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ARTS 10 “______________” or The Bridge, a key group leading to

UNIT I: Modern Art the foundation of Expressionism in 20th-century art.

Lesson 2: Expressionism His paintings represented a powerful reaction
against ______________. He used flat areas of
Expressionism unbroken, often unmixed colors and simplified forms. In
…is a 20th century manner of painting and sculpting in his cityscapes, the figures in the street seemed more
which natural forms and colors are ______________ and important than the surroundings. He depicted figures in
______________. It is characterized by heavy black lines motion to express the fullness and vitality of the human
that define form, sharp contrasting colors, and body.
______________ treatment of thematic materials. The Inspired by van Gogh’s landscape paintings, Kirchner
artist ______________ color and form which he uses to used pulsating shades of violet, blue, green, and yellow
give visual form to ______________. to depict rural scenes.
Famous Paintings:
Expressionist Painters - Interior with ______________
- Sertigal in Autumn (1925-1926)
1. Edvard ______________ (1863-1944) - Entrance to a Large ______________
He was a Norwegian painter and printmaker who is
recognized as the “______________”. He developed a Expressionist Movements
bolder and more simplified style in painting like
lithography, etching, and woodcut art. Expressionist artists created works with more
His painting “______________” depicts a man in a emotional force rather than with realistic or natural
moment of anguished, despair and anxiety while the images.
other people seem blissfully aware of his situation.
Famous Paintings: A. ______________
- Night in Nice (1891)
- The Girls on the ______________ (1918) Dadaism is a literary and artistic movement in
- The Scream (1893) Switzerland that arose as a reaction to World War I. Its
Some of Munch’s more emotionally based output – cut-up writing, performance art, poetry,
landscapes are a group of blue-tinted winter night sculpture, photography, painting, and collage was
pictures which he painted between 1922-1924. diverse and influenced by other ______________
The paintings convey a sense of calm, harmony, and movements like Cubism, Futurism, Constructivism, and
stability partly achieved with his use of rounded shapes Expressionism.
jointed together in a firm construction. Dada used aesthetic to ______________
In his “______________” painting, there is a shadow materialistic and nationalistic attitudes.
cast on the veranda steps by a strong indoor light. The The focus of Dada artists was on making works that
shadow contributes to the paintings evocation of affect the sensibilities of the middle class and asked
loneliness in the face of death. difficult questions about society, the role of the artists,
and the purpose of art. Public gatherings,
2. Paul ______________ (1879-1940) demonstrations and publication of art were involved in
Paul Klee was a Swiss-German painter. His highly their activities.
individual style was influenced by movements in art that
included ______________, ______________, and ______________ was known for her political collage
______________. He was a natural draftsman who and photomontage works. She arranges images and texts
experimented with and eventually deeply explored color form the mass media to criticize the failure of the
theory government. She is recognized for pioneering the
Famous Paintings: technique of photomontage as an art form.
- Castle and Sun (1928) ______________ is a ______________ technique where
- Landscape in the Beginning you generate an original image out of other images and
- Town Castle Kr. fragments which can be cut, layered, glued, and
arranged. The resulting image shows new visual and
3. Ernst Ludwig ______________ (1880-1938) conceptual associations.
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner was a German expressionist Famous Paintings:
painter and printmaker and one of the founders of
- Cut with the Dada Kitchen Knife through the Last
Weimar Beer-Belly Cultural Epoch in Germany
- Die Puppen
- The Beautiful Girl (1920)
- Heads of State (1918-1920)

B. Surrealism

______________ is a movement in art best known

for its visual artworks and writings. It is characterized by
unnerving, illogical scenes, strange creatures from
everyday objects and developed painting techniques that
allowed the ______________ to express itself.
It features an element of surprise, unexpected
juxtapositions and surrealism development as a result of
the Dada activities.

______________ is a Spanish painter and an icon of

the surrealist movement. His artworks showed the
unconscious world of thoughts, dreams, and perception
in nightmarish images. His painting below depicts a
dream state. The melting and distorted clocks symbolize
the erratic passage of time.
- The Persistence of ______________ (1931)
- Nymphs in a Romantic Garden (1921)
- Flower Women with Soft Piano (1963)

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