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Name the Periods of Prehistory in order

Paleolitic Neolitic Metal ages

1. Name the periods o history in order

Anciant time Midle age Contemporary time

1. Which fact indicates the end of Pre-History?

A. The Discovery of America

B. The invention of writing
C. The discovery of fire

1. The Middle Ages started.....

A. With the fall of Roman Empire

B. With Isabel I de Castilla
C. With the invasion of Muslims

1. The Roman Empire disappeared due to...

A. The muslim invasion

B. The germanic invasions
C. The catholic kings.

1. The first Germanic civilisations which arrived to the Iberian peninsula trying to conquer the
Romas were...

A) suebi, vandals, alani

B) cantabros and vascones
C) the muslims

1. Visigoths came to the Iberian Peninsula to....

A. Help suebi, vamdals and alans

B. Help the muslims
C. Help the romans

1. Visigoths established their capital city in...

A. Córdoba
B. Toledo
C. Madrid

1. Who was the first Visigothic king?

A. Leovigildo
B. Fernando II de Aragón
C. Don Rodrigo

1. Who was the last visigothic king?

A. Leovigildo
B. Fernando II de Aragón
C. Don Rodrigo

1. When did the Muslims defeated the Visigoths?

A. In 476 aC
B. In 711 aC
C. In 1492 aC

1. Who defeated the Visigoths?

A. The muslims
B. The Romans
C. Don Rodrigo

1. Where did the muslims found their capital city?

A. In Sevilla
B. In Toledo
C. In Cordoba

1. How did Muslims call the territory?

A. Hispania
B. Andalucía
C. Al-Andalus

1. Al-Andalus had the following periods in order:

A. 1 Emirate 2 Granada’s kingdom 3 Taifas kingdoms 4 Caliphate

B. 1 Caliphate 2 Granada’s kingdom 3 Taifas kingdoms 4 Emirate
C. 1 Emirate 2 Caliphate 3 Taifas kingdoms 4 Granada’s kingdom

1. Who defeated the Muslims?

A. The Christians
B. Suebi, Vandals and Alans
C. The Visigoths

1. The Christians defeated the Muslims in a process called...

A. Batalla de Guadalete
B. Reconquista
C. Reinos de Taifas

1. Modern ages started with two main facts...

A. The conquest of Granada and the Discovery of America

B. The Muslim invasion
C. The Visigoths

1. The Catholic Kings were

A. Leovigildo and Don Rodrigo
B. Isabel I de Castilla and Fernando II de Aragón
C. Isabel II de Aragón and Fernando I de Castilla.

1. America was discovered in...

A. 1249
B. 1942
C. 1492

1. The person who discovered America was...

A. Isabel I de Castilla
B. Fernando II de Aragón
C. Cristobal Colón (Christopher Columbus)

1. Columbus ships were...

A. Pinta, Niña and Santa Lucía

B. Pinta, Miña and Santa María
C. Pinta, Niña and Santa María

1. Which centuries did the Modern Age last?

A. XIV and XV

1. Comple the table

Carlos III Isabel I Felipe IV Carlos I Fernando II

Felipe II Felipe III Felipe V Carlos II

Catholic monarchs Habsburgs Bourbons

Carlos I
Isabel l felipe II
felipe III
Fernando II felipe IIII
carlos II

1. Which Habsburg king was also Holy Roman Emperor?

Carlos I

1. Which Habsburg king commissioned the construction of “El Monasterio del Escorial”?

Felipe II
1. Who was the last of the Spanish Habsburgs?

Carlos II

1. Name five important buildings that Carlos III ordered to build.

Retiro/El Museo Del Prado/Puerta De Alcala/El Jardin Votanico/Real Academia De La Lengua Española

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