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Introduction to HYSYS

Eng. Mohamed Hassan

2/19/2017 Basics of HYSYS 1


2/19/2017 Basics of HYSYS

 HYSYS is powerful software for simulation of
chemical plants and oil refineries. It includes tools
for estimation of physical properties and liquid-
vapor phase equilibrium, heat and material
balances, and simulation of many types of
chemical engineering equipment.
 Although user friendly, considerable effort must be
expended to master it. Following is advice to
assist you on your way.

2/19/2017 Basics of HYSYS

Starting HYSYS
 Start  All programs  Hyprotech
 Hysys 8.6  Hysys

2/19/2017 Basics of HYSYS

New case

2/19/2017 Basics of HYSYS

 The first step in establishing the simulation basis is to set the chemical
components which will be present in your simulation.
 Select the “Components” tab within the basis manger.
 Click the “Add” button to display a new component list
 Select the desired components for your simulation. You can search
through the list of components in one of three ways:
 Sim Name
 Full Name
 Formula
 Select which match term you want of the three above types by selecting the
corresponding button above the list of components. Then type in the
name of the component you are looking for. For example, typing in
“water” for a sim name

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Add new all component involved

2/19/2017 Basics of HYSYS

Continue component selection
 Once you have located the desired component, either
double click on the component or click “<--
Pure” to add it to the list of components for the
 At the bottom of the components page, you can give
your component list a name.
 Once this is complete, simply close the window by
clicking the red X at the upper right hand corner of
the component list view, which will return you to the
simulation basis manager.

2/19/2017 Basics of HYSYS

 Once you have specified the components present in your
simulation, you can now set the fluid package for your
simulation. The fluid package is used to calculate the
fluid/thermodynamic properties of the components and
mixtures in your simulation (such as enthalpy, entropy, density,
vapour--liquid equilibrium etc.). Therefore, it is very important
that you select the correct fluid package since this forms the
basis for the results returned by your simulation.
 From the simulation basis manager, select the “Fluid Pkgs”
 Click the “Add” button to create a new fluid package as shown

2/19/2017 Basics of HYSYS

Selecting fluid package

2/19/2017 Basics of HYSYS

Selecting Fluid Package
 From the list of fluid packages, select the desired
thermodynamic package. The list of available
packages can be narrowed by selecting a filter to the
left of the list (such as EOSs, activity models etc.).
 Once the desired model has been located, select it by
clicking on it once (no need to double click).
 You can give your fluid package a name at the
bottom of the fluid package screen
 Once this is done, close the window by clicking on
the red X on the upper right hand corner of the Fluid
Packages window.

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 You have now completed all necessary input

to begin your simulation. Click on the “Enter
Simulation Environment” button or click on
the icon to begin your simulation
 Once you have specified the components &
fluid package and entered the simulation
environment, you will see the following view:

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Simulation Enviroment

2/19/2017 Basics of HYSYS

 HYSYS, unlike the majority of other simulation
packages,, solves the flowsheet after each
addition/change to the flowsheet
flowsheet.. This feature can be
disabled by clicking the “Solver Holding” button (the
RED light button ) located in the toolbar (see Figure
4). If this button is selected, then HYSYS will NOT
solve the simulation and it will NOT provide any
results. In order to allow HYSYS to return results, the
solver active button (the GREEN light button ) must
be selected.

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Basis manager
 In order to return to the basis manager (previous
section) from the simulation manager, do one of the
 Click on the “Enter Basis Environment” icon Select the
“Simulation” pulldown menu and select “Enter Basis
 Press Crtl+B
 On the right hand side, you will notice a vertical
toolbar (see the figure to the right). This is known as
the “Object Palette”. If for any reason this palette is
NOT visible, got to the “Flowsheet” pull down menu
and select “Palette” or press F4 to display the palette.
It is from this toolbar that you will add streams and
unit operations to your simulation.

2/19/2017 Basics of HYSYS

 There are 2 types of streams within HYSYS: Material
streams and Energy streams. Material streams
provide the information regarding the movement of
material between unit operations. Energy streams
provide the information regarding the flow of energy
(i.e. heat or power) to or from unit operations. The
following discussion will focus on the addition and
manipulation of material streams since the majority of
your work will use material streams. Energy streams
will be discussed further within the context of unit

2/19/2017 Basics of HYSYS

Adding Material Streams

 A material stream can be added to the flowsheet in one of

three ways:
 Click on the blue arrow button on the Object Palette
 Selecting the “Flowsheet” menu and selecting “Add Stream”
 Pressing F11
 Typing the name of a new stream within a unit operation input
 Using any of the above methods will create a new material
stream (a Blue arrow) on the flowsheet. The HYSYS default
names the stream in increasing numerical order (i.e. the first
stream created will be given the name “1”). This name can be
modified at any time.

2/19/2017 Basics of HYSYS

 Unit operations take material streams as inputs and perform processing
operations on them. There are many different operations available in
HYSYS and they can be added to the flowsheet via any of the following
 Click on the corresponding button on the Object Palette shown to the
right (allow your mouse pointer to hover over the object palette to see
which unit operations are which).
 Selecting the “Flowsheet” menu and selecting “Add Operation”
 Pressing F12
 It is suggested that the object palette be used since this method allows the
user to add the operation at any location on the flowsheet rather than
having it plopped down at some random location on the flowsheet.

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Connecting Material Streams to Unit Operations

 Material streams can be connected to the unit operations by

several methods:
 By simply typing or selecting with the dropdown arrow the
name of the stream within the “Connections” portion of the
unit operations input screen. NOTE: New streams can also
be created here.
 By selecting the Attach icon in the PFD toolbar. Then click
on the stream to be connected and drag over to the unit
operation to be connected to.
 The simplest of the above methods is to specify within the
unit operation input screens which streams are connected to
the unit rather than dragging.

2/19/2017 Basics of HYSYS


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