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PcVue Solutions Training


n Install PcVue 15.0

1.   Setup help 3
2.   System requirements 5
3.   Install PcVue 6
4.   Uninstall PcVue 14
5.   Reminder 15

Module 01_ Setup 2

Arc Informatique © Copyright 2020. All rights reserved Updated 12/11/2020
1.    Setup help

The complete set-up (installation) process is well documented in the Help. The best way of
installing PcVue for the first time is to follow the procedures and screenshots described

 l Insert the DVD or launch the ISO file and run the Setup.exe. The following dialog

Figure 1

Figure 2

Module 01_ Installation 3

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 l Select Installation Help in the toolbar.

Figure 3

Module 01_ Setup 4

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2.    System requirements

Before installing you must check the System Requirements in the Help Installation topic
Operating System and PC Requirements.

Module 01_ Installation 5

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3.    Install PcVue

Insert the DVD or launch the ISO file. Start the installation manually by locating and run-

PcVue 15 is compatible with the following operating systems:

 l Windows 7 SP1, 8.1 and 10

 l Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, 2012, 2012 R2, 2016 and 2019

PcVue’s installation setup requires careful attention on our behalf regarding security
aspects. Indeed installation files are digitally signed, which means we guarantee that the
files installed during installation process are supplied by ARC Informatique.

The full installation process is perfectly described in the online Help. The best way to pro-
ceed is to follow the steps and screenshots described hereafter.

The installation menu is displayed with different choices :

Module 01_ Setup 6

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Figure 4

 1. HMI / SCADA: PcVue SCADA Station, Single Station, Server or Client

This option installs PcVue 15 with License Utility and Database Manager tools.

 2. Geolocation Monitoring Station

This option installs PcVue 15 with License Utility and Database Manager tools, as
well as Web & Mobile Back End and Geolocation Back End.

 3. Web & Mobile Back End: WebVue server and TouchVue server

This option installs PcVue 15 with License Utility and Database Manager tools, as
well as Web & Mobile Back End and Geolocation Back End.

 4. Studio Engineering: complete PcVue SCADA system for development

Module 01_ Installation 7

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This option installs PcVue 15 with License Utility and Database Manager tools, as
well as Web & Mobile Back End and Geolocation Back End, as well as Push Noti-
fications Server and Instant Messaging Server.

 5. Web Deployment Tools

This option installs Web Deployment Tools and the Web Deployment Console.

It is advised to choose Engineering for a development station. On an end client station,

installation of the minimum components required is recommended.

To help you make your choice, we offer this decision diagram according to your needs.

Figure 5

The toolbar gives access to additional resources.

Module 01_ Setup 8

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Figure 6

 l Back to Main menu

 l Back to previous menu

 l Display Add-ons, Drivers and Tools menu (License Utility, Driver Sentinel, Dream
Report, OPC UA Gateway)

 l Browse installation media contents

 l Display Readme file

 l Open installation Help

 l Exit installation setup

The next installation menu depends on the first selection, and always contains the fol-
lowing options:

Module 01_ Installation 9

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Figure 7

 1. Libraries

Add PcVue libraries (images, symbols, mimics, mimic templates, …)

 2. Quick Start project

A pre-configured project for an easier start with PcVue

 3. Demo project

Sample projects to highlight PcVue functions

 4. Extra documentation

Documentation that completes the online Help, and the online Help under PDF

Module 01_ Setup 10

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 5. SDK & API

Documentation, samples and code elements for PcVue toolkit

Installation may now start with the selected options.

Installation of prerequisites : PcVue requires the following components.

Figure 8

The installation steps that follow are usual. Selecting installation directory and projects dir-
ectory is important.

Module 01_ Installation 11

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Figure 9

The end of PcVue installation leads back to Main menu, from which Web Deployment
Tools may be installed if needed.

The installation language is also used for the following:

 l The Supervisor's startup language (that is, the language for any text dis-
played before the project is loaded).

 l The first project language.

 l The first display language.

If you have more than one drive on your PC it is recommended that the project
folder is NOT on the system drive.

Module 01_ Setup 12

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Don't select a network drive as a project location.

Module 01_ Installation 13

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4.    Uninstall PcVue

You can uninstall PcVue, like any software, by using the Add/Remove tool of Windows.

The set-up program doesn’t uninstall any pre-requisite such as the Sentinel
driver (the dongle driver). These must be uninstalled separately.

Module 01_ Setup 14

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5.    Reminder

How to install PcVue?

 l Select Installation of PcVue and pre-select PcVue features.

 l Install pre-requisites.

 l Install PcVue and all necessary options.


Module 01_ Installation 15

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