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Maravilla, Mira Dianna C.

November 22,
2021 BSN 1-6 (Irregular) Prof.
Ronie Tiamson


During our synchronous meeting the MVJ video presentation about the theorist
Jean Watson was presented. It was the first MVJ video presentation presented to us
and it was titled “The Balita ni Nars”. This video presentation was made virtually, I am
totally amazed on how the presentation was made, it was fun and engaging, as I
remember the video started with the news with the three host in it and this is where they
talk casually and suddenly talked about the theorist Jean Watson, they included some
viral video where they showcase how the Transpersonal Caring Theory occur in real
life, I remember when there is a child and nurse interaction and the nurse is comforting
the child to be not scared of nurses it showcase the Transpersonal Caring Theory
where it mainly concern how the nurses care for their patients. It was also amazing that
their relatives acted as a patient, because here we can see what the actual interaction
of the nurse and the patient can be. There is also one thing that totally standout and it
was the musical part where they change the lyrics of that particular music and relate it
to the theory, it was extraordinary and fun to watch I was able to understand the lyrics
that they are saying and at the same time vibe to the beat of the music with some little
dance move that they provide. I was totally amazed about everything including the
interaction, the content, on how they will apply the theory, and their engagement to the
audience. It was a very good video presentation the time and effort that they provide in
planning this video presentation are well paid off.
The MVJ video presentation is a good way to present the different theorist in it
most creative way, as a nursing student it makes us creative to think of something that
can showcase our creativity and also to perform the different scenario. For me
personally I was able to imagine myself doing the scenario, on how I will interact with
the patient and I am thrilled to distinguish the different scenario on how nurses interact
with their patients in proving the needs of the patient. For our upcoming MVJ video
presentation I will set this presentation of “The Balita ni Nars” as my inspiration to give
my best, despite the situation that we are currently experiencing I was amazed that they
can provide this type of video presentation in its most engaging way, and I am thrilled to
give my best to have a quality and engaging video presentation.
Overall, the video presentation that “The Balita ni Nars” presented gives us a
knowledge about the theorist Jean Watson in its fun and engaging way. The MVJ video
presentation provide creativity for the nursing student to be able to present the other
side of ours.

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