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Please indicate whether each statement of the following is True (T) or False (F) by

circling T or F.
1. T F A quality control inspector using a micrometer to measure the diameter
of a shaft is an example of production-related manual task
2. T F A machinist operating an engine lathe to fabricate a part for a product is
an example of worker-machine systems
3. T F A CNC machine is an example of fixed (programmable) automation.
4. T F A CNC machine requires a program to perform cutting operations.
5. T F Flexible (programmable) automation requires a new setup for every
new product.(‫)مش متأكد‬
6. T F CNC systems may still require some manual labor.
7. T F One of the advantages of machines over humans is their ability to work
with incomplete data.

Please use a Y (yes) or. a of the following activities is/are suitable for automation.
When your answer is Y, indicate which type of automation: Fixed (F), Programmable,
(P), or Flexible (X). (10 points)

Activity Automate Type

Producing soda cans Y Fixed
Batch producing parts with complex geometry Y Programmable
Producing parts with complex geometry and variable designs Y Flexible
Designing an injection mold N
Producing a batch of piston heads on a single machine

1. List five reasons for automation?

 Increase labor productivity
 Reduce labor cost
 Mitigate the effects of labor shortages
 Reduce or eliminate routine manual and clerical tasks
 Improve worker safety
 Improve product quality
 Reduce manufacturing lead time
 Accomplish processes that cannot be done manually
 Avoid the high cost of not automating

2. Explain the three basic categories of manufacturing systems?

1- Manual work system:
 A manual work system consists of one or more workers performing
one or more tasks without the aid of powered tools.
 Production tasks commonly require the use of hand tools, such as
screwdrivers and hammers.

2- Worker-machine system:
 In a worker-machine system, a human worker operates powered equipment,
such as a machine tool or other production machine.
 Worker-machine systems include combinations of one or more workers and
one or more pieces of equipment..
3- Autmomated system:
 An automated system is one in which a process is performed by a machine
without the direct participation of a human worker.
 A semiautomated machine performs a portion of the work cycle under some
form of program control, and a human worker tends to the machine for the
remainder of the cycle, by loading and unloading it, or by performing some
other task each cycle.
 A fully automated machine is distinguished from its semiautomated
counterpart by its capacity to operate for an extended period of time with no
human attention.

3. Explain by drawing the main components of NC machine tool system?

4. List five advantages of NC machine tool?

 Cycle time reduction
 Complex machining operation
 High degree of accuracy
 Less inspection required
 Reduction of scrap and wastage
 Increasing productivity
 Lower tooling cost
 Reduction of human error
 Greater operation safety
 Greater operation efficiency
 Reduction space required
 Operator skill-level reduced

5. Define direct numerical control (DNC)?

DNC is a manufacturing system in which a number of machines are
controlled by a computer through direct- connection and in real time
6. Explain by drawing the difference between types of DNC?
a. Behind tape reader(BTR)

b. Special machine control unit (MCU)

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