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‫ميحرلا نمحرلا هللا‬ ‫بسم‬


‫تعلٌمات هاااااااااامة‪:‬‬

‫اوال االمتحان نسبٌا مو سهل وال هوا صعب طبعا بتعتمد على دراستك او مراجعتك ‪ %55‬من االسئلة جات‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫من فاٌالت بالترتٌب من االهم الى المهم فاٌل ‪ , 381‬فاٌل ‪ ,355‬وفاٌل ‪ .. 055‬المسائل معظمها من ملف ال‬
‫االسئلة على فكرة اكثرها مكررة من الفاٌالت بس بطرٌقة مختلفة مررة ٌعنً مثال بدل ما ٌجٌب لك اسم الدواء‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫فً الخٌارات بغٌرها واجٌب لك ال ‪ classification‬بدالها وكدا‪ .‬عشان كدا تدربوا على فهم االسئلة فً‬
‫الفاٌالت بدل حفظها‬
‫ادرسوا الفارما كوٌس بعدٌن راجعوا الفاٌالت‪ ,‬او كل واحد حسب طرٌقتو‪ ,‬مثال انا كنت بذاكر الفارما كل ٌوم‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫موضوع ونهاٌة الٌوم براجع الفاٌالت‪.‬‬
‫فً قنوات فً الٌوتٌوب للناس الما بتحب تراجع من الكتب‪.‬‬ ‫‪.4‬‬
‫‪ .a‬د‪ .‬عبدالمتعال فودة ربنا ٌدٌه العافٌة شرحوا مررررة مفصل وطرٌف ‪(1) Abdel-Motaal‬‬
‫‪Fouda - YouTube‬‬
‫‪ .b‬د‪ .‬دهشان حسن دهشان ربنا ٌشرح صدره‪ ,‬شرح مفصل ‪(1) Dhshan Hassan Dhshan -‬‬
‫‪ .c‬سبٌٌٌٌد فارماكولوجً‪ ,‬القناة دي للناس الما بتحب فٌدوهات طوٌلة‪ ,‬شرح مبسط وسرٌع ‪(1) Speed‬‬
‫‪Pharmacology - YouTube‬‬
‫المسائل مش صعبة بس الزم تنتبهوا على ال ‪UNITS‬عشان هوا حٌلخبطكم‪ٌ ,‬ارٌت لمن تقروا السؤال‬ ‫‪.5‬‬
‫تستخدموا ال ‪ HIGHLIGHT FUNCTION‬دي موجودة فً الكمبٌتور قبل ما تبدوا حٌعلموك كٌف تعملها‪.‬‬
‫استفٌدوا من ال ‪functions‬الموجودة فً الكمبٌوتر‪ .‬زي ال ‪ ... HIGHLIGHT FUNCTION‬وال‬ ‫‪.6‬‬
‫‪ STRIKETHROUGH FUNCTION‬دي بتنفعكم فً ابعاد الخٌارات الغلط‪ .‬ال ‪MARK AND UNMARK‬‬
‫لو فً سؤال او حسابات اخدت معاكم زمن اعملها عالمة ‪ mark‬وبعدٌن لمن تخلصوا من االسئلة حتجٌك فً‬
‫النهاٌة االسئلة ال انت عملت لها ‪ .. MARK‬على فكرة ممكن تجاوبوا السؤال لو خاٌفٌن مثال انو ما ٌكون فضل‬
‫معاكم وقت بعدٌن وبنفس الوقت تعملها ‪ MARK‬وبرضو بتجٌكم فً نهاٌة االمتحان‬
‫الوقت ان شاء بكفً وال تستعجل‪/‬ي تذكر انوعندك دقٌقة لكل سؤال وان شاء هللا كافٌة النو فً اسئلة اجوبتها‬ ‫‪.0‬‬
‫سرٌعة وما بتاخد معاك ‪ 15‬ثوانً‬
‫ما تجٌبوا معاكم شً غٌر الجواز ‪ PASSPORT‬وٌكون فٌو التوقٌع ‪Signature‬‬ ‫‪.8‬‬
‫قبل االمتحان حتحسوا انك ما متزكر وال شً وانو مخك شغال ٌجٌب لك اسامً ادوٌة ٌمٌن وشمال ‪ ..‬ال‬ ‫‪.9‬‬
‫تتوتروا او ما تقعد قدام الكمبٌوتر والسؤال االول ٌظهر كل المعلومات حتترتب فً المخ‬

‫التنسوا تكثروا من الدعاء وان شاء هللا موفقٌن ربنا ٌوفقكم جمٌعا‪ ,‬والرجاء دعواتكم لً‬

‫عمرو ‪‬‬
1 Max dose for acetaminophen adult
a. 2g
b. 3g
c. 4g
d. 1.2g
2 Antidote for mild cholinesterase inhibitors toxicity
a. Atropine
b. Epinehrine
c. Sodium Thiosulfate
3 Woman on Thyroxin wants to be pregnant what to do?
a. Keep the same dose
b. Double the dose
c. Adjust dose after lab tests
d. Change thyroxin to methimazole
4 The use of Clonidine in HTN is due to?
a. Remember MOA of Clonidine
5 Memantine used in Alzheimer due to?
a. Remember MOA
6 Pregnant with UTI and he gave many lab results, which antibiotic?
a. Amoxcillin
b. Nitrofurantoin
c. Ciprofloxacin
d. Vancomycin
7 Woman come to the pharmacy and wants antipyretic for her one month old who
has low grade fever, what should you do?
a. Go to the hospital immediately
b. Give Aspirin suppositories
c. Give Paracetamol drop 20 mg/kg
d. Give Ibuprofen suspension
8 Used in making Suppositories?
a. Cocoa butter
b. Glycol
c. Methylcellulose
9 A prescription of one bag of IV infusion to inpatient, the nurse found two bags in the
ward, what should the nurse do?
a. Keep it in the cabinet ward
b. Reserve for the next dose
c. Reserve for the next patient
d. Return it to the Pharmacy
10 Amount of drug is 5mg/ml what the amount of drug in 1 tsp in micrograms?
a. 5
b. 25
c. 500
d. 2500
e. 25000
11 Prescription


Cold cream 60gm

You have concentrations of 2.5% and 1%. What is the ratio 1%:2.5%?

a. 1:1
b. 2:1
c. 0.5:1
d. 1:2
12 For 1 L of NaCl 3% calculate the osmolarity the molecular weight are 35.5 and 23
a. The Answer is 1026
13 A parentral drug 250 mg and area under curve was 112mg/hr/L and after a week we
give 500mg orally of the same drug and the area under curve was 56mcg/hr/ml.
What is the oral bioavailability if the volume of distribution was 10L/hr
a. 25%
b. 50%
c. 75%
d. 98%

‫ فً الفاٌالت كانت كدا‬....‫بس المطلوب غٌر‬Calculation ‫دي نفس الللً فً فاٌل‬

If we give 250ml of a drug and area under curve was 112mg/hr/L and after that we give
500ml and the are under curve was 56mg/hr/L. the bioavailability decreased by:

a. 25%
b. 50%
c. 75%

14 Prescription for a child omeprazole syr 10mg/ml twice daily for a week and you have
omeprazole capsules 20mg. how many capsules are needed to prepare solution with
conc. 2mg/ml?
a. Five
b. Two
c. Four
d. Seven
15 Pencilin G for four patients. Each one is prescribed 7.5 million UI. You have 50ml
vials. With 600,000 UI/ml. how many vials will you dispense in total?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 6
16 Understand the diagrams in the calculations File (INFORMATION)
17 Antidote for acetaminophen
a. NAC
18 Warfarin monitoring test?
b. PTT
c. INR
19 Drug of choice for HTN in Pregnant?
a. Labetalol
20 The dose for Calcium for a 65 years old woman?
a. 1000
b. 800
c. 1200
21 Propranolol is a
a. Non selective beta blocker
b. Selective B1 blocker
c. Selective B2 blocker
22 Patient counseling on Warfarin
a. Avoid green leafy veg
b. Take warfarin 2hrs before consuming green leafy veg.
c. Take warfarin 4hrs after consuming green leafy veg.
d. Take warfarin with green leafy veg.
23 Live and inactivated vaccines administration guidelines:
a. Give live vaccine first then inactivated vaccine after 1 month
b. Give inactivated vaccine first then live vaccine after 2 weeks
c. Give both vaccine at the time of the visit but different sites
24 Heparin antidote
a. Protamin sulphate
25 Function of scientific office in a pharmaceutical manufacturer
a. Assist in Technical issues
b. Make clinical trails
c. Monitor drug product post marketing
26 Where to get regulations regarding pharmacy in KSA
a. MOH
d. Saudi Pharmaceutical Association
27 Pregnant woman whose asthmatic and given lab results what is the best drug
a. Inhaled corticosteroids
d. Cromolyn
28 Why B blockers are used to treat angina?
a. increase parasympathetic cardiac stimulation
b. increase sympathetic cardiac stimulation
c. decrease sympathetic cardiac stimulation
d. decrease parasympathetic cardiac stimulation
29 Pharmacy and Therapeutic Committee
a. Management of drug interaction
b. Management of drug formulary
c. Give drug Prices
30 Sensitivity test when Penicillin treatment is initiated
a. 20 days
b. After 10 days
c. At exact 25 days
d. 30 days and more
31 Nicotinic drugs are labeled in hospital pharmacy
a. A
b. I
c. N
d. O
32 MOA of Ciprofloxacin
a. Cell wall destruction
b. Inhibit mRNA
c. Inhibit DNA gyrase
d. Protein synthesis inhibition
33 Non parenteral Narcotics maximum prescription time
a. 15 days
b. 30 days
c. 45 days
34 Patient came to the clinic has HTN and (given some lab results) he complain from
severe hip pain due to an accident a year ago, best management
a. Aspirin
b. Panadol
c. Morphine
35 This is a short acting anesthetics
a. Thiopental
b. Halothane
c. Propofol
36 Bisacodyl mode of action
37 Abatacept Mode of action
38 The weakest corticosteroids
a. Prednisolone
b. Prednisone
c. Hydrocortisone
39 You should monitor ECG after administration
a. Verapamil
b. Amlodipine
c. Fingolimod
40 the very significant effect for high nicotine consumption in pregnancy
i. Sponatoneous abortion
ii. Low birth weight
iii. Increased perinatal mortality
iv. Decrease uterine blood flow
41 What is compassionate drug?
42 Patient suffers from insomnia and with history of drug abuse?
a. Phenobarbital
b. Zolpidem
c. Alprazolam
d. Notriptyline
43 Antihistamine for Heavy machinery drivers
a. Diphenhydramine
b. Loratidine
44 Preparation for dry skin best choose ?
a. Cream base
b. Solution base
c. Lotion base
d. Ointment base
45 how many phases are required for clinical trials by the SFDA
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
46 Meaning of pregnancy category B
i. Animal reproduction studies have failed to demonstrate a risk to the
fetus and there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in
pregnant women. INFORMATION
47 Pharmacy regulation and guidelines in KSA
a. MOH
48 Terazosin MOA
a. Selective a2 agonist
b. Selective a1 agoinst
c. Selective a2 antagonist
d. Selective a1 antagonist
49 Montelukast MOA
i. Leukotriene antagonists
50 Insulin unit calculation Basal/Bolus
i. Its easy 50% of units from Basal and 50% from Bolus. For example a
patient prescribed 30 IU how many units will you give for each basal
and bolus? It will be 15 units of basal insulin (eg. Galargine) and 15
units of Bolus (eg. Aspart)
51 Early management for diaper rash
a. Petroleum
b. Hydroconrtison .1%
52 Drug cause pulmonary toxicity?
a. Desopyramide
b. Amiodarone
c. Lithium
d. None of the above
53 old man on verapamil and doctor prescribed simvastatin what is the appropriate
a. 20mg/d
b. 10mg/d
c. 30mg/d
d. 40mg/d
54 Maintenance dose of Aspirin with Ticagrelor
a. 325mg
b. 81mg
c. 200mg
55 Doctor starts a titration dose of Levothyroxine for patient, should be monitor after?
a. 1week
b. 3weeks
c. 2weeks
d. 4 weeks
i. The answer is 6-8weeks but it is not given
56 Treatment of Grave disease?
a. Methimazole
b. Levothyroxine
c. Dexamethasone
i. Graves’ disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism in
the US and is caused by an antibody that turns on the thyroid.
There are three different options for the treatment of Grave’s
hyperthyroidism: antithyroid drug treatment, radioactive iodine
therapy and surgery. Antithyroid drugs such as propylthiouracil
(Propacil) and methimazole (Tapazole), which interfere with
thyroid hormone production, can be used to treat Graves' disease.
57 Understand pH and pKa relationships and their effect on drug absorption
58 Understand the speed of ion gated channel / volted gated channel / group protein
receptors channel. (around 2 questions given)
59 old woman want to conceive with tachycardia and palpitations with htn and asthma
what is the alternative to beta blocker can she use?
a. Prazocin
b. Enalapril
c. Diltiazem
d. Methyldopa
i. From the class IV antiarrhythmic drugs, calcium channel blocking
agents, such as verapamil and diltiazem, are considered to be
relatively safe (category C). Also, unclassified adenosine and
digoxin are considered to be relatively safe.
60 Which of the following used for mania and has narrow therapeutic window ?
a. Glucocorticoids
b. Dopamine agonist
c. Lithium
d. Amiodarone
i. Lithium, a monovalent cation similar to sodium with an unknown
mechanism, was first approved by the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) as a mood-stabilizing medication for
treatment of mania in the 1970s. Lithium is avery powerful,
antimanic medication with a narrow therapeutic index
61 best type of inhalers for little children
a. Turbohaler
b. Inhalers

‫بالتوفيق يارب للجميع في االمتحان والمستقبل ان شاء هللا قدامنا‬

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