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Sudha :
Sudha meaning nectar or ambrosia is a benefic deity. It
also refers to the sacred Ganges, personified as a
goddess, eldest daugter of Himavat and sister of
Parvati. She was married to Shantanu and had a son
called Bhishma. According to the Puranas, the
Ganges flows from the toe of Vishnu and was
brought down to earth from heaven by the prayers of
sage Bhagiratha to purify the ashes of the 60,000 sons
of King Sagara, who had been burnt by the angry
glances of sage Kapila. Shiva in order to save the earth
from the impact of Ganga, caught the river in his brow
and checked its flow with his matted locks. From there
it descended in seven streams and is called the Sapta

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