1-Thermodynamics and Properties Estimation Using Hysys

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Thermodynamics and properties

estimation using Hysys

Exercise 1

2/19/2017 Basics of HYSYS 1

Exercise 1
Find the property of pure methane
1. Molecular weight
2. Normal boiling point
3. Ideal liquid density at 15 oC & 1 atm
4. Critical properties
5. A centric factor
6. Dipole moment
7. Heat of formation
8. Heat of combustion
2/19/2017 Basics of HYSYS 2
• Click on HYSYS icon  File  New 
Case  Add  type Methane  press
enter View component Critical.

2/19/2017 Basics of HYSYS 3

Properties of pure methane

2/19/2017 Basics of HYSYS 4

1. Molecular weight= 16.04
2. Normal boiling point = -161.52 oC
3. Ideal liquid density at 15oC & 1 atm =
299.39 kg/m3
4. Critical properties
1. Tc = -82.45 oC
2. Pc = 4640.68 kPa
3. Vc = 0.09900 m3/kgmole
5. A centric factor = 0.01150
2/19/2017 Basics of HYSYS 5
Click on Point tab

2/19/2017 Basics of HYSYS 6

6. Dipole moment = 0
7. Heat of formation = -7.49 x 104 kJ/ kmol
8. Heat of combustion = -8.027 x 105 kJ/ kmol

2/19/2017 Basics of HYSYS 7

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