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A battle was fought in the ``wood of Ephraim'' (the

religion. One writing in particular, which belongs to this

either in the class of moral and political science, under

but his fault to substitute description for action.

been followed, the schemes of the usurper would have proved

flat upon the table, in the angle between the two books, and

ABERDEEN, a royal burgh, city and county of a city,

clases and lectures in agriculture, fishery and other technical

written by a man, the principal critics of Portugal and France

upon ice, the monomethyl ether of alizarin is precipitated.

nobly placid design, and are accompanied by smaller figures

One of AEthelstan's first public acts was to hold a conference

abdicated in favour of his son John. When he returned to

capture the city, but a storm destroyed a great number of his

and in the 13th century came under the dominion of the Abd-el-

that the image is distorted, i.e. not sufficiently like the

decisions a very narrow interpretation was given to the

See S. J. Barrows, Ezra Abbot (Cambridge, Mass., 1884).

PHYSICAL.) Since electric currents may be either continuous,

divided into several galleries (maeniana) concentric with

devolving upon Princess Alice, as the eldest daughter at

became a cadet in the Dutch fleet under van Tromp, after a

Chamberlain, John Adams, the Statesman of the Revolution;

anxiety, had not strength to resist the disease, which proved

His attempt to reorganize the finances by the systematic levy

attached to the substratum throughout their extent, and growing

Theudericus, abbot of Vienne (563), published in Mabillon,

the temperature developed is a function of the time needed

history, but it is improbable that they are, as has been

Feizi and Abul Fazl. The former was commissioned by Akbar

farther south the land is more level, and there are many

resist the temptation to allegorize, how inevitable was it

a volume of sermons, which passed through several editions,

grasping the royal power. For many years barbarous wars raged

emperor. At the diet of Besancon in October 1157, the

the Stamp Act invalid on the ground that Massachusetts being

length varies least over a fairly large range of colour,

is proved by the free use of marine motives in decoration.

mother at the ensuing festival of Easter. Perceiving the

in the possibility of transmutation long remained orthodox,

Disease. The condition was first recognized by Dr Thomas

Since Hurst's work, L. Doncaster and G. P. Mudge have both

the fire was lighted, an earthquake occurred, and the people

reprinted 1864) is a specimen of his preaching before his

episcopal see, and possesses a Gothic cathedral, dating from

shown by many ketoximes and known as the Beckmann change (see

created. In this sphere Absalon proved himself equally

near the harbour was diverted from the south at a cost of

granite formation, with occasional trachyte and basaltic

all magnetism has to be replaced by a distribution of current;

official being designated Secretary of Agriculture, with

and prose, and his grand-nephew, CLAUDIO ACHILLINI

favourable conditions, and with a proper adaptation of means

themselves, and does not bring those in affinity with them in

Whymper, Scrambles amongst the Alps (1871); Sir A. Wills,

fuse, and that only one nucleus can be detecteo in the fused

accorded by general consent to HASAN ALI SHAH (born in Persia,

they have proceeded more nearly in accordance with the

regarded as inadequate evidence. The geologic record is,

Spaniards and Portuguese, partly by the dissensions of the

The lord justices who, previously chosen secretly by the elector

of the maker who wrote on the vessel from right to left the

say he knows or believes what he has no scientific ground

may have taken place or to efface its effects. On the other

jurors (album indicum) were exhibited in this manner. In

Sindhia. During the war with the Mahrattas in 1803 Ahmednagar

4 Zadok and Abiathar are found acting together as priests

of Roman Coins (1839); a Numismatic Manual (1840); Roman

Bactriana; Gerbillus Indicus, and G. erythrinus (Persian

law. It expands, classifies, tabulates, draws corollaries

northward to Tabarca and southward to Tina. The importance

Suermondt (d. 1887); the public library; the theatre; the

Averages of--- per acre.

to reside at Oxford, where he died on the 14th of December

Anglo-Congolese agreement of 1894. This step he was encouraged

Held at Philadelphia for Promoting Useful Knowledge. It owed

town are the ruins of the reputed castle of Rollo, the

an early age joined the Canons Regular at Polling, where,

(1754-1812), authors respectively of McFingal (1782), a

calcium carbide by electrical power are the ingot process and

world, it must be handed down to posterity in a form capable

330-443). The life by John Capgrave in his Legenda

crossed, Lee as usual conforming to the movement, and on

technically victorious, but the success was a barren one

ALBIAN (Fr. Albion, from Alba = Aube in France), in

zootechny. Labour organizations for hunting, communal

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