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一、單選題 (70題 每題2分 共140分)

1. I have read a novel ______ both exciting and interesting. (A) which is (B) it is (C) it’s (D) and that
  解答  A
2. This is the program ______ I was speaking of. (A) who (B) which (C) whom (D) whose
  解答  B
3. The man ______ was here just now is my uncle. (A) which (B) whom (C) who (D) he
  解答  C
4. I have a girlfriend ______ name is Mary. (A) her (B) who’s (C) whose (D) who
  解答  C
5. Where is the letter ______ I received yesterday? (A) whose (B) who (C) which (D) whom
  解答  C
6. We want to know everything ______ happening in the meeting. (A) that (B) which (C) that was (D) whom
  解答  C
  解析  本題的that was 可省略,只保留分詞happening。
7. My girlfriend, ______ is on a journey, sent me a postcard. (A) who (B) whom (C) that (D) whose
  解答  A
8. Her boyfriend, ______ name I forgot, is a dress designer. (A) who (B) whose (C) whom (D) that
  解答  B
9. My parents, ______ I want to introduce to you someday, are both retired teachers. (A) who (B) whom (C) that (D)
  解答  B
10. These are my parents, ______ I owe my success. (A) whom (B) who (C) whose (D) to whom
  解答  D

  解析   原句 = These are my parents. I owe my success to my parents.

owe A to B(把A歸功於B)

11. There is nothing ______ can be done about it. (A) that which (B) which (C) that (D) what
  解答  C
12. Mary is his only daughter to ______ he gave most of his property. (A) who (B) whom (C) which (D) that
  解答  B

  解析   property(財產)
原句= Mary is his only daughter. He gave most of his property to her.

13. Mr. Wang has two houses, ______ are built of brick. (A) that (B) which (C) in which (D) who
  解答  B
  解析  brick(磚頭)
14. This is the very magazine ______ I’d like to buy. (A) which (B) that (C) it (D) whose
  解答  B
15. Never put off till tomorrow ______ you can do today. (A) which (B) that (C) who (D) what

  解答  D
  解析  今日事,今日畢。
16. Reading is to the mind ______ food is to the body. (A) that (B) which (C) what (D) so
  解答  C
  解析  閱讀之於心靈,猶如食物之於身體。
17. She is different from ______ she was three years ago. (A) who (B) that (C) whoever (D) what
  解答  D
18. The prize will be given to ______ receives the highest mark. (A) anyone (B) he who (C) whoever (D) whomever
  解答  C
19. Return the dictionary to ______ name is on it. (A) one who (B) whose (C) his (D) whosever
  解答  D
20. ______ you do, do it well. (A) What (B) Whatever (C) Whoever (D) Whomever
  解答  B
21. ______ difficult the thing may be, I will try my best to finish it. (A) Whatever (B) However (C) No matter who (D)
No matter what
  解答  B
  解析  However difficult = No matter how difficult(無論如何的困難)
22. You may do ______ you like. (A) whatever (B) however (C) all what (D) whichever
  解答  A
23. He has bought more pens ______ he can use. (A) that (B) which (C) what (D) than
  解答  D
24. This is the same ball-point pen ______ my mother bought me. (A) as (B) like (C) so (D) which
  解答  A
25. There is no rule ______ has some exceptions. (A) as (B) but (C) that (D) which
  解答  B
  解析  凡規則皆有例外。(= Every rule has exceptions.)
26. Everyone had a good time at the party. There was not a person ______ laughed heartily. (A) who (B) that (C) but
(D) whom
  解答  C
  解析  沒有人不開懷大笑。
27. He gave me more money ______ was required. (A) it (B) which (C) that (D) than
  解答  D
28. She cried for the first time the day ______ her grandmother died. (A) which (B) where (C) when (D) why
  解答  C
29. This is the reason ______ I don’t help him. (A) why (B) how (C) what (D) which
  解答  A
30. Spring is the season ______ flowers are in bloom. (A) why (B) when (C) where (D) which
  解答  B

  解析  in bloom(盛開)
31. I came to Taipei, ______ I found him. (A) which (B) where (C) when (D) that
  解答  B
  解析  並非所有的“in which = where”,關鍵在於其前的先行詞是否表示「地方」;如本題的先行詞是
Taipei,所以where 可以用in which代替。
32. The book ______ we’re looking belongs to me. (A) which (B) for that (C) for (D) for which
  解答  D
  解析  look for(尋找)
33. This is the knife ______ I paid fifty dollars. (A) for that (B) for which (C) to which (D) in which
  解答  B
  解析  pay錢for 物(付多少錢買某物)
34. Would you please give me a chair ______? (A) to sit on (B) which I can sit (C) so that I can sit on (D) on that to sit
  解答  A
35. Have you heard anything about the accident ______ in their school yesterday? (A) happened (B) happening (C)
which was happened (D) which happening
  解答  B
  解析  which happened → happening
36. Farmers trap and kill such animals as ______ harmful to the crop. (A) is (B) was (C) are (D) have
  解答  C

  解析   準關代as的先行詞是animals,所以動詞用are。

37. He has no money ______ he can buy food. (A) which (B) that (C) in which (D) with which
  解答  D

  解析  He has no money

38. This is the most interesting book ______. (A) that I read (B) that I have ever read (C) which I read (D) which I have
ever read
  解答  B
39. The ladder on ______ I was standing began to slip. (A) that (B) which (C) × (D) what
  解答  B
  解析  我站的梯子開始滑動了。
40. The man and the horse ______ fell into the river were drowned. (A) that (B) which (C)
× (D) what
  解答  A
41. A laundry is a shop or room ______ clothes are washed and ironed. (A) which (B) what (C) where (D) whose
  解答  C
  解析  洗衣店是衣服可以燙洗的地方。

42. This is the boy ______ I have been waiting. (A) and who (B) and whom (C) whom (D) for whom
  解答  D
  解析  wait for(等待)
43. The only thing ______ he still remembered after the accident was his birthplace. (A) what (B) that (C) which (D)
those who
  解答  B
44. ______ they wanted to see is the painting, not the frame. (A) Which (B) Whom (C) What (D) Who
  解答  C
  解析  frame(畫框)
45. Give the prize to ______ deserves it. (A) whoever (B) whomever (C) anyone (D) who
  解答  A
46. That is the man ______ I guess to be your father. (A) who (B) whom (C) which (D) what
  解答  B
47. It was raining hard, ______ prevented me from going. (A) that (B) which (C) what (D) it
  解答  B
48. The prize will be given to ______ answers the questions correctly. (A) who (B) whom (C) whoever (D) what
  解答  C
49. That is the man ______ I believe can tell the truth. (A) who (B) whom (C) what (D) him
  解答  A
  解析  I believe是插入句。
50. I met an old man, ______ took me to the station. (A) who (B) that (C) and it (D) which
  解答  A
51. You may give the prize to ______ you think to be the best. (A) whoever (B) whom (C) whomever (D) what
  解答  C
52. He always does ______ he thinks is right. (A) who (B) what (C) whose (D) which
  解答  B
  解析  he thinks是插入句
53. He wrote many stories, ______ were love stories. (A) some stories (B) some of them (C) and some of which (D)
some of which
  解答  D
  解析  原句= He wrote many stories and some of them were love stories.
54. One hobby ______ readily to my mind is painting. (A) comes (B) which comes (C) which coming (D) which come
  解答  B

  解析   readily(迅速地;容易地)
come to my mind(浮現在我心中)
先行詞是one hobby,所以關代的動詞用comes。

55. This tool is used for smoothing edges ______. (A) who are not smooth (B) which is not smooth (C) what are not
smooth (D) that are not smooth

  解答  D

  解析   物 + be used for...(被用來做……)
smooth (V.) 使平滑 (Adj.) 平滑的

56. Sam is one of the students who ______ the meeting. (A) attend (B) attends (C) is attending (D) attending
  解答  A
  解析  who之前的先行詞是students,所以動詞用複數。
57. Kung fu is a healthy exercise ______ strengthens the muscles and calms the nerves. (A) when (B) what (C) that (D)
  解答  C

  解析   a healthy exercise(健康運動)
strengthen the muscles(增強肌肉)
calm the nerves(鎮定神經)

58. You had better make such friends ______ you can trust. (A) whom (B) that (C) than (D) as
  解答  C
59. The man ______ at the corner is my grandfather. (A) whom is seated (B) whose sit (C) which is seat (D) who sits
  解答  D

  解析   sit = be seated(坐)
先行詞是the man,又是主格,所以用關代who。

60. We can see a high mountain ______ with snow. (A) covering (B) whose covering (C) which covered (D) covered
  解答  D
  解析  原句 = ... (which is ) covered with snow.
61. Books are to mankind ______ memory is to the individual. (A) that (B) whose (C) so (D) what
  解答  D

  解析   書之於人類猶如記憶之於個人。
A is to B what C is to D(A之於B猶如C之於D)

62. The bamboo ______ grows taller bends lower. (A) that (B) whom (C) where (D) whose
  解答  A
  解析  bamboo(竹子);bends lower(彎得更低)
63. The girls ______ outside the market ______ laughing. (A) who stands; are (B) stand; is (C) who standing; are (D)
who are standing; are
  解答  D
  解析  The girls [who are standing...] are.…
64. We found the little boy and his dog ______ everybody was looking for. (A) that (B) which (C) they (D) and
  解答  A
  解析  先行詞含有「人」+「非人」,其關代用that。
65. Old people feel that they are living in a hostile environment ______ others pay little attention to them. (A) what (B)

where (C) whose (D) how
  解答  B
  解析  老年人覺得他們住在一個不受人們注意,而且又不友善的地方。
66. A supermarket is a large grocery store ______ customers select their purchases from open shelves and pay for them at
the exit. (A) which (B) that (C) in which (D) on which
  解答  C
  解析  「在裡面」要用“in which”或“where”。
67. I was interviewed by the manager ______ I thought is one of your relatives. (A) one (B) he (C) who (D) whom
  解答  C

  解析   interview(面試);relatives(親戚)
who + [ I thought ] + V

68. I am stuck in this matter; you may ask ______ knows better than I. (A) whoever (B) whomever (C) anyone (D) the
  解答  A

  解析   I am stuck in this matter.(這件事把我難倒了。)


69. The photographs ______ you have been looking were taken by me. (A) which (B) at which (C) that (D) at whom
  解答  B
  解析  原句 = The photographs which you have been looking at....
70. Today, air pollution causes several serious problems worldwide, one of ______ is acid rain. (A) them (B) that (C)
those (D) which
  解答  D
  解析  原句 = ... and one of the problems is acid rain.
  = ..., one of which is acid rain.

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