Drama Self Reflection Assignment

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PROCESS AND PERFORMANCE: Remember, reflection is important. You always have

room for improvement.

1. Comment on your preparedness for this performance. Were you here everyday? Did you
give it your full effort? Describe how you and your group rehearsed together. What was
the most helpful part of the rehearsal?

2. If you could change something about your rehearsal process, what would it be and why?

3. What is something that was effective in your performance? Explain your answer in terms
of tone, energy, creativity, and pacing.

4. Were you nervous during the performance? How did you handle it?
5. Choose one other group and comment on the effectiveness of their performance. Be
sure to comment on energy, characterization, blocking, and pacing.

6. Give yourself a grade for the rehearsal AND the performance on a scale from 1-5 (so
you should have two grades). Justify your answer.

7. If there is anything you want or need to tell me about your group or the way you all
worked together, please tell me here.

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