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Information Management & Research Methods


There is no scenario for this assignment. Instead, you must propose an independent,
small scale research proposal about an area of interest to you within a business
context. Ideally, the research proposal should deal with an opportunity or a problem at
the organisation where you are currently employed. You should select a manageable
area within a subject area related to your business studies. (e.g. Finance, HR, Project
Management, CSR, etc.)

Task 1 of 1 – Research Project Proposal (All LOs)


In this task, you will need to produce a research project proposal in which you will:

1. Introduction (500 words)

o Choose a research area and introduce the business problem or
opportunity within that area with supporting data and trends (Statistics
from World Bank, Business Organizations, cite previous literature/papers
to provide evidence to the problem statement).
o Clearly explain the background to the business problem or opportunity,
and justify the reasons for, and the value of, the research to your employer
and the wider academic community.( Significance of your study) Why?
o Specify the research questions and outline the research study aims and
o 3 Research questions – operationalized to research objectives.

The purpose of this quantitative study is to find out/to explain/to investigate

Quant: Research question 1: What is the relationship between sleep and social
media behaviour? -> How does sleep impact social media behaviour?

Research objective: To find out/to explain the impact of sleep on social media

Hypothesis 1 (Null hypothesis): There is no relationship between sleep and s.m.


Hypothesis 1: There is a positive relationship between sleep and s.m. behaviour.

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The purpose of this qualitative study is to explore/to discover/to understand

Qual: Research question 1: What coping strategies have female doctoral students
used during pandemic outbreak/ during first two weeks of lockdown?

Research objective: To explore/ to discover the coping strategies.

2. Literature Review (1000 words) – min. 20 articles 40 good

o Critically review key literature and recent academic publications around
the subject area discussing key definitions, current theoretical frameworks,
and research carried out in similar business areas.
o Develop a conceptual and theoretical framework for the research from the
literature review explaining how and why it supports and informs your
Research approach.

Section 1: Sleep among company employees (UAE Context) – different

measurements of sleep

Section 2: Social media behaviour – different measurements of behaviour

Section 3: Sleep and SMB – the previous findings of the relationship. You
should find out how many were positive significant, non-significant.

Table with the relationship: agree/disagree, positive/negative,

 To find the gap in literature and how your paper can fill this gap,
add value to same findings – different context
 To provide theoretical framework of the relationship between
independent variables and dependent variable.

3. Research Methodology (1000 words).

o Explain and justify your research approach and strategy.
o Data collection:

1. •Research design – qualitative or quantitative study?? The tools (survey,

interview), participants, context/place, when.
2. Discuss different data collection methods with complimenting appropriate
research strategies and select a data collection method, based on your research
approach/strategy. (number of participants, how you gonna collect the data, how
you gonna access the data all steps).
3. • Design the data collection instrument and justify the selected instrument.
Individually include the instrument as an appendix. (To cite papers of these
instruments and use their steps of data collection and analysis)

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o Population and Sampling: Define the research population, sampling
strategy, sample size and justify how the sampling strategy will be the best
representation of the population.
o Data Analysis: Describe and justify how you propose to analyse and report
the results and findings of your research with a discussion about reliability
and validity (propose use of statistical tests).

Delivery and Submission

▪ A completed research proposal (circa 2500 words excluding relevant appendices) with
an extended bibliography of at least twenty academic, journal and industry sources to
be included at the end of the work.


• Each section must reflect any supporting Harvard style citations.

• A comprehensive Harvard style bibliography (not a reference list)

Evidence to be submitted: 2500-word research proposal.


Google: research literature databases :

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