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(2) Page No: C y Positive Arve Cmovement eritmork stip) vequved AE Sientlert type if Jawode Claw Careh - Jas clutd PerenitS ome shodt to Arye Anomer syrougher Olvect Contact at ntey- Locking of Jaws. Cher Movable dFree t9 Side oxtal: St.Thomas College of Engineering & Technology. Kannur © sdches K Clue TS eM aunee Merger Used by Canned ee Oe es hy wh Tre clviven Chats may be Stavted ev Steppe cok wont, US pret Stopping tye driving Co he Ue he ic mostly, Lenk in arcomebilas, The Cay agernent and ALS eng agecnent ee ig Oe Fe eOhich fe Operated by lever. a — Chasckes — , Ee Posikve Glut th on Clutch AYE Uscal When w F Are Used in me Wor- PASSO of Gro t ard oe cous cy be Stovtet and Stopped Lrequanty . © fovee oF Crea, is Used to stews the olviven Shade Rom vest and Pra olnedty briny it Profer speed. te 3) eg St.Thomas College of Engineering & Technology. Kannur % lA automobiles, Biche? wed dive Page No % “hyree types ee OFcaSSonelly Used Where there iS no need to engnye and his Cayege wdhite Ia menad Snods- Clurches Ave engine to tre % Mostly Used i0 used iN Sprocted reels, anton bites x” Few anck Pulleys: Types ef Fyictton Chatchy @ dBISc oF Plate Clutches ciuk ches © core D canreibayel cludehes Single Dise ov plate clutch Clutch plate with fiction lining nm / FO me yr Crank t : We, % |g en 4 (tara I) { my ea fe je 1 : = Toe Release lever ‘9, Q(t finger) (f33) St.Thomas College of Frgincering & Technology. Kannur Page No: _ Figure Shaws im portent Camponash of Crys Neate clurub- De Dise ov Plate Clareh qo 8 1 ‘ Single dise or plate ; g aL Lah Carsiday 4 waa Ricken Sur dae Matoraial 10 enter PT a9 axial Ahrayy Cw Cnowen- Lexy Torque Yes mitted by Clore, a be \ ' Ovensing of Presruce. Ny Be FD = Exteragh and iternnh ved: nowy of Rrchin face. R= Mean + Ole oh f ficken feu, Be RRM Of hoes i fon, (fey) St.Thomas College of Engineering & Technology. Kannur Page No: fel Cooskhy ao he ene Ory eae Ren Peete ce Ricnoo Surdeare ar ow chic tone “W) BRyars Cine ces aim a ANicwaery ae ony. dv Ree od elerrentah Surfae yatta Heise wetter arecel te te Ud ete eee = px 2ny Foc Mw pu tay de Feictonnk doves / = i cao oh Torqus, BOF We Wx = Pen dv. ¥ rad iq = warmp dy tes Ut ter us Cangday dro Carer @ News ciutdn ov Oni Perro Pressure Condimen When Prestuve i) tan vefocrntay Aipibuted Over me enave Oven of Te Cub n UN Sore, tren jo ten 5° Preuure id (2) St.Thomas College of Engineering & Technology. Kannur Page No: E] W KOM =o" Where, WS = axial dhaase a bas howe, “by = ARM pwd Low 24% + yy, = 2K vray Foral &icktanwt Tovane , 1 = J AMP Ye Ye oe wo vdy RO? a YD am (Ray Grae 1) Tee teatet ak - 2y6~w (™ vy | eae) Ea eee 2 aw Gow) (y=) (7 meen Recekiny od Picrisrn) Saw ne. St.Thomas College of Engineering & Technology, Kannur Page No: QD Voiharroe axial Ureavy Mieory Me base Principle in de Signieg- a pave hat 1S Subjetol go coon ig thax the Oovenal due te siding — feresen is machine Laewh &S PEP ot onal to Cast of fica. is PYopatisoel 40 tne Ce aad slid The Lore ot Picken Produce oF Dowmwl prassure Vero ore) Cw) wer oC bw \pwe =k > Cn0Stand See p wy Cun Se Seen Het me inten sig ive ysly with Aistanc Cv) alse it ef pre sfuve Voss ba 7 Pev = CD Carctant be £& +: Wien tie fichten Suyfuu iS ree ta) St.Thomas College of Engineering & Technology. Kannur Page No: E] Htreve iS ce Uniferes praspure Aili buen over Ane conve Crntack Curdau Bur OY Pro Uue ing in vew shy Prporionah ta dirranre, Ar ta. Aivtancs incvecses preUuve checverses ond Vice Versa: te, Prox = & ard Ye bein = YY Due to Vaxinten 9 Prasiuve, Me Cute Suv Pate Gseew ork 19 WK idterene = Hrackyn. ocents at The PROF Te Mari mun Weer th Whar maxims pressure acts - Gow io erentiog Vinse'D, Benen Anar prodves : Me Weow Os Seance is Gecveeses diorowly - Uniferen Weov: Peauw, Nowmak dv aunny &> Ma Slemut o\ Sing aw = Pp 2Av- av & anyday as 2 De de. (ft) [a] Page No: St.Thomas College of Engineering & Technology, Kannur on Tor Foren, WE i one dv %2 = anc @ -¥1) oy: Cae fe 27 C%- 42) Wwehuwe, Frichenat Tequa, Ty > 24% P dy r -— 2h « Wd aS = 2K mc dv Nn Toth Frictonud Wrst , T= fm mer dy Vo y, = IKMC ( vdv *" w = 20nM =o Mw i a4y2) (fad) S.Thomas College of Engineering & Technology. Kannur Page No: fal T= MWR coneve, R aoe Meod Youn of { Soa Bichon) Surfec cera Note . 10 Qomeresl, Torat Prichonal Vovoye Ackag on Prickeo Suvfaw iS Qwen b7 T= nhMWwR woneve , = No. o¢ pat af — fictenal Surdaw: R= meen Yoriny et Fvcdonal Suvfete . et Atala eaee 2/1°-%¥ R= al ' = > Loi Fim urace rR: Cad > Oban Wen. a te St.Thomas College of Engineering & Technology. Kannur Page No: yy, c se Peto et = c Total Ferea on Fricnnel Sarlete ie Ave couge pressune, b Cyvost- Ceckone) oven od Frremooal Surfaces Amurrige disc Clute iS Geek : Avoos mitted. wonen & Llovge teat Sahat o° i a jase Aises Curentty made ot seh) ave fattened tem dviven Snodt ta permit Oxial motso Thy cut ge dsges ove REL SY boss Gack OTH fastened fete housing ivi Snoy't - cohigy, 1s Keyed te Me oes ler Y= No od aAisce of Aavig Same HW, = No-of Aises 09 Avivoy Shop Neo- of Gnsou Suv duus, N= Nang -| (ft) St.Thomas College of Engineering & Technology. Kannur Page No: [a] ea 4 on = pevig A il shaft | te driven at Frichoonl Vorque, T= mene Cone Church Ke PR Aut Woy er Feo sivety Used 10 Awtomobiles, but nou HW orgs Conical friction surface (tan) rage no: [2] S1.Thomas College of Engineering & Technology, Kannur It hag been carpe ye plead by Obise clutch VV Consists G2 ane pare of Leckooa| Suv face only 10 © Cane Clutch Ine aged te Oviving. Snot by aw Sunte josioa Canitat Suyduu jote THe our cit dv ivey 1S key ant het oe Pace conith exaetly fits Conicat our dace of the driven Design ef Cane chad ar Friction surface CanSidev ex pal od fecerione@ Su fuuy O88 ec Core cturth, L Let, Pr= lodensita od prauuve cot, ae (ta) St.Thomas College of Engineering & Technology. Kannur Page No: dhe canicel frretion Suvdewsy are had Aogeney ‘i OukSrcdle Yadkiud Vo = lasiue Yoashivd yy rN QR = Mean vadd = ec hz Ser angle ef daw Cone = Caethumds of § cod b= wich of Pvc Surfuu AL= lenqtn ef te veg ed thn Richton Sabu ot = dy. Cosee & Aree of tre ving = Phy Ak = QAY. CosecX Ar Cage TL: Unrforns festure & 3 Torque troosenitted, " = Z pw Cosee 0 eee mya = (tay) Thomas College of Engineering & Technology. Kannur Page No: [4] Case Wt Ooilneee crocs gee (MAY) Tryque teansmnitest, 1 Mw Cosee E 2 tg yo _ +e ; it Feu, RK r k 4 “yw, Shoe TS vevolviy. (en) St.Thomas i College of Enaineering & Technology. Kannur Page No BI Reorero De siqo | oO 9 Cuoe ctutth to traniatt 2o eV of | Povoey ak ADO: Assume Shaevy Savers OF AUN mer. Given: P= Dow | j N= Avg XRO TH AD NI oe L Zone ate @ Torque advan seni tet F QaAN DnB x PO = 2)2222-2 Snods chiamerer te jet Rat agg (eA BRE R A> ga 20 530 * gane (sh Q@™Meeo diameter , Dy= loa = Z2umn " 3 Ww Pp ~” le (2 St.Thomas College of Engineering & Technology, Kannur Page No: [s] @verocitys v ROmN _ Ax0-32 4 APO ° “GO Go 15.04 MIs 12 4225, hoe Soe Seles PM P leatrer forsad Union, 00 CL Me Ol} pa OlsMeer Assume | Gomi Cane angle, = 125" @ Fose cade AL tpt naeNX 2 AR fm br MS 60 Cra) _ = '5 yes & lor x ky Dr x0: 32K HXOWT XO AIG 20 7 —— oe 1p x1 ba 52-3500 = 534 = Dea _ 222 _- cos | 63 | b&b ous & Be sk » Kernee Say ) \@ St.Thomas College of Engineering & Tecnology. Kannur Page No: fal ) ® crwwrewy clrametey \nney clkieamrekey Di = Dm- bone = Wo - 3x ROUT = 30ST) ourey Gkemue, D2 = Pex bSO¥ =] Bor S32 SOF = BB Gt — @ pxiar Farce to deangenit ane toe: Fas HOM by VM = RxZI9KSB*X OS™ Sais = 2BoaS- AN Terqus, T= Mra Dm 14x 2075-792 329 iste eae eae Ax Bore = 214829-3Neom ee Sox San S. = 1510-60 Tangen hut Face, Fe ” M Fa = 0 x 95784 = 1342-68" (fa) St.Thomas College of Engineering & Technology. Kannur Page No: po] G@) Axial Rovea do \O grep dre Chutes Cry 20) Fal = Fy C Sn t Meese) = 4590-60 S90 nse oy Ger 5) = 338 55N Problem KR Stove Ae 0 Plate Clare effe chue oo bets Sidus is oy : caused te dransanth 25kKW at Booey Debrererinr Outer and inner chametys of Rickso Savdiue if dre M2 8255. The Yori ef dtamchy iS 125 aqd Tre Mae Prasave not to exceed OI Nimmts Also cdexerenire axial Hoyas to be Provide Sy SPRNIS Asim uni Sonn Weer: —_ Px6o Torque Aransmitted by clukch , f cel 6 — 26x11 Kk 69 ax Rx 3000 = 19.6 x10? Newey Foe Goi fete Gane Canchity pr =c (ta) St.Thomas College of Enginecring & Technology. Kannur Page No: ea boon Yo = © ow Cz Ot Yo Nime> Normal axial Coad acting 0° tars Fficthoe curPaue , Wee IKE Cyt) = OR x01% CW) = O1Ss4 ye Radios od Reckorat cwheu, R= = lon4aAyo Pa > GP 11254, we have TE WD MWR = Ax O255> O- Bay xuasy, 3 14.4 10° = Or = Abe 5 Vy) = 26% F220 Our diame , Dy) = AY = Ax POF 240 Inney Mame, De= Q¥y=zAxUs 192-0 (te) St.Thomas College of Engineering & Tectinology. Kannur Page No: A bvaice iS nw Merton, cok device tohich ty Whe Fe BbSork energy possessed by a Moving System mechanism by memng S62 Micke. he Pr leno PYrPsse ok Lyatee IS to Sos down oF Compiesety Stop tre motion of ec moving S78 Sa ch es Vote tinny dra, wratbinn Oy Vehicle. It IS also Used bo Lod toe parts ef me Sys 1 posites mh yese. Thy Loewy absorbel by he brake Can be ertrer kingte ov poterkul sv boty AD automobile applicaboo!, ma Deaton absarbS lsinswe Goevgy of ne ereving venicle. lo hoidh end ctevater , brave ab SobS tm potental energy veierted bY object Aaviny tro breve pewiod Me energy ebsovbes by he byatee iS Convey tek int heat energy each AesSi patel Jo dma Survourd ing’ There Fe heed Aessi pak iS ln pertant Carsidevaken 10 breawe opp li Caton, Types of Pretees O Mecho cut brass Thaye bray Ove Opevr 4 eh by mechanical elem (te) St.Thomas College of Engineering & Technology, Kannur Page No: Such oy levers, Springs canel po cdete Depeodiny per the snege oh ficken prateviul » these ave Chessified Cs; Bammer Kad Rloce Ryatee ® Inteynel | Exterau) Shoe Brater © Dise Byoace A Rand Prove BD wydvork&e | Prerenetic bvatet + Thase eve opevated by Piuadh presseve Th OY AV PESTER ge CRY PVESTINYE Elewvic brake. These Ove 0 ev eke eA aac © g 3 Rycos. They torte Mag nec Pramicte breve Ry SHMISES bate aod eddy current byatet Cynole broce OY Snoe byaice t Cansidy A Swee bratee / Ganith GansiSt at A blecwe OF Shoe Whith Presse ! —s | HI regal) | mnt ei. | ak Whee [an locas aon fake se. stations bales $$ Aqasosk vino cA) St.Thomas College of Engineering & Technology. Kannur Page No: A Yevarn t t 7 h 0 byatee Wihaet deur. Theve cave Aes possible Coayg . Te Ving Cay vatate Cloete Wve er ankerocusise Whus congiguy bets mae Ceres: Blso tt Combe Seen Tred chepencling pen Me Portier Of Ane Brom, three differnt arvengsesnts et anee brake ih possi Cote -t wren me force passes Mine sh aio al tangential Torevys tre fulmmrr Coy of tre levew ond brave Coheed votaty Cloctusise From tne Koy ot, Bveetnsy Aare, Ro = BRA Brainy begs, To Fly rc \ \ T> pe Rav | ) Taterny mreunt erboutr 9 Pr = Ra PA Rate [er Be) (fa) St.Thomas College of Engineering & Technology. Kannur Page No: For ROM Clocte wise Yoda tod \t= mw DE y { ) Case - 24 Whee Me Ling of Geter od tangenHol breeateing Rovee CH) Passes thrush @ distanss Sod bare Mme furerum So’ CO Whee mess Sheet Yotahes Cloctewse (a) Clockwise rotation of brake wheel, Tarr moment cond ° Rye te. ae PL Rar t MR @ = PL Rr = LA (xa may and T= Ry T= mw PL wv) \ Gere) \ (tay) St.Thomas College of Engineering & Technology. Kannur Page No: bd oe 7 | iy | an oh (b) Anticlockwise rotation of brake whee! i | _ ' Oe p GI) When bveatce Wheel Yotates AnH clot Wise Tceity Moment uy te ‘0! Ryoc = PLE Rm PR = Rnx — MRA Rye PA Coe = MO) T= MRaee PL y \ ! \ tae «) | Whee me Vine et aenon od tongenroa braving Aves passes through a ctestaau Sa! Above tre Lutewen. Cese-3: | bo r | ; on ae Ee ! L/ \ re (a) Clockwise rotation of brake wheel (0) Anuclockwise rotation of brake wheel Nolan Foy Clocte wie Tenerery Moments toed Rox > PLA FR @ (&- Ma) Ry = PL (Tem tL ¥ ‘ (mma) Fer onkcloeh wile Yoreaten a= PL Rant Note « le can be Seen that eyuntos © aret e@ CRy x = PL4 MRa a) . Heve addlt do tre moment of seg ove are mont ef Ficawel frce Rew Cuch type wd byateey ave cotted braves Wheo Mme Rerercowd Force ene op? YO enowgn te apply brace Ww hawt is gveeter said ts be extent Rove) Mee tre braue FS Sell Coceeierg bees tee L Page No: St.Thomas College of Engineering & Technology. Kannur Seen Fro equates O ant@ , tb can be tmoat iC rc eA, Men P Cait be M cya rive OF Ze THIS euns anternrd dover Nod noaded to apy braue. Simple Rand Brace B® bank brate Cansist of Mex the banked lente, onc o crave Yope ov Steel Vineet With Licronal material — Suyreuntul the Heye tes, Lerus 0, a B ie CHO Povenca of tae Brum: jon of drum. (b) Anticlochwise rotati dru rotates (a) Clockwise rotation of drum, Canihl tne Casey when Comte ond anti cto curiae Simple bard — byatee Contidsy te Cayer Ge AS SHOP 1M me frowe L (fe) HThomas College of Engineering & Technology. Kannur rage no: [9] Ler, Ty = Tensiod 10 +tgna Side Tr = Tension 19 Slat Side B= Ange of Lop Be coedicent ef Fictiso Te Yad of dro Le Trice ows st bend we heve, TT re se Th eo 23 deg (& y= Me Brainy Gore en he Brac, (T-72) Prvenet ay Torq, a -hh) Vv HK For ChelkK We rokawen , Pah 2 For ankiclocuaise vorateon , PL = Td Note : Bans perertesibta tensile Shey Coy) Re me mererial of drs band is kanes, then Max. tensed 12 ME band 4S — Quen by, poe (7 \ L_ Saeed) Js () St.Thomas College of Engineering & Technology. Kannur Page No: [39] Bock ancl Roce | The hand byatee broces ef Lsvod ov moy be Lined Wito ome material, Pe Frickeo berseer braves cand me clrurs Pro- vidas braving @ehoO: Let Aneve be ‘nw’ Ns. cd brocks acta Suposrandioy an ange (e' ak te cane Clad te drurg Yotedes ANH Aw ce usise © Let, Ti = Tengiod 10 nayor Sede Ta = Teo siod JO Slacte Sida P= Geticiane at fects 1 = Tension 10 Me bank betseen Sr and 274 bloc. Jo = Tersisn iO me hand be heearny ort anck 37 bloc. Ty) = Teasing if tre band betwen avttand 4% bloer, ote (te) St.Thomas College of Engineering & Technology. Kannur Page No: Caosidav aoe ad tre blows - This Oquedd liars fwce @ Tension Wye Hane wads CTO Uocder the GaehHo of Laoud.OB @ Tension 10 me Siac Se (a1) ow tension berveeen 1% anh arth blocu- QB Nownal veatkeo Chm) ® Force of Fyi Hee Resalvina- Poyen vassal CT 47,) S08 = R, —® Resi ry Fanges ally - (T-T) uses MRv © / _ ‘ ® © 7) = M ton cT4T ) 1 ' TL It mM Oo 7," ah ten & sont low 7 a ee eye jee hs Mtao8 Ray) St.Thomas College of Engineering & Technology. Kannur Page No: ; w | ) Th = Toy th ys ples tam t00? | bh TT) 7! peo 8 ae a Seeeteveeeeee (— _O. xX Bracing, tecqus on Gvum, T= G- 12) \otey Mal Expanding vor tee An 1Ddev oak ex pandi ng byalec Cseosists of Di Mees GG, anek So oy Shrreso 10 toe Bgure » The outer Suv faw of me See 18 JSrarrd calito Some Brake Leading or railing or Spring oe primary shoe eae lining Sor (a) Imernal expanding brake. (b) Forces on an internal expanding brake Frictten material do iocrecue tre Ca- ethuent of Pichon. Each Shoe iS pinotedk at the and. This tyec of braves ave HThomas College of Engineering & Technology. Kannur Page No Cow ond Cammooly Use hi O cooter, Siete Avoules Problem MNe Broce braye A Shean 19 Frou ae Pravidss a ee eran ot ZO Nm. TH Giomuret of tne bare dvum iS Boom The Cocticient of &ichoe O32 Fiod DO Me Forea CP) tobe applied OF tar wd od lever fer Clacesise anch Crotictoctewid Yetautoo of drun- @ The lecmboo of the pivot oy fulevun do mute toe braue Set lected om fw Crocte ote YOtatoa of cus e799 3 600] Fe Qo moe (a) S1Thomas Coleg of Exgncing Tecoony, Karur rage (2m) Te Fy ¥ = 369 Re 369° = Doon ONS Ra = Fe 2 2422 = Qo00 » 03 Now Farerog. moments caouk ‘o’ = Ryx2ODd PC boo 4200) + R* iste) Px B00 + 2400%50 = Zoodr%299 p- 1850 N For Grr Cloctecarse Aivec Hom PCeooraevy = Fy x5 + Ry BEES 50 + BOO yoo px Zoo = 2YUdVor 9 = 2150N —— pivot OF Fulerurs te WOe tee @ Locakon of Me ame brake Sev Locsing, P Ceoo 42°) Sr Ry x200 = 2S 0 ln ovdev to MALE the bvatee Self lotic oy P Showd be Levo LU (tad) St.Thomas College of Engineering & Technology, Kannur Page No: es Fee = Ryx 2oo SOO K200 RUDD % = Gbameyn oc =

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