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Q What are the various type of system?

System analysis and design

Ans The various types of system are dynamic system, cybernetic system, adaptive system ,super system, deterministic system, open system, closed system, formal and informal system. Q What is the primary goal of system testing? Ans Is to find the errors that result from unexpected interaction between modules of the software. Q What are the elements of system? Ans input, processing, output, feedback, backup and control. Q Define logical design? Ans The logical design of a system that focuses on the system function and purpose without regard to how the system will physically implemented. Q what is the importance of feasibility study? Ans It is the measure and the study of how beneficial the development of the system would be to the organization. Q what do you mean by post implementation? Ans It verifies the output of the project is according to the plan and within the planned cost and schedule. It helps in determining whether the project has met its objective. Q what is the meaning of recognition of need in system DLC? Ans It means that Joint Application Design (JAD) A process that brings the Project Team, Customers, and Stakeholders together to clarify, define, and gain consensus on business require-ments. JAD sessions are formal meetings involving a detailed agenda, visual aids, and a facilitator who moder-ates the session and an analyst who records the specifica-tions. By utilizing JAD, Customers become directly involved in the application design. Q what is the role of system analyst? Ans The role of system analyst is to analyse the bussines problem and to improve its quality and to identify the business requirement to determine the solution. The system analyst is the person (or persons) who guides through the development of an information system. In performing these tasks the analyst must always match the information system objectives with the goals of the organization.

Q What is the use of data dictionary?

Ans It is used for reference of data used in the system that describes and defines each piece of data used in a system and it defines each piece of data used in a systemIt is a catalogue of data elements.

Q what is the meaning of system maintance? Ans system maintance means correcting the errors in both system design and implementation with respect to system requirement and system specification. Q List the primary steps in interviewing? Ans Make him feel comfortable interviewee use simple language in the interview dont use jargons. Be a active Listener more to the interviewee and point out how the system is functioning now and what they except form the system in future. Q what do you mean by formal system and informal system? When a policy or procedure is spelled out in writing such system is called formal system for eg typed monthly report .Informal system are those system which are not documented in writing are called informal system for eg telephone,memos etc. Q diffrence between structure chart and decision chart?

Ans Decision Tables are useful when complex combinations of conditions, actions, and rules are found or you require a method that effectively avoids impossible situations, redundancies, and contradictions. Decision Trees are useful when the sequence of conditions and actions is critical or not every condition is relevant to every action. A structure chart is a diagram consisting of rectangular boxes, which represent the modules, and connecting arrows. Structure charts encourage top-down design and support the concepts of modularity and top-down structured design. Top-down structured design deals with the size and complexity of an application by breaking it up into a hierarchy of modules that result in an application that is easier to implement and maintain.

Q What are ranking scale? Ans Q what are the limitations of structured English as a tool to analyze/design a system?
Ans Structured English A precise form of English that uses the logical structures of structured coding to represent policies and procedures. Structured English is not a good choice for describing a high-level control structure or an algorithm in which numerous decisions must be made. It s

Q what are the various source from where information about a system can be collected? Ans The sources are review of literature and documents ,interview, joint application development ,questionnaire. Q what do you mean by alpha testing? Ans Q what do you mean by cost benefit of an alternative? Ans Cost/ Benefit Analysis It Is A comparison of the cost of the proj-ect to the benefits it would realize, to determine whether the project or portion of the project should be undertaken

Q what do you mean by equifinality? Ans Equifinality: It implies that goals are achieved thr ough differ ing courses of actions and a variety of paths. In most systems, ther e is mor e of a general agr eement on goals than on paths to r each goals. Q what do you mean by information? Ans Q what do you mean by interview? Ans An interview is a conversation between two or more people (the interviewer and the interviewee) where questions are asked by the interviewer to obtain information from the interviewee. A process in which a series of strategic questions are asked to identify what objectives and goals need to be met in order for the project to demonstrate success. Q what is data dictionary? Ans It is an organized collection of all the relevant system data elements .It is a catalogue of data elements. It provides additional information about system. It stores the details and description of data flows, data stores and processes Q what is DBMS? Ans Database Management System (DBMS) is a generalized software package used to build and manage the database, i.e., add, modify (edit), update, delete and sort (arrange in a particular order) information in the database. Q what is an open system? Ans Q what is bottom up system development approach? Ans Q what is enhancement? Ans

Q Who is a system analyst? Ans

Q Why do we have a proper input/output forms? Ans Q What is difference between schematic and static system? Ans Static system models: T his type of model displays one pair of r elationship such as activity and time or cost and quantity. Q what is a system? Ans Q list the parts and function of business school or department? Ans

Q difference between initial investigation and feasibility study? Ans INITIAL INVESTIGATION is conducted in order to gather more information about the problem or opportunity and to decide if the current situation wants a solution that would require of developing information system. Feasibility study Q what is meant by protyping?

Ans Prototyping is an iterative, experimental, evolutionary method of building a system or a model of a system. It relies on effective communication between the developer and the end user. Feedback from the end user results in further refinement of the model until it finally meets the user's needs and expectations. The advantages of prototyping are:
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faster development easier for end users to learn/use fewer changes needed after implementation development backlog decreases end-user involvement users know what to expect at implementation user/analyst communication enhanced user requirements easier to determine development costs reduced

Q what is desion tree? Ans It is a visual image of a complex decision-making situation in which the possible decisions and their likely outcomes are organized in the form of a graph that resembles a tree.

Q define data item? Ans a data item is a single element in the data structure , describing a particular attribute (such as name, age, address) and requiring one or several bits, bytes, or words to represent an entity.

Q in what respect interview is an art? Ans

Q difference between logical and physical design? ANS Logical designs do not include physical server names or addresses. They do include any business services, application names and details, and other relevant information for development purposes Q what is an audit trail? Ans Q why do we test system? Ans Q diffrence between string testing and system testing? Ans Q What is a file? Ans A file is a collection of letters, numbers and special characters: it may be a program, a database, a dissertation, a reading list, a simple letter etc. Q difference between interaction and interdependence? Ans Interaction r efer s to the manner in which each component function with other components of the system in a computer system, they must interact with the I/O devices to solve a pr oblem Q list part and function of stapler? Ans Q define initial investigation? Ans initial system study involves the preparation of aSystem Proposal which lists the

Problem Definition, Objectives of the Study, Terms of reference for Study, Constraints, Expected benefits of the new system, etc.
Q Difference between maintenance and post implementation? Ans Post Implementation Review Operational systems are quickly taken for granted. Every system requires periodic evaluation after implementation. A post-implementation review measures the system s performance against predefined requirements. A post-implementation review determines, how well the system continues to meet performance specifications. It also provides information to determine whether major redesign is necessary. Q what is structure analysis?

Ans Q what is consider in evaluating forms? Ans Q Distinguished between validity and reliability? Ans Q Distinguished between brain storming and Delphi method? Ans delphiopinion their give to experts ask you where technique a opinions. those evaluate you then and anonymously, brain stroming room a in sitting team your and you just is risk of thinking

Q Define coupling? Ans Q define cohesion? Ans Q what is the difference between file activity and file validity? Ans Q how stress testing different from volume testing? Ans Q what is decision tree? Ans Q what is file management? Ans

Long answers Q how would an analysis determine the users need for a system ?Explain? Ans

Q what can the analyst do to ensure the success of a system?

Ans The following thing analyst can do to ensure success of system

1.User Involvement User Participation occurs when users are have thier roles and tasks in the sdlc which lead to a better communication of their needs, and help ensure that the system is implemented successful. involves communication and how it must be used to put user expectations into view and work accordingly to achieve the expectations. 2.Proper Planning Good Planning, requires excellent forward planning, which includes detailed planning of the process implementation stages in time. 3.Cost effective the system should be cost effective which means highest return in short span of time. 4System testing once software is ready go for checking from beginning to the end .if in this procedure founds improve it.Then check for the desired result as expected form the system. 5.Maintance and enhancement maintance means restoring system to its original conditions as soon as the fault occurs in the implemented system give sound maintance to system. Enhancement means adding new feature in existing system or updating it.

Q Describe the concept and procedure used in constructing dfd? Ans data flow diagram is a technique used to specify how the data flows between functions of the system. the basic purpose of the diagram is to show how the system is currently implemented. in dfd the symbols are used for data flow, entity data store, process. An entity is used to define the boundaries of the system. It is the external component for eg a department person etc that interact with the existing system. It also provides data and receives data from the system.This is shown by a rectangle. process is work or action performed by people or machine.It is represented by bubble. data flow is responsible for carrying data to,with in or from the system .It is represented by arrow.A data store is used to store the data and it is represented by open boxes. These are the symbols and procedures which are used in constructing dfd. Q list and illustrate the primary uses and elements of decision table? Ans Q list and explain the primary steps in interviewing? Ans Plan to Make Effective Use of Time
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let the users say what they want in an interview use that information to estimate priorities Determine who you need to speak to (clerical, managerial, executive) Speak to people in the right order Develop cordial atmosphere and put the respondent in a relaxed mood.

Q Illustrate the difference between input /output analysis and system flow chat? Ans A flow chart is a graphical or symbolic-representation of the programs or the algorithm is known as flowchart. Each step in the process is represented by a different symbol and contains a short description of the process step. The flow chart symbols are linked together with arrows showing the process flow direction Q Explain the process and stages of system design? Ans Q Explain the different operation performed in files ? Ans File operation include the following :1) Creating a file we can create a file to store data . 2) Writing a file we can edit the data in file. 3) Reading a file we can read information as we want. 4) updating a file In a file we can edit information as well as we can update it . 5) Deleting a file we can delete file whenever we want.

Q Explain the primary activities of a maintance procedure? Ans Q what is system model? Explain different system models? Ans System Definition Model (SDM) is used to create models of distributed systems by defining system building blocks and capturing data related to development, deployment, and operations of the system. Schematic models: A schematic model is a two-dimensional chart depicting (shown in the for m of pictur es, describe in wor ds) system elements and their linkages. Flow system models: A flow system model shows the flow of the mater ial, ener gy and infor mation that hold the system together. Ther e is an or der ly flow of logic in such models. A wide known technique is the Pr ogram Evaluation and Review T echnique (PERT Static system models: T his type of model exhibits one pair of r elationship such as activity and time or cost and quantity. Dynamic system models: A dynamic model approximates the type of or ganization or applications that analysts deal with. It depicts an outgoing, constantly changing system. It consists of (i) inputs that enter the system, (ii) processor thr ough which transfor mations take place, (iii) the program(s) r equir ed for processing, and (iv) the output(s) that r esult from pr ocessing.

Q Discuss the primary characteristics of a open system? Ans An open system has many interfaces with its environment. It permits

interaction across its boundaries; it receives inputs form and delivers outputs to the outside. In information system open system supports , since it must adapt to the changing demands of the user
Q what is system development life cycle ?how does it relate to system analysis? Ans Q explain different basic rules relevant to constructing a dfd? Ans Q explain different types of feasibility analysis? Ans Q what advantages does a data dictionary offers in the area of documentation? Ans Q explain the procedure used to construct questionnaires? Ans--. Q why it is difficult to determine the user requirement? Ans Q Explain the advantages of top down design? Ans Q explain different access methods on files? Ans Q List the factors that affects the quality of a system? Ans Q what is implementation? How does it differ form conversion? Ans Q what is the element of system ?can you have a viable without feedback. Explain? Ans Q how the idea for the change in system originates? Ans Q system broadly fall under three groups /classes.what are these? A ns Q what are the different consideration that are kept in mind while deciding on a candidate system? what are they? why they are important? Ans

Q what are decisions tables? what t are the different forms of decision tables? Ans Q What are the different methods popularly used for information collection about a system? Ans Q what is the role of structured English as a tool in design/analysis of a system? Ans Q what care must be taken care when interviewing informants while collecting the information about an existing system? Ans Q review the primary activities of a maintenance procedure? Ans Q what design methodologies are used in system design? Ans Q what methods does the designer consider in file organization? Ans Q why do we test system ?what is the importance of testing? Ans Q

Decomposition The process of breaking down a system into smaller component The purpose of decomposition is to allow the system analysts to: Break a system into small, manageable subsystem Focus on one are at a time Modularity Dividing a system up into chunks or modules of a relatively uniform size. To Simplify the redesign and rebuild process Coupling The extend to which subsystems depend on each other. Subsystem should be independent as possible. If one subsystem fails and other subsystem are highly dependent on it, then the other will either fail themselves or have problems functioning. Cohesion is the extent to which a subsystem performs a single function.

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