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F.Y.B.C.A. (Sem-I) Practical Examination 2013-2014

Lab Course-(MS-Office, PPA, Tally)
[Duration- 3hrs.] [Maximum Marks:100]

Q 1. Write an algorithm for following (Dry Run is Expected ) [20 Marks]

a) To find some of first n positive numbers that is 1+2+3+…..+n.
b) To calculate roots of a quadratic equation ax2 +bx +c=0
Q 2. Write a Script using Scratch to show Car Race Animation [20
Q 3. Attempt any two from the following [20 Marks]
a) Make a time table of FYBCA class for theory and practical by inserting table in MS-
b) Create a MS-Excel document to store details of 10 students (Roll no, Name, Marks
in 5 subjects (out of 100)). Calculate total marks and percentage of each student.
c) Prepare MS-PowerPoint presentation using hyperlink to give information of most
played games.(First slide should consist link for the various games)
d) Create a table Employee having fields(emp_no, emp_name, emp_address, emp_city,
emp_salary). Insert at least 10 records in the table. Write steps for creating table.
Q 4. Accounting Assignment using Tally. [20 Marks]
Name:Shriram trader Mumbai Pune Road ,behind S.S.C. board Pune 411005
Financial year 1.4.2007-31.3.2008
Now Shriram trader has requested you to write their book of accounts for following
 Shrikant brought his capital Rs 5,00,000 in cash
 Shriram brought his capital Rs 10,00,000 by cheque deposited into Dena bank
 Opened new current account with Dena bank by Rs 10,000
 Cash withdrawn from bank 50,000
 Commission paid in cash to Rutuja Rs 20,000
 Commission received Rs 21,000
 Telephone bill Rs 1720 paid by cheque
 Interest received from bank 12,000
Q 5.
a) Viva. [10 Marks]
b) Journal. [10 Marks]

F.Y.B.C.A. (Sem-I) Practical Examination 2013-2014
Lab Course-(MS-Office, PPA, Tally)
[Duration- 3hrs.] [Maximum Marks:100]

Q 1. Write an algorithm for following (Dry Run is Expected ) [20 Marks]

a) To generate Fibonacci sequence of n numbers.
b) To accept positive integer and reverse the order of its digits.
Q 2. Write a Script using Scratch to show Animation for Tortoise and Rabbit
race. [20 Marks]
Q 3. Attempt any two from the following [20 Marks]
a) Draw a flowchart to calculate sum of digits of given number by using auto shape in
b) Create an MS-Excel document to store details of 10 Employees (Emp no, Name,
date_of_joining, salary). Store the data according to salary in descending order.
c) Prepare MS-PowerPoint presentation for business plan for any product including
following information.
 Business goal
 The team
 Market summary
 Opportunities
 Business concept
d) Create a table Department having fields(dept_no, dept_name, dept_location,
no_of_employees). Insert at least 10 records in the table. Write steps for creating

Q 4. Accounting Assignment using Tally. [20 Marks]

Vishal Mega Mart has requested you to write their account for following transaction for
current year
 Ms Usha brought her capital Rs 10,00,000in cash
 Ms Ayesha brought her capita cheque 5,00,000 deposited in Bank of Baroda
 Company has opened new current account with “Bank of Baroda” with Rs 10,000
 Conveyance paid to Meenal Rs 200 by cash for office work
 Rent received Rs 45000 from Deodatta in cash
 Invested in vision system in cash in shares for Rs 1000
 Rs 120 paid as a property tax in cash
 Cash deposited in bank Rs 20,000
 Cash withdrawn from bank Rs 5,000

Q 5.
a) Viva. [10 Marks]
b) Journal. [10 Marks]

F.Y.B.C.A. (Sem-I) Practical Examination 2013-2014
Lab Course-(MS-Office, PPA, Tally)
[Duration- 3hrs.] [Maximum Marks:100]

Q 1. Write an algorithm for following (Dry Run is Expected ) [20 Marks]

a) To find some of digits of number.eg 758 ie 7+5+8=20
b) To find out largest number out of 4 numbers.
Q 2. Write a Script using Scratch to show Animation for Flying Butterflies. [20 Marks]
Q 3. Attempt any two from the following [20 Marks]
a) Using MS-Word write a well formatted letter to Principal regarding 5 day leave. Use
page border and water mark concept which includes college name.
b) Create an MS-Excel document to store yearly profit for five years of company.
Draw a column chart or bar chart for given details.
Year Profit
2001 50,000/-
2002 65,000/-
2003 57,000/-
2004 60,000/-
2005 76,000/-

c) Prepare MS-PowerPoint presentation which shows Internet information using

hyperlink, images etc.
d) Create a table Item having fields (item_code, item_name, quantity, price).
Insert at least 10 records in the table. Write steps for creating table.

Q 4. Accounting Assignment using Tally. [20 Marks]

Amruta Capital Investment Company has requested you to write their accounts for the year
1.4.2007-31.3.2008 & find profit or loss during the year
 Amruta capital cheque 10,00,000 deposited in Bank Of India, Laxmi Road
 Anuradha capital cheque rs 2,00,000 deposited into ICICI Bank Bhandarkar Road
 Sharmil’s capital RS 3,00,000 in cash
 Meghana brought capital in cash Rs 2,00,000
 Audit fees Rs 10,000 paid to Sonali Kulkarni ,Pune by cheque no.99850
ICICI bank
 Office Ganpati festival exp. Is Rs 200 by cash
 Bonus paid to employee Rs 24,000 in cash
Q 5.
a) Viva. [10 Marks]
b) Journal. [10 Marks]

F.Y.B.C.A. (Sem-I) Practical Examination 2013-2014
Lab Course-(MS-Office, PPA, Tally)
[Duration- 3hrs.] [Maximum Marks:100]

Q 1. Write an algorithm for following (Dry Run is Expected ) [20 Marks]

a) To search element in array.
b) To check if number is a palindrome.
Q 2. Write a Script using Scratch to show Animation for Blooming Flowers. [20 Marks]
Q 3. Attempt any two from the following. [20 Marks]
a) Using MS-Word prepare your own well formatted bio-data.
b) Create an MS-Excel document to store details
Loan(cust_no,cust_name,Loan_amount,no_of_years, rate_of_interst) for a bank
and calculate the simple interest and compound interest for each customer.
Cust_No Cust_Name Loan_amt No_of_years Rate_of_interest SI CI
1 Vishal P 5,00,000/- 5 7.5
2 Vivek D 35,00,000/- 7 8.5
3 Sanju A 40,00,000/- 6 8
. . . . . . .
. . . . . . .

c) Prepare MS-PowerPoint presentation to display information about Laptop Shopee

(use related images and animation)
d) Create a table Movie having fields(movie_no, movie_name, release_year,
director_name). Insert at least 10 records in the table. Write steps for creating table.
Q 4. Accounting Assignment using Tally. [20 Marks]
Journalized the transaction in the book of Ram Bandhu & balance the same for Jan.
 Started business with cash Rs 18,500.
 Opened an account with Bank of Baroda depositing Rs 6,000.
 Purchase stationery Rs 25.
 Purchase goods on credit from Meera Sales Corporation Rs 1,500.
 Purchase machinery from Vishal Engineering co. ltd for cash Rs 750.
 Sold goods for cash Rs 550.
 Paid salary to Menon Rs 250.
 Deposited into Bank of India Rs 500.
 Received commission from Mahesh Rs 100.
 Withdraw cash Rs 100 for personal use.
 Paid to Meera Sales Corporation Rs 1,000 by cheque.
Q 5.
a) Viva. [10 Marks]
b) Journal. [10 Marks]

F.Y.B.C.A. (Sem-I) Practical Examination 2013-2014
Lab Course-(MS-Office, PPA, Tally)
[Duration- 3hrs.] [Maximum Marks:100]

Q 1. Write an algorithm for following (Dry Run is Expected ) [20 Marks]

a) To print first 50 odd numbers.
b) To check mathematical function.
Q 2. Write a Script using Scratch to show Animation for bouncing ball ( the color of the
ball should change on every bounce) [20 Marks]
Q 3. Attempt any two from the following. [20 Marks]
a) Prepare MS-Word file for advertisement of computer sale.
b) Create 3D pie chart for the following sales details per month.
Month Total Sales
Jan 10,000/-
Feb 1,250/-
Mar 8,950/-
Apr 6,500/-
May 7,814/-
June 7,620/-
July 9,601/-
Aug 4,500/-
Sep 12,500/-
Oct 4,500/-
Nov 5,800/-
Dec 6,840/-
c) Prepare MS-PowerPoint presentation which explains courses under computer science
department in your college.
d) Create a table Doctor having fields(doc_id, doc_name, doc_city, hosp_name,
designation, area_of_specialization). Insert at least 10 records in the table. Write steps
for creating table.
Q 4. Accounting Assignment using Tally. [20
Journalize the following transaction of Manmohan Singh and post them into there
respective Ledger account for April ,2008
 Manmohan bought in cash Rs. 85,000 to start a business, out of which he borrowed
Rs.5000 from his Friend Deedar Singh @ 10% p.a.
 Placed an order for purchase of goods worth Rs, 6000 for which advance Rs. 1000
was given to Mohana Singh, the supplier.
 Purchased stationery for office use Rs 950.
 Bought furniture worth Rs. 3800 from Pavan and paid him cash Rs 800 on spot
F.Y.B.C.A. (Sem-I) Practical Examination 2013-2014
Lab Course-(MS-Office, PPA, Tally)
[Duration- 3hrs.] [Maximum Marks:100]

 Received goods from Mohan as per our order dated 4th April and settled his account
in cash.
 Paid cartage on goods Rs.150.
 Goods distributed as free sample costing Rs. 200.
 Sold goods worth Rs. 8,000 to Deouchand @ 25% T.D, 50% of which on credit.
 Paid freight Rs 200 on behalf of Deouchand.
 Sold goods for cash Rs 5,600 net @ 10% cash discount.

Q 5.
a) Viva. [10 Marks]
b) Journal. [10 Marks]
F.Y.B.C.A. (Sem-I) Practical Examination 2013-2014
Lab Course-(MS-Office, PPA, Tally)
[Duration- 3hrs.] [Maximum Marks:100]

Q 1. Write an algorithm for following (Dry Run is Expected ) [20 Marks]

a) To accept distance in unit centimeter & convert it into feet & inches (1 feet=30cm
and 1 inch=1.25cm).
b) To find out whether given number is perfect number or not.
Q 2. Write a Script using Scratch to show Animation for Waterfall effect. [20 Marks]
Q 3. Attempt any two from the following [20 Marks]
a) Using MS-Word prepares and sends birthday invitation’s to five friend (using mail
b) Following worksheet contains test score of student using VLOOKUP function assign
a letter grade to test score.

Student Score Grade Score Grade

Adams 36 0 F
Bracker 68 40 D
Joy 50 70 C
Jackson 77 80 B
Bob 92 90 A
Alice 100
Kathy 74
William 45
Thomson 60
Wilson 89
Daizy 99
Rozy 91
Martha 59

c) Prepare MS-PowerPoint presentation which displays information about explorer

activities (use hyperlink, animation and images).

d) Create a table Book having fields(book_id, book_name, author_name, price). Insert at

least 10 records in the table. Write steps for creating table.
F.Y.B.C.A. (Sem-I) Practical Examination 2013-2014
Lab Course-(MS-Office, PPA, Tally)
[Duration- 3hrs.] [Maximum Marks:100]

Q 4. Accounting Assignment using Tally. [20

Journalize the following transaction in the books of Jeel Co. Ltd.
 Anil started business with goods Rs 20000 and cash Rs. 5,000 which were borrowed
from Sudhir.
 Bought goods worth Rs. 5,000 from Parag.
 Paid cash Rs 150 to Deccan queen transport co. For the carriage of goods
 Sold good Rs 2000 to Meera by cash
 Bought goods from Avinash for Rs 2000
 Rs 4000 deposited into BOM
 Paid Rs. 1000 to Avinash on A/C.
 Sold good for cash 3000
 Paid commission Rs 50 by cheque to Meera.

Q 5.
a) Viva. [10 Marks]
b) Journal. [10 Marks]
F.Y.B.C.A. (Sem-I) Practical Examination 2013-2014
Lab Course-(MS-Office, PPA, Tally)
[Duration- 3hrs.] [Maximum Marks:100]

Q 1. Write an algorithm for following (Dry Run is Expected ) [20 Marks]

a) To check the given year is leap year or not.
b) To calculate Multiplication without using * operator.
Q 2. Write a Script using Scratch to show Animation for Blinking
star effect. [20 Marks]
Q 3. Attempt any two from the following [20 Marks]
a) Prepare a website for “Alumina Association” using MS-Word(use hyperlink,
animation and images).
b) Calculate the difference between two times for the given details in MS-Excel.
Start Shift End Shift Hours Worked
08:00 AM 05:30 PM
06:00 AM 05:00 PM
10:00 AM 09:00 PM
10:00 PM 06:00 AM
06:30 AM 03:30 PM
02:00 PM 07:00 AM

c) Prepare MS-PowerPoint presentation for Diwali Festival (use hyperlink, animation

and images).
d) Create a table Customer having fields (cust_id, cust_name, cust_address,
date_of_birth). Insert at least 10 records in the table. Write steps for creating table.

Q 4. Accounting Assignment using Tally. [20

You are asked to prepare Anil A/C in the book of Sunil for May 2008
 Anil purchased goods from Sunil worth Rs. 20,000 @ 10 % T.D.
 Return goods to Sunil Rs. 1,000
 Anil sold goods worth Rs. 6,000 @ 10 % T.D to Sunil.
 Sunil returned goods to Anil Rs. 500.
 Anil paid Rs. 8,000 to Sunil.
 Anil paid Rs. 3,000 to Sunil.
 Anil placed an order with Sunil worth Rs. 200.
 Sunil executed Anil’s order of Rs. 200 on25th May.

Q 5.
a) Viva. [10 Marks]
b) Journal. [10 Marks]
F.Y.B.C.A. (Sem-I) Practical Examination 2013-2014
Lab Course-(MS-Office, PPA, Tally)
[Duration- 3hrs.] [Maximum Marks:100]

Q 1. Write an algorithm for following (Dry Run is Expected ) [20 Marks]

a) To check weather entered character is vowel or not.
b) To calculate modulo division without using % operator.
Q 2. Write a Script using Scratch to show Animation for Sunrise effect. [20 Marks]
Q 3. Attempt any two of the following [20 Marks]
a) Write 3 paragraphs about your college and perform the following command.
i. Give auto text of your college name.
ii. Give the auto correct for the word computer.
iii. Use header and footer insert pictures and logo in header.
iv. Insert page number as central alignment using page format.
v. Apply drop cap effect on first paragraph.
vi. Apply shading on the 2nd paragraph.
vii. Insert date and time at the top left corner of the page and allows update
b) Create an MS-Excel document which calculate total cells use, total blank cells,
non blank cells, numeric values, positive values, negative number, no. of zero’s,
no. of cells containing logical TRUE, no. of cells containing logical FALSE from
the following table
Jan Feb
525 715
0 -3
3 0
552 -911
250 98

d) Prepare MS-PowerPoint presentation to explain Generation of Computer (use

hyperlink, animation and images).
d) Create a table Passport having fields (p_id, cust_name, cust_address,
Valid_from_date, Valid_to_date, issue_office). Insert at least 10 records in the table.
Write steps for creating table.
F.Y.B.C.A. (Sem-I) Practical Examination 2013-2014
Lab Course-(MS-Office, PPA, Tally)
[Duration- 3hrs.] [Maximum Marks:100]

Q 4. Accounting Assignment using Tally. [20

Journalize the following transaction in the book of Madhukar for Dec.2007

 Received Rs. 20,000 from mother as gift and deposited the same into bank account of
 Borrowed from Swati @10% p.a. Rs. 5,000.
 Paid rent to landlord in advanced Rs. 750.
 Received rent from subtenants tare Rs. 100.
 Paid for postal stamp Rs. 20.
 Commission due from Gupta Rs. 55.
 Type Writer of Rs. 5,000 was stolen.
 Purchase security Rs. 2,000 and paid for brokerage Rs. 80.
 Gave for charity Rs. 300.

Q 5.
a) Viva. [10 Marks]
b) Journal. [10 Marks]
F.Y.B.C.A. (Sem-I) Practical Examination 2013-2014
Lab Course-(MS-Office, PPA, Tally)
[Duration- 3hrs.] [Maximum Marks:100]

Q 1. Write an algorithm for following (Dry Run is Expected ) [20 Marks]

a) To solve given series.1-x+x2-x3….xn.
b) To find volume and total surface area of cylinder.
Volume= (22/7)*r*r*n
Surface area = (44/7)*r*(r+h)
Q 2. Write a Script using Scratch to show Animation for Sunset effect [20 Marks]
Q 3. Attempt any two from the following [20 Marks]
a) Prepare MS-Word document with clip art and resize and move clip art. Also format
the document.
b) Create 3D column chart for product usage by male and female.
Product Female Male
P1 10% 3%
P2 20% 12%
P3 23% 20%
P4 32% 39%
P5 18% 25%

c) Prepare MS-PowerPoint presentation on Types of Network.

(use hyperlink, animation and images).
d) Create a table Author having fields (a_id, a_name, city, contact_no Valid_from_date,
Valid_to_date, issue_office). Insert at least 10 records in the table. Write steps for
creating table.
Q 4. Accounting Assignment using Tally. [20
Journalize the following transaction in the book of Pramod for Jan.2009
 Introduced Rs 15000 as additional capital.
 Sold goods to Mahesh Rs 4,000 @ 5% t.d.
 Deposited into bank Rs 10,000.
 Bought goods from Manoj Rs 1000 @ 10% t.d.
 Salary paid to work assistant Manik Rs 1200.
 Invoiced goods to Millin Rs 6000 for cash @ 15% cash discount.
 Defective goods received from Mahesh Rs 400 gross.
 Machinery costing Rs 4000 purchased from Mangesh and paid by cheque.
 Damaged goods returned to Manoj rupees 100 net.

Q 5.
a) Viva. [10 Marks]
b) Journal. [10 Marks]
F.Y.B.C.A. (Sem-I) Practical Examination 2013-2014
Lab Course-(MS-Office, PPA, Tally)
[Duration- 3hrs.] [Maximum Marks:100]

Q 1. Write an algorithm for following (Dry Run is Expected ) [20 Marks]

a) To check if a given number is Armstrong number.
b) To display following pattern of n rows and m columns.
1 1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3
Q 2. Write a Script using Scratch to show Animation for Screen Saver. [20 Marks]
Q 3. Attempt any two from the following. [20 Marks]
a) Prepare a mark sheet with total and percentage using table in MS-Word for 10
b) Create a MS-Excel worksheet which Calculates the number of working days
between two dates.
Date Holidays First Day Last Day Working Days
14-Jan-13 Makar Sakrant 01-Jan-13 31-Jan-13
26-Jan-13 Republic Day 01-Jan-13 31-Dec-13
19-Feb-13 Shiv Jayanti 30-Apr-13 30-Aug-13
14-Apr-13 Ambedkar Jayanti
01-May-13 Maharashtra Din
15-Aug-13 Independence Day
02-Oct-13 Gandhi Jayanti
25-Dec-13 Christmas Day

c) Prepare MS-PowerPoint presentation for shopping mall/shopping website.

(use hyperlink, animation and images).
d) Create a table Car having fields (car_id, car_name, color, chases_no). Insert at least
10 records in the table. Write steps for creating table.
Q 4. Accounting Assignment using Tally. [20
Journalize the following transaction in the book of Shivprasad
 Started business with cash 60,000.
 Opened an account in bank 20,000.
 Purchase good 9,800.
 Sold goods 12,100.
 Purchase good s from Sweta 15,000.
 Sold goods to Saraswati.
 Return goods to Sweta 1,200.
Q 5.
F.Y.B.C.A. (Sem-I) Practical Examination 2013-2014
Lab Course-(MS-Office, PPA, Tally)
[Duration- 3hrs.] [Maximum Marks:100]
a) Viva. [10 Marks]
b) Journal. [10 Marks]


Q 1. Write an algorithm for following. (Dry Run is Expected ) [20 Marks]

a) To accept one number and display next 10 numbers in increasing order.
b) To display following pattern of n rows and m columns.
* *
* * *
* * * *
Q 2. Write a Script using Scratch to show Animation for Mode of
transportation [20 Marks]
Q 3. Attempt any two from the following [20 Marks]
a) Prepare an advertisement for Fashion at Big-Bazaar using MS-Word.
b) Create a MS-Excel worksheet which calculates length of text.
Text Total Length
New York
Sub Total

c) Prepare MS-PowerPoint presentation to give information about computer (definition,

use of computer, Input Output devices on separate slide).
(Use hyperlink, animation and images).
d) Create a table Student having fields (Roll no, name, date of birth, percentage).
Insert at least 10 records in the table. Write steps for creating table.
Q 4. Accounting Assignment using Tally. [20
Enter the following transaction in the purchase book
 Purchase goods from Mala Rs.10, 000.
 Purchase food from Rajan subject to T.D at 5% Rs.20,000
 Purchase goods from Anand Rs. 35,000.
 Brought goods from Karthik subject to T.D. at 2% Rs. 45,000.
 Purchase goods for cash from Raja Rs.20,000.
 Purchase machinery from Karthik Rs. 2,000.
 Purchase goods from Selvi, subject to T.D at 25% Rs. 50,000.
Q 5.
F.Y.B.C.A. (Sem-I) Practical Examination 2013-2014
Lab Course-(MS-Office, PPA, Tally)
[Duration- 3hrs.] [Maximum Marks:100]
a) Viva. [10 Marks]
b) Journal. [10 Marks]

Q 1. Write an algorithm for following (Dry Run is Expected ) [20 Marks]
a) To exchange the values of two variables without using third variable.
b) To find factorial of a number.
Q 2. Write a Script using Scratch to show Animation for Aquarium (with
moving fish. [20 Marks]
Q 3. Attempt any two from the following [20 Marks]
a) Write three paragraphs about your city and perform the following command-
i) Add header as city name and state.
ii) Insert image of your city in your document.
iii) Give AutoText to your city name.
b) Create a MS-Excel worksheet which creates frequency distribution to the
number of cells in the bin range.
Data Data Data Bin Range
15 65 38 10
44 71 27 15
59 100 79 25
40 102 62 30
32 98 43 35
10 81 55 40
16 12 62 45
32 25 18 50
c) Prepare MS-PowerPoint presentation to display syllabus structure of FYBCA.
(Use hyperlink, animation and images).
d) Create a table Airplane having fields (a_no, a_name, capacity, arrival_time ,
departure_time). Insert at least 10 records in the table. Write steps for creating table.
Q 4. Accounting Assignment using Tally. [20
Enter the following transaction in proper subsidiary books
 Bought goods from Nikhilesh Rs. 3000
 Sold goods to Arati Rs. 4000
 James sold goods to us Rs. 6000
 Akbar brought goods from us Rs. 8000
 Received goods return by Arati Rs. 200
 We return goods to Nikhilesh Rs. 450
F.Y.B.C.A. (Sem-I) Practical Examination 2013-2014
Lab Course-(MS-Office, PPA, Tally)
[Duration- 3hrs.] [Maximum Marks:100]
 Sold goods to Muthu Rs. 650
 Purchase goods from Arjun Rs. 800
 Returned goods to James Rs. 400
 Sold goods to Sahilesh Rs. 800
Q 5.
a) Viva. [10 Marks]
b) Journal. [10 Marks]


Q 1. Write an algorithm for following (Dry Run is Expected ) [20 Marks]

a) To read n number and count number of positive and negative number.
b) To find all the devisors of an Integer number.
Q 2. Write a Script using Scratch to show Animation for Zoo. [20 Marks]
Q 3. Attempt any two from the following [20 Marks]
a) Using MS-Word Prepare and send your brother’s wedding invitation to 10 friends by
using Merge Mail.
b) Create a MS-Excel worksheet which displays line chart for following data

Month Region Sales

Jan Region1 78,500/-
Jan Region2 98,201/-
Feb Region1 45,780/-
Feb Region2 98,500/-
March Region1 65,300/-
March Region2 24,800/-

c) Prepare MS-PowerPoint presentation to display information of any five colleges

under University of Pune. (Use hyperlink, animation and images).
d) Create a table Patient having fields (p_id, p_name, date_of_birth, address,disease).
Insert at least 10 records in the table. Write steps for creating table.

Q 4. Accounting Assignment using Tally. [20

Journalize the following transaction and post them in the ledger and balance the
accounts on 31st Jan 2013.
 Mr. Q started business with capital of Rs. 2, 00,000.
 Purchased goods from Mr. R on credit worth Rs. 30,000.
 Paid cash to Mr. R of Rs. 10,000 against the goods purchased on credit.
 Mr. Q sold goods to Mr. C worth Rs. 22,000.
 Mr. C paid Rs. 22,000 to Mr. Q against goods purchased by him.
 Mr. Q spent Rs. 2,000 towards office expenses.
F.Y.B.C.A. (Sem-I) Practical Examination 2013-2014
Lab Course-(MS-Office, PPA, Tally)
[Duration- 3hrs.] [Maximum Marks:100]
Q 5.
a) Viva. [10 Marks]
b) Journal. [10 Marks]


Q 1. Write an algorithm for following (Dry Run is Expected ) [20 Marks]

a) To convert set of single digits into decimal integers.
b) To convert days into months and days.
Q 2. Write a Script using Scratch to show Animation for dancing doll. [20 Marks]
Q 3. Attempt any two from the following [20 Marks]
a) Using MS-Word prepare a chart to represent run score of 5 cricketers for current year.
b) Using simple “LOOKUP” function calculates how much tax given for particular
income using following table in MS-Excel.
Income >= But < Tax Rate
$0 $2,650 15.00%
$2,651 $27,300 28.00%
$27,301 $58,500 31.00%
$58,501 $131,800 36.00%
$131,801 $284,701 39.60%
$284,701 45.25%
Enter Income=$123,409
The Tax Rate is=?
c) Prepare MS-PowerPoint presentation for hardware information system.
(Use hyperlink, animation and images).
d) Create a table Donor having fields (d_id, d_name, blood_group, donor_address).
Insert at least 10 records in the table. Write steps for creating table.
Q 4. Accounting Assignment using Tally. [20
Record the following transaction and post them into Ledger.
 Started business with a capital of Rs. 5,000.
 Sold goods to Mr. X for Rs. 500.
 Received cash from Mr. X Rs. 450 in full settlement.
 Purchased goods from Mr. T for Rs. 1,500.
 Paid Mr. P in full in cash Rs. 1,450.
 Paid salary to Mr. Z Rs. 300.
 Purchased plant for Rs. 1,000.
 Sold goods for cash Rs. 1,300.
F.Y.B.C.A. (Sem-I) Practical Examination 2013-2014
Lab Course-(MS-Office, PPA, Tally)
[Duration- 3hrs.] [Maximum Marks:100]
 Received interest Rs. 50.
 Deposited cash into bank Rs. 1,000.
 Paid wages Rs. 1,000.
 Withdraw cash from bank for personal use Rs. 200.
Q 5.
a) Viva. [10 Marks]
b) Journal. [10 Marks]


Q 1. Write an algorithm for following (Dry Run is Expected ) [20 Marks]

a) To accept distance in unit, centimeter and convert it into feet and inches.
b) To display n odd number.
Q 2. Write a Script using Scratch to show Animation for Exercising boy. [20 Marks]
Q 3. Attempt any two from the following [20 Marks]
a) Create a letter head in MS-Word with proper formatting.
b) Create a MS-Excel document to display sum of three smallest values in a range.
-5 Sum of three
2 smallest=?
{=sum(small(data,{range of data}))}
c) Prepare MS-PowerPoint presentation slide for moving car effect.
(Use animation and images).
d) Create a table Mobile having fields (model_no, model_name, company_name, price).
Insert at least 10 records in the table. Write steps for creating table.
Q 4. Accounting Assignment using Tally. [15
Enter the following transaction in cash book.
 Cash in hand Rs. 1,500.
 Paid to Mr. Z Rs. 300.
 Discount allowed by him Rs. 10.
 Received from Mr. R Rs. 400.
 Purchased goods Rs.980.
 Discount allowed Rs. 20
 Sold goods Rs. 400.
 Paid to Mr. A Rs. 295.
F.Y.B.C.A. (Sem-I) Practical Examination 2013-2014
Lab Course-(MS-Office, PPA, Tally)
[Duration- 3hrs.] [Maximum Marks:100]
 Received discount Rs. 5.
 Paid wages Rs. 50.
 Paid to Mr. B in full settlement of his account which shows a credit balance of
Rs. 400.
Q 5.
a) Viva. [10 Marks]
b) Journal.
[10 Marks]


Q 1. Write an algorithm for following (Dry Run is Expected ) [20 Marks]

a) For addition of two matrices of order m*n and p*q.
b) To find out total number even and odd number from n given number.
Q 2. Write a Script using Scratch to show Animation for Jogging Park [20 Marks]
Q 3. Attempt any two from the following [20 Marks]
a) Create a document in MS-word and give proper page margins which looks as news
b) Create a MS-Excel worksheet to calculate the balance of customer from bank
after depositing withdrawing some amount (take 10 suitable records).
Acc_no Withdraw Deposits Balance

c) Prepare MS-PowerPoint presentation slide which shows the rising sun using auto
shape, clip art, custom animation.
d) Create a table Account having fields (Acc_id, A_type, balance, Acc_holder,
date_of_opening_Acc). Insert at least 10 records in the table. Write steps for creating
Q 4. Accounting Assignment using Tally. [20
Enter the following transaction in Rehan’s cash book with discount and cash columns.
 Cash balance Rs. 18,500.
 Cash sales Rs. 33,000.
 Paid to Mr. Dravid Rs. 15,850.
 Discount allowed by him Rs. 150.
 Sold goods to Mr. Manohar on credit Rs. 19,200.
 Purchased goods from Charles on credit Rs. 14,300.
 Cash withdraw for personal expenses Rs. 2,400.
 Cash received from Mr. Manohar Rs. 19,000.
 Allowed him discount Rs. 200.
 Drew a cheque for office use Rs. 17,500
F.Y.B.C.A. (Sem-I) Practical Examination 2013-2014
Lab Course-(MS-Office, PPA, Tally)
[Duration- 3hrs.] [Maximum Marks:100]
 Paid cash to Mr. Saravanan Rs. 2,950
 Discount received from him Rs. 50.

Q 5.
a) Viva. [10 Marks]
b) Journal. [10 Marks]


Q 1. Write an algorithm for following (Dry Run is Expected ) [20 Marks]

a) For multiplication of two matrices of order m*n and p*q.
b) To calculate no. of digit and sum of digit of given number.
Q 2. Write a Script using Scratch to show Animation for Flying bird from nest
and coming back with food for baby bird. [20 Marks]
Q 3. Attempt any two from the following. [20 Marks]
a) Prepare a score card for following information & create table in MS-Word.
Players Centuries Wickets Sixes Fours

Sachin Tendulkar 64 15 80 90
Virendra Sehwag 50 20 50 65
Yuvraj Singh 20 30 35 45
Mahendra Dhoni 35 24 45 55

b) Create a MS-Excel worksheet to calculate the monthly total salary of an

Employee if basic salary is given (take 10 suitable records).
Emp_no Basic_salary HRA DA I.T. P.F. Net Salary

Total salary =Basic salary+hra+da HRA=15% of basic salary

DA=150% of basic salary P.F. = 8.33% of basic salary
IT =30% of basic salary Net salary=Basic salary+HRA+DA-(IT+PF)

c) Prepare MS-PowerPoint presentation slide on “Merry Christmas”. The slide should

contain information about when it is celebrated, reson for celebration, how it is
celebrated. (Use hyperlink, animation and images).
d) Create a table Loan having fields (loan_id, loan_type, loan_amount, duration,
F.Y.B.C.A. (Sem-I) Practical Examination 2013-2014
Lab Course-(MS-Office, PPA, Tally)
[Duration- 3hrs.] [Maximum Marks:100]
Customer_name). Insert at least 10 records in the table. Write steps for creating

Q 4. Accounting Assignment using Tally. [20

Enter the following transaction in a three column cash book and ascertain the balance
on 31-1-2013.
 Cash in hand Rs. 500.
 Cash at bank Rs. 8,000.
 Received a cheque from Mr. Kumar Rs. 1,000.
 Allowed him discount Rs. 100
 Deposited Mr. Kumar’s cheque in bank Rs. 1,000.
 Brought goods by issuing cheque Rs. 400.
 Paid Raman by cheque Rs. 3,000
 Discount received from him Rs. 200.
 Draw from bank for personal use Rs. 1,000
 Drew for office use Rs. 1,400
 Paid salary Rs. 800.

Q 5.
a) Viva. [10 Marks]
b) Journal. [10 Marks]
F.Y.B.C.A. (Sem-I) Practical Examination 2013-2014
Lab Course-(MS-Office, PPA, Tally)
[Duration- 3hrs.] [Maximum Marks:100]


Q 1. Write an algorithm for following (Dry Run is Expected ) [20 Marks]

a) To transpose a given matrices of order m*n.
b) To calculate area of triangle.
Q 2. Write a Script using Scratch to show Animation for Birthday Party
celebration. [20 Marks]
Q 3. Attempt any from the following [20 Marks]
a) To create a list of computer peripheral use different bullets/symbols in MS-Word
(eg. • ,→ and more ).
b) Create a MS-Excel worksheet to count the number of characters in range of text
Sr. No. Text Length

d) Prepare MS-PowerPoint presentation slide on “Mobile Shopee”.
e) Create a table Hospital having fields (hosp_no, hosp_name, hosp_capacity). Insert at
least 10 records in the table. Write steps for creating table.
Q 4. Accounting Assignment using Tally. [20
Enter the following transaction in three column cash book.
 Capital introduce in cash Rs. 30,000
 Paid into bank Rs. 8,000
 Purchased goods by cheque Rs. 1,000
 Received cheque from Raman Rs. 2,000
 Allowed discount Rs. 100
 Cash sales Rs. 7,000
 Paid into bank Rs. 3,000
F.Y.B.C.A. (Sem-I) Practical Examination 2013-2014
Lab Course-(MS-Office, PPA, Tally)
[Duration- 3hrs.] [Maximum Marks:100]
 Paid Bhopal by cheque Rs. 3,000
 Received discount Rs. 50
 Paid salaries by cheque Rs. 1,000
 Withdraw for office use Rs. 2,000
 Draw a cheque for personal use Rs. 500

Q 5.
a) Viva. [10 Marks]
b) Journal. [10 Marks]


Q 1. Write an algorithm for following (Dry Run is Expected ) [20 Marks]

a) To check whether the given matrix is upper triangular matrix or not.
b) To convert temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius.
Q 2. Write a Script using Scratch to show Animation for flying passenger from
airplane with parachute. [20 Marks]
Q 3. Attempt any two from the following [20 Marks]
a) Write some sentence which will show effects (subscript, strikethrough, superscript
etc.) using MS-Word.
b) Create a MS-Excel worksheet to calculate sum of values in a range named data even
if range contains error values.
(=sum(IFERROR(data, “”)))
c) Prepare MS-PowerPoint presentation for information of flow chart and its symbol.
d) Create a table Project having fields (proj_no, proj_name, proj_status, proj_duration
,no_of_employees). Insert at least 10 records in the table. Write steps for creating
Q 4. Accounting Assignment using Tally. [20
Prepare a petty cash book on Imprest System from the following transaction. Show
necessary journal entries.
 Received cheque from cashier Rs. 200.
 Paid taxi charges Rs. 30.
 Paid cartage Rs. 10.
 Paid for postage and telegrams Rs. 23.
 Purchase stationary Rs. 25.
 Paid bus charges Rs. 10.
 Paid tango charges Rs. 15.
F.Y.B.C.A. (Sem-I) Practical Examination 2013-2014
Lab Course-(MS-Office, PPA, Tally)
[Duration- 3hrs.] [Maximum Marks:100]
 Refreshment for customer Rs.12.
 Paid for stationary Rs. 18.
 Paid for cold drink Rs. 10.
 Spent on telegram Rs. 12.
 Repair of type writer Rs. 25.

Q 5.
a) Viva. [10 Marks]
b) Journal. [10 Marks]

Q 1. Write an algorithm for following (Dry Run is Expected ) [20 Marks]
a) To check whether the given matrix is lower triangular matrix or not.
b) To check entered character is vowel or not.
Q 2. Write a Script using Scratch to show Animation for shark eating fish game.
(Fish has to survive from shark using arrow keys)
[20 Marks]
Q 3. Attempt any two from the following [20 Marks]
a) Crate a Ms Word document which illustrate any small pictorial story.
b) Create a MS-Excel worksheet Display a Pie Chart for following data
Roll No Marks out of 500
1 432
2 300
3 400

c) Prepare MS-PowerPoint presentation for sorting algorithm and their types explain on
each slide. (Use hyperlink, animation and images).
d) Create a table Lab having fields (Lab_no, Lab_name, Capacity,Department). Insert at
least 10 records in the table. Write steps for creating table.
Q 4. Accounting Assignment using Tally. [20 Marks]
Shrinath Gallary has requested you to write their books of account to find profit
and loss account and balance sheet for the financial year 01-04-2008.
 Sukhada brought her capital Rs. 5,00,000 in cash.
 Suniti brought her capital Rs. 10,00,000 in cash.
 Opened Bank of Maharashtra account with Rs. 10,000
 Asha brought her capital by cheque Rs. 2,00,000.
 Anuradha brought her capital by cheque Rs. 2,00,000.
 Cash Rs. 3,00,000 deposited in bank
F.Y.B.C.A. (Sem-I) Practical Examination 2013-2014
Lab Course-(MS-Office, PPA, Tally)
[Duration- 3hrs.] [Maximum Marks:100]
 Cash withdraw from bank Rs. 75,000
 Commision received in cash Rs. 2,500 from Sonali and company
 Mobile bill Rs. 1,750 paid by Idea Cellular.
 Salary paid to Sunanda Rs. 2,290 per month in cash(provide outstanding for 1 month)
 Travelling expenses paid to Mr. Preetesh Bhandari Rs. 1,125 in cash.
 Conveyance expenses paid to Shubhangi Rs 75.
Q 5.
a) Viva. [10 Marks]
b) Journal. [10 Marks]

Q 1. Write an algorithm for following (Dry Run is Expected ) [20 Marks]
a) To sort elements using bubble sort.
b) To print multiplication table for given number.
Q 2. Write a Script using Scratch to create game to “Dress up snowman”.
(Object: cap, goggle, scarf, watch, shoes. use mouse click event to place object on
desired position on snow man) [20 Marks]
Q 3. Attempt any two from the following [20 Marks]
a) Write a 3 different paragraph about computer, each paragraph contain different font
style, font size, font type and use related images.
b) Create a MS-Excel worksheet to calculate sum of the digits
Number Sum of digits
123 6 (for eg)

c) Prepare MS-PowerPoint presentation for Problem Solving Technique (i.e. Definition,
types) (Use hyperlink, animation and images).
c) Create a table Course having fields (course_id, course_name, duration, course_fees,
specialization). Insert at least 10 records in the table. Write steps for creating table.
Q 4. Accounting Assignment using Tally. [20
Tea Emporium has requested you to write their books of account to find profit & loss
A/C and balance sheet for the financial year starting from 01-04-2008.
F.Y.B.C.A. (Sem-I) Practical Examination 2013-2014
Lab Course-(MS-Office, PPA, Tally)
[Duration- 3hrs.] [Maximum Marks:100]
 Dipesh brought his capital Rs. 5,00,000 in cash
 Opened account in Indian Bank Camp Branch Pune with Rs. 10,000
 Haresh brought his capital Rs. 10,00,000 in cheque and deposited in Indian Bank
camp Branch, Pune
 Cash deposited in bank Rs. 1,00,000
 Legal charges paid in cash Rs. 2,000 to Ms. Sonali
 Salary paid to Anand Rs. 3,700 in cash
 Electricity bill pay through bank Rs. 1,300
 Purchased shares certificate of Sona Investments in cash Rs. 15,000
 Purchased Maruti Car from Sai Services Rs. 1,90,000
 Rs. 2,00,000 given by our partner Deepesh as Loan to company by cheque (receipt
Q 5.
a) Viva. [10 Marks]
b) Journal. [10 Marks]

Q 1. Write an algorithm for following (Dry Run is Expected ) [20 Marks]

a) To find factorial of a number using recursive function
b) To check entered number is prime or not.
Q 2. Write a Script using Scratch to show Animation for office flowers. [20 Marks]
(Note: in morning blooming flowers and in evening vice-versa.)
Q 3. Attempt any two from the following [20 Marks]
a) Write an application to the principal of college for the post of lecturer.
b) Using Following data calculate ‘Net Working Capital’ Current Ration’ in MS-Excel
Current Asset 396,325.13
Current Liabilities 36,052.93
Net Working Capital ?
Current Ratio ?
Net Working Capital =Current Asset –Current Liabilities
Current Ratio =Current Asset/Current Liabilities
c) Prepare MS-PowerPoint presentation on Monsoon Sale Dhamaka.
(Use hyperlink, animation and images).
d) Create a table Politician having fields (p_no, p_name, party_name, designation)
Insert at least 10 records in the table. Write steps for creating table.
Q 4. Accounting Assignment using Tally. [20
Mobile Shopee has requested you to write their books of account to find profit & loss
A/C and balance sheet for the financial year starting from 01-04-2008.
F.Y.B.C.A. (Sem-I) Practical Examination 2013-2014
Lab Course-(MS-Office, PPA, Tally)
[Duration- 3hrs.] [Maximum Marks:100]
 Anjali capital cheque of Rs. 2,00,000 deposited in Bank of India Laxmi Road
chq.No 101010
 Darshana capital of Rs. 2,00,000 in cash and out of 3,00,000 Rs. 1,00,000 returned
to her by cheque No 139187 of ICICI bank on next day.
 Megna brought her capital Rs. 2,00,000 in cash
 transferred Rs. 75,000 from Bank of India to ICICI bank chq. No 24250.
 Cash withdrawn from Bank of India Rs. 50,000
 News Paper bill Rs. 120 paid to Sona news agency in cash.
 Rent paid by cash Rs. 3,000 per month to Sahani and Company(provide one month
outstanding entry)
 Office Ganapati Festival Expenses Rs. 2,100 by cash.
 Telephone bill pay through bank Rs. 800
 Sold shares certificate to Mona Investments in cash Rs. 10,000
Q 5.
a) Viva. [10 Marks]
b) Journal. [10 Marks]


Q 1. Write an algorithm for following (Dry Run is Expected ) [20 Marks]

a) To calculate mean of n number
b) To calculate simple interest.
Q 2. Write a Script using Scratch to show Animation for Bubble Effect
(Using button click event) [20 Marks]
Q 3. Attempt any two from the following [20 Marks]
a) Using MS-Word prepare a news with headlines for the disaster in Uttarakhand.
b) Display a Pie Chart for following data
Product Sales in %
Computer 50%
Modem 14%
CD’s 10%
Printer 6%
Pen Drive 12%
Scanner 8%
c) Prepare MS-PowerPoint presentation for seminar. Selecting one of the topic from
your syllabus and make slides for explaining that topic.
(Use hyperlink, animation and images).
d) Create a table Bank having fields (bank_id, bank_name, branch_name, city,
no_of_employee_working, manager_name) Insert at least 10 records in the table.
Write steps for creating table.
F.Y.B.C.A. (Sem-I) Practical Examination 2013-2014
Lab Course-(MS-Office, PPA, Tally)
[Duration- 3hrs.] [Maximum Marks:100]
Q 4. Accounting Assignment using Tally. [20
Prakash Departments stores has requested you to write their books of account to find
profit & loss A/C and balance sheet for the current year.
 Gitanjali capital cheque of Rs. 3,00,000 deposited in Bank of Maharashtra Shivaji
Nagar Branch chq.No 105999
 Sanjay capital of Rs. 4,00,000 in cash and out of Rs.5,00,000 Rs. 1,00,000 returned
to him by cheque No 19850 of HDFC bank on next day.
 Megha brought her capital of Rs. 1,00,000 by cheque.
 Transferred Rs. 1,50,000 from Bank of Baroda to ICICI bank chq. No 23570.
 Cash deposited to Bank of Maharashtra Rs. 75,000
 News Paper bill Rs. 120 paid to Desai news agency in cash.
 Rent paid by cash Rs. 4,000 per month to Neha and Company
 Diwali Bonus to employees Rs. 21,000 by cash.
 Telephone bill pay through bank Rs. 800
Q 5.
a) Viva. [10 Marks]
b) Journal. [10 Marks]


Q 1. Write an algorithm for following (Dry Run is Expected ) [20 Marks]

a) To calculate sum of array element.
b) For time conversion.
Q 2. Write a Script using Scratch to show Animated story using zoom in and zoom out
Effect (use any object) [20 Marks]
Q 3. Attempt any two from the following [20 Marks]
a) Using MS-Word prepare a document for weather forecast for one day including
following details.-
a) Day b) Month
c) Date d) Sunrise –(Time,hrs,min,sec)
e) Sunset–(Time,hrs,min,sec) f) Temperature-(farenheit,celcius)

b) Display Pie Chart for following data

Roll No Marks out of 500
1 432
2 300
3 400
c) Prepare MS-PowerPoint presentation for Promotion of a Product(i.e. Marketing a
product such as Aquaguard, Washing Machine etc)Use hyperlink, animation and
d) Create a table College having fields (c_id,c_name,address,city,phone_no,nacc_grade)
F.Y.B.C.A. (Sem-I) Practical Examination 2013-2014
Lab Course-(MS-Office, PPA, Tally)
[Duration- 3hrs.] [Maximum Marks:100]
Insert at least 10 records in the table. Write steps for creating table.
Q 4.Accounting Assignment using Tally. [20Marks]
Journalize the following transaction in the book of Amrish for Dec.2011
 Received Rs 30000 from mother as gift and deposited the same into bank account of
 Borrowed from Arti @10% p.a. Rs 6000
 Paid installment of Rs 2500 to Kudale Services
 Received cash from Dinesh Rs 3,000
 Paid for postal stamp Rs 30
 Commission due from Gavali Rs 55
 Monitor of Rs 5000 was stolen
 Purchase security Rs 2000 and paid for brokerage Rs 80
 Gave for charity Rs 500

Q 5.
a) Viva. [10 Marks]
b) Journal. [10 Marks]


Q 1. Write an algorithm for following (Dry Run is Expected ) [20 Marks]

a) To count number of positive, negative and zero numbers in an array.
b) To calculate compound interest.
Q 2. Write a Script using Scratch to show Animation for Dewali festival. [20 Marks]
Q 3. Attempt any two from the following [20 Marks]
a) Using MS-Word create a tree using smart art to represent computer parts.
b) Prepare a score card for following information and create column chart
Players Centuries Wicket Sixes Fours
Sachin Tendulkar 64 15 80 90
Virendra Sehwag 50 20 50 65
Yuwaraj Singh 20 30 35 45
Mahendra sing Dhoni 25 24 45 55

c) Prepare MS-PowerPoint presentation for presenting Annual Cultural Function of

your college(Use hyperlink, animation and images).
d) Create a table Machine having fields (m_id,m_name,m_price,warranty_period)
Insert at least 10 records in the table. Write steps for creating table.
Q 4. Accounting Assignment using Tally. [20
Journalize the following transaction of Robin Singh and post them into their
F.Y.B.C.A. (Sem-I) Practical Examination 2013-2014
Lab Course-(MS-Office, PPA, Tally)
[Duration- 3hrs.] [Maximum Marks:100]
Ledger account for April ,2010
 Robin bought in cash Rs. 75,000 to start a business, out of which he borrowed Rs.
5,000 from his friend Harmeet Singh @ 10% p.a.
 Placed an order for purchase of goods worth Rs. 7,000 for which advance Rs. 1,000
was given to Mona Singh, the supplier
 Purchased stationery for office use Rs. 950
 Bought furniture worth Rs. 3200 from Pavan and paid him cash Rs. 800 on spot
 Received goods from Mohan as per our order dated 4th April and settled his account
in cash
 Paid cartage on goods Rs. 250
 Goods distributed as free sample costing Rs.500
 Sold goods worth Rs. 9000 to Gurpreet @ 25% T.D, 50% of which on credit
 Paid freight Rs 200 on behalf of Gurpreet
 Sold goods for cash Rs 5600 net @ 10% cash discount
Q 5.
a) Viva. [10 Marks]
b) Journal. [10 Marks]


Q 1. Write an algorithm for following (Dry Run is Expected ) [20 Marks]

a) To find sum of n Fibonacci number using recursion.
b) For year conversion in days and months.
Q 2. Write a Script using Scratch to show Animation for circus. [20 Marks]
Q 3. Attempt any two from the following. [20 Marks]
a) Create a document in MS-Word with header “Pad.Dr.D.Y.Patil ACS College,Pimpri”
with background color pink & footer should contain college contact no, & Page no
with set print margin left, right, top, bottom .Show the print review.
b) Prepare MS-Excel worksheet to store the Marks of 5 students in 3 subjects. Table should
contain given fields [Roll no, Name, Address, Marks, Total, Percentage and Grade]. Use
formula to calculate the total marks & percentage .Make use of logical function IF() to assign
Per<35 Grade=”Fail”
Per>=35 & Per<50 Grade=”Pass”
Per>=50 &per<55 Grade=”Second Class”
Per>=50 & per<60 Grade=” Higher Second Class”
Per>=60 & per<75 Grade=”First Class”
Per>=75 Grade=”Distinction”
c) Prepare MS-PowerPoint presentation for Health tips or guide for student (Use
hyperlink, animation and images).
d) Create a table Teacher having fields (t_id, t_name, qualification, date_of,birth,
specialization). Insert at least 10 records in the table. Write steps for creating table.
F.Y.B.C.A. (Sem-I) Practical Examination 2013-2014
Lab Course-(MS-Office, PPA, Tally)
[Duration- 3hrs.] [Maximum Marks:100]
Q 4. Accounting Assignment using Tally. [20
Journalize the following transactions. Also state the nature of each account involved
in the journal entry.
 Mr. Umesh started a company with Rs. 85,000.
 He paid Rs.2000 in HDFC bank Pimpri branch.
 He sold goods of Rs. 8,000.
 He sold goods to Govind Rs. 5,000.
 He purchased goods from Shahaji in cash with Rs 10,000.
 He returned goods to Shahaji Rs. 5,000.
 He purchased furniture and paid by cheque Rs. 6,000.
 He withdrawn cash of Rs. 15,000 from business for personal use.
 He paid telephone charges of Rs. 900.
 Goods distributed by way of free samples Rs. 1,200.
 Paid for stationary Rs. 200 rent Rs. 500 and salaries to staff Rs 2,000.
Q 5.
a) Viva. [10 Marks]
b) Journal. [10 Marks]

Q 1. Write an algorithm for following (Dry Run is Expected ) [20 Marks]
a) To find number of even and odd numbers in an array.
b) For checking entered character is uppercase or lowercase.
Q 2. Write a Script using Scratch to show Animation for Christmas festival. [20 Marks]
Q 3. Attempt any two from the following [20 Marks]
a) Using MS-Word prepare certificate of college(Mention particular student has
completed his/her project successfully in academic year 2013-2014)& send it to the
10 student using mail-merge.(use header )
b) Prepare Display a Pie Chart for following data using Paste Special
Student Name Marks
Ramesh 75
Abhay 65
Amit 48
Sumit 90
Akash 66
c) Prepare MS-PowerPoint presentation for Blood Donation Camp. (Use hyperlink,
animation and images).
d) Create a table Actor having fields (a_id, a_name, role,nuber_of_movies_acted).
Insert at least 10 records in the table. Write steps for creating table.
Q 4. Accounting Assignment using Tally.
F.Y.B.C.A. (Sem-I) Practical Examination 2013-2014
Lab Course-(MS-Office, PPA, Tally)
[Duration- 3hrs.] [Maximum Marks:100]
Big Bazar Company has requested you to write their books of accounts to find Profit
& Loss and balance sheet of this year
 Madhura Capital cheque Rs. 3,00,000 deposited in Vijaya Bank current A/C No.
 Shervary Capital cheque Rs. 3,00,000 into Sangli Bank Current A/C No.98765.
 Sameer Capital Rs. 3,00,000 in cash.
 Madhuri brought capital Rs. 2,00,000 in cash
 Transferred Rs. 75,000 from Vijaya Bank to Sangli Bank(Contra Entry)
 Loan taken from Vijaya Bank Rs. 1,00,000 which is created to our current
A/C(Contra Entry)
 Audit fees Rs. 20,000 paid to Sonali Kulkarni Associates, Pune by Chq No. 139188
Vijaya Bank.
 Office Ganapati Festival Rs. 2,100 by cash.
 Sweets distributed to staff Rs. 300 by cash.
 Insurance paid Rs. 13,000 from Sangli Bank
 Cleaning Charges paid to Shreram in cash Rs. 20.
 Sports material for staff welfare Rs. 25,000 purchased from Happy Sports, Pune.
Cheque issued from Sangli Bank.
Q 5.
a) Viva. [10 Marks]
b) Journal. [10 Marks]
Q 1. Write an algorithm for following (Dry Run is Expected ) [20 Marks]
a) To display roman equivalent of a given number.
b) To search element using binary search.
Q 2. Write a Script using Scratch to show Animation for Santa giving gifts
on Christmas. [20 Marks]
Q 3. Attempt any two from the following [20 Marks]
a) Using MS-Word create a file from template & replace template placeholders with
your own content.
b) Prepare Bar Chart for following data
Product Sales in %
Computer 50%
Modem 14%
CD’s 10%
Printer 6%
Pen Drive 12%
Scanner 8%
c) Prepare MS-PowerPoint presentation for Pune Darshan. Write information about
Tourist spot in Pune.. (Use hyperlink, animation and images).
d) Create a table DrivingLicence having fields (Id, license_holder, address, valid_from,
valid_to_issue_office, license_type, vehicle_type). Insert at least 10 records in the
F.Y.B.C.A. (Sem-I) Practical Examination 2013-2014
Lab Course-(MS-Office, PPA, Tally)
[Duration- 3hrs.] [Maximum Marks:100]
table. Write steps for creating table.
Q 4. Accounting Assignment using Tally. [20
Vismaya stationers has requested you to write their books of accounts to find Profit & Loss
and balance sheet of financial year 01-04-2008
 Ms. Urvi brought capital Rs. 30,00,000 in cash
 Opened account at Bank of Baroda with Rs. 10,000
 Ms. Arya brought capital by cheque Rs. 20,00,000 deposited in Bank of Baroda
 Conveyance paid to Meena Rs. 20 for office work in cash.
 Rent received Rs.2,500 from Deepak in Cash
 Interest received from Bank of Baroda Rs. 1,000
 Invested Rs.1,000 in shares of vision system in cash
 Rs. 200 paid to Sunita as a consultancy charges.
 Rs. 500 paid on advertisement by cheque.
 Rs.120 paid as a property tax in cash.
 Cash paid for guest expenses of Rs. 180.
 Received as loan from Shree and Company Rs. 75,000 by cheque
Q 5.
a) Viva. [10 Marks]
b) Journal. [10 Marks]


Q 1. Write an algorithm for following (Dry Run is Expected ) [20 Marks]

a) For printing multiplication table of 1 to N numbers.
b) To find maximum and minimum values in an Array.
Q 2. Write a Script using Scratch to show Animation for DahiHandi. [20 Marks]
Q 3. Attempt any two from the following [20 Marks]
a) Prepare word document on “your school days” and give page border to that document
left margin, right margin, font-effect, page style etc.
b) Prepare a score card for following information and create column chart
Players Centuries Wicket Sixes Fours
Sachin Tendulkar 64 15 80 90
Virendra Sehwag 50 20 50 65
Yuwaraj Singh 20 30 35 45
Mahendra sing Dhoni 25 24 45 55
c) Prepare MS-PowerPoint presentation which explain Advantages and Disadvantages
of ‘Usage of Mobile”. (Use hyperlink, animation and images).
d) Create a table Ward having fields (ward_id, ward_type, capacity, charges).
Insert at least 10 records in the table. Write steps for creating table.
F.Y.B.C.A. (Sem-I) Practical Examination 2013-2014
Lab Course-(MS-Office, PPA, Tally)
[Duration- 3hrs.] [Maximum Marks:100]
Q 4. Accounting Assignment using Tally. [20
Journalize the following transactions. Also state the nature of each account involved
in the journal entry.
 Mr. Jone started a company with Rs 50,000.
 He paid Rs.1000 in ICICI Bank Kasarwadi branch
 He sold goods of Rs 7,000.
 He purchased goods of Rs 10,000 in cash
 He sold goods to Arvid Rs 4000/-
 He purchased goods from Amrit in cash with Rs 10,000.
 He returned goods to Amrit Rs 5,000/-
 He purchased furniture and paid by cheque Rs 4,000.
 He withdrawn cash of Rs 1000 from business for personal use.
 He paid telephone charges of Rs. 1000.
 Goods distributed by way of free samples Rs 1000.
 Paid for stationary Rs 200 rent Rs 500 and salaries to staff Rs 2000.
Q 5.
a) Viva. [10 Marks]
b) Journal. [10 Marks]


Q 1. Write an algorithm for following (Dry Run is Expected ) [20 Marks]

a) To find the middle character of a given string.
b) To count the repeated numbers in the series of 10 numbers.
Q 2. Write a Script using Scratch to show Animation for Tom and jerry [20 Marks]
Q 3. Attempt any two from the following. [20 Marks]
a) Prepare Ms Word document using table to describe various symbols used in flowchart
Symbol Name Purpose

b) Prepare a score card for following information and create pie chart
Bank Name Profit(corer)
Bank of Maharashtra 6
Bank of India 4
State Bank of India 8
F.Y.B.C.A. (Sem-I) Practical Examination 2013-2014
Lab Course-(MS-Office, PPA, Tally)
[Duration- 3hrs.] [Maximum Marks:100]
c) Prepare MS-PowerPoint presentation on topic “Save Girl”. (Use hyperlink, animation
and images).
d) Create a table Watch having fields (watch_id, watch_company, model_no, warranty,
watch_type, price). Insert at least 10 records in the table. Write steps for creating
Q 4. Accounting Assignment using Tally. [20
Journalized the following transaction in the book of Geeta for Jan 2008
 Geeta started business with cash Rs.50,000
 Deposited Rs.25,000 into the Bank
 Purchased goods from Snehal Rs.5,000
 Sold goods to Many Rs.3,000
 Purchased Furniture for Rs.3,000
 Sold goods for cash Rs.2,000
 Paid Carriage Rs.50
 Received Commission Rs.25
 Paid Insurance premium Rs.200
 Received Rs.2,000 from Maya on account

Q 5.
a) Viva. [10 Marks]
b) Journal. [10 Marks]


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