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R/Askreddit. What dark secret are you hiding from everyone?

When I was a teenager, I worked at a novelty tourist shop near me. Being the idiot
that I was, I stole a wad of cash from the store. It was $100 in ones. I told
nobody, but they knew it was missing.
Right about the same time, a coworker who was always trying to get me fired was
telling someone she got about $100 in tips from her other job.
They ended up firing her because they didn't trust that it wasn't her.

Not super dark but mine is also stealing from my employer. It was a seasonal job
and they told people if you came back next season you'd get a raise. Next season I
got a 50 cent per hour raise and mentioned it to a couple other people who had also
returned, who it turned out didn't get a raise. They went and complained to the
boss, who then took my raise back and gave them each 25 cent raises. argued with
the boss for a bit but eventually just decided I'd steal a few bucks per shift to
make up the difference.

When I was 16, I conspired with a heroin addict I met online to help me off myself
with heroin and dump m bodv in a dumpster in exchange for my valuables. i lived in
a small town and he was in a bigger city where my school had an upcoming trip. We
planned for me to slip away during the trip and meet up with him to do the deed. He
chickened out last minute and ghosted me.

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