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Working Environment at the Production Division in

Beans Group Foods Science and Technology CO.LTD.



Compiled by :

Muhammad Caesar Febriansyah


Report Number : 2080011





Working Environment At The Production Division in Beans Group
Foods Science and Technology Taiwan


In partial requirements for completing the Internship program

International Business Management Studies

Bachelor Degree/S1

Compiled by :

Muhammad Caesar Febriansyah


Start date of internship : February 18th 2020

Finish date of internship : May 18th 2020









This is to certify that the internship report

Submitted by :

Muhammad Caesar Febriansyah



Working Environment At The Production Division in Beans Group Foods

Science and Technology CO.LTD. Taiwan

Has been prepared as approval by this campus.

This internship assignment report is forwarded for examination.

Jakarta, 27 April 2020

Internship Supervisor

Dra.Zulvia Khalid,MM,MPd




This is to certify that the internship report :

Submitted by :

Muhammad Caesar Febriansyah



Working Environment at the Production Division in Beans Group Foods

Science and Technology CO.LTD. Taiwan

Has been approved by the board of Coordinator IBMS class and head of Management
study program in Jakarta on 2020.

Jakarta, 2020

Approved by,

Coordinator of IBMS Class Internship Supervisor

Dra.Ririt Roeswidiah,M.Kom Dra.Zulvia Khalid,MM,MPd

Head of Management Study Program

Dr. Dewi Murtiningsih, S.K.H., M.M


In writing this report which is entitled “Working Environment at the Production

Division In Beans House Food Science and Technology Taiwan”, First and most,
the writers would like to express gratitude to the Almighty Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta’ala for giving the knowledge and abilities because of his praise and blessing so
that the writers can finish their report which is requested to completed their 6 th
semester in International of Business Management Study of Economic Faculty in
University of Budi Luhur.

First of all, we want to thank to Budi Luhur University for having this program
and giving their student a big chance to go abroad to have their international
experience. We would also like to thank our family for allowing us to join this big
opportunity. And special thank to our Internship Supervisor, Ms Zulvia Khalid
MM.Mpd. For guiding the writers to finished the report. Big thanks as well for
Beans Group Foods Science and Technology CO.LTD. for giving the writers a big
chance in having the internship in their company. The writers are very proud of
this opportunity because the writers can gain international experiences.

In writing and arranging this report, the writers really face a lots of challenges and
obstructions, but with the help of many people, especially the writers friends and
supervisor, the writers can passed all the obstructions and finished the report.

The writers hope that this report can help the readers to know more about the
environment of working in Taiwan.


The purpose study is to find out about the Working Environment in the
production division at Beans Group Foods Science and Technology Company. By
doing an observation, the writers can know how is the Working Environment and
Working Behaviour Taiwanese people.

The main purpose of this internship program is to relate about the

theoretical studies that the writers already studied in campus and exposures it to
the working life. During the Internship there, the writers were placed as an
employee of Production Division, so the writers could get information that are
needed for this report.

Key Words : Working Environment, Working Behaviour


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .....................................................................................iv
ABSTRACT ...........................................................................................................v
TABLE OF FIGURE ....................................................................................................viii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ……………………………..………………….1

1.1 Background of the Study …………………………………………………….1
1.2 Scope of the Study …………………………………………………………...4
1.3 Report Objective……………………………………………….......................4
1.4 Significant of Study ……………………………………………………….....4
1.5 Data Collection Method ……………………………………………………...5
1.6 Organization of the Study ……………………………………………………5

CHAPTER II Literature Review ………………………..……………………….6

2.1 Working Environment ……………………………………………………….6
2.2 Working Behaviour ………………………………………………………….7
2.2.1 Indicators of Working Behaviour..................................................................7
2.3 Employee Performance ……………………………………………………....9
2.4 Physical Work Environment.............................................................................9
2.5 Behavioural Environment ………………………...........................................10
2.6 Production…………………………………………………………………....11

CHAPTER III Company Profile……………………………………………...….12

3.1 Beans House Food Technology Overview.......................................................12
3.2 Beans House Food Technology Management Employee’s Work
3.3 Beans House Food Technology Management Employee’s Work
3.4 Beans House Foods Sciences and Technology’ Vision and Mission..............21

4.1 Conclusion …………………………………………………………………...22
4.2 Recommendation …………………………………………………………….23
4.2.1 Recommendation for the Internship Company.............................................24
4.2.2 Recommendation for the Internship University............................................25


Figure 3.1 Bean Group Logo………………………………………12

Figure 3.2 The factory complex production building…………….14

Figure 3.3 Uniform Inside The Factory…………………………...15

Figure 3.4 Uniform Outside The Factory…………………………16

Figure 3.5 Taiwanese Pientang…………………………………….17

Figure 3.6 The Dining Room in The Factory……………………..18

Figure 3.7 The Dining Room in The Factory……………………..18

Figure 3.8 Peeling guavas from it’s rind…………………………..19

Figure 3.9 Washing sakura flowers………………………………..19

Figure 3.10 Washing sakura flowers……………………………....20




1.1 Background of the study

Taiwan, also known as the Republic of China (ROC), is located in East

Asia, bordering the People's Republic of China (PRC), Japan and the Philippines.
Taiwan has a good geographical position as a place of international trade and
transportation because it is located in the middle of the vertical axis of countries
such as Japan, Korea and Australia, and is located in the middle of the horizontal
axis of Western Europe, Asia, and North American routes. Because of this,
Taiwan can become one of the countries with the largest population and economy
even though it is not registered in the UN.

Taiwan is a country with many thriving Industrial Businesses, such as

Food Production, Logistics and Travel Businesses. These company, which is
engaged in the Food Industry, can help raise the country's revenue as the author
said above, Taiwan is located in a favorable geographical position for
International Transportation and Trade. In this way, it will create a mutually
beneficial situation where Taiwan needs employees from outside Taiwan to work
in its companies, and people from outside Taiwan can get job here.

In general, industry is a business or activity in processing raw materials or

semi-finished goods into finished goods, which have added value for profit. The
business of assembling as well as repair is part of the industry. Industrial products
are not only in the form of goods, but also in the form of services. While the Food
Industry, or Food Production in particular, is an effort to process raw materials
into finished goods in the form of food. The main activity in the Food Production
process is the processing of raw materials, packing and packaging. Nowadays
people have started to care about cleanliness and nutritional value in every food
they consume every day, not apart from snacks. Therefore, the food industry today
must continue to oversee every process of their production as well as possible.

One of the food industry company in Taiwan is BEANS GROUP FOODS



the company where the writers were doing their internship. The company, which
was founded in 1972, is focused on Exporting, Manufacturing, ODM, OEM. The
main products produced by this company include Trail Mix, Crisps, Dried Fruits,
Healthy Nuts, Wasabi Beans, Bamboo Charcoal Pumpkin Crackers, Herbal
Candy, Kumquat Candy, Red Date Candy, Incredible Peas. Some of the
company's main export targets are Australia, Canada, China, Hong Kong, Japan,
South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore and the United States.

Work Environment is the situation around employees when they do their

work which this situation has an influence on employee performance results in
carrying out company operations. According to Schultz & Schultz (2006), The
Work Environment is a condition related to the characteristics of the place to do
work on the behavior and attitudes given by workers where it relates to the
process of occurring various psychological changes caused by things that are
experienced in the work or under certain conditions which needs more attention
by organizations that can provide boredom at work, work that is always
monotonous and work fatigue. Working Environment can give some depressing
messages about how much the organizations value employees and the standards it
expects from them (Armstrong & Murlis, 2007).

Work Behaviour is a combination of qualities in an organization and its

employees that arise from what is generally regarded as appropriate ways to think
and act. The "work behaviour" of an organization is a product of its history,
traditions, values, and vision. Work behaviour plays an important role in
extracting the best out of employees and making them stick to the organization for
a longer duration. The organization must offer a positive ambience to the
employees for them to concentrate on their work rather than interfering in each
other’s work. According to Theedens, 1996, p.16, Work behaviour is the response

or reaction of individuals who arise either in the form of deeds or attitudes as well
as a person's assumption of his work, working conditions experienced in the work
environment as well as the treatment of leaders towards people with this type.

Work Environment and Work Behaviour is an important thing at work.

Work Environment and Work Behaviour can bring positive things, if employees
are happy with the Work Environment and Work behaviour at work, then they can
produce maximum performance results for the company. In other thing, a good
Working Environment and Work behaviour can reduce the number of employee
turnover in the company. In several studies have found that a poor work
environment and Work Behaviour can bring long-term negative results to the
company and especially employees, in the form of stress, depression and anxiety.
Because of this the writers is interested in writing a report on the work
environment and work Behaviour where the writers has an internship.

1.2 The Scope Of Study

There are several departments in the Beans House Food Technology

Company. Every department will have different Working environment and
Working behaviour. In this report, the writers only discuss in two division. Which
are ; Packing division and raw material production.

1.3 The Report Objective

The purpose of this study is provides the information on how the Working
environment and Working behaviour in the writers department. The objectives
the study will be classified under the following :

1. To find out the working environment in the packing division and raw
material production division.
2. To know the working behaviour of the people in the company.

1.4 Significant Of Study

This study is dedicated to give benefit to :

A. The Writers
This report is aimed to successfully pass 6 th semester by doing an
internship program as well as to write the Internship report which must be
submitted in the end of 6th semester. On the other hand, the writers could
compare the theories which have been learned in University to partical that
leading the writers to experience it which has been observed during the
internship program.

B. The student in Indonesia

This report is aimed to provide better understanding to the student
in Indonesia about how is the working in Food Industry,Taiwan.

C. For the company


To improve company performance during the International relation


1.5 Data Collection Method

The data in this report was collected by several methods. Those methods are :

A. Observation
During the Internship program. The writers observed the acivities
related to work environment in the department.
B. Interview
Structural interviews were conducted with some employees.

1.6 Organization Of Study

This study will be presented and organized into four chapters. The chapter
briefs of the report are described below :

Chapter I : Include background of the study, the scope of the study, the
purpose and significance of the study, data collection method, and
organization of the study.
Chapter II : Review of related literature which includes the working
environment, Production.
Chapter III : Includes an overview of Beans house food technology company.

Chapter IV : Provide conclusion and recommendation.




2.1 Working Environment

Kohun (1992), defines Working environment as an entirely which

comprises the totality of forces, actions and other influential factors that are
currently and, or potentially contending with the employee's activities and
performance. Working environment is the sum of the interrelationship that exists
within the employees and the environment in which the employees work.

Brenner (2004) was of the opinion that "the ability to share knowledge
throughout organizations depends on how the work environment is designed to
enable organizations to utlize work environment as if it were an asset. This helps
organizations to improve effectiveness and allow employees to benefit from
collective knowledge". In addition, he argued that working environment designed
to suit employee's satisfaction and free flow of exchange of ideas is a better
medium of motivating employees towards higher productivity.

Opperman (2002) defnes working environment is a composite of three

major subenvironments: the technical environment, the human environment and
the organizational environment. Technical environment refers to tools, equipment,
technological infrastructure and other physical or technical elements. The
technical environment creates elements that enable employees perform their
respective responsibilities and activities. The human environment refers to peers,
others with whom employees relates, team and work groups, interactional issues,
the leadership and management. This environment is designed in such a way that
encourages informal interaction in the work place so that the opportunity to share
knowledge and exchange ideas could be enhanced. This is a basis to attain
maximum productivity. Organizational environment Include systems, procedures,
practices, walues and philosophies, Management has control over organizational
environment, Measurement system where people are rewarded on quantty, hence
workers will have littie interest in helping those workers who are trying to

improve quality. Thus, issues of organizational environment influence employee's


2.2 Working Behaviour

Work behaviour is the response or reaction of individuals who

arise either in the form of deeds or attitudes as well as a person's assumption of his
work, working conditions experienced in the work environment as well as the
treatment of leaders towards people with this type. (Theedens, 1996, p.16)

The definition of work behaviour according to Robbins (2002,

pp.35-39) is how people in the work environment can actualize themselves
through attitudes at work. Where Robbins's opinion emphasizes the attitude taken
by workers to determine what people with this type will do in the workplace
environment of people with this type.

2.2.1 Indicator of Working Behaviour

In doing a writing it will be easier if there are indicators or gauges

that aim to simplify and clarify a writing. According to the Oxford dictionary
(2000. p. 690), an indicator is a hint or sign which shows how a condition or
condition changes. WHO also believes that the Indicator is a variable that helps in
measuring changes that occur both directly and indirectly (WHO, 1981).

There are four indicators that can be used to determine work behaviour
according to Griffiths (2004, pp. 41-42), namely:

1.Social Relationship

A worker must have good social relations with other workers, where each
worker must supervise colleagues to act in the right direction and warn if there are
any mistakes.

2.Vocational Skill

Skills that someone has in accordance with their work, for example
someone with cooking skills is suitable to become a Chef.

3.Work Motivation

Willingness to work to achieve certain goals such as physiological needs,

security, love, self-esteem, and self-actualization.

4.Initiative – Confidence

Good work behaviour must have full confidence and take the initiative that
all work can be carried out according to the existing job description.

In addition to the indicators above, there are four indicators that

serve as benchmarks for work behavior according to Bryson (2003, p. 41),

1.Cooperative Social Skills

According to Oxford (2000, p.270) cooperativeness is involving doing

something together or working together with others towards a shared aim.

2.Work Quality

Workers must demonstrate good quality work in order to be recognized

and respected by their employers or colleagues.

3.Work Habits

Work habits are associated with positive and negative behaviour at work.

4.Personal Presentation

A person's ability to control themselves and show professional character at

work or in other words the ability in someone to control their emotions at work.

2.3 Employee Performance

Sinha (2001) stated that employees' performance is depending on the

willingness and also the openness of the employees itself on doing their Job, He
also stated that to have this willingness and openness of the employees in doing
their Job, it could increase the employees' productivity which also leads to the

Stup (2003) also explained that to have a standard performance, employers

have to get the employees task to be done on track as to achleve the organization
goal or target. By having the work or job done on track, employers could be able
to monitor their employees and help them to Improve their performance.
Furthermore, a reward system should be implemented based on the performance
of the employees. This is to motivate the employees in order to perform more on
their task. There are several factors that being descnbed by Stup (2003) towards
the success of the employees' performance. The factors are such as physical work
environment, equipment, meaningful work, performance expectation, feedback on
performance, reward for good or bad system, standard operating procedures,
knowledge, skills and attitudes.

Franco et al (2002) defined performance that relles on internal motivation

but presence of internal factors such as necessary skills, Intellectual capacity and
resources to do the job early have an impact. As a consequence employers are
supposed to provide appropriate working conditions in order to make sure the
performance of employees meet the required standards

2.4 Physical Work Environment

The physical environment in the workplace has been descnibed as all

material objects and stimull hat employees interact with in their working lives
(Elsbach & Pratt, 2007). Material objects can be observed at both the macro (e.g,
bulding;) and micro levels leg. furnishings and office arrangements) Stimuli

include the conditions under which employees work such as the lighting and

Salient factors within the physical work environment that may impact on
employees can be divided into several broad areas: ambient properties, spatial
arrangements and architectural design. Ambient properties refer to factors such as
noise, temperature, air quality, and vibration; spatial arrangements refer to factors
such as office layout, level of enclosure and proximity to office (Evans, Johansson
& Carrere, 1994 in McCoy, 2002).

Architectural design refers to elements such as lighting or the presence of

windows(Evans, Johansson & Carrere, 1994 in McCoy, 2002).

The physical work environment may be influenced by a wide variety of

elements or sources of material objects and stimuli. In the workplace ambient
properties such as noise can arise from sources such as telephones, employee
conversations or noises generated by industrial equipment (e.g. construction sites,
factories) (Raffaello & Maass,2002), Concerns with temperature may arise in
office environments but also exist for workers employed in outdoor working
environments who are exposed to extreme weather conditions (e.g, fishing or
resources industry). Indoor air quality is a complex issue where problems may
arise from pollutants or odors (biologica, chemical or particle) or defects in
building ventilation systems.

2.5 Behavioural Environment

In addition to the physical environment, organizations also need to pay

attention to nonphysical environmental conditions namely behavioural
environment. The behavioural environment loads are demands imposed upon the
worker due to work situations and conditions that require interaction with others
in the organization for example social conflict with the supervisor or coworkers

and the organizational loads are demands in the work environment defined by
how work is organized and structured for example working night shift or long
hours, (Ash et al, 2000).

2.6 Production

Since the primary purpose of economic activity is to produce utility for

individuals, we count as production during a time period all activity which either
creates utility during the period or which increases ability of the society to create
utility in the future. Production is all activities in creating and adding utility
(goods) of goods or services, for activities where the factors of production are
needed in economics in the organization, managerial, and skills. (Sofyan Assauri,



3.1 Beans House Food Technology Overview

Figure 3.1 Beans Group Logo

The Beans House Food Technology has been in the food business since
1972. It is about 48 years old. Beans company which located in Nankan district,
city of Taoyuan. Beans company is one of the business that owned by Beans
House Foods Science And Technology CO., LTD. The state of the art facilities
and high quality material choices makes Beans House Food Technology one of
the top food production in Taiwan. There is about 105 employees working in
Beans House Food Technology Company.Below is the picture of Beans Group
Foods Science and Technology Co Ltd owner, Mr. Hung Ying Yang.

There are 2 sectors of businesses that owned by Beans House Foods Sciences and
Technology which are:

1) Production

In this sector, Beans House Food does the processing of raw goods which
will be the main product of them, which is candied fruit. This processing is
carried out in a processing factory located on the first floor of the Beans
House Food production building. There are several stages in the process of
processing raw goods into candied fruit, which are:
1. Raw goods which are fruits are peeled from its wrapper. In this
stage there is also a selection process for viable fruits and rotten or
bitten fruit from animals. Fruits which become raw materials are
guava, strawberry, papaya and mango.
2. In the next stage, fruits that have been peeled from the wrapper and
have passed the selection will be washed in a special washing
machine. After that, the skin of the fruit will be peeled off and the
seeds of the fruit will be separated from the flesh, because only the
flesh can be used to make candied fruit.
3. The fruits that have been peeled and have the seeds separated from
the flesh will be soaked overnight in a special large barrel filled
with hot molten sugar.
4. After soaking the fruit overnight in a special large barrel, the fruit
is taken and arranged in a rack that will be heated in an oven
located on the first floor and on the 5th floor of the Beans House
Food production building. The heating process lasts about a full
day, if the fruit is put into the oven on Monday the harvest will be
done on Wednesday.
5. Dried fruit that is ready for harvest will be continued to the packing
process which is carried out on the first and third floors of the
Beans House Food production building.

2) Packaging
Dried fruit that has been harvested will go directly through the packaging
process, this process is carried out on the 3rd floor of the production
building. Dried fruit that has been collected in one large cardboard is

brought to the 3rd floor, and there the fruit preserves will be separated into
smaller boxes and will be immediately wrapped for preparation to be sent
to the markets.

3.2 Beans House Food Technology Management Employee’s Work


a) Factory Environment
The production building of Beans House Food Technology is in the
factory complex in the Taoyuan area. Consists of 5 floors that have
different functions on each floor. The first floor is a place for heating
ovens and candied fruit production, such as guava, papaya, strawberries,
and cherry blossoms. The second floor is an administrative place for office
employees. Floor 3 becomes a place for heating ovens if the amount of
production exceeds the capacity for ovens on the 1st floor. Floors 4 and 5
are places for packing and packaging before the goods are sent to the

Figure 3.2 The factory complex where the Bean production building is

b) Wearing a uniform is a must

What the writers have observe in the place the writers doing the
internship, the writers found that in this company it have to use uniform .
And are required to use aprons, gloves, masks, and boots so that safety and
hygiene are maintained

Figure 3.3Uniform Inside The Factory

The uniforms for inside the factory, we have to wear gloves, hair cover, hat, mask,
and boots. Before entering the factory, employees are required to wash their hands
and enter the sterile room.

Figure 3.4 Uniform Outside The Factory

Uniforms for outside the factory, only wear white T-shirts that have been provided
by the company. When outside the factory, employees are not required to wear

c) Break time
As we know the Taiwanese people is very punctual, the company
gives a break for drinking every 2 hours for 10 minutes so as not to get
dehydrated, and given a longer break time at 12 and 5 for 30 minutes to
When the break time 10 minutes to drink, the employees take turns
to leave the factory in groups. The employee who has finished drinking,
Immadiately continues their work.
And when the break time for lunch, all employees leave the factory
simultaneously and head to the dining room for employees. Taiwanese
people usually have lunch together with other employees from various
countries who work at the company. Namely Vietnam, Malaysia and of
course Indonesia. After eating, employees usually continue chatting,

playing mobile phones, and there are also employees who prefer to take a
nap to recover their energy when they continue their work later.

Figure 3.5 Taiwanese Pientang

Taiwanese Pientang is a typical Taiwan rice box that contains

some vegetables, and some side dishes. Pientang usually contains pork.
but the company provides halal food Pientang where the meat is replaced
with chicken or fish meat. as a form of tolerance for Muslim employees
who work in their companies

Figure 3.6 The Dining Room in The Factory

Figure 3.7 The Dining Room in The Factory


Figure 3.8 Peeling guavas from it’s rind

Figure 3.9 Washing sakura flowers


Figure 3.10 Washing sakura flowers

3.3 Beans House Food Technology Management Employee’s Work


a) Appreciate the time

In the world of work, time is very important, and Taiwanese are very
familiar with this. They always make sure to arrive on time to the office
and always finish the work in accordance with the time given. Taiwanese
believe that by always keeping time, they will have comfort during work
and will be free from stress. It also shows that Taiwanese people are very
professional and have full commitment to work.

b) Accepting critics
Taiwan people always open their minds about criticism, whether that is
positive or negative. Whatever colleagues or seniors say, they always
accept for the good of their future performance. They believe that
accepting any criticism is one way to make office performance even better.

c) Respecting co-workers
As a qualified employee and has a good attitude, Taiwanese people not
only show respect to their superiors and seniors, but also to colleagues,
juniors, and clients. As such, they have shown a professional attitude as an

d) Commited to work
A company can run well one of them because its human resources
component has a good attitude as an employee. Taiwanese people always
show commitment to work so that profits are no longer felt by individuals
but by companies.

e) Polite
Being polite is very important to implement a good attitude in the world of
work. Not just polite to superiors or clients but also fellow workers both
senior and junior. When communicating with customers, for example, no
matter how many problems occur, Taiwanese people always maintain their
tone of speech and always maintain good manners.

d) Prefer to work longer hours

Taiwanese people prefer to work in longer hour. As the normal
working hours in this department is 40 hours a week, but many of the
writers teammates will take over time till 70 hours a week. Especially
when production is high, there will be a number of employees who
continue to work to complete the production process

3.4 Beans House Foods Sciences and Technology’ Vision and Mission
Many foods today still contain additives, for example, food
colouring, or artificial flavoring.These additives may remain in our bodies
long after eating the food and they may eventually cause damage to our
bodies. The same goes for the environment - many growers use pesticides
and other chemicals on their crops. Many of these, used to grow foods,
may damage the environment. In the past, consumers had no choice but to
accept this.
Mr Hung, Ying Yao, decided to devote his life to researching and
manufacturing harmless, healthy and delicious snacks. These products are
not for profit but to give consumers a healthier choice than other products
currently on the market. Using only selected natural fruits and nuts and a
special technique to preserve their original taste and nutritional value, our
goals is to offer consumers natural, healthy and delicious products.

beans house food is committed to "product quality and consumer

healthier", so the company always prioritizes environmental cleanliness,
food quality, and the health of its employees.



4.1 Conclusion

After the writers underwent an internship at Beans House Food

Technology in Taiwan for about 3 months, the writers gained invaluable
experience about the work environment in foreign companies and the experience
of living independently in a foreign country. Beans Food Technology has
provided an opportunity for writers to learn about activities in the Food Industry.
At Beans, writers learn new skills that can be used at work, how to adapt to
working with new people and writers can also learn new cultures from Taiwan.
The authors also see that there are many differences between Taiwanese and
Indonesians in terms of work, for example:

1) Indonesians always underestimate everything and procrastinate on the

work given, but Taiwanese are always quick at doing things and they think
that the sooner something is done the better it will be. For example, the
punctuality to come to work, the deadline needed to submit assignments,
the duration of break time and many others.
2) Indonesians mostly prefer to take a longer break time instead of working
time, on the other hand, Taiwanese prefer to take a longer working time
and taking a break only when they have to eat for lunch and going to the

This internship also gives some big chances for the writers to know about
the many knowledge inside the Food Industry that the writers don’t get in the
University. The writers managers here have teach the writers many new
knowledge that the writers can’t have in a regular college session or in books.
With this internship program, the writers can learn more about cultures of Taiwan
as well, which the writers find very interesting.

In conclusion, this internship program have teach the writers some very
valuable lessons and skills, whether it’s in the writers daily life or in workplace,
some new cultures of Taiwan and some new experience about working
environment with foreign people.

4.2 Recommendation

4.2.1 Recommendation for the Internship Company

Beans House Foods Technology is a agricultural and food supplier in

Taiwan offering high quality. They provide various kinds of snacks for sale at
supermarkets and also produce snacks for Eva Air planes. Based on the writers
experience as the staff in the production division, there are some
recommendations that the writers want to offer:

1. The company provides job training in advance for internship students,

so that students can get more leverage in carrying out their work.

2. The company need to differentiate working hours between internship

students and employees. Because students need time to complete an internship

3. The companies need to place student interns to work in accordance with

their college majors, so that students have internship experience that is appropriate
to their college majors. And that will be an added value when students apply for

4. The company need to provide some English course for some people
every department, because as an International company, many people will come
and work in the company. As English is the national language the writers
recommend the company provide some English course for some people in every
department to mae people from another country can easily communicate with
them at the first time they arrived the company.

4.2.2 Recommendation for the Internship University

The following recommendations can be useful for Budi Luhur University

to improve the quality of student activities in the Internship process :

1. The University have to provide clear information for the next internship
2. The University needs to provide clear guidance for writing
apprentienceship reports, so that there are clear rules for all students.
3. The University need to always know the condition of the internship
student and communicate with the mediator for asking if there is any
problem with the student while joining the internship program

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Hidayah (2018), Working Environment At The Office Of Export Division In

Farglory Logistics Taiwan.





Name of Internship Company Beans Group Foods Science And Technology CO.,
Internship Addres No.31, 226 Alley, Sec. 2 Nan Kan Road, Lu Zhu
Hsiang, Taoyuan Hsien, Taiwan R.O.C. 
Supervisor Dra. Zulvia Khalid, M.M.,M,Pd

1 1731501811 Muhammad Caesar Febriansyah

No Date Material Sign


Jakarta, August 2020

Acknowledged by Internship Supervisor

Dra. Zulvia Khalid, M.M.,M,Pd

NIDN. 0325066804

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