (2/3) of gross nontarmincarne® (nt les than zero) or the amount on line 16, Abo include his amount on ine 4b above 7 * From Se. Fn 9, and ch (Form TOBS), box 14, ode. > From So. i Sch, CZ, iw; Sch. K- (Frm 1085), box 14, code A 2 From Sh Fine, and Se K-1 (Frm 165), Box 4 e008 Amis the and Soh K- Form 1065-2), bo 9, code ‘sou you woud Rae ened on ine To ha you not ed the optnal + From So. ne 7; Soh, CZ, ne 1 Sch. Kt (Frm 1088), box 14, code; rmahod. nd eh. 1 Form 1085 8), Box cod 2 mee eae ‘Sebedale SE (Form 1040) 2017 19 15300707 745960 [54742 2017.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 54742_2 DOES NOT APPLY rm 6251 Alternative Minimum Tax - Individuals | S077 a7 npr te Teey > Goto wunrirs.gow/Forme251 for instructions and the latest information. ithornssoves 62 D> Attach to Form 1040 or Form 1040NR. agct.s2 Name(s) shown on Form 1440 or Fors 1040NF ‘You socal seeariy number JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR. & JILL T. BIDEN [Parti [Alternative Minimum Taxable Income “If Ring Schedule A(Forf 1040),entor the aout rom Form 1040, tne 47, and goto ine 2 Otherwise, enter the ‘amount trom Farm 104p, tne 96, and goto ne 7. ess than 220, enter as a negative amount) +| 9,578,639. 2 Reserved for future usd 2 {8 Taxes from Schedule 4 (Form 1040), tne 9 3 736,61. 4: Entorthe nome mortgae interest adjustment, fan, fom ine 6 ofthe worksheet inthe instructions forthis ine | 4 {5 Mecalaneous deducts from Schedule A (Form 1040}, ine 27 s 6 Form 1040, ine 38, $156,900 or oss, enter O- Otherwise, soe instructions e =320, 525. 7 Taxrefund fram Form 4040, ine 10 or ine 21 z 8 Investment interest expense (cierence between regular tax and AMT) 2 © Dopltin tere reguar tx and AMT) ° 40 Net operating loss fom Form 1040, ine 21. Enter s a postive amount 70 414 Atoratie tax net. oss deduction 1" 42 Interest om spectiod private activity bonds exompt rom the regular tax 12 13 Qualiied smal stock, 9 instructions 3 +14 Exercise of incentive fock options (excess of AMT Income over regula tax income) “ 115 Estates and trusts (ampunt from Schedule Kt (Form 1041), Box 12, code A) 16 +16 Booting large (amount from Schedule Kt (Form 10858}, box 6) 6 {17 Disposition of (ference between AMT and regular tax gan or foss) 7 +18 Depreciation on asset placed in sevice fer 1906 (ference betwoen regula tax and ANT) 8 40 Passive activities between AMT and requ taxincomecrloss) .. SEE, STATEMENT 18 [70 20 Loss limitation diferdncs between AMT and reguar tax ncome orloss) 2. 21 Creutaton costs (ttfence betwoon roglar tax and AMT) 24 ‘22 Long term contrac (ference between AMT and regular tax ncome) 2 23. Minin costs (tlerende betwoen regular tax and AMT) 2. 24 Research and al costs (ference between regia tax and AMT) 2 25 Income from certain nptalment sales before January 1, 1987 25. 28 Inangibie dling cost} preference 2 27 Other adjustments, inducing incomebased lated adjstmants 2 2 Ausra imate ome Coie os rg 27. ae gpa ore 28 & 9,993,727. El : e 5 Is so| 9,993,727. ¢ ttyou reported capil gain distrbutions cect on Form 1040 ne 13; you reported qualified dividends ‘on For 1040, tne Gh: or you had a gain on both Ines 15 and 16 of Schedule D (Form 1040) (as refgured oc the AMT, ), complete Part il on page 2 and enter the amount trom ine 64 here. at|__2,794,488. PELL il i ip ‘that tax without using Schedule J before completing this fine (eee inetructione) 3,738,372. 95. AMT. Subtract ine 24[rom ne 83. zero rls, enter 0. Enter here and on Form 1040, tne 45 O. ‘wy evra LHA Fr Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, eee your tax return Instructions, Form @251 (2017) 20 15300707 745960|54742 2017.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 54742_2 la |e Fo 6251 017) JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR. & JILL T. BIDEN Page 2 Part il] Tax Computation Using Maximum Capital Gains Rates Complete Par nly you are requited to do 0 by Ine 31 or by the Foreign Eamed income Tax Worksheet in the instructions ‘36 Enter the amount fom Form 6251, ine 30. you ae fling Form 2555 or 2556-2, enter the amount from line 3 of the worksheet in he intructions for ine 31 20 '87 Enter the amount trom ing 6 of the Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet in the instictions for Form 1049, ine 44, or foe amount rom ine 13 ofthe Schedule D Tex Worksheet nthe instructions for ‘Schedule D (Form 1040), Ytichever apples (as figured forthe AMT, necessary) (see instruction). you ae fing Form 2855 of 2555-£7, see instructions forthe amount to enter 7 {38 Enter the amount rom Schedule D (For 1040), ine 19 (as eigured forthe AMT, f nacessay) (See Instructions), you ae lg Form 2555 or 2555 £2, 99 instructions forthe amount to enter 8. {30 tyou dic not complete a Schedule D Tax Worksheet forthe regar tax or he AMT, enter the arpount from ine 37. Otnewise fc nes 37 and 28, ad ener the smaller of that resi or the amount fom tne ‘10 ofthe Schedule D Tax|Workshoot as retigured forthe AMT, f necessary). If you ae ling Form 2555 or 2. 40. at ($98,900 or tess if mated ting sparatoy). mutiply ine 41 by 26% (026). Otherwe 42 re “4 ry 4 a7 “8 “ oo st 182 Add ne 50 and tne 51 2. {83 Subirac ine 52 from inp 48. 270 or less, enter 0- 3, {64 Entr the smaller of fre ft or ine 53 ot {85 Multiply tne 4 by 15% | > [es 188 Add ines 47 and 54 : es} Htines #6 and 36 ae the same, ckip ines 67 through 61 and goto line €2. Otherwise, go to line 67. (57 Subtract tne 56 from o 188. Mutiply Ine 57 by 20% 0.20) > [ee Ittine 28 is zero or blap, skip lines 66 through 61 and go to line €. Otherwise, go t line 69. 10 Add ines 41,56, and 5 oo 20 Subiract tne 39 trom : o {81 Multiply ine 60 by 25% 0.25) >» [er (02 Add ines 42,55, 58, my {68 fine 26s $167,000 oriss ($89,200 or less if maried fing separately), matiply ine 96 by 26% (0.26, ‘Otnerwise, mutiply tne} by 26% (028) and subtract $3,756 ($1,878 i marred fing separate) forthe rsut | 63 (04 Enter te smaller fin 62 or ne 63 here and on ne 1. Ifyou are fling Form 2555 oF 2555 EZ, donot enter os 15300707 745960 54742 2017.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH Fom 6251 @o17) 8a742_: ALTERNATIVE MINIMUM TAX RECONCILIATION REPORT ae Saal Say Ra bosePH R. BIDEN OR. & JILL T. BIDEN ase re Desori TCO Form 6257 tone coal Fe Gi ne 7 | Farm, neo Fa OT TET] ae E POPTAGE = wiLMINcTON * REGULAR INCOME 11,319. * AMT NET INCOME 11,319.] ‘SCHEDULE H Household Employment Taxes. OMB No. 1545-1971, (Form 1040) (For Social Security, Modicare, Wehneld Income, and Fedoral Unemployment (FUTA) Taxes) cove D> Attach to Form 1040, 1040NR, 1040-SS, or 1041. Seema D> Go to wwusirs.gow/Schedulel for Instructions and the lates Information. Name of employer ‘Bocial secur number JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR. & JILL T. BIDEN | Employer Identication number (Calendar year taxpayers a under age 21, your GH) Yes, sep ir No. Gotol is you pay any one} ving no household employees in 2017 don't have to complete this form for 2017, household employee cash wages of $2,000 or more in 2017? (any household employee was your spouse, your child rent, or anyone under age 18, se the ne A instruction betore you answer tis question) Band C and goto ine 1 8. ‘ia you warhol tra income tax during 2017 for any household employes? [2 Yes. skip ie Cand goto tine 7 No. Goto! (id you pay total (Bont count cash © wo. stop. Ino. wages of $1,000 or more in any calendar quarter of 2016 ¢ 2017 to all household employeos? aid in 2016 oF 2017 to your spouse, your child underage 21, or your parent) fle this schedule, Yes. Skip fos 1-9 and goto ine 10. Social Seofrity, Medicare, and Federal Income Taxes 11 Total cash wages subjt to social socunty tax 1 8, 600.| 2 Social sacurty tax. Mftily ine 1 by 124% (0.124) 2 1,066. 2 Total cash wages subjct to Medicare tax 3 8, 600.| “4 Medicare tax Mutiply fines by 2.9% (0.026), 4 249. ‘5 Total cash wages subjpet to Additional Medicare Tax wihhokting 6 © Adctonal Medicare Tx witnoiing, Multiply line 5 by 0.0% (0.000) 6 7 Federal income tax wil, any z {8 Total social security, Medicare, and federal income taxes. AdG Ines 2, 4,6, and 7 8 1,315. wages of $1,000 or more in any calondar quater of 2016 oF 2017 to all household emphoyoos? aid in 2016 or 2017 to your spouse, your chic under age 21, or your parent) THA For Privacy Aet | 15300707 745960 |54742 Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Insbuctons, ‘Schedule H Form 1040) 2017 23 2017-06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 54742_ soartumeney JOSKPH R. BIDEN JR. & JTLL 7. BIDEN a [Part ll | Federal Uneriployment (FUTA) Tax Fs we 1 cxyepey not crate oc one yas pa cmt cre econ tment atx 111. Did you pay ail state unemployment contributions for 2017 by April 17, 2018? Fiscal year files, see instructions nlx {2 vevalene onan por trfTAur al tat brio es nrg abe Nove tyouchcte pel atcha ta es cove compas Sen A Ti Sees a teh tne lo cone Scin 8 Seaton k tamecibasa wien arama aE 14 cot ito yu ste nee tn 2 {2 Tolono ef run a mE 1,000. 16 FUTA tax. Multiply ing 19 by 0.6% (0.006) Enter the result here, skip Section B, and go to line 25. 16 a2. co 7 ap aca pa a a eT ato : fw a @ 5 Blecten || be i ey ws o— "= =e | = Teas : 19 Add columns (g) and (h) gf line 18. 2 2 Toalean mgm new UTA slid ———=—_ ano zobye0% pena = 3 tna 0073.8 og s 3 bart matratne oerno 3 Cryuped maw nob cna oyun cds St, ‘s0@ instructions and chop here) Ol zs as fot aa eten stan a ie = [Part it] Total Housdhold Employment Taxes 25 hia te ty cid Yr boon oT aoa = 31s 26 Add line 16 (or line 24) apd line 25 ry 1,357. 7 henge tote he [2X] Yes. stop. incide fhe amount from lino 26 above on Form 1040, Ine 60a. Don’t complete Part IV balow. ne You may havo comple Paty Seo amu er etd. ‘Part IV Address ani Signature - Complete this part only if required. See the ine 27 instructions. CL SSeS ane SE SNE See Eg CO par IRE Papoerac oa nanny un aed 8 Se oan a ES, Sad Fone payments orgy Frepuefoo han aye ebend en sono SeoRpemna tary noe Viamrmer Vom Pa Type pfeparers name Preparers signature Date ‘Check it [Pn Paid employed Preparer [Fmis name [> Firs EIN > Use Only Fas adr Phone a poorererey oe ‘Schedule H Form 1040) 2017 15300707 745960 54742 2017.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 54742__2 rom 8959 ‘Additional Medicare Tax > If any tine does not apply to you, leave It blank. See separate instructions. epee ny > Attach to Form 1040, 4040NR, 1040-PR, or 1040-88. anne > Go to www for Instructions and the ltest information. ‘Ramet shown on rtm Your social security number JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR. & JILL T. BIDEN Part! Additional Medicare Tax on Medicare Wages “1 Mecicare wages and tin rom Foxn W:2, Box. you have mor than oe Form Wen the total ofthe arounts| fromboxs 4 729,776. 2 Unreported tps trom Fan 4137, be 6 2 3 Wages from Fam 8918,}ine 6 3 4 Add ines 1 though 4 725, 776.| 8 Enter the folowing emt for your ing status: Marie fing joey 250,000 Marie tng separate 128,000 ‘Single, Head of househci, or Gualfyng widower $200,000 5 250,000. ©. Subiractine 5 trom inet. 20 o ss, enter 0- e 479,776. 7_Adcitional Medicare Taxon Medicare wages. Mutt ne & by 09% (0.009) Enter here and goto Part I 7 4,318. Part Additional Medicare Tax on Self-Employment Income 'Sef-empoyrent incon from Schedule SE (Form 1040, ‘Section A ine 4, of Schon B, ine 6. you had a loss, enter -0- Form 1040. and Fam 10405 fers, see instructions) s 796. Enter the folowing amojet for your fling stats: $250,000 $125,000 ‘or Gualtying widowie $200,00 ° 250,000. 4 30| 729, 776.| 9.200 oles, enter 34 o.| 8.1200 or less, eter 0 2 796. ‘Ational Medicare Ta} on se empoyment income, Mp ine 12 by 0.8% (©.008). Enter ere and goto Pat I 2 1. Part lll Additional Medicare Tax on Railroad Retirement Tax Act (RATA) Compensation “4 Rairoad retrement (ARYA) compensation and ps fom Formis) W.2, box 16 (sp instructions) “ 16. Enter the folowing emefnt fr your fing stats: Mat ing jity $280,000 Marie fng separa 125,000 Slo, Head of Qualifying widowte $200,000... 6 46. Subtract ine 15 trom fe 14. zoo ores, enter-0- 6 ‘7 Adktional Medicare Tak on ard retirement (RATA) compensation. Mulily ine 16 by (0.9% (0009) Entorhep and goto Part a Part IV Total Additional Medicare Tax 8 Addines 7, 16, and 17} Abo inch this erount on Form 1040, kre 62, (Frm 1O4ONA, 209 instructions) and go to Pat V 2 4,325. Fo W:2, box. you have mre than oa ofthe amounts fom box 8 2 12,122,| 20 . (00149) Thisis your regier 21 10,582.| enter 9. Thais your Adcitional Medicare Tax 2 1,540. ‘Addtional Medicare Tex withholding on rairad retirement (RATA) compensation from Form 2 are Tax withholding, Add ines 22 and 25. Also incu this tax withing on Farm 1040, ine 64 (Farm tO40NR, 1O40PR, and 104088 fiers, sf instuctions) Ea 1,540. Tan ese LAA” For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see your ax return inaructions Form 60802017) 25 15300707 745960 54742 2017.06000 BIDEN OR., JOSEPH 54742_2 Net Investment Income Tax - rm 8960 Individuals, Estates, and Trusts 2017 Attach to your tax return. (ruins Sa Bo) D> Go to for instructions and the latest information. ‘Spo. 72 ‘Namele) shown on your taxrpiurn "Your social security number or EIN JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR. & JILL T. BIDEN Part! investment TT Section 6019(g) election (see inetructions) ‘Section 6019) election (see instructions) ‘Raguations section 1.1411-10() election (99 instructions) 1. Taxable interest (908 fstrtions) 7 7,665 2 Ordinary avedends (ae instructions) 2 3 Annuaties (0 instr ry 44 Rental real estate, royalties, partnerships, corporations, trust, et, (500 instructions) 4a | 10,060,058. 1b Adjustment for netinfome or loss derived in the ordinary course of ‘a nonsection 1411 tipde or business (seeinstructions) STATEMENT 19 | a» |-10,048,739.| € Combine ines 4a a 11,319. ‘83 _ Net gain orfss fom) n of property (see instructions) sa 'b Net gain or oss trom] cof property that isnot subject 0 ‘et investment incon tax (see instructions) eb ‘© Adjustment rom of partnership interest or S corporation stock 0 insta be 4 Combine ines Sa th sa © Adjustments toi income for certain CFCs and PFIGS(s0e instructions) e 7 Other modifications tp investment income fee instructions) z 8_Total rvestment Combine nes 1,2, 3, 4¢, 54,6, and 7 8 Part ll investment/Expenses Allocable to Investment income and Modifications ‘83 Investment intrest expenses (90 instructions) a State, local, and forelgn income tax (see instructions) ob a 185.) © Miscolaneousinvestinent expenses (se instructions) 6 4 Add ines 9a, 9, and 9c od, 4,185. 410 Acctonal modifcatibn (se instructions) 10 41._Total deductions anq modifications. Add Ines 94 and 10 4 aes Part ill Tax Computation ‘2 Netinvestment incor. Subtract Part I fre 11 from Part |, ne 8. Individuals compete lines 13- 17. Estatos and trusts completo lines 162:2. Zoro or less, enter 2 14,803. Individuals: 43° Modified adjusted bss income (ee instructions) 43 | 11,031, 309,| ‘4 Threshold based onfilg status (268 instructions) : 4 250,000.| 48 Subtract ine 14 fon} ine 18. zero oF ls, enter 0- 18, 48 Enterthe smaller of fe 12 or ine 15 6 14,803. {17 _Notinvestmnt income tx for individuals. Mutipy ine 16 by 3.8% (088). Enter here and Include on your taxfretur (9 instructions) 7 563. Estates and T ‘18a _Netinvestment incafe (ine 12 above) 180 'b- Deductions for distributions of net investment income and deductions under eeetion 64240) (eee instructions) 1 © Undistributed net income. Subtract ine 18D from 18. (see instructions). ze0 br les, enter: ns ‘19a Adjusted gross incofe (@ instructions) ry 'b Highest tx bracket for estates and trusts forthe year (eee instructions) +9 ‘© Subtract ine 18b frm ne 18a. f zero ores, entar-O- ‘96 20 Enter the aml of ne 18 orline 196 20 21 Netinvestment incon tax for estates and trusts. Multiply ne 20 by 8.6% (038). Enter here taxreturn (oe instructions) 2 HA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see your tax return instructions. 26 15300707 745960 [54742 2017-06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH ‘Fern 6900 2017) 54742__2 Lines 9 and 10 - Applipation of Itemized Deduction Limitations on Deductions Properly Allocsbie te westment Income Workshoot ope Your ess Part - Aplcatin of Shion 6 to Deductions Properly Alocable to Invesineat income 44. Enter he amount of sllemizod Deductions property allocable to investment income betore any temized deduction tations {Besesiption and Ferm p60 ine number where they’ be reported) Description Line ‘Amount wo wt —_ 2. Enlorthe total of alltehe sted ne 7 ‘3. Enter the amount of alliiscelanoous terized Deductions ater the _appicaton ofthe sectbn 67 imitation (Schedule A Form 1040), ine27) “4. Entorthe lessor ofthe otal reported on ine 2 or ines 4 Part It - Application ot $ection 67 Limitation to Specific Deductions ® IF ine ais less tan te 2, THEN cvie tine 3 by bre 2 AND eter te amount in ‘cour © 'F amounts reported ee onPartl ines 2 and ingoe Noants ‘arcoqual THEN incom bythe (a) ‘enter 1.00 in column “amount in column Reenfor the amounts and descriptions tom Par ne ®. ®. Bescrption Line | ‘Amount ©, x co x Incividual- Usp the amounts in column (9) on Patt, ne 1, determine the amecunt o these deductions that ro "TIP | stowabi ser the apcicaon ote sector 6a sane Estates or trusts ~ Enter the amounts in cum (Cin the appropriate locaton on nes 9 and 10. Dont complete Parts Mor! of tie mbrtahoot 26.1 15300707 745960 54742 2017.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 54742_ Lines 9 and 10 - Application of Itemized Deduction Limitations on Deductions Properly Allocable to Investment Income Worksheet - ‘continued Koop for Your Records Part ll- Application of Spction 68 to deductions propery allocable to investment income (Individuals Only) Itemized Deductions propery allocable to column (©) of Pat: Dpscrition Line ‘Arvount locale to investment facomne 2 4,185 '3. Entor the amounts of other itemized Deductions subject to the section 68 itation ‘ane property alocabe tp investment income belore any tered deduction lnmtations (Descrition pr Form 8960 line number where they be reported}: Bescption ine ‘Arvount (a). — () __ 4. Emtorthe taal ropery allocable to vestrnent core Subject to tho Section 68 kmitation. Enter the sumo ines 1 through 3 65. Enter the amount of tol temized deductions reported on Form 1040, 6. _1, 452,670. 8. Enteral other terized deductions alowed but not subject tothe section 68 ‘deduction imitation: {) Investment interst Expense (©) Casuaty Losses other than losses described in section 1e5(6 {e) Medical (@ Gaming Losse} {6} Tota of ines 6a trough 6d) ee. 7. Subtract ne 6e rom ihe 5 18 Enter tho lesser of ine ori 4 ee eee 7._1,452,670. a . TIP | 781 te amoupt of tenicod deductions that are propery alocabia fo investment noome aftr the appoation of to sections 67 ‘and 68 declscboh tations. Use Part IV of tia workheet to reconcile ths wmount othe ndiidual deduction amounts reported Part IV - Reconciliation of Schedule A Deductions to Form 8960, lines 9 and 10 (individuals Only) ® IF Part tno Bis oss than Part. in0 4, ‘THEN divide ne 0 by © tine 4 AND entarthe ‘Muti the nda mountin coum), amounts n coun TFineamounts——_(A)by the amountin repoted on Part, column (Enter ines 4 andere these amounts inthe Reante the amounts and descriptions tom Parti nes 1-9. SEhvaenm «_"heessectan Macelaneous Remized Heduetons property alo ~~ Investment income: Deserpion ‘mount 1, x : ©. x = 2 State, local, and fordign income taxes. ~ 4,185. x T0000 = 4,185. hemized Deductions Subject to Section 68 inhided on Line TO sot Par 2 x s ©. x = ; 26.2 15300707 745960 54742 2017.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 54742_2 Net Investment Income Tax - vm 8960 Individuals, Estates, and Trusts DELAWARE - TAXPAYER 2017 amet) Your socal securtv number or EIN JOSEPH R. BIDEN| JR. Part! Investment ijcome [_] Section 6019(q election Regulations section 11417-1049) election 3,377. “7 Tenable treat (Form $040, tne Ba, or Form 1041, ine 1) 7 2 Ordinary diviends (Fol 1040, ne 98; o Form 1081, kne 2) 2 ‘8 Annuities from nonaualfed plans 3 ‘43 Rental realestate, partnerships, $ corporations, tus, ‘tc (Form 1040, ine 1F; or Form 1041, kne 5) aa|_ 9,496,517. 1b Adjustment for net nce or loss daved inthe ordinary course ot ‘anonsoction 1411 trabe or business a | -9,490,857, © Combine ines 4a and 40 ac 5,660. {62 Net gain or less from csposton of property rom Form 1040, ‘combine ines 18 and 4 or from Form 1041, combina ines 4 and 7| sa 1b Net gain or oss tom depostion of property thats not subject 10 ‘et investment come tax es ‘€ Adjustment rom dispdston of partnership terest or S corporation stock se. 4 Combine ines 5a trobgh 5c Pa {© Changes in investment income for cartan CFCs and PFIGS 8 7 Other mociications tiveetmont income z 8__Total rwestment Combine ines 1, 2, 3, 4c, 5d, 6, and 7 rn 3,637- Parti State Income Tax Pro-ration for 2017 Income Tax Payments © State total income o | 10,192,553. 40 State income tax payihonts fx 2017 SEE STATEMENT 20 [0 324,349. 11 _ 2017 stato income ta payments atrbutabl to investment income, ine 8 divided by line 9 tes ine 10 1" 307. Part ll__ State Income Tax Pro-ration for 2016 Estimate Payments Made in 2017 “12 State estimate paymehts or 2016 2 48. Percent of state incorpe taxos attributable to investment income for 2018 43 ~~ 0d1 863 142016 stato estimate ghyments attributable to investment income, Line 12 mes tne 1 4 Part IV_ State Inconje Tax Pro-ration for Balance of Prior Years Tax Plus Extension Paymonts Paid in 2017 "16 Balance of prior year ax plus extension payments paid in 2017 15 418 Porcont of state incofhe texas attributable to investment income for 2016 18 041863 47__ Balance of prior yeard tax and extension payments attributable to investment income. Line 15 times line 16 7 iz. PartV Reduction ¢f State Tax Deduction “18 Reduction of state tk deduction monn s 1 Percent of state incofe taxos attibutabo to investment income for 2076 10 TOaTees 20 _ Reduction of stat tak deduction atbutabl to investment income, Lino 16 tes ine 10 Ean n Pari Vi_ Total Stateincome Tax Payments Attributable to Investment Income 21 Combine es 1,14 17 and 9, Cary to Fo 0560, § Worst, Par i, 2 - 26.3 15300707 745960 54742 2017.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 315. Form 8660 (2017) 54742_ 8960 Net Investment Income Tax - fom Individuals, Estates, and Trusts 2017 DELAWARE ~ SPOUSE Tres Your ail scart naber or EN SILL . BIDEN ‘Part! investment Income [_J Section 601249) election [ peguiations section 1.1411-10(9 eaction 7 Table rst of 1080 oa oF Form tO, 1) fl 3, 65E 2 Oxdary ends Fm 1040, be 9a er For 104, ie 28) 3 Amutes tom nonled lns 3 45 Rental rea stat. rats, paras, § corporations, ts et Foe 140. ng 17: oF Fer 108, ino) a | 563,541, > Acjutmentorrat heme eros carved in the ora couse ot |anonsection 1411 frade or business Ab 557, 882,| € Combine ines 4a and 4b ac 5,659. 58 Net gan rssh poston of propery em Fo 1040, combine ines 9a 4 Hen Forn 104, combines 4 and 7 ss > Netoan ores rp dsoston of propery tat na sect net estate so €Aaistnnt tom doaton of partnhpnireat or 5 coperaion stock se 4 Connie ines a poh se ss © Changesinevertt come ocr CFCs and PFCs 3 7 Over fo vest inca H Toa iestnant ora Cone tes, 9, 6,and7 3 5351. Pari ll State Income Tax Pro-ration for 2017 income Tax Payments © Sutotoulncore o[ 778,837. 10 suo rene tx pyran ir 257 see Starmimiy 21 [0] 315,015. +1__2017 sate ncome [ax payers tb tonvestnart nce, ne 8 dod by nw 9 tres ina 10 a8 3,783. aril State Inodme Tax Pro-ration for 2016 Estimate Payments Made in 2017 2 Sab eae payor tor 2076 2 43 Percent of state taxes attributable to investment income for 2016 33 080612 “42016 we extinatpaynarts etal te mvestnnt nomen 12 tes na 13 7 Part IV State Inodme Tax Pro-ration for Balance of Prior Years Tax Plus Extension Payments Paid in 2017 45 abo of boys tax pus onension payors pin 2017 18 358. 48 Percent sto nome xs atrbabatoinvestatncre fr 2016 so 080612 1_Galaco of por ybr tax and endangers atvbuabo to nvostnrt incre, Une 15 ios 16 a7 : Part V__ Reduction) of State Tax Deduction 18 Futon fata ezucion - a 19 Percent of state taxes attributable to investment income for 2016. 10 +0806: 20 __ Reduction of state tax deduction attributable to investment income. Line 16 times line 19 20 | ) Part VI_ Total State Income Tax Payments Attributable to Investment income 21 Combine ines 1, J, 17 and 20. Cay o Form 8660, Une 9 Worshont, Part ne? Tal F866. Forme @o17) ; 26.4 15300707 745960] 54742 2017.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 54742_2 To Figure Your Shared sibility Payment [Siep3] Flat Dotter Arpount “1 Multiply $695 by the numor of pooplo in your tax household who were atleast 16 years ol" "Fer purposes of iguring the shared responsibilty payment, an individual is considered underage 18 for an entire month ithe cr sho dict tum 18 bofofe the frst day ofthe month, An nvual tums 18 on the anniversary of the day the individual was tom 2. Mutiny 04720 byte nfrber of people yourtaxhousahid who were underage 18 2 2. Add ines 1 and2 2 4 Entre sar of ine 3 82005 hee and oni fhe Shared asponsty PaymantWerchost Goto Sop 9. & [Bap] Household trfoome 1 Ener te amount rom Fm 140, io 98: Form 140A, nw 210 For 10407, & 1 2, Did you receive any taxskempt intrest? ‘Yo. nn noun pu Fam 00e ;Fem 140A ta eeu rs pce Fe HEE 2 28, Didyou attach For 2556 or Foom 258562? ‘Yes. Continue to}ine 7 No. stop. Add inps 1, 2,9, and 5. This ls your household income. Enter the result on Step 4, line 1 7. ls Form 8814, ine 4, mofe than $1,050 (1 Yes. Aad the amgunt from Form 8814, line 1b, and the smaller of Form 8814, ine 4 or 5 no. Enter «. ue to line 8 8, Add ines 1,2,3, 5, and 7. This la your household income, Entrtheresutton Step 4, ne 1 26.5 15300707 745960 [54742 2017.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 54742_ ‘Shared Responsibility Payment continued Amount me rom Step 3 oe u (fing joint) bom before January 2, 19587 2. Find your ling thehol on the Fling Thresholds for Most People chart and nterit both here 6: Em theanur ef yurg sas 3 *'sege 1000 + feat atten 413400 5 ans tng ety 00 $ Mnea gerry eo + Gtnea done ss9 4 Enter he amount from the 2 or 3 4 ‘5. Subtract ne 4 fom ine} 5 6 Is the amaunt on tine 5. ores? owe a shard respons payment. Complete Form 865 by checking fe bax on 7. cf i : i i [St=p5] National Avprage Bronze Plan Premium 1 Wereyo eid ocfenptte Worksheet 7 ‘ves Cornue fine 2 No. skip questidh 2; Go to question 3 2. mat 8272 by enor on Hata 8. Ene heros tere anon feof the Shared esponsbity Payment Worksheet. Skip question 3 and complete Ine 5 othe Shared Responsibility Payment Worksheet, 2 "2h 207 aera eg ron ron eth pln rte ough ie Maps abi et em 8, Enter on ine 4 of the Stared Responsibity Payment Worksheet, te amount bolow that corresponds to te total umber of people in your tax housphold. Then complete ine 5 ofthe Shared Responsibilty Paymont Worksheot © person $5,264 © 2peopie-$5:528 ‘© speopie-$9,702 © 4 poople-$13,056 © Scrmore peopie-$}6,820, ‘Shared Responsibility Payment Worksheet Uso tis workshoot you je referrd her fom the Shared Responsiblty Payment flowchart or rom Worksheet A or Bf ‘everyone in your tax housphold had elthor minimum essential coverage or a coverage exemption for every month during ‘2017, stop here, You dont owe a shared responsibilty payment ‘Complete Step 1 1. Enter the at dolar arfout. (From Step 2, question 4 or Worksheet A ie 7) 1 Complete Stop 3 2. Enter the percentage facome emount (From Step 4, quostion 7 or Worksheet 8, ine 14) 2 ‘8. Enter the larger of ing tor ine 2 3 ‘Complete Step 5 4. Enter the National Avgrage Sronze Plan Premium (From Step 5, question 2 oF 3) 4 '5. Enter the smaller of tie oie 4 here and on Form 1040, ine 6: Form 040A, line 38 or Form TOAOEZ, ke 11. ‘This e your shared rfeponstblty payment . 26.6 15300707 745960| 54742 2017.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 54742__2 fom BOB2 Passive Activity Loss Limitations 201 7 Deparment rey > Attach to Form 1040 or Form 1041. (ntunai even Service 98) > Go to for instructions and the latest information. Secuees no 8S Name(s) shown on ret identitying number JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR. & JILL 7. BIDEN [Park] 2017 Pascive Retivity Lose caution: Complete Worsheats 1,2 and belo competing Pat ‘Rental Real Etat Active With Active Participation Forte defn of acive paripaton, 00 ‘Special Allowance fr Rental Real Estate Activities in the structions) “1m Acti with nt incom (enter the amount from Worksheet 1, column fa) han 12 11,319,| Activities with net loss (eter the amount rom Worksheet 1, ‘colurmn alc p « Prior years unallowed Ipsos (enter the amount from Worksheet 1 column (3) 1 1 4 Combine ines 12, 1b, art 16 0 11,319. ‘Commercial Revitalization Geductions From Rental Real Estat Activities 2a Commercial revtalzatio} deductions from Werksheot 2, column (a) za | J 'b Prior year unalowed cor)merilrevtalzation deductions from ‘Worksheet 2, col 2 Add ines 28 and 20, ze lt d ‘Bi Other Passive Activites ‘3a Activites wih net incon enter the amount from Worksheet 3, column (a) 3 Activites wit net loss (Str the arnount rom Workshast 3, ‘column (9) so 1 «Por years’ unaflowed Kfses (enter the amount from Worksheet ‘cour 3) ve | J 1 Combine ines da, 3b, ahd 36 24 ‘Combine ines 14, 2c, afc 34 this ine is zaro or more, stop hore and incude tis frm with your ret losses are alowed, nci}cng any prior year unllowed losses entered on ne 1c, 2b, oF 3c. Report the losses on the forms and scheduich normally used 4 11,319. Hine 4s aloss and: |e Line 14s a oss, go to Part I le Line 2c ia los fand tine 141 zro or more, skip Pat Il and goto Part J Line sis oss fand ines 16 and 2c aro 210 oF ore), Skip Pat Il and I and go to line 15, Caution: your fing statu is mariod fling separately and you ved with your spouse at any ie during the year, do net complete Part or Part Instead, gb tone 1. Part i [Special for Rental Real Estate Activities With Active Participation Note: Enteral mbers in Part I as positive amounts. See instructions for an example ‘6 Err the emallr oft ase one 1d or the lose on tne 4 ze @ Enter $150,000 f mand fling separately, 9 instructions ° 7. Enter modiiod adjust gross income, but notoss than zoo (see instructions) [7 "Note line 7 is greta than or equal to tin 6 skip Bos 8 and 18, enter-0-on ine 10, dtherwise, got ne 8. 8 Subtract ino 7 from inp . a Muti tne 8 by 50% [0:50) Do not enter more than $25,000. if marred fing sepaataly, eee instructions ° 40 Enter the smaller ofp 5 or nao 0 Hine 22 i oss, go Part I Otherwise, go tine 15. [Parti Special Atowance for Commercial Revtaization Deductions From Fantal Real Estate Aolvies Note: Enteral gumers in Part las positive amounts. See the example for Pat Inthe instructions. “17 Ertor 85,000 rca by the amount, f any, on ine 10. maried fling separatly, se instructions a 42 Entor th os from ing 4 2 438. Reduce ne 12 by thepnount on ine 70 8 4_Enter the smallest of fn 2c reate as a positive amount ne 11, or ine 13 4 [PartIV] Total Losegs Allowed 18. Add the income, anyon nes 1a and Ga and enter the tal % 10° Total losses allowed from al passive acts fr 2017. Add line 10,14, and 15. See instrucons to nd osthow to reppt the losses on your tax tum 0 THA rer ose For Ph Reduction Act Notes es nsrtons, Form e862(2017) 26.7 15300707 745960 |54742 2017-06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 54742__2 fwntsegov) JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR. & JILL T. BIDEN rms ‘Caution: The worksheets mist be filed with your tax return. Keep a copy for your records. Worksheet 1 - For Form 8582, Lines 1a, 1b, and 1c (See instructions.) curontyor Prayers Cvra gn ortowe am ty faNetincone | —Bynations |e) Unatowed mie : line ta). ine 1b) ‘tess (line tc) (Gain opt ‘SER POACHED STATEMENT FOR WORKSHEET Tea Eon Form 682s Ta ‘tb, and 4 > 11,319.) Worksheet 2 - For Farm 8582, Lines 2a and 2b (See instructions.) cart year Diaper Name of fy ediciones) [unatowsledscbontine oy] (©) Owralons Tia Er on Frm 0 eso =a > Worksheet 3~For Fars 6553 tines Se, Sb, and So Geo hatnctions]) Curent yar Pier yrs Oval gan ors Name fy ‘anetncone | naioss | raion = Te line sa) ‘line 3b) 108s (line 3c) oan ee Taal Enron Form 65 ea, ‘Sb, and 3e_ > Worksheet 4 - Use this worksheet if an amount is shown on Form 8582, line 10 or 14 (See instructions.) Ferm o chee (asuvect ‘Samcneaet (e)specit Nama ot fty andinenmber| tone | qyrato | (eee! | Shores feos irebectoe] trom eola Tora > Worksheet 5 - Allocation of Unallowed Losses (See instructions.) Form or schedule ame ot ftty fralingramber | one wevmato | ()Unatowed oe oer rou > ce Ta aT 26.8 15300707 745960 /54742 2017.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 54742__3 @_epLys Hausoc ‘*UL NAGI 00090°LT0Z ZPLVS| O96SPL LOLOOEST @ (S)GNENELYES Lz ss6r' ete @9T BNIT ‘OOT WHOd NE GHGNTONI TWLOL *€L0/08T @ HOS NO Ga%¥OdTH NOILAGTYIBIG NIVD TwLTavo *169°9 OWY STAWXWLNON “V9L‘98T WWHA STH GHATHOMM LNNOWE INEWHOVNYH THNNOSWH4 JO OTAdO “0 @ HOS NO Gai¥Odzu NOTLAGIUISIG NIVD TwLTavo +68 /TZ (AIAOTION) GINNOWY s'TaVXWLNON *6£8'TZ ‘WWHK SIH] GHATSOMN LNAOWY INSWHOWNWA ‘THNNOSUHd 40 BOTII0 + eer’ ee @ HOS NO Gad¥Ods¥ NOILNGTHSSIG NIVD TwETavO *69T ONY A TaVXWLNON *T6z ‘ee WVHA SIH; GHATSONY LNOOWY NOISNEA 40 BOTs % GNaWaLWLS SRILIONNY ONY SNOISNHa OvoT Wuos Nadia ‘L TITC 3 ‘uC|NAGIa ‘u Hazsoc JOSEPH R. BIDEN|IR. & JILL T. BIDEN FORM 1040 SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS WORKSHEET STATEMENT 3 CHECK ONLY ONE BOX: A. SINGLE, HEAD|OF HOUSEHOLD, OR QUALIFYING WIDOW(ER) XB. MARRIED FILING JOINTLY C. MARRIED FILING SEPARATELY AND LIVED WITH YOUR SPOUSE AT ANY TIME DURING 2017 D. MARRIED FILING SEPARATELY AND LIVED APART FROM YOUR SPOUSE FOR ALL OF 2617 1. ENTER THE TOTAL AMOUNT FROM BOX 5 OF ALL YOUR FORMS SSA-1099 AND RRB-1099. ALSO, ENTER THIS AMOUNT ON FORM 1040, LINE 20A 41,081. IF YOU CHECKED BOX B: TAXPAYER AMOUNT 32,859. SPOUSE AMOUNT 8,222. 2, MULTIPLY LINE|1 BY 50% (0.50) 20,541. 3. ADD THE AMOUNTS ON FORM 1040, LINE 7, 8B, 9A, 10 THRU 14, 15B, 16B, 17 THRU 19, 21 AND SCHEDULE B, LINE 2. DO NOT INCLUDE ANY AMOUNTS FROM BOX 5 OF FORMS SSA-1099 OR RRB-1099 11,002,832. 4, ENTER THE AMOUNT OF ANY EXCLUSIONS FROM FOREIGN EARNED INCOME, FOREIGN HOUSING, INCOME FROM U.S. POSSESSIONS, OR INCOME FROM PUERTO RICO BY BONA FIDE RESIDENTS OF PUERTO RICO THAT YOU CLAIMED 5. ADD LINES 2, 8, AND 4 11,023,373. 6. ADD THE AMOUNTS ON FORM 1040, LINES 23 THROUGH LINE 32, AND ANY WRITE|IN ADJUSTMENTS YOU ENTERED ON THE DOTTED LINE NEXT TO LINE 36 6,442. 7, SUBTRACT LINE| 6 FROM LINE 5 11,016,931. 8. ENTER: §25,D00 IF YOU CHECKED BOX A OR D, OR $32,D00 IF YOU CHECKED BOX B, OR $-0-| IF YOU CHECKED BOX C 32,000. 9. IS THE AMOUNT ON LINE 8 LESS THAN THE AMOUNT ON LINE 7? [ ] NO. STOP), NONE OF YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS ARE TAXABLE. ENTER -0- ON FORM 1040, LINE 20B. IF YOU ARE MARRIED FILING SEPARATELY AND YOU LIVED APART FROM YOUR SPOUSE FOR ALL OF 2017, BE SURE YOU ENTERED 'D' TO THE RIGHT OF THE WORD "BENEFITS" ON LINE 20A. [X] YES. SUBTRACT LINE 8 FROM LINE 7 10,984,931. 10. ENTER $9,000 | IF YOU CHECKED BOX A OR D, $12,000] IF YOU CHECKED BOX B §-0- | IF YOU CHECKED BOX C 12,000. 11. SUBTRACT LINE 10 FROM LINE 9. IF ZERO OR LESS, ENTER -0- 10,972,931. 12. ENTER THE LER OF LINE 9 OR LINE 10 12,000. 13. ENTER ONE OF LINE 12 6,000. 14. ENTER THE LER OF LINE 2 OR LINE 13 6,000. 15. MULTIPLY LINK 11 BY 85% (.85). IF LINE 11 IS ZERO, ENTER -0- 9,326,991. 16. ADD LINES 14 15 9,332,991. 17. MULTIPLY LIN 1 BY 85% (.85) 34,919. ITS. ENTER THE SMALLER OF LINE 16 OR LINE 17 34,919. HIS AMOUNT ON FORM 1040, LINE 20B ——$ 28 STATEMENT(S) 3 15300707 745960 54742 2017-06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 54742_ JOSEPH R. BIDEN|JR. & JILL T. BIDEN FORM 1040 STATE AND LOCAL INCOME TAX REFUNDS STATEMENT 4 2016 2015 2014 VIRGINIA. GROSS STATE/LOCAL| INC TAX REFUNDS 561. LESS: TAX PAID IN| FOLLOWING YEAR NET TAX REFUNDS VIRGINIA 561. TOTAL NET TAX REFUNDS 561 15300707 745960 29 4742 2017.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH STATEMENT(S) 4 54742__2 JOSEPH R. BIDEN|JR. & JILL T. BIDEN FORM 1040 PERSONAL EXEMPTION WORKSHEET STATEMENT 5 1. IS THE AMOUNT) ON FORM 1040, LINE 38, MORE THAN THE AMOUNT SHOWN ON LINE 4 FILING STATUS? TIPLY $4,050 BY THE TOTAL NUMBER OF EXEMPTIONS CLAIMED ON FORM 1040, LINE 6D, AND ENTER THE RESULT ON LINE 42. YES. CONTINU 2, MULTIPLY $4,050 BY THE TOTAL NUMBER OF EXEMPTIONS CLAIMED ON FORM 1040,| LINE 6D 8,100. 3. ENTER THE AM FROM FORM 1040, LINE 38 11,031,309. 4. ENTER THE FOR YOUR FILING STATUS 313,800. SINGLE $261,500 MARRIED FILING JOINTLY OR WIDOW(ER) $313,800 MARRIED FILING SEPARATELY $156,900 HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD $287,650 5. SUBTRACT LINK 4 FROM LINE 3. IF THE RESULT IS MORE THAN $142,500 ($61,250 IF MARRIED FILING SEPARATELY), |STOP. ENTER ~0- ON LINE 42 10,717,509. 6. DIVIDE LINE § BY $2,500 ($1,250 IF MARRIED FILING SEPARATELY). IF THE RESULT IS NOT A WHOLE NUMBER, INCREASE IT TO THE NEXT HIGHER WHOLE NUMBER |(FOR EXAMPLE, INCREASE 0.0004 TO 1) 7, MULTIPLY LINE 6 BY 2% (.02) AND ENTER THE RESULT AS A DECIMAL 8. MULTIPLY a 2 BY LINE 7 9. SUBTRACT LINE 8 FROM LINE 2. TOTAL TO FORM 1040, LINE 42. 30 STATEMENT(S) 5 15300707 745960 |54742 2017.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 54742__2) JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR. & JILL T. BIDEN FORM 1040 TAXABLE STATE AND LOCAL INCOME TAX REFUNDS STATEMENT 6 NET TAX REFUNDS LOCAL INCOME 1 LESS:REFUNDS-NO BENEFIT DUE TO AMT -SALES TAX 1 NET REFUNDS TOTAL ITEMIZ: BEFORE PHAS! DEDUCTION N NET REFUNDS LINE 2 MINUS MOLT LN 5 BY SUBTRACT LI (IF ZERO OR 10 THROUGH 1 AMOUNT FROM 10 MULT LN 9 BY 11 ALLOWABLE 171 (DINE 5 LESS 12 ITEM DED. NO’ 13A TOTAL ADJ. 1! 138 15 SUBTRACT THE, 13A OR LINE| 16 ‘TAXABLE REF! (LESSER OF | 17 ALLOWABLE PR} 18 PRIOR YEAR S' 19 SUBTRACT LI 20 LESSER OF LI 21 PRIOR YEAR Ti 22 AMOUNT TO II 15300707 745960 2016 2015 ROM STATE AND REFUNDS STMT. 561. 561. BENEFIT REDUCTION OR RECALCULATION D_ DEDUCTIONS OUT 58,117. SUBJ TO PHASEOUT OM LINE 1 LINES 3 AND 4 58,117. [APPL SEC. 68 PCT 46,494. T 396,456. \SEOUT THRESHOLD 311,300. 8 FROM LINE 7 85,156. BSS, SKIP LINES , AND ENTER INE 1 ON LINE 16) APPL SEC. 68 PCT 2,555. ‘IZED DEDUCTIONS 55,562. ‘THE LESSER OF NE 10) SUBJ TO PHASEOUT EMIZED DEDUCTIONS 55,562. . DED. AVAILABLE 15,100. OWABLE ITEM. DED. 55,562. GREATER OF LINE 13B FROM LINE 14 S INE 15 OR LINE 1) ‘OR YR. ITEM. DED. 55,562. . DED. AVAILABLE 15,100. 18 FROM LINE 17 40,462. 18 16 OR LINE 19 LE INCOME 338,464. LUDE ON FORM 1040, LINE 10 IS -0- OR MORE, USE AMOUNT FROM LINE 20 IS A NEGATIVE AMOUNT, NET LINES 20 AND 21 INCOME TAX REFUNDS PRIOR TO 2014 1040, LINE 10 31 4742 2017.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 2014 STATEMENT(S) 6 54742__2 JOSEPH R. BIDEN|JR. & JILL T. BIDEN FORM 1040 IRA DISTRIBUTIONS STATEMENT 7 Ross NAME OF PAYER DISTRIBUTION TAXABLE AMOUNT WELLS FARGO CLEARING 961. ge. TOTAL TO FORM 104, LINE 15 961. 961. FORM 1040 WAGES RECEIVED AND TAXES WITHHELD STATEMENT 8 FEDERAL STATE CITY T AMOUNT TAX TAX SDI FICA MEDICARE S EMPLOYER'S NAME| PAID WITHHELD WITHHELD TAX W/H TAX ‘TAX S NORTHERN VIRGINIA COMMUNITY OFFICE OF THE CONTROLLER 90,132. 14,037. 4,571. 6,189. 1,447. ‘T TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA 371,159. 95,923. 30,067. 7,886. 6,922. T CELTICCAPRI CORP 145,833. 31,170. 8, 653. 7,886. 2,115. S GIACOPPA CORP 100,000. 6,200. 1,450. T UNITED STATES SENATE 12,963. 3,847. 696. goa. 188. TOTALS 720,087. 144,977. 43,987 28,965. 12,122 32 STATEMENT(S) 7, 8 15300707 745960 $4742 2017.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 54742 JOSEPH R. BIDEN|JR. & JILL T. BIDEN FORM 1040 SELF-EMPLOYED HEALTH INSURANCE DEDUCTION WORKSHEET STATEMENT JOSEPH R. BIDEN|JR. CELTICCAPRI CORP 1 NONSPECIFIED HEALTH INSURANCE PAYMENTS 6,430. 2 NET PROFIT FROM TRADE OR BUSINESS UNDER WHICH INSURANCE PLAN IS ESTABLISHED 145,833. 3 TOTAL OF ALL WET PROFITS AND EARNED INCOME. S CORPORATIONS SKIP TO LINE 9 DIVIDE LINE 2|BY LINE 3 DEDUCTIBLE PORTION OF SELF-EMPLOYMENT TAX LINE 4 TIMES MINE 5 sane LINE 2 MINUS LINE 6 8 SELF-EMPLOYED|SEP, SIMPLE, AND QUALIFIED PLANS ATTRIBUTABLE 'T0 TRADE OR BUSINESS NAMED ABOVE 9 LINE 7 MINUS LINZ 8. S CORPORATIONS ENTER WAGES RECEIVED 145,833. 10 FORM 2555, LINE 45 ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE TRADE OR BUSINESS NAMED ABOVE 11 LINE 9 MINUS LINE 10 145,833. 12 SELF-EMPLOYED |HEALTH INSURANCE DEDUCTION. LESSER OF LINE 1 OR LINE 11 33 STATEMENT(S) 9 15300707 745960 54742 2017.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 54742__2 JOSEPH R. BIDEN|JR. & JILL T. BIDEN FORM 1040 EXCESS SOCIAL SECURITY TAX WORKSHEET STATEMENT 10 TAXPAYER SPOUSE 1, ADD ALL SOCIAL SECURITY TAX WITHHELD BUT NOT MORE ‘THAN $7,886.49 FOR EACH EMPLOYER (THIS TAX SHOULD BE SHOWN IN BOX 4 OF YOUR W-2 FORMS). ENTER THE TOTAL HERE 16,576. 12,389. 2. ENTER ANY UNCQLLECTED SOCIAL SECURITY TAX ON TIPS OR GROUP-TERM LIKE INSURANCE INCLUDED IN THE TOTAL ON FORM 1040, LINE 62 3. ADD LINES 1 2 16,576. 12,389. 4. SOCIAL SECURITY TAX LIMIT 7,886. 7,886. 5. SUBTRACT LINE |4 FROM LINE 3. EXCESS SOCIAL SECURITY —— ————— TAX INCLUDED IN FORM 1040, LINE 71. 8,690. 4,503. FORM 1040 FEDERAL INCOME TAX WITHHELD STATEMENT 11 T 8 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT S$ NORTHERN VIRGINIA COMMUNITY OFFICE OF THE CONTROLLER 14,037. T TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA 95,923. T CELTICCAPRI CORI 31,170. T UNITED STATES SENATE 3,847. 8 PNCBANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 60. 8 OFFICE OF PENSIONS 2,738. T OFFICE OF PERSO! MANAGEMENT 21,539. T WITHHOLDING FROM FORM 1099-SSA 7,344. FORM 8959, LINE B4 1,540. TOTAL TO FORM 1040|, LINE 64 178,198. FORM 1040 OTHER TAXES STATEMENT 12 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT FROM FORM 8959 4,325. FROM FORM 8960 563. TOTAL TO FORM 1040) LINE 62 4,888. 34 STATEMENT(S) 10, 11, 12 15300707 745960 54y42 2017.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 547422 JOSEPH R. BIDEN|JR. & JILL T. BIDEN SCHEDULE A STATE AND LOCAL INCOME TAXES STATEMENT 13 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT OFFICE OF PENSION! 615. FROM K-1 - CELTICCAPRI CORP 3,298. NORTHERN VIRGINIA |COMMUNITY OFFICE OF THE CONTROLLER 4,571. TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA 30,067. CELTICCAPRI CORP 8,653. UNITED STATES SENATE 696. DELAWARE PRIOR YEAR BALANCE DUE AND EXTENSION PAYMENTS - TAXPAYER 290. DELAWARE 4TH QTR ESTIMATE PAYMENTS - TAXPAYER 315,000. CALIFORNIA FORM 592-B WITHHOLDING 43,750. DELAWARE PRIOR YEAR BALANCE DUE AND EXTENSION PAYMENTS - SPOUSE 958. DELAWARE 4TH QTR ESTIMATE PAYMENTS - SPOUSE 315,000. TOTAL TO SCHEDULE|A, LINE 5 722,898. SCHEDULE A CASH CONTRIBUTIONS STATEMENT 14 AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 100% LIMIT 50% LIMIT 308 LIMIT CATHOLIC DIOCESE 9F WILMINGTON 25,000. NORTHERN VIRGINIA | COMMUNITY COLLEGE EDUCATION| FOUNDATION, INC. 11,200. ST. JOSEPH ON THE| BRANDYWINE 25,000. UNITED SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS , INC. 862. WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1,600. WEST END NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSE, INC. 50,000. MOTORCYCLE RELIEF| PROJECT 2,000. UNITED JEWISH FEDERATION OF CHICAGO 180,000. DELAWARE BOOTS ON| THE GROUND 10,000. BOYS AND GIRLS CLUBS OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 5,000. SANDY HOOK PROMISE FOUNDATION, INC. 5,000. DELAWARE ASSOCIAT{ON OF POLICE 100. KINGSWOOD coment CENTER, INC. 160,000. DELAWARE CENTER FOR JUSTICE, INC. 120,000. 35 STATEMENT(S) 13, 14 15300707 745960 54742 2017.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 54742__2 JOSEPH R. BIDEN|IR. & JILL T. BIDEN DELAWARE DIVISION|OF PARKS AND RECREATION 2,000. THE JOSEPH BIDEN FOUNDATION 100,000. COMMUNITY LEGAL AID SOCIETY, INC. 50,000. HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN FOUNDATION 25,000. MISSION K9 RESCUE 3,000. SAVE THE CHILDREN| FOUNDATION, INC. 15,000. CRANSTON HEIGHTS FIRE COMPANY NO. 1 15,000. DELAWARE TECHNICAL, COMMUNITY COLLEGE EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION 50,000. NANTUCKET DRI FOUNDATION 5,000. BEAU BIDEN FOUNDATION FOR THE PROTECTION OF CHILDREN 150,000. TRAGEDY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM FOR SURVIVORS 3,000. SUBTOTALS 1,013,762. TOTAL TO SCHEDULE|A, LINE 16 1,013,762. 36 STATEMENT(S) 14 15300707 745960 5442 2017-06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 54742__2 JOSEPH R. BIDEN) JR. & JILL T. BIDEN SCHEDULE A ITEMIZED DEDUCTIONS WORKSHEET STATEMENT 15 1. ENTER THE TOTAL OF THE AMOUNTS FROM SCHEDULE A, LINES 4, 9, 15, 19, 20, 27, AND 28. 1,774,195. 2. ENTER THE TOTAL OF THE AMOUNTS FROM SCHEDULE A, LINES 4, 14, AND 20, BLUS ANY GAMBLING AND CASUALTY OR THEFT LOSSES INCLUDED ON LINE 28 AND ANY QUALIFIED CONTRIBUTIONS INCLUDED ot te 16. 0 3. IS THE AMOUNT ON LINE 2 LESS THAN THE AMOUNT ON LINE 1? IF NO, YOUR DEDUCTION IS NOT LIMITED. ENTER THE AMOUNT FROM LINE 1 ABOVE ON SCHEDULE A, LINE 29. IF YES, SUBTRACT LINE 2 FROM LINE 1. 1,774,195. 4, MULTIPLY LINK 3 BY 80% (.80). 1,419,356. 5. ENTER THE AMGUNT FROM FORM 1040, LINE 38. 11,031,309. 6. ENTER $313,800 IF MARRIED FILING JOINTLY OR QUALIFYING WIDOW(ER); $287,650 IF HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD; $361,500 IF SINGLE; OR $156,900 IF MARRIED FILING SEPARATELY. 313,800. 7. IS THE AMOUNT ON LINE 6 LESS THAN THE AMOUNT ON LINE 5? IF NO, YOUR DEDUCTION IS NOT LIMITED. ENTER THE AMOUNT FROM LINE 1 ABOVE ON SCHEDULE A, LINE 29. IF YES, SUBTRACT LINE 6 FROM LINE 5. 10,717,509. 8. MULTIPLY LINE| 7 BY 3% (.03). 321,525. 9. ENTER THE SMALLER OF LINE 4 OR LINE 8. 321,525. 10. TOTAL ITEMIZED DEDUCTIONS. SUBTRACT LINE 9 FROM LINE 1. ENTER THE RESULT HERE AND ON SCHEDULE A, LINE 29. 1,452,670. SCHEDULE C-EZ GROSS RECEIPTS STATEMENT 16 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT GROSS RECEIPTS 862. TOTAL TO SCHEDULE q-EZ, LINE 1 862. 37 STATEMENT(S) 15, 16 15300707 745960 547h2 2017.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 547422 JOSEPH R. BIDEN|JR. & JILL T. BIDEN = SCHEDULE SE NON-FARM INCOME STATEMENT 17 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AUTHOR . 862. TOTAL TO SCHEDULE |SE, LINE 2 862. FORM 6251 PASSIVE ACTIVITIES STATEMENT 18 NET INCOME (LOSS) NAME OF ACTIVITY FORM AMT REGULAR ADJUSTMENT COPTAGE - SCH E WILMINGTON , DE 11,319. 11,319. TOTAL TO FORM 6251) LINE 19 FORM 8960 ‘TRADE OR BUSINESS INCOME STATEMENT 19 CELTICCAPRI, CORP 9,490,857. GIACOPPA CORP -557, 882. AMOUNT TO FORM 8960, LINE 4B 10,048,739. FORM 8960 STATE INCOME TAX PAYMENTS STATEMENT 20 DELAWARE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CELTICCAPRI_ CORP 8,653. UNITED STATES SENATE 696. 4TH QUARTER ESTIMATED PAYMENT 315,000. TOTAL TO STATE FORM 8960, LINE 10 324,349. 38 STATEMENT(S) 17, 18, 19, 20 2017.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 54742" 2 ie soo7 oz zasscohsa7 e_epeys Haasoe ‘°C NAGIa 00090°LT0z TZ (8) GNEWELYES LVS O96SPL LOLOOEST 6E *ST9/STE OT SNIT ‘0968 WO BLYES OL THEOL 00’STE ANEWAVG GHINNILSH WALUYOO HIP *sT9 BNOISNSd 40 Soraao INNORY NOTLaTUOSEa svMv Ta Te GNAWEIYLS SUNEWAVE XVi SHOONT SL¥LS 0968 Wuoa NEGIG ‘L TIIC 2 ‘ue \naara ‘a Hagsor JOSEPH R. BIDEN|JR. & JILL T. BIDEN FORM 8582 ACTIVE RENTAL OF REAL ESTATE - WORKSHEET 1 STATEMENT 22 CURRENT YEAR PRIOR YEAR OVERALL GAIN OR LOSS —__ UNALLOWED NAME OF ACTIVITY NET INCOME NET LOSS Loss GAIN LOss COTTAGE - WILMINGTON, DE 11,319. 0. 11,319. ‘TOTALS 11,319. 0 11,319. FORM 8582 SUMMARY OF PASSIVE ACTIVITIES STATEMENT 23 R R FORM gE OR PRIOR NET UNALLOWED ALLOWED A NAME SCHEDULE GAIN/LOSS YEAR C/O GAIN/LOSS LOSS. LOSS X COTTAGE - SCH E WILMINGTON, DE 11,319. 11,319. ‘TOTALS 11,319. 11,319 PRIOR YEAR CARRYOVERS ALLOWED DUE TO CURRENT YEAR NET ACTIVITY INCOME TOTAL 40 STATEMENT(S) 22, 23 15300707 745960 “sy 2017.06000 BIDEN JR., JOSEPH 54742" 2

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