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Gospel In Life- Heart (Session 2- Part 2)

❖ Reading: Luke 15:11–32

❖ Three ways to live

Ways of Life Religion Irreligion Gospel

Basic Operating I obey, therefore I am I don’t really have to I am accepted by God
Principle accepted by God obey anyone but myself at infinite cost to Jesus,
therefore I obey.

Idea of Salvation Good works, moral Don’t recognise the Faith in Jesus Christ
principle and code of need of salvation.

❖ Gospel and Heart:

✓ Objective follow and study the law is to know God’s will and His; heart:
✓ Love and delight in the law of God (Rom 7:22) Yet Completely free from law’s condemnation
(Rom 8:1) Brings transformation in heart not in deeds 2 Cor. 8:8 and 9.
✓ Faith in the gospel restructures
1. our motivations,
2. our self-understanding
3. and identity, and our view of the world. It changes our hearts.
✓ Behavioural compliance to rules without heart-change will be superficial and fleeting
✓ The gospel, if it is really believed, removes neediness—
1. The need to be constantly respected, appreciated, and well regarded;
2. the need to have everything in your life go well;
3. the need to have power over others.
❖ Character in the Story of Prodigal Son:
Younger Son Elder Son
Ways of Life Religious Irreligious
Understanding of Sin Doesn’t have understanding Traditional
about sin
Need deep down heart Wants father inheritance not the Wants father inheritance not
father. the father.
Strategy to get the The way of self-discovery and The way of moral conformity
inheritance self-indulgence and moral performance.
Spiritually lost Away from home At home
Why away from Father Sin and selfish nature Pride and love for righteous
Action taken to get the Rejecting Father and going in Stays home and obeys father.
inheritance far country to live life in his own
Relation with father Alienated from father Alienated from father
Attitude of the heart I will take what is mine. You owe me based on my
End of the story Repent and saved Doesn’t repent and lost

❖ To go back to our father’s home (Salvation):

1. We need initiating love of the father.
2. We need to learn to repent, not only of our bad things, but also for the reason we did our
good things.
➢ Martin Luther set off the Reformation by nailing the “Ninety-five Theses” to the door
of Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. The very first of the theses stated that
“our Lord and Master Jesus Christ … willed that the whole life of believers should
be repentance.”
➢ There are two ways to repent
Religious Repentance Gospel Repentance
In “religion,” the purpose of repentance is The gospel, however, tells us that as Christians
basically to keep God happy so he will continue sin can’t ultimately bring us into condemnation
to bless us and answer our prayers. So, in (Rom. 8:1.) Its heinousness is therefore what it
religion we are sorry for sin only because of its does to God: it displeases and dishonors him.
consequences. Sin will bring us punishment— Thus in religion, repentance is selfcentered; the
and we want to avoid that, so we repent. gospel makes it God-centered. In religion we are
mainly sorry for the consequences of sin, but in
the gospel we are sorry for the sin itself.
Religious repentance can easily turn into an In the gospel, however, we know that Jesus
attempt to “atone” for one’s sin—in which we suffered for our sin. We do not have to make
convince God (and ourselves) that we are so truly ourselves suffer to merit God’s forgiveness. We
miserable and regretful that we deserve to be simply receive the forgiveness earned by Christ.
in religion our only hope is to live a life good In the gospel the knowledge of our acceptance in
enough to require God to bless us, so every Christ makes it easier to admit that we are
instance of sin and repentance is therefore flawed, because we know we won’t be cast off if
traumatic, unnatural, and threatening. Only under we confess the true depths of our sinfulness. Our
great duress do religious people admit they have hope is in Christ’s righteousness, not our own, so
sinned, because their only hope is their moral it is not as traumatic to admit our weaknesses
goodness. and lapses.
In religion we repent as little as possible More and more often we will be repenting.
Religious repentance involves pride Gospel repentance involves deep humility
Religious repentance involves. Anxiety. Gospel repentance involves well-guided zeal.
Religious repentance involves indifference. Gospel repentance involves burning love.
Religious repentance involves a “Selfish Gospel repentance involves a “single eye” (i.e.,
motives”) godly motives)

3. We need to see what it cost God to bring us home.

❖ Cost Paid by Christ

Sacrifice of Christ Our Inheritance through faith
Striped naked Fathers rob of righteousness
Cast out Brought in to God’s family in Grace
Paid our penalty We can be brought home without penalty

✓ Are you younger brother? Are you younger brother ? or are you transformed by the Gospel?

Discussion Question:

1. What do you think it means “to repent not only of our bad things, but also for the reason
we did our good things”?
[Your Response]

2. What are the good things you think which one should repent about?
[Your Response]

Next Session: Session 3 Idolatry: The Sin Beneath The Sin

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