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University of Puerto Rico

Mayagüez Campus
College of Business Administration


General Information:
Course Code: ESTA 3001
Course Title: Business Statistics I
Credit-Hours: 3 (Two lecture hours and two hours statistical laboratory)
Academic Term: Fall 2019
Course Description:
Introduction to concepts of business statistics. Includes descriptive statistics, for summarizing and
presenting the essential information graphically and numerically, basic probability concepts, probability
distributions and sampling distributions. Includes laboratory practice and application of statistics and data
analysis in a project.

MATE 3172 or MATE 3174 or MATE 3000

Course General Learning Goals:

After successful completion of this course, the student should be able to
a. Organize data summarize and present data graphically and numerically.
b. Apply statistical concepts to real life situations.
Use statistical software as to analyze data an arrive to conclusions on the sound base of statistical thinking.

CBA’s Learning Outcomes Addressed in this Course

This course is intentionally designed to enable students to develop the following competencies:
 Solve business problems applying the rational model for problem-solving, utilizing quantitative and
qualitative decision making techniques.
 Use the appropriate software packages and hardware as a working tool in the daily operations of business.
Apply ethical and professional principles to address business issues.
Content Outline and Time Distribution
Definitions 3 hours
Data Collection and Sampling Methods 2.5 hours
Visual Description of Data 6 hours
Statistical Description of Data 6 hours
Probability 4.5 hours
Discrete Probability Distributions 4.5 hours
Continuous Probability Distributions 7 hours
Sampling Distributions 5 hours
Test 4.5 hours
Computer Applications 15 hours
Ethics in Statistics 2 hours

Total (60 hours)

Modified September 9, 2019

Instructional Strategies:
Assignments Requiring Specific Software
New Analysis
Research Projects
Values Clarification Exercises
Minimum Required or Available Resources:
A hand held Calculator
A computer with the software requires for the course.
Assessment of Learning:
During the semester, the professor will use assessment techniques to determine your level of learning.
Their main purpose is to help you identify how much and how well the students are learning and to detect
areas that may need reinforcement before the final grade is determined. These techniques will not affect
the final grade, but will the professor use more effective teaching strategies.
The professor could, among others, use:
Pre and Post Test
One Minute Paper
Muddiest Point
Feedback in open discussion of tests and assignments
One-Sentence summary

Modified September 9, 2019

Department/Campus Policies:
Disabilities: According to Law 51: Students with disabilities, after identifying themselves to the instructor
of the course and the Institution, will receive reasonable accommodations in their courses and evaluations.
For additional information, contact Services to Students with Disabilities at the Office of the Dean of
Students (Q-019), 787-265-3862 or 787-832-4040, Ext. 3250 or 3258.

Ethics: Any academic fraud is subject to the disciplinary sanctions described in Articles 14 and 16 of the
revised General Student Bylaws of the University of Puerto Rico contained in Certification 018-1997-98 of
the Board of Trustees. The professor will follow the norms established in Articles 1-5 of the Bylaws.

Normativa sobre discrimen por sexo y género en modalidad de violencia sexual

“La Universidad de Puerto Rico prohíbe el discrimen por razón de sexo y género en todas sus
modalidades, incluyendo el hostigamiento sexual. Según la Política Institucional contra Hostigamiento
Sexual, Certificación Núm. 130 (2014-1 5) de la Junta de Gobierno, si un(a) estudiante es o está siendo
afectado por conductas relacionadas a hostigamiento sexual, puede acudir a la Oficina de la
Procuraduría Estudiantil, el Decanato de Estudiantes o la Coordinadora de Cumplimiento con Titulo IX
para orientación y/o para presentar una queja”.

“The University of Puerto Rico prohibits discrimination based Qn sex, sexual orientation, and gender
identity in any of its forms, including that of sexual harassment. According to the Institutional Policy
Against Sexual Harassment at the University of Puerto Rico, Certification Num. 130, 2014-2015 from the
Board of Governors, any student subjected to acts constituting sexual harassment, may turn to the Office
of the Student Ombudsperson, the Office of the Dean of Students, and/or the Coordinator of the Office of
Compliance with Title IX for an orientation and/or formal complaint’

Modified September 9, 2019

General Information:
Instructor: Dra. Rosario de los A. Ortiz Rodríguez
Office: AE- 214
Phone: 832-4040 Ext. 5324
Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday: 8:00 – 10:00 am, 1:30 – 2:00 pm
Tuesday and Thursday: 10:00-10:30 am
Textbook and Other Resources
Black, Ken (2016): Business Statistics: For Contemporary Decision Making, 9th Edition. Wiley

Evaluation/Grade Reporting:
The grade for the course will be determined by the homework, projects, and exams.

Grade Computations:

Exams - 60%
Final Project (or Final Exam) and Assignments - 40%

Final grade based on the following curve:

90% - 100% = A, 80% - 89% = B, 70% - 79% = C, 60% - 69% = D,0% - 59% = F

Assessment of Learning:
During the semester we will be using several techniques that will help us determine your level of
learning. Our main purpose is to help students identify how much and how well they are learning and to
detect areas that may need reinforcement before the final grade is determined. These techniques will
also help the professor use more effective teaching strategies. These activities will not affect the final
grade. Among others we will use

Modified September 9, 2019

Course Policies
The atmosphere in a classroom is a very strong component of the learning process. Please observe the following classroom

1. Always come to class on time and stay for the entire class period or until class is dismissed. If it is necessary for you
to arrive late or leave early, do so as quietly and unobtrusively as possible and sit in the seats closest to the door on
those occasions. If possible, inform me in advance of your need to leave early or need to arrive late.
2. Bring your calculator, pencils, writing paper, textbook, attempted textbook exercises, handwritten notes and printed
notes to every lecture. At test time, please bring with you a working calculator, 2 sharpened pencils, eraser and your
own handwritten notes sheet.
3. Turn off all audible devices when you enter the classroom to prevent interruptions and distractions. In particular, do
not use cell phones in class.
4. If you cannot read the overhead or board, or if you cannot hear or understand when I speak, it is your responsibility to
bring it to my attention.
5. If students talk between themselves during class in a disturbing manner, the instructor may dismiss those students.
6. Please ask questions, seek help outside of class if you need it, attempt the suggested textbook exercises, and
participate in the class.


Cell Phones should be turned off or set to vibrate mode in class. You will not answer your phone in class. No cell phone may
remain on the desk. “Texting” is not allowed in class. If you “text” while taking an exam I will assign you the score of zero (0) on
the exam. Electronic devices of any kind are not allowed to be used in an exam. Electronic dictionaries are not allowed in an
exam. If you don’t understand a term in a question or don’t understand the question you are allowed to speak with me or the
Teacher Assistant and we will attempt to help you to understand the question. Do not ask another student for information
during an exam. If you speak during an exam I will assign you a score of zero (0) on the exam.

If you miss class, it is your responsibility to keep up-to-date with class activities by getting the class notes, handouts or
assignments from a classmate, or myself. I will not re-teach any material that you missed, but I will help you with specific
questions that you may have after studying the material and attempting the suggested textbook exercises

It is very important for you to do all of your assignments in a timely manner. You may discuss homework freely with other
students, but you must write up assignments on your own. You must show your work for full credit. The material in this course
will build upon itself, so it is important for you to keep current.
Late work: Missing or late work is not accepted unless the student has a documented, reasonable reason for having not turned
in the work. Depending on the reason, the instructors may or may not accept it or may impose a grade penalty.

Quizzes will be given randomly in class and cover suggested assignments.

Four or five exams will be given during the semester. The four or five exams will consist of three or four partial exams and a
comprehensive final exam.
The three or four partial exams are tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, September 10, 2019, Wednesday, October 2,
2019, Wednesday, October 30, 2019 and Friday, November 22, 2019.
Missed Exams: Make-up exams are not given under any circumstances. If you miss a partial exam for any reason, the
comprehensive final exam will be worth twice in the computation of your course grade.
Please note: Some tests will be administered outside of regular class time ( 6:00 -7:30 pm) during the term.

You must know how to use it! Bring to class every day. You will not be allowed to share calculators during quizzes or


This syllabus is a guide for the course and is subject to change with advanced notice.

Modified September 9, 2019

Tentative Schedule
Except for the first class, you are expected to have read reading assignments before each lecture.

Week Date Chapter Subjects Notes

1 8/5/2019 - 8/9/2019 1

2 8/12/2019 - 8/16/2019 1 & 7.1

Definitions and Sampling Methods

3 8/19/2019 - 8/23/2019 2
Visual Description of Data

4 8/26/2019 - 8/30/2019 2&3

Visual Description & Statistical
Description of Data
5 9/2/2019 - 9/6/2019 3 September 6, (Monday’s
Statistical Description of Data classes)

6 9/9/2019 - 9/13/2019 3
Statistical Description of Data

7 9/16/2019 - 9/20/2019 4
Probability Exam 1

8 9/23/2019 - 9/27/2019 4 Monday, September 23, 2019

Probability (RUM Anniversary)
Exam 2
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
6:00 – 7:30 pm AE-203 BC
9 10/7/2019 - 10/11/2019 4&5
Probability & Discrete Probability
10 10/14/2019 - 10/18/2019 5 October 14, No classes
Discrete Probability Distributions October 15, Monday’s Classes

Exam 2

11 10/21/2019 - 10/25/2019 5&6

Discrete & Continuous Probability
12 10/28/2019 - 11/1/20119 6
Continuous Probability Distributions

13 11/4/2019 - 11/8/2019 6
Continuous Probability Distributions Exam 3

14 11/11/2019 - 11/15/2019 7
Sampling Distributions

15 11/18/2019 - 11/22/2019 7
Sampling Distributions

16 11/25/2019 - 11/29/2019 7 Sampling Distributions

Exam 4

17 12/2/201 -1 2/6/2019 8 Introduction to Inferences

Modified September 9, 2019


Carver Robert (1999): Doing Data Analysis with Minitab 12, Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole
Publishing Co.

Doane, D.P. and Seward, L.E. (2011); Applied Statistics in Business and Economics, McGraw-Hill.

Elredge, D.L. (1999): An Excel Comparison for Business Statistics. Cincinnati, Ohio, South-Western
College Publishing.

Larson Ron and Betsy Faber, Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World. 2000. Prentice Hall, N.J.
Mann Prem S., Statistics for Business and Economics. 1995. John Wiley & Sons. N. J.

Pelosi Marilyn K. and Theresa M. Sandifer. Doing Statistics for Business with Excel. 2nd ed. 2002.
Wiley & Sons. N.J.

Modified September 9, 2019

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