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Learning Assessment 3:

SUBMITTED BY: Rachel D. Veloria

SUBMITTED TO: Prof. Marla C. Papango
DATE SUBMITTED: November 2, 2021

Answer the following questions in writing:

1. Identify a profile of the learner who will benefit most from intentional learning.
Intentional learning, defined recently as “a deliberate attempt to commit factual
information to memory” (Hulstijn, 2013, p. 2632), or referred to as “cognitive processes that
have learning as a goal rather than an incidental outcome” (Bereiter & Scardamalia, 1989, p.
363), has always been assumed to represent the type of learning, of a more explicit nature, that
underscores a formal instructional classroom setting. (SOURCE:
In this perspective the best learner who will benefit most from it are L2, FL learners and
English learners for specific purposes. Both should have explicit knowledge of the language.
Although as Ellis have mentioned it will be turned to implicit knowledge which for me is better
but how can they have that if they don’t have basic knowledge of grammar, morphemes,
phonemes and syntax. So, they should have foundation first then as time goes they will move to
incidental learning.

2. Identify a profile of the learner who will benefit most from incidental learning.
Jenkins (1933), wrote that incidental learning is “learning which occurs in the absence of
a specific intent to remember” (p. 471). This definition appears to refer to a relatively low level
of processing or processing without much cognitive effort or subsequent mental elaboration to
retain the information in memory.
For me the best learner who will benefit most from incidental learning are L2 learners
unlike the other learners second language learners should have a goal of making the language
somehow native to them to the point that they no longer need to put more effort into acquiring
the language but it will be easier for them in the long run. Personally as a second language
learner, this is my end goal that I might be able to have implicit knowledge of the language.

3. Discuss implicit/explicit knowledge as applied to L2 teaching in your school.

Based from the definition provided above, my practice of teaching English somehow
follow the pattern of explicit to implicit knowledge. For example, it is necessary for me to teach
the rules first before allowing my learners to familiarize themselves with it to the point where
they could apply that new knowledge and meet the end goal of incidental learning.
To make it more concrete, in my Grade 10 classes, during face to face before the
pandemic, the curriculum guide indicates that they should learn modals. To teach it I will dive in
teaching rules and giving examples if it is not enough I will even allow them to view it. Then
comes the part of practicing which starts with the easiest i.e. paper pen quizzes or activities.
Another practice is role-play using Modals. The end goal will be met and I will test it through
their essays, which is part of their requirement in my class. If not met they have to present it
through speech either impromptu or extemporaneous.
I find it very complicated but in the end, most of the time, the end goal is always met
and that is to make my learners learn implicitly.

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