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TIME: 1 HR 30 MIN (09:00 AM TO 10:30 PM) MAX MARKS: 35
General Instructions:

Read the following instructions carefully.

a) There are 16 questions in this question paper. All questions are compulsory.
b) Section A: Q. No. 1 to 8 are objective type questions. Q. No. 1 is case-based question carrying 5 marks each
4 questions to answer while Q. Nos. 2 to 8 carry 1 mark each.
c) Section B: Q. Ns. 9 to 13 are short answer questions and carry 2 marks each.
d) Section C: Q. No. 14 to 16 are short answer questions and carry 3 marks each.
e) Section D: Q. No. 17 is long answer questions carrying 5 marks each.
f) There is no overall choice. However, internal choices have been provided.

1. In the ionic bond, a cation tends to polarize the electron cloud of the anion by pulling electron density
towards itself. This causes development of covalent character in ionic bond because the electron density
gets localized in between the nuclei. The tendency of cation to bring about the polarization of anion is
expressed as its polarization is called its polarizability. The polarizing power of cation and polarizability
of anion are decided on the basis of Fajan rules as given below: The smaller the cation, the higher is its
 
polarizing power. Cations with pseudo noble gas configuration ns 2 np 6 nd 10 having relatively high

 
polarizing power than those with noble gas configuration ns 2 np 6 .The larger the size of the anion, the
higher is its polarizability.
i) Among the following LiCl , BeCl2 , BCl3 , CCl4 which will have the lowest melting point and the
highest solubility in water respectively.
1) CCl4 , LiCl 2) LiCl , CCl4 3) BeCl2 , CCl4 4) BCl3 , BeCl2

ii) The correct order of polarizability is I  , Br  , Cl  , F 

1) I   Br   Cl   F  2) I   Br   Cl   F 
3) I   Br   Cl   F  4) I   Br   Cl   F 

iii) The ionic conductance of which of the following is the highest?

1) Li   aq  2) Na   aq  3) K   aq  4) Cs   aq 
iv) Most ionic bond present in
1) LiH 2) HF 3) CsH 4) HI

v) Which of the following conducts electricity?

1) Crystalline NaCl 2) Fused NaCl 3) Molten Sulphur 4) Diamond

In some compounds, the number of electrons surrounding the central atom is less than eight. (Incomplete
octet of the central atom). In some compounds, the number of electrons surrounding the central atom is
more than eight (expanded octet (or) super octet of central atom). In molecules with an odd number of
electrons like NO and NO2, the octet rule is not satisfied for all the atoms.
i) Expanded octet can be observed in the valiancy of the central atom in
1) NH 3 2) CH 4 3) PCl5 4) BeCl2

ii) Among the following electron deficient compound is

1) CCl4 2) PCl5 3) SiF4 4) BCl3

iii)odd electron bond is present in

1) NO 2) NO2 3) ClO2 4) All

iv) Example of super octet molecule is____

1) ClF3 2) PCl5 3) IF7 4) All

v) Which of the following contains unpaired electron?

1) NO2 2) CO2 3) NO2 4) CN 

2. What is the value of one mole of Avogadro number?

1) 6.022 1023 entities 2) 6.022 1022 entities
3) 6.022 1021 entities 4) 60.023 1023 entities


At NTP what will be the volume of molecules of 6.022 1023 H 2 ?

1) 11.2 Lit 2) 5.6 Lit 3) 22.4 Lit 4) 44.8 Lit

3. 1 L of a gas at STP weight 1.97 g what is the molecular mass?

1) 4.41 g 2) 441.1 g 3) 44.1 g 4) 4411 g

The mass of 112 cm of methaneat STP?
1) 0.16 g 2) 0.08 g 3) 0.8 g 4) 16 g

4. A compound has 20% of nitrogen by weight if one molecule of compound contains two nitrogen atom
the molecular weight of the compound is
1) 35 2) 70 3) 140 4) 280

Most covalent halide of aluminum is
1) AlCl3 2) AlI 3 3) AlBr3 4) AlF3

5. What type of bond formed when atoms have high difference of Electronegativity?
1) Covalent bond 2) Co-ordinate bond 3) Ionic bond 4) Metallic bond
6. X & Y are two different elements having their atomic masses in 1:2 ratio the compound formed by the
combination of X and Y contains 50% of X by weight. The empirical formula of the compound
1) X 2Y 2) XY2 3) XY 4) X 4Y

7. 0.9 g of Al react with di HCl to give H 2 . The volume of H 2 evolved at STP is atomic weight of Al  27.
1) 1.12 lit 2) 2.24 lit 3) 3.33 lit 4) 4.44 lit

8. One mole of CO2 contains

1) 3g atoms of oxygen 2) 3 1022 CO2 molecules
3) 6 1023 O atom 4) 6 1023 Catons

9. Calculate the molar mass of the following
i) H 2O ii) CO2


Determine the empirical formula of an oxide of Iron. Which has 69.9% Iron and 30.1 % dioxygen by
10. Calculate atomic mass (average) of chlorine using the following data
% Natural abundance Molar mass
Cl 75.77 34.9689
Cl 24.23 36.979

11. Calculate number of atoms in each of the following

i) 52 moles of Ar ii) 52 g of He

Write Lewis symbol of S and S 2

12. i) Define molarity?

ii) Define molality?

13. Draw the Lewis dot structure for following molecules and ions
i) H 2 S ii) NF3
14. Define octet rule? Write its limitation?


What is ionic bond give one example? Write the favourable factors for the formation ionic bond.

15. A compound contains 4.07% hydrogen 24.27% carbon and 71.65% chlorine. It is molar mass is 98.96g
what are it’s empirical and molecular formula.

16. Calculate the mass percent of different elements present in sodium sulphate  Na2 SO4 
17. a) Calculate the amount of carbon dioxide that could be produced when
i) 1 mole of carbon is burnt in air (1M)
ii) 1 mole of carbon is burnt in 16g of dioxygen. (1M)
iii) 2 moles of carbon are burnt in 16g of dioxygen (1M)
b) i) Define empirical formula (1M)
ii) Define molecular formula (1M)


Draw the Lewis structures for the following molecules and ions
i) O3 ii) H 2 SO4 iii) BeF2 iv) CO32  v) NH 3

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