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Assessment sheet for VC Power Point Presentations Teacher: Ines Du Chesne

Class/ Course: Group members: (Family name, first name) Date:

1. ______________________________________ (Coordinator)
2. ______________________________________
3. ______________________________________
4. ______________________________________
5. ______________________________________

TOPIC: ____________________________________________________________________________

# Assessment Criteria Group Individual grades, Comments

grade bonus points
1. Language
 grammar
 spelling
 pronunciation
 voice
2. Structure
 introduction
 main part
 conclusion
 logical, visually and audibly
comprehensible, easy to
follow, named sources
3. Content
 informative
 interesting
 topical
 comprehensive
4. Form
 text
 handout
 audio-visual aids
 interactive elements
(quiz, vote etc.)
5. Q&A

Final grades
Assessment sheet for VC Power Point Presentations Teacher: Ines Du Chesne

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