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104 TUGboat, Volume 43 (2022), No.

The future of technical documentation

starts with its recent past
Carlos Evia
This keynote presentation addresses how recent trends
to align technical documentation practices with “de-
veloper-friendly” workflows may be detrimental to
documentation authors and their users. A proposed
solution is in the recent past of technical documen-
tation as a discipline, where tools and ideas rooted
in structured authoring and markup, reuse, and per-
sonalization can still provide solutions to present —
and future — needs related to technical content.
1 Introduction
As I was preparing this keynote presentation, I re-
alized that a subtitle — or even alternative title for
it — should be “We all owe something to a former
IBMer”, or the more complimentary “Damn, those
former IBMers were right”.
I do love talking about the future of technical
documentation, but I also enjoy talking about its
past, and particularly its recent past. Technical docu-
mentation is still a very much needed and important
product, or genre, of technical communication. As
a bigger umbrella term to contain the processes of
developing and conveying technical information from
experts to a non-technical audience (or the dreaded
“laypeople” noun), technical communication is pretty
much concerned with documentation, but mainly
as part of a universe of genres or products that re-
quire that mediation between user and expert that
characterizes the job of technical communicators.
And here is where I will go back to the recent
past of technical communication. Ten years ago,
the Adobe Technical Communication Suite (TCS)
team distributed on several social media channels
a video titled “Future of Tech Comm”. The video
used stop-motion animation and fast-draw techniques
to summarize the features of “Adobe’s Tools and
Services” for technical communication. As a pair
of rapidly animated hands assembles Lego pieces,
the video’s narrator describes that “for some, [the
future of technical communication] is all about more
and more structured content and the ability to work
faster and smarter with XML and DITA constructs”.
Approaching the end of its 2:30-minutes runtime, the
video claims that “it is most certainly an exciting
future to be in” [1].

Carlos Evia
TUGboat, Volume 43 (2022), No. 2 105

2 The Darwin Information Typing Committee, the standard continually evolves with the
Architecture purpose “to define and maintain the Darwin Informa-
At this point we encounter a first batch of former tion Typing Architecture (DITA) and to promote the
IBMers, as the main engine behind the future of tech use of the architecture for creating standard informa-
comm heralded by Adobe in that video was DITA tion types and domain-specific markup vocabularies”
(Darwin Information Typing Architecture). This [8]. At OASIS, a small army of former IBMers (in-
should be interesting for you as LATEX users, because cluding Kris Eberlein, Eliot Kimber, and Michael
it involves a markup language. DITA is an open Priestley) has kept the DITA standard evolving and
standard for structuring and publishing technical with very healthy adoption and usage figures.
information. Sounds familiar? DITA was — big sur- Just as in LATEX we declare a document class to
prise — developed by IBM in the late 1990s, and is start a file, in DITA we can use different topic types
very much alive as an open standard maintained by that have specific semantic elements to structure, and
the non-profit consortium OASIS (Organization for later publish, technical information. The literature
the Advancement of Structured Information Stan- focuses on three topic types that “represent the vast
dards). majority of content produced to support users of
In an interview for the website “DITAWriter”, technical information” [4, p. 7]: concept, task, and
Don Day, a former IBMer who was one of the original reference, which Pringle & O’Keefe define succinctly
developers of DITA, chronicled the origins of his XML as follows:
experiments while working for IBM in the last decade • Concept: contains background information and
of the 20th century as follows: examples;
With the advent of XML as a new markup • Task: includes procedures (“how to” informa-
standard in 1998, the Customer and Service tion);
Information (C&SI) group began adopting a • Reference: describes commands, parameters,
Tools and Technology mantra under Dave and other features [9, p. 235].
Schell who was the strategy lead. By 1999,
Dave was aware of my participation as IBM’s For authors of technical documentation, these
primary representative with the XSLT and foundational topic types provide constraints and
CSS standards activities at the World Wide structures beyond a presentation-oriented template.
Web Consortium, and I delivered a presenta- In DITA, authors can create consistent topics to as-
tion at a formative meeting in California that semble collections of information with elements that
forecast the possibility of XML to solve IBM’s can be reused even at the phrase level. For example,
still-lingering problems with variant tools and a concept could be an introduction to a particular
markup usage [2]. software package, while tasks can provide instruc-
tions on how to install and use the software package,
DITA consists of a set of design principles for
and a reference topic can list common extensions and
creating “information-typed” modules at a topic level
tools associated with the package.
and for using that content in delivery modes such as
In practical terms, DITA’s topic types include
online help, technical documentation, and product
XML tags for content “moves” or strategies (such as
support portals on the Web. Day explained that,
a short description, steps, and examples) frequently
when naming the standard, DITA “represented a
used in technical publications. Pure XML does not
great deal of messaging in a compact and memorable
provide a defined set of tags, but DITA does offer
a catalog of elements and attributes relevant for
• Darwin: for specialization and how things could technical communicators.
“evolve” from a base; The Darwin component of DITA is one of its
• Information Typing: for representation of main “selling” points. DITA is customizable for spe-
knowledge as typed units; cific situations that will still keep it as part of the
• Architecture: a statement that this was not standard. Maybe the element types included in the
just a monolithic design but an extensible tool default task topic type are too generic for Compa-
that could support many uses [2]. nyX. The company can then specialize the task type
IBM eventually donated DITA as an open stan- to create, rename its own structural elements that
dard, which is currently maintained by OASIS. DITA, will still validate in DITA-aware tools.
however, “has evolved substantially since that initial And that is the recent past of technical doc-
donation to encompass a very wide scope of require- umentation: workflows and tools based on DITA
ments indeed” [7, p. 6]. At the OASIS DITA Technical became mainstream and enabled practices such as

The future of technical documentation starts with its recent past

106 TUGboat, Volume 43 (2022), No. 2

single sourcing, modularity, and multi- or omnichan- cold and clinical, especially to those from the edito-
nel publishing. Let me spend a few minutes describ- rial or marketing side of content” [10, p. 20]. Others
ing those, and you will see that you can do similar argue that in the world of computing code verbose
things with LATEX-based workflows for academic and languages are becoming obsolete, but intelligent con-
scientific publication. tent still relies on XML and its nested tag structures.
Those are valid concerns. DITA, as it evolves as
2.1 Single sourcing an open standard, needs to address them and learn
A team can have a common repository of topics, or from its users. And here we have another former
even element types (a common legal disclaimer in a IBMer to the rescue. Michael Priestley, one of the
paragraph) that many files can use. By referencing key architects of DITA back in the late 1990s, has
the single source, all files that mention it would be been working on a simplified version of the stan-
automatically updated if there’s a change in the dard known as Lightweight DITA (LwDITA). As
source. Much better than copy-paste. We can, of a disclaimer, I was involved in the development of
course, do some of that with LATEX. LwDITA and worked closely with Priestley for many
years. Although I am not an active member of OASIS
2.2 Modularity any more, I am still a DITA and LwDITA peddler
Nothing new for LATEX users here, but in DITA au- (see this keynote presentation as an example!).
thoring a whole “document” can be composed with LwDITA is a topic-based architecture for tag-
pieces from different sources. In the particular case ging and structuring intelligent content using flexi-
of DITA, most of these aggregation processes will use ble markup options [3]. Lightweight DITA aims to
a file type known as a map, which includes hyper streamline the DITA authoring experience by pre-
references to topics and other resources (internal or senting three formats for content creation:
external). • XDITA, an XML format with a subset of DITA
2.3 Multi- and omnichannel publishing elements that can be used for validated author-
ing and complex publishing chains;
Like DVI on steroids, multichannel publishing is
one of DITA’s key features. By default, the DITA • HDITA, an HTML5 format that can be used for
Open Toolkit can publish to PDF, HTML, Markdown, either authoring or displaying content;
Eclipse Help, HTML Help, and other formats. Similar
• MDITA, a Markdown format with a subset of
to LATEX, the user community has also contributed
XDITA elements that can be used for maximizing
with plugins that enable publishing to many other
input readability while maintaining structure in
formats. Surprising no one, many of those publishing
pipelines involve a stop in LATEX-land.
Omnichannel publishing is even more interesting, An author does not need to use all three “flavors”
as it enables content-as-a-service approaches that at the same time to adopt LwDITA. They can work
“serve” DITA topics or components via APIs. DITA in HDITA all the time and they would still be using
is particularly good at this because of the semantic LwDITA. Authors can live in an MDITA environment
value that its XML tags and attributes can provide without XML or HTML tags and would still be using
as metadata for filtering and customization. LwDITA. All three LwDITA formats are compatible
with each other and with DITA XML. For a team of
3 The present authors with diverse technical backgrounds and com-
And this is when we get to the present of technical munication skills, the different formats of LwDITA
documentation. Adoption numbers and success sto- allow collaboration and content exchange in a cen-
ries should not hide that the evolution of technical tralized solution. For example, CompanyX can hire
documentation takes place on a slightly rocky path; a technical writer to create instructions in XDITA
even in practitioner circles, there has been pushback (based on XML) while a marketing professional writes
and criticism against XML and its relationship with a description of the app’s features in HDITA (based
technical communication. In blogs and social me- on HTML5), and an engineer uses MDITA (based on
dia exchanges, some practitioners have questioned Markdown) to create a basic API reference. All their
the status of XML, and DITA, as the main markup topics are treated as DITA and can take advantage
language for information products. While acknowl- of the standard’s reuse, filtering, and single-sourcing
edging DITA’s effectiveness as a replacement for large capabilities.
user manuals in complex industries, a few authors Now, yet another former IBMer has come out
lament that “this form of structured content can feel to warn users about going too lightweight. Michael

Carlos Evia
TUGboat, Volume 43 (2022), No. 2 107

Iantosca warns about the impending doom of Mark- [3] C. Evia. Creating intelligent content with
down and reStructuredText (another lightweight au- Lightweight DITA. Routledge, New York, NY,
thoring format that has become popular with de- 2019.
velopers and some technical authors). Iantosca [6] [4] J.T. Hackos. Introduction to DITA: A user
states that the degree of granularity and flexibility guide to the Darwin Information Typing
that what he labels as cognitive content requires Architecture including DITA 1.2. Comtech
cannot happen with lightweight languages. Iantosca Services, Denver, CO, 2011.
defines cognitive content as follows:
[5] M. Iantosca. A future powered by knowledge
[. . . ] a strategy, an architecture, and an oper-
graphs. BrightTALK. https://www.
ational model. It enables dynamic, machine-
based discovery, mining, analysis, retrieval,
assembly, and delivery of non-linear content [6] M. Iantosca. Mark-Duh? The impending doom
objects using advanced semantic technologies of Markdown and reStructred Text, Mar
that rely on predictive relationships between 2022.
content objects and inbound signals [5]. blog/f/mark-duh-the-impending-doom-of-
3.1 Conclusion [7] E. Kimber. DITA for practitioners.
And that’s where DITA excels. But this requires XML Press, Laguna Hills, CA, 2012.
going back to the recent past of technical documen- [8] OASIS Open. OASIS Darwin Information
tation and to the future of “tech comm” that Adobe Typing Architecture (DITA) TC.
heralded in its promotion video. Let lightweight lan-
guages work in a LwDITA-like environment and save
the intense structure for DITA.
[9] A.S. Pringle, S. O’Keefe. Technical writing
3.2 What does this mean for LATEX users? 101: A real-world guide to planning and
I am a big proponent of ventilating silos, and here writing technical content. Scriptorium Press,
I see Markdown as a good bridge to connect the Research Triangle Park, NC, 2009.
academic and scientific typesetting of LATEX with [10] S. Wachter-Boettcher. Content everywhere:
the technical documentation of DITA and LwDITA. Strategy and structure for future-ready content.
The markdown package is your friend if you need (or Rosenfeld Media, Brooklyn, NY, 2012.
want) to use modules from a single source repository.
If you need stronger features to achieve cognitive ⋄ Carlos Evia
content or omnichannel publishing, then you can Virginia Tech
move to XDITA and full DITA XML. That’s how I Blacksburg, VA 24061
see the future of technical documentation. USA
cevia (at) vt dot edu
[1] Adobe TCS. Future of Tech Comm, Jul 2012.
[2] DITA Writer. Don Day and Michael Priestly
on the beginnings of DITA: Part 2, Oct 2018.

The future of technical documentation starts with its recent past

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