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My favourite film
1 Lee el texto. 2 Indica la respuesta correcta.
Alex saw Transformers two / three years
1 He saw it on a DVD / at the cinema.
2 It was an action / a comedy film.
3 There were two / three groups of robots.
4 The good / bad robots won the war.
5 Alex liked the special effects / music.

3 ¿Y tu película preferida? Completa el texto.

is my favourite film.
I saw it ago.
It was a / an .
It was about .
In the end, .
The actors were and
The best thing about the film was

Blog It was / They were .

My favourite film
Transformers is my favourite film. I saw it
three years ago at the cinema. It was an
action film. It was about a war between
two groups of robots. In the end, the good
robots won the war. The actors were Shia
LaBeouf and Megan Fox. The best thing
about the film was the special effects. They
were fantastic!

Vocabulario clave
about  sobre  ​action film  película de acción  ​actor(s)  actor/actriz(es)  ​bad  malo  ​best thing  lo mejor  ​
between  entre  ​blog  blog  ​cinema  cine  ​comedy  comedia  ​end  final  ​fantastic  genial  ​
favourite  preferido  ​film  película  ​good  bueno  ​group(s)  banda(s)  ​in the end  al final  ​music  música  ​
on a DVD  en DVD  ​robot(s)  robot(s)  ​see (saw)  ver (vi)  ​special effects  efectos especiales  ​
three years ago  hace tres años  ​two  dos  ​war  guerra  ​win (won)  ganar (ganaron)

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Scary stories
1 Lee este fragmento de una historia de 2 Indica la respuesta correcta.
1 It was raining / was snowing.
2 Sam was walking / was cycling home.
3 The woman was phoning / was looking
at Sam.
4 Sam started to cycle faster / more slowly.
5 It was Sam’s teacher / friend.
6 She had Sam’s keys / mobile phone.

3 Completa otra historia de miedo con las

palabras del recuadro.
frightened  was cold  started  hurried after
had  heard  was walking

It was a very dark night and it was raining. I

was cycling home from school when I heard
a noise. There was a woman in the middle of
the road. She was looking at me. I was very
frightened. It was a very dark night and it was cold .
I (1) home from my friend’s
I started to cycle faster, but the woman
house when I heard a noise. There was a man
stopped me. I screamed and then I heard
behind me. I was very (2) .
a familiar voice. ‘Sam, here is your mobile.
You dropped it.’ It was my teacher. She I (3) to walk faster, but the man
was holding my mobile phone. I was very (4) me. I screamed and then I
embarrassed. (5) a familiar voice. ‘Chris, here
are your keys. You forgot them.’ It was my
friend’s dad. He (6) my keys.

Vocabulario clave
be cold  hacer frío  ​be embarrassed  tener vergüenza  ​be frightened  tener miedo  ​behind  detrás  ​
but  pero  ​cycle  ir en bici  ​dad  papá  ​dark night  noche oscura  ​drop  caerse  ​familiar  familiar  ​
faster  más rápido  ​forget  olvidar  ​friend  amigo/a  ​friend’s house  casa de un/a amigo/a  ​
frightened  asustado  ​from  de  ​have (had)  tener (tenía)  ​hear (heard)  oír (oí)  ​here is  toma  ​
hold  tener en la mano  ​home  a casa  ​hurry  darse prisa  ​key(s)  llave(s)  ​look at  mirar  ​man  hombre  ​
middle of the road  mitad de la calle  ​mobile (phone)  (teléfono) móvil  ​more slowly  más lento  ​noise  ruido  ​
phone  llamar  ​rain  llover  ​scary stories  historias de miedo   school  colegio  ​scream  gritar  ​
snow  nevar  ​start  empezar  ​stop  parar  ​​teacher  profesor/ora  ​then  luego  ​there was  había  ​
very  muy  ​voice  voz  ​walk  caminar  ​when  cuando  ​woman  mujer

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A trip to the USA

1 Lee el postal. 3 Completa el texto con la información de
la tabla.
Day Place Activity
see an exhibition
Kennedy Space
Monday meet an
go to the water
Tuesday Disney World
watch the
ifornia for
Hello from the USA! I’m visiting Cal fireworks
Thu rsday and
a week with my family. Today is Wednesday Miami beach
has got a
we’re in San Francisco. San Francisco
parents are
very famous bridge. Right now, my
a caf é. I’m writing
shopping and I’m sitting in
postcards with my sister.
. We
On Tuesday, we went to Los Angeles
wat che da
saw the Hollywood sign and we
basketball match.
r Los
Yesterday, we went to Disneyland, nea
the n we
Angeles. We went on the rides and
went to see a sho w.
Hello from the USA! I’m visiting Flor
Laura ida for two
weeks with my friends. Today is Wed
and we’re in Miami . Miami has got
a famous (1) . Right now,
2 Contesta Yes o No a las preguntas. I’m in a café with my friends. We’re
Is Laura visiting California?  Yes
On Monday, we went to the
1 Is she with her friends?  (2)
2 Is there a bridge in San Francisco? 
. We
3 Is Laura shopping?  we (4)
4 Was she in San Francisco yesterday?  Yesterday, we went to (5)
5 Did she watch basketball yesterday?  We went to the (6)
6 Did she go to Los Angeles on Friday? 
then we (7) .
7 Did she go to see a show yesterday?  (your name)

Vocabulario clave
astronaut  astronauta  ​basketball match  partido de baloncesto  ​beach  playa  ​bridge  puente  ​
café  cafetería  ​coffee  café  ​drink  beber  ​exhibition  exposición  ​family  familia  ​famous  famoso  ​
fireworks  fuegos artificiales  ​Friday  viernes  ​friend(s)  amigo/a(s)  ​from  de  ​go (went)  ir (fuimos)  ​
have got  tener  ​Hello  Hola  ​meet (met)  conocer (conocimos)  ​Monday  lunes  ​near  cerca de  ​
parents  padres  ​postcard(s)  postal(es)  ​ride(s)  atracción(es)  ​right now  ahora mismo  ​
see (saw)  ver (vimos)   ​(be) shopping  (estar) de compras  ​show  espectáculo  ​sign  letrero  ​sister  hermana  ​
sit  sentarse  ​space centre (center)  centro espacial  ​the USA  los EE.UU.  ​then  luego  ​Thursday  jueves  ​
today  hoy  ​trip  viaje  ​Tuesday  martes  ​two  dos  ​very  muy   ​visit  visitar  ​watch  ver  ​
water park  parque acuático  ​Wednesday  miércoles  ​week  semana  ​with  con  ​write  escribir  ​
yesterday  ayer

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An email
1 Lee el correo electrónico. 3 Completa el correo electrónico con
actividades del ejercicio 2.

Hi Nick,
At the moment, I’m in an internet café in
the city centre in Beijing. We’re having a
fantastic holiday in China!
We’ve driven across the mountains and Hi , (your friend’s name)
we’ve walked a lot of kilometres. We’ve At the moment, I’m in an internet café in
visited Beijing and we’ve met some very the city centre in Cairo. We’re having a
nice people. fantastic holiday in Egypt!
See you soon, We’ve ridden on a camel and
Sarah we’ve (1) through Cairo.
We’ve (2) a museum and
we’ve (3) some good
2 Completa la tabla sobre lo que ha hecho food.
Sarah. Escribe Yes o No. See you soon,

Yes or No (your name)

drive across the mountains Yes

1 ride on a camel
2 walk a lot of kilometres
3 walk through Cairo
4 visit a museum
5 visit Beijing
6 meet some very nice people
7 eat some good food

Vocabulario clave
a lot of  mucho  ​at the moment  en este momento  ​camel  camello  ​China  China  ​
city centre  centro de la ciudad  ​drive (driven) across  atravesar (atravesado) en coche  
​eat (eaten)  comer (comido)  ​Egypt  Egipto  ​email  correo electrónico  ​fantastic  fantástico  ​
friend  amigo/a  ​good food  buena comida  ​holiday  vacaciones  ​internet  café  cibercafé  ​
kilometre(s)  kilómetro(s)  ​meet (met)  conocer (conocido)  ​mountain(s)  montaña(s)  ​museum  museo  ​
nice  simpático  ​people  gente  ​ride (ridden)  montar (montado)  ​see you soon  hasta pronto  ​
some  algunos  ​through  por  ​very  muy  ​visit  visitar  ​walk  andar

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My favourite sports
1 Lee el texto. 2 Completa la tabla con información sobre
Hanif. Escribe Yes o No.
Hanif You
football Yes
play table tennis 1
basketball 2
judo 3
do gymnastics 4
cycling 5
go swimming
snowboarding 6

3 Completa la tabla con información sobre ti.

4 Completa el texto sobre ti con la

información de la tabla.
I sport. I’ve
played , but I
My name’s Hanif and I like sport. I’ve played
football, but I haven’t played table tennis. I’ve done , but
I .
I’ve done judo, but I haven’t done
gymnastics. I’ve been , but
I .
I’ve been cycling, but I haven’t been
snowboarding. My favourite
My favourite sport is basketball.

Vocabulario clave
athletics  atletismo  ​basketball  baloncesto  ​cycling  ciclismo  ​favourite  preferido  ​football  fútbol  ​
gymnastics  gimnasia  ​I’ve been  he ido  ​I’ve done  he hecho  ​I’ve played  he jugado  ​judo  judo  ​
like  gustar  ​name  nombre  ​swimming  nadar  ​snowboarding  snowboard  ​sport  deporte  
​table tennis  tenis de mesa

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My weekend
1 Lee el correo electrónico. 2 Indica la respuesta correcta.
Sally / Anna is writing the email.
1 Anna is going to play tennis / football.
2 She’s going to play on Saturday / Sunday
3 She’s going to go shopping in the
morning / afternoon.
4 She’s going to buy food / clothes.
5 She’s going to buy a CD / DVD.

3 Completa el correo electrónico a tu


Hi , (your friend’s name)

What are you going to do at the
On Saturday morning, I’m going to
. Can you come?
In the afternoon, I’m going
to go shopping. I’m going to
buy and a
Hi Sally,
What are you going to do at the Do you like ?
weekend? See you soon,
On Saturday morning, I’m going to play
(your name)
tennis. Can you come?
In the afternoon, I’m going to go
shopping. I’m going to buy clothes and a
Black Eyed Peas CD.
Do you like Black Eyed Peas?
See you soon,

Vocabulario clave
afternoon  tarde  ​buy  comprar  ​can  poder  ​CD / DVD  CD / DVD  ​clothes  ropa  ​come  venir  ​
email  correo electrónico  ​food  comida  ​football  fútbol  ​friend  amigo/a  ​go shopping  ir de compras  
​I am going to …  Voy a …  ​like  gustar  ​morning  mañana  ​name  nombre  ​play tennis  jugar a tenis  ​
Saturday  sábado  ​See you soon  Hasta pronto  ​Sunday  domingo  ​weekend  fin de semana  ​
What are you going to do?  ¿Qué vas a hacer?  ​write  escribir

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A party
1 Lee la invitación. 3 Completa la invitación con la información
del recuadro.

My birthday: Friday
Party: six o’clock
Activity: make pizzas
Food: ice cream, birthday cake
Party invitation! Later : go to the cinema, watch a film
Hi everyone,
It’s my birthday on Saturday and I’m going to
have a party at my house. It’s going to start
Party invitation!
at seven o’clock. Don’t eat before you come
Hi everyone,
because we’re going to have a barbecue.
It’s my birthday on Friday
We’re going to cook sausages and burgers. and I’m
going to have a party. It’s going to
We’re also going to eat birthday cake. Later, start at
(1) . Don’t eat before you
we’re going to watch a DVD and make
come because we’re going to ma
popcorn. ke
(2) . We’re also going to eat
Email or text me if you can come.
(3) and
(4) . Later, we’re going to go
to the (5) and
(6) .
2 Contesta Yes o No a las preguntas. Email or text me if you can come.
Becky’s birthday is on Sunday.  No Richard
1 She’s going to have a party at her house. 

2 The party is going to start at 6 p.m. 

3 They’re going to have a barbecue. 

4 They’re going to cook fish. 

5 They’re going to eat birthday cake. 
6 Later, they’re going to go to the cinema. 

7 They’re going to make popcorn. 

Vocabulario clave
activity  actividad  ​barbecue  barbacoa  ​because  porque  ​before  antes  ​birthday  cumpleaños  ​
birthday cake  tarta de cumpleaños  ​burger(s)  hamburguesa(s)  ​can  poder  ​cinema  cine  ​come  venir  ​
cook  cocinar  ​DVD  DVD  ​eat  comer  ​email  enviar un correo electrónico  ​everyone  todo el mundo  ​
film  película  ​fish  pescado  ​Friday  viernes  ​have a barbecue  hacer una barbacoa  ​
have a party  hacer una fiesta  ​house  casa  ​ice cream  helado  ​if   si   I’m going to …  voy a …  ​
invitation  invitación  ​later  luego  ​make pizzas  hacer pizzas  ​popcorn  palomitas  ​Saturday  sábado  ​
sausage(s)  salchicha(s)  ​seven o’clock  las siete  ​six  seis  ​start  empezar  ​Sunday  domingo  ​
text  enviar un SMS  ​watch  ver

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A school trip
1 Lee el texto sobre Maria. 3 Completa el texto sobre Samuel con la
información del recuadro.

School trip to Cambridge

wear : jeans and a T-shirt
read: magazine
listen to: Muse
eat: cheese sand wiches
drink: cola
buy: a souvenir

Samuel is going to go on a school trip to

Cambridge .
He’s going to wear (1) .
Maria is going to go on a school trip to He’s going to read a (2)
Oxford. She’s going to wear a sweatshirt and on the bus and he’s going to
a jacket. She’s going to read Twilight on the (3) to
bus and she’s going to listen to Katy Perry. (4) .
At lunchtime, she’s going to eat chicken At lunchtime, he’s going to eat
sandwiches and she’s going to drink water. (5) and he’s going to
She’s going to take a lot of photos on the trip. (6) .
He’s going to (7) a
2 Une las preguntas con las respuestas. on the trip.

Where is Maria going to go?

1 a Twilight
2 What is she going to wear? b water
3 What is she going to read? c Oxford
4 Who is she going to listen to? d Katy Perry
5 What is she going to eat? e take a lot of photos
6 What is she going to drink? f a sweatshirt and a jacket
7 What is she going to do? g chicken sandwiches

Vocabulario clave
a lot of  mucho  ​bus  autobús  ​buy  comprar  ​cheese  queso  ​chicken  pollo  ​cola  cola  ​drink  beber  ​
eat  comer  ​go  ir  ​jacket  chaqueta  ​jeans  vaqueros  ​listen to  escuchar  ​lunchtime  hora de comer  ​
magazine  revista  ​read  leer  ​sandwich(es)  bocadillo(s)  ​school trip  excursión escolar  ​
She’s going to …  Va a …  ​souvenir  recuerdo  ​sweatshirt  sudadera  ​take photos  hacer fotos  ​
T-shirt  camiseta  ​water  agua  ​wear  llevar puesto  ​What …?  ¿Qué …?  ​Where …?  ¿Dónde …?  ​
Who …?  ¿Quién …?

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The summer holidays

1 Lee la carta. 2 Une las dos partes de las frases.
1 The holidays are going to start a football.
2 The holidays are going to be b swimming.
3 Chris is going to visit c to Wales.
4 They’re going to go d great!
5 They’re going to play e his pen pal.
6 Chris and Clare are going to go f in July.

3 Completa la carta a tu amigo/a.

Dear , (your friend’s name)

Hi! How are you? My school holidays are

going to start .
The holidays are going to be .
Dear Lucy,
I’m going to visit
Hi! How are you? My school holidays are .
going to start in July. The holidays are We’re going to .
going to be great! We too.
First, I’m going to visit my pen pal in
Please write soon.
Spain. We’re going to go swimming and
we’re going to go surfing. We’re going to
play football too. (your name)

Then my sister Clare and I are going to

visit my grandma and grandad. They live
in Cardiff in Wales. They’ve got four dogs
and six cats!
What are you going to do in the holidays?
Please write soon.

Vocabulario clave
am/are going to  voy/vamos a  ​cat(s)  gato(s)  ​dear  querido/a  ​dog(s)  perro(s)  ​first  primero  ​
four  cuatro  ​friend  amigo/a  ​go surfing  hacer surf   ​go swimming  ir a nadar  ​grandad  abuelo  ​
grandma  abuela  ​great  fenomenal  ​have got  tener  ​Hi!  ¡Hola!  ​holidays  vacaciones  ​
How are you?  ¿Cómo estás?  ​July  julio  ​live  vivir  ​name  nombre  ​pen pal  amigo/a de correspondencia  ​
play football  jugar a fútbol  ​please  por favor  ​school holidays  vacaciones escolares  ​sister  hermana  ​
six  seis  ​soon  pronto  ​Spain  España  ​start  empezar  ​summer  verano  ​then  luego  ​too  también  ​
visit  visitar  ​Wales  Gales  ​What are you going to do?  ¿Qué vas a hacer?  ​write  escribir

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